Glossary of Plants and Animals of the Fijian Archipelago

Glossary of Plants and Animals of the Fijian Archipelago

-- LIBRARY Secreiariut af the Pacific 1- . , O-?.--"-- - Oloseary of Plante and Animls of the Fijian Archiyclago 00mpi]lod for Dr. Albort H. Bannes Donsultant: Dr, Samuol He Eibort SPC Librarv IIIIIINIIIII~ inii iiiii ÏIII IIII 43838 Bibliothèque CPS Brown, Blizaboth DeWband Forost B. He Brown, ItFlora of South4 oastorn Polynoaia: II Ptoriodophytoe, Bonnice P. Bishop Mu- soum Bullotin 89, Bayard Dominick Exyodit ion Publication NUI- bor 21, Homolulu, Hawnii, 1931, Capoll, Arthur, , Austrulasian nIlodPcal Publî. shing Publishing Company Limi Lod, Sydney, 19431. Gillospio, John Wynn, "New Plants Fmm Fiji-II,lt Bornico P.* olulu, Hawaii, 1931. , Fourth Sorios, NO, 2, Octobor, 1956 a Gillospio , John Wynn, "New Plants From FIj 1-111, Bornico , Honolulu, January 5,1932. bonhouts, P. W., Vlio Gonus Canarium in tho Pacifia, It Barnioo , Homolulu, 1955. Smith, Albort C., nFijian Plant Studios, '' soum Bullotin 141, Honolulu, 1936. Nativo Nam Sciantifio Namo Common Nam Roforonco A ALIVA (a varioty of mal1 brown mi1~iyodo) BABA (a largo fish liko a snako with a largo mouth) ~k 2 BABAMA fiah BAGA worm) Brn branching corriJt E: 3 BAKEWA suckorf i~h F:55 I~~E~IITA c.. rornora E: 3 BAKUI hydra E: 4 BALA rnalo turtlo E: 4 BALAGI fi& E: 4 BALI fiah E:5 aoa-worm E: 5 catorpillar E:5. BATIBASAGA corp pion, aaxwig BATIBUH bocho-de-mor BATIKAC 1WA snipo BATIKASIVI f lob BATI-WI ho rnot BAU clam BAYA glow-wo rm B%B buttorfly BÊB%URU dragonf ly BEKA bat E: 9 Vars: bcko loa,boko dmu,boka lulu,bokaboka,mnunÿinu r~knbut Nativo Namo Sciontifia Nam Common Namo Rof oronco BELO roof homn E: 9 -Aranoa tarnntula BICI (ri finh with blaok and whito stripos) E: 13. long-tailod bici E: 11 moroy F: 55 BOILA ailuraona spe BOLITI BOL0 (a snako of il1 omon) E: 16 sncli1;slug E: 17 frog E: 18 BUCO orab E: 19 BUELA ( a yrickly crustacoan found on roofs) E: 19 BUISEMA whnlo E: 19 BW( a kind of ochinus with bad spikos) ochinus E: 21 BULENA (a zoophyto thnt adhures $0 roofs and on which fish food) E:2L BULI Cyprtioidao uowry sholl E: 23. BULI DINA (whito kind) cowry &o11 E:21 BULI KUfiA orango cowxy E: 23, BULI UQAU oge; CO~Y E: 21 BULIBULI t iger cowry E: 21 BULI DRAU-NI-DAM black cowry Et 23. BULl UKh oowry sholl E: 21 BüLI NOKONOKO .. -2- Nat ive Nmo Roforonoo L_____._ -.__CI_ BULI MOTO E :21. BUabf TABUA Volvcirj a bul!.oj.i E: 21. BULI SUMU -Cy~oe. ouropoa E: 21 BULI TAVACE blaok and white var E:21 BULf SE-NI-?Tm BULUBULU shark BUNE ( in Viti ~ovu) golden dovo BWDAI'dUDANlD Chrysoona lutoovirons BUNE (~anua~ovu) flmo 1;ovo BUSA hnlf -boak BUSA Homiramphus f ar .i.---ii- half -beak BUTUDASILA fisb a & CACA CAICAIVAX dragonf ly GAVA shollf ish CAW f ish CAWAKI soo-urc hin CEGACEGA CERE Ptorois zobra soorpion fish CERE lmd crab CERI scorpion f Ish CEVA CIKINOW oont ipodo CIO bird CIVA pearl oystos C IVA - harnmor oystor '-3- Nativo Nam -Sciontif ic Nam Cornmm Nmt3 Rof oroneo CXVA Avicula oloctrina wing eholl E: 40 COROGA brain corol E: 44 oystor E: 44 pllow goatf i sh E: 45 CULAOULA (a kind of aoa crüb having two shnrl? yoinSs on %hodidos)E:46 CUMU fi10 or triggor fish E:46 -D DABU rnorays Fr55 D&EA congor ool E: 48 DADAKULAOI (a wator-snako Sanded black and whit o ) Er 4s DADAKWONU (ri bootlo with wings maokod liko tho back of a turtlo) E:49 DADARIKA1 (a f rosh-wator oo1;a spottod muraonat DADAVI LAI fi& DAGAVA (n largo fiah with groon akin and largo sclos) DAGO LE f ish DAIRO aandf ish DAKüWAQA whala shark DAINWAQA whalo-shark DAMU snappor DAN-CVA sard hos DANIVA -4- D~TWU (fish rosombling tho vo) E: 53 DAUNAU (a fish,liko tho cuou,but having n black tr~il) E: 54 DAVEA bivalvo shol-lfis!.~ E: 54 DAVILAI ylaico, solo F:55 DAVILAI pluioo ;solo E: 55 DAWI '~sumpot ~1ho7l;triton Et 55 DAWI KOARO Pinna sp. "Log of mutton sho1lv E: 55 DAWI VATü e E;55 DAWS DRAUDRAU shollfim E: 55 DAWI KO Cassis tYnmmoa E: 55 DAWI LEKA Et 65 DAWI QALITA Voluta musioa E: 55 DAVUI SOGASOGA Rioinula arauhoidos DEKE LOA ( a frosh watoa. fish about ton inchos long) E: 55 DmDAMü ( a rod varioty of a frosh wator fi& ) E: 55 DEW3üLEWA ( a f ish with a la~gomouth and stomtich, small body) E: 55 DELA KüLA tho Sunbird E: 57 DEL1 WA firofly E: 57 DEU ( tho narno of a fish similnr to tho kl) E: 58 DIDIBESAU 2 Ea 59 DIKEûIKI2 glowwo rm E: 60 DXLEKJTOA firofly Et 60 DILIGO ha1iotia;oar-aholl P: 60 DILI0 Plousalis dominicus f ulvus goldon ylovor E: 60 Vars: Dilio ni w o (small) Nativo Namo Sciontif'ia Namo Comon Namo Ref oronco DOBUDOBU shollf i sh E: 61 DOKO-NI-WDI (a varioty of Fish,of doop wator having a largo snout; it is long of livory whito,with roddish tingos) E5 62 DOLAFINA dolphin F: 55 DOLE fish E: 62 DOLLDOLI Hotoroxolus incanus Fiji Snipa Et62 DONU spottod ~ok004 F:55 DONU Soranus maculatus, E! 63 DONU DANIU Soranus maculatus E: 63 DRAKABONA murox sholl E: 65 DRALA fish (rod sp,) E: 65 DRAMUDWIU Aothoria oomilunata bivalvo sholl-fish E:65 DRANUDRANIJ frosh-wator oystor E: 226 DRAU-NS:-KURA fi~h E: 66 DRAU-NI -VAU atingray E: 67 soa gull parukttot DR%$ soa gull E: 68 oo1;wator snako E: 69 f irofly E: 69 DREKENI groy snaypor E: 69 Kinds: loaloa,vulavuln ,dravusoko f rog; toad E: 69 . - Rof o~onoo D f ish E: 69 DRl3W fish E: 69 E: 69 Da Nolo thuroidoa soa cucwnbor soa cucumbor DRÏ BRTXBULI t igor r ish DAIRO sandf ish DAIDAIRO sancîf ish DRÏ DAMü ( rod kind of soa cucunibox) soa cucumbor soa cucumbor DGLOA (black kind of aoa cuoumbor) soa cucunbor DR^[ WALOA soa cucumbor chalk-fisfi prickly bl~ckvar DRLKIVEI-UTO Conus maxmorous E: 70 DR f -QAiA Potroica multicolor Fijian robin ~odbroastE:70 DRIVI DROE whito torn Zouoonoru~albuo DR0 I bluc-facod booby E: 71 DROSE (kind of rnedusa,variogutod,oaeon by nntivos) E: 71 DRUMANI (a zooyhyto adhoring to rocks,siniilar to tho bulowa,but groon;it is onton by the nativos) Er 72 DULUTûGA ( young ego) fi& Et 74 Dm-O jollyf ish E: 75 Nat ivo Namo Common Namo G .4 GZ groy duck GX LOA wild duck GA DAMU toai. var soa oaglo E; 78 O sp roy ;fi sh-hawk E: 78 GACO rat E: 78 GATA snuko ;viyar Et00 Kinds: gata damu,gata drnvu,gata kuro,gata ookaika,bolo,gata babawavuti, gata yasi E: 80 GELS monkoy a: 81 GERA GERA GERA Rostollaria eurta GILU G~illicolumbastairi ground pigoon GOGO BlatCa oriontalis GUCU f ish GUOU Boa bird GURU (omall fish living on the xaofa) E: 84 GUWI ( a largo blnckish soa-bin1,with a whito nock and boak like a duck) E:85 -1 IBO ( LL largo odiblo soa~woxm) IKA fish E: 86 IKA BULA (comrnon mofor turtlo) t urtlo E: 86 IKA DROKA (river fish of tho porch fumily) fish B: 86 m NI LACA snail f islz F: 55 -8- Common Nnmo Roforonco saii. fisk E:86 I KARI NI VOIVOI NIodiolo Lulipa E: 91 IKA WKA llying fishos F: 55 IKA VUKA flying fish E: 86 IKA LOA fish E: 86 IKA SA ( a rolish fish with a pointod noss) E: 86 IKA ( a fish with whito body and md tai1,bolonging to roofs) Es86 ILATZAVESI horno t E: 86 1 LOKOLOKO NI QI0 shark's pillow E: 69 ISAKARO Et87 P( ISE ( a vory smll soa anirnal sfmilar in appoaranco to a turtls) E;87 ISI- - lady bf rd boat le E:87 X SOSONI-TAVAYA sh~llfish E: 838 I WALUI Nï. VOIVüI Aroa culcullaoa " EcA parrot Vars: ka boto, k.5' kula, ka dogodo&o KABATIA ( a kind of fish,whito and rod in color) KABI sholl KABOA oatf ish F:55 KABOA Siluridao catf ish E: 89 KACAU :whito&throatod shoumtor E: 90 KACIKA f ish E: 90 KADARA Decayoda:F IBrachyuxa crab Nativo Nam Rof oronoo KADI black ant E: 90 KADI DAMü ( a kind of rod ant that dostroys wopd) E: 90 KDAI WKA flying ant E: 90 KADIKADI Palaomnida prawn E: 90 KX-DOGODOGO parrot 1: 91 KaDRUDRU shollfiah E: 91 KA1 Lamollibranchiata E: 91 KA1 BIR Et 91 KA1 DAW E: 91 KA1 DAWA Et 91 KA1 DAWADAIVA ( a bivalvo sholl with gwyish with whito insido) Et91 IOLIDG ( bivulvo sholï with whito body and white intorior) m91 KA1 KO3O ME1 RA BE&O bivalvo sholl (blaak) E:91 KAX KOSO VATU bivalvo sholl (black) Et91 KA1 KUKU NI VATU bivalvo sholl (black) Et91 KA1 KüKü SAU bivalvo sholl (black) E:91 KA1 LULU E: 91 KAI-NI-NIU ( nrimo of somo kinds of coo klo sholls ) Et 92 -a %i( 9 KA1 NI WAI DRANU ? y,, q, ,c\& ,v3& E: 91 KAISAU groat honoyootor E: 92 MI KALIVA'PO ( salt-wator var,) bivalve sholl E: 91 KA1 SASA E: 91 KA1 SUKUSUI~ bivalve sholl E: 91 KAI VZ E: 91 Native Namo Common Namo K~CABACE Hirundo Tühit ica E: 93 O thor namos: kakaba, kalakalamc~drau,lakuba, lalamdrau, lovolovecagi KAKE surmullotis F: 55 KAKE fronhh grunti 3: 94 6-KULA( sp.with rod broast and bluo baok) parrot E: 94 KALIA fish E: 94 KANE DROMO yallow-huadud dovo E: 98 @NI CWACUVA fish E: 99 naw Frigata uquila frigato-bird E: 101, KATAVATü CEGACEGA E: 301 KI Surmullot s F:55 KULTA DINA E: 122 KZTITA-KEI-RA-QAm starfish E: 122 KUITA cuttlo fish;octopus E:122 KOTU buacho-de ,-mer E: 120 KOTI- KOLI KOLAVALU crimmn oappod dovo E:118 KOLAKOLA Authoria somilunata bivalvo shollfish E: 118 KOKOSI brown troo-oroopor E: 117 KOKO (yoisonous variuty of fish) fish E: 117 Ref oronco I KOI DRAUDRAU E: 1i7 KO I Lm-çhell E: 117 KODRO fioh E: 117 KIT0 fish E: 116 :black-throatod troo-croopor stripoü.

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