CLASS NUMBER FORMULA FOR DIHEDRAL EXTENSIONS LUCA CAPUTO AND FILIPPO A. E. NUCCIO MORTARINO MAJNO DI CAPRIGLIO Abstract. We give an algebraic proof of a class number formula for dihedral extensions of number fields of degree 2q, where q is any odd integer. Our formula expresses the ratio of class numbers as a ratio of orders of cohomology groups of units and allows one to recover similar formulas which have appeared in the literature. As a corollary of our main result we obtain explicit bounds on the (finitely many) possible values which can occur as ratio of class numbers in dihedral extensions. Such bounds are obtained by arithmetic means, without resorting to deep integral representation theory. 1. Introduction Let k be a number field and let M/k be a finite Galois extension. For a subgroup H Gal(M/k), let χH denote the rational character of the permutation representation defined by the Gal(M/k)-set⊆ Gal(M/k)/H. If M/k is non-cyclic, then there exists a relation n χ =0 H · H XH where nH Z are not all 0 and H runs through the subgroups of Gal(M/k). Using the formalism of Artin L-functions∈ and the formula for the residue at 1 of the Dedekind zeta-function, Brauer showed in [Bra51] that the above relation translates into the following formula nH H nH wM (1.1) (hM H ) = RM H YH YH where, for a number field E, hE, RE, wE denote the class number, the regulator and the order of the group of roots of unity of E, respectively. Although the regulator of a number field is in general an irrational number, the right-hand side of the above equality is clearly rational, being equal to the left-hand side. As a matter of fact, Brauer himself proved that when k = Q the regulator can be translated into an algebraic invariant of the Galois structure of the unit group. It is therefore natural to look for an algebraic proof of Brauer’s formula, independent of any analytical result. Brauer also showed that the left-hand side of (1.1) can take only finitely many values as M ranges over all arXiv:1803.04064v2 [math.NT] 8 May 2019 Galois extension of Q with Galois group isomorphic to a fixed finite group. It thus becomes interesting to look for an explicit description of a finite set of integers (as small as possible) containing all the values which are attainable by the class number ratio, as well as for generalizations beyond the case k = Q. Historically, these questions were investigated for the first time in the case where M = Q(√d, √ d) (with d> 1 a square-free integer). In this case Dirichlet showed, by analytical means, that − h 1 M = Q hQ(√d)hQ(√ d) 2 − where Q is 1 or 2 depending on whether a certain unit of M has norm 1 or not in Q(√ 1) (see [Dir42]). Hilbert later gave an algebraic proof of the above equality (see [Hil94] and [Lem94] for a more− general result). Date: May 9, 2019. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 11R29, 11R20, 11R34, 11R37. 1 CLASS NUMBER FORMULA FOR DIHEDRAL EXTENSIONS 2 Another interesting particular case is that of dihedral extensions, which is the one we focus on in this paper. This setting has already been considered by other authors: notably, Walter computed explicitly in [Wal77] the regulator term, building upon Brauer’s previous work and obtained a refined class number formula in the dihedral case over an arbitrary base field k, still relying on analytical results about Artin L-functions (Walter’s result actually holds for more general Frobenius groups). Bartel provided a different representation-theoretic interpretation of Walter’s result in [Bar12], a result which was later generalized to a much larger family of groups in [BdS13]. Our main result is the following theorem whose proof is purely algebraic and does not rely on any argument involving L-functions. Theorem 3.14. Let L/k be a Galois extension of number fields whose Galois group D = Gal(L/k) is dihedral of order 2q with q odd. Let Σ D be a subgroup of order 2 and G D be the subgroup of order q. Set K = LΣ and F = LG. Then ⊆ ⊆ 2 0 1 0 1 h h h D, × Z h (D, ×) h− (Σ, ×) L k = OL ⊗ 2 = OL OL . 2 1 hF h 1 1 0 K h− D, L× Z 2 h− (D, L×) h (Σ, L×) b O ⊗ b O b O i Here L× is the group of units of bL and, for a subgroup Hb D and anb integer i, h (H,B) denotes the order of the i-thO Tate cohomology group of H with values in the H⊆-module B. Similar algebraic proofs have appeared in the literature although, as far as we know,b only for special cases. Halter-Koch in [HK77] and Moser in [Mos79] analysed the case of a dihedral extension of Q of degree 2p, where p is an odd prime. They express the ratio of class numbers in terms of a unit index, proving that in this setting one has hL r 2 = L× : K× K× ′ F× p− hF hK O O O O where K′ is a Galois conjugate of K in L, andr = 1 if F is imaginary and 2 otherwise. Their result was generalized by Jaulent in [Jau81], who gave an algebraic proof of a similar formula for dihedral extensions of degree 2ps when the ground field k is Q or an imaginary quadratic field and s 1 is any integer. Jaulent actually obtained his result as a particular case of a formula for Galois extensions over≥ an arbitrary ground field with Galois group of the form Z/ps ⋊ T where T is an abelian group of exponent dividing p 1. In such general formula the ratio of class numbers is expressed in terms of orders of cohomology groups− of units, as in our Theorem 3.14. This approach was not developed further and in fact Jaulent’s paper is not cited in subsequent works in the literature. The study of class number formulas for dihedral extensions from an algebraic viewpoint was taken up more than 20 years later by Lemmermeyer. In [Lem05], he generalized Halter-Koch’s formula to arbitrary ground fields, always under the assumption that the degree is 2p and under some ramification condition. The quoted works also provide an explicit description of the finitely many possible values which may occur as class number ratio, clearly only under their working assumptions. These values are obtained using the explicit classification of the indecomposable integral representations of D, in order to find an exhaustive list of the possible indexes of units which can appear as regulator ratios. This classification is not available for dihedral groups of arbitrary order 2q, as discussed in the introduction of [HR63], for instance. Combining our formula with the knowledge of the Herbrand quotient of the units for the cyclic subextension L/F , we find a finite set of integers containing all the attainable values of the ratio of class numbers, without resorting to any integral representation theoretic results. This indicates that the traditional way of expressing the class number ratio as a unit index, although suggestive, is less effective than our cohomological approach for the purpose of determining the possible values of the ratio of class numbers. Our main results in this direction are the following two corollaries. For a number field M, denote by µM (q∞) the roots of unity in M of q-power order, and by µM (q) the subgroup of µM (q∞) of elements killed by q. Set 0 if µM (q) is trivial, βM (q)= (1 otherwise CLASS NUMBER FORMULA FOR DIHEDRAL EXTENSIONS 3 Give a a prime number ℓ, vℓ denotes the ℓ-adic valuation. Corollary 3.15. Let a = rkZ( F×)+βF (q)+1 and b = rkZ( k×)+βk(q). Then, for every prime ℓ, the following bounds hold O O h h2 av (q) v L k bv (q). − ℓ ≤ ℓ h h2 ≤ ℓ F K In particular, if F is totally real of degree [F : Q]=2d, then h h2 2dv (q) v L k (d 1)v (q). − ℓ ≤ ℓ h h2 ≤ − ℓ F K In case F is assumed to be a CM field and k = F + is its totally real subfield, we can strengthen our bounds as follows. Corollary 3.18. Assume that F is a CM field of degree [F : Q]=2d and that k is its totally real subfield. Let q q s be the order of the quotient ( K× ) k× /( k×) and let t be the order of µF (q∞)/µF (q). Then, for every prime ℓ, O ∩ O O h h2 v (q) v (s) v (t) v L k (d 1)v (q). − ℓ − ℓ − ℓ ≤ ℓ h h2 ≤ − ℓ F K When q = p is prime and k = Q, we can further improve Corollary 3.15 and prove in Corollary 3.20 that the ratio of class numbers satisfies h 1 1 L 1, , . h h2 ∈ p p2 F K This answers the MathOverflow question [Bar] of Bartel, who asks for a proof of this fact that does not rely on the analytical class number formula, nor on any integral representation theory. Our Corollary 3.15 actually shows that a similar result holds without the assumption that k = Q or that q = p be prime. We now briefly describe the structure of the paper.
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