DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM. 189 DONATION PURCHASED E MUSEUMAN TH O T SR FO S, 1946-47. Donations. (1) Relics fro linke mth s sout Hedderwicf ho k Sand wesd sHedderf an o t - wick Burn, on the Tyne Estuary near Dunbar, East Lothian. Of the several hundred Neolithic and Bronze Age potsherds many were described by the late J. Graham Callander in the Proceedings, vol. Ixiii. The collection also includes four hundred flint implement d variouan s s object f stoneo s . Presente e finderth y b ,d JAME . RICHARDSONS S , F.S.A.Scot., wite th h permission Righ e ofth t Hon Eare .Haddingtonth f lo , M.C., T.D., F.S.A.Scot., President. (2) Bronze palstave from Gavinston, Duns, and a collection of stone implements, including over eight hundre flinf verd o an ty many fragments, from Lauderdale and adjacent areas. About a hundred of the flint imple- ments come fro e prolifimth c Airhouse Farm. Presente e lat. th eH y b d REABMAN, Maxwell Place, Kelso. (3) Various stone objects found on Airhouse Farm, Lauderdale. Dumb- bell-shaped bronze stud, length -85 inch, having a serrated collar on either side of the central bar, probably from Newstead Fort (fig. 1,4). Presented by J. R. FORTUNE, Corresponding Member. (4) Twenty-six worked flint thred an sf chert eo ; three spindle whorls; a jet pendant, -9 inch by -85 inch by -2 inch, in the form of a Maltese cross, having inscribed on one face six dot-and-circles. Found on the Farm of Trabroun, Lauder, Berwickshire. Flint knife found by the donor on Flock- house Farm, Blairadam, Kinross-shire. Presented by GEORGE S. GUTHRIE, Cockairney Feus, Cleish, Kinross. (5) Tange d barbedan d arrow-hea e butt-halth a flind f an do tf knife. Foune donor . FINGLANDth G y . db S , Carricgarde s 0 hi 10 n t i ,n a k Knowe Avenue, Edinburgh. (6) Lop-sided arrow-head of dark grey-brown flint, found near the Knaps, Killellan, Kilmalcolm, by the late Norman Deggerman, the donor's grandfather. (See Notes . 179.p , ) Presente . MULLINS y MisM b d . C s , F.S.A.Scot. (7) Two small flint cores and a worked flake, found in the garden of "Fourwinds," Port Dunbar, Wickdonore th y ,b , CHARLES BEGG, F.S.A.Scot. (8) Carved ball of granite, having six low cylindrical bosses. Labelled "TAR CARIDE N.B.," believe froe b mo d t Aberdeenshire. Presentey db A. D. LACAILLE, F.S.A.Scot. (91 Stone ball, grey-green in colour, having six flat knobs, found in the 190 PROCEEDING E SOCIETYTH F O S , 1946-48. Husky Burn, Port of Menteith, Perthshire. Presented by A. MAcKBiTH, Fettes College, Edinburgh. (10) Stone axe of dark grey schist with rough surface, length 6-4 inches, found at Gallow Hill, Monikie, Angus. Presented by JAMES F. ANTON, Bridge of Cally, Perthshire. (11) Axe of polished flint, patinated yellow-brown, one corner broken, the edges slightly flattened. Found at Caldhame, Kinnordy, Angus, in 1835 formerld an e Lyel, th n lyi collection. Presente e GEOLOGICAth y db L DEPARTMENT, University of Edinburgh, per Professor S. Piggott, B.Litt., F.S.A.Scot. (12) Grooved hammer-stone consisting of an oval pebble of igneous rock, foun t Newtoda n Stewart, Wigtownshire. Presente . SULLEYF y db , The Lodge, The Avenue, Bedford Park, London, W. 4. (13) Hammer consistin e basa red-dee th f o ef go r antler, length 3-75 inches, maximum diamete f shafo r t hole 1-05 inch. Foun t Watnallda , Nottingham, "in the sandstone rock." Presented by J. BRELSFORD, Foo Shan, Fairlight Cove, Sussex. sherdo (14 Neolithia Tw f ) so rimcB , foun Glenlucn do e e Sandth y sb donor, JAMES S. RICHARDSON, F.S.A.Scot. (15) Relics from excavations .at Rinyo, Rousay, Orkney, in 1946. (See above, pp. 34—42.) Fragmentary Neolithic bowl of dark corky ware, uppee pard th f an ro t par anothef o t rathef o r r gritty ware, e blacth t ka core, both decorated in Unstan fashion, from a chambered cairn at Kierfea Hill,, Rousay. Fragment rathef so r coarse hard reddish-buff pottery from a mound underneath the farm of Swandale, Sourin, Rousay. Fragments of a quadrangular steatite urn with two grooves below the rim, and a cleat- like objec steatitf o t inchee2 s long, fro mcisa t Trumlandta , Rousay. Relics from the excavation of a long house at Swandro, Rousay. Presented by the late WALTE . GRANRG f TrumlandTo , F.S.A.Scot. (16) Food-vessel, found in a short cist near Abernethy, Perthshire. (See Notes . 185.p , ) Presente PERTy db H COUNTY COUNCIL. (17) Five food-vessels and portions of two others; cast of miniature food-vessel, -8 inch high; hal dozea f n piece undecoraten a f so d vessel with a red exterior; eleven barrel-shaped beads of jet; sixty-eight disc-shaped jet beads, -25 inch or less in diameter, and three white ones; triangular splinte flintf ro ; modern brass ring. From Greenhill Cairn, Balmerino, Fife. (See Proceedings, vol. xxxvi. pp. 635-53.) Several of the vessels have been o ne Museu th loa n i r nman mfo y years. Presente y Captaib d. J . H n SCRYMGEOUR-WEDDERBURN, Birkhill House, Balmerino, Fife. (18) Upper portion of a food-vessel, found in a cist during the excavation of a cairn at Kalemouth, Roxburghshire, in 1932. Presented by s GracHi e THE DUK F BUCCLEUCHO E , Drumlanrig Castle, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. DONATION PURCHASED E MUSEUMAN TH O 1 T SR 19 FO S. (19) Fragment a collare f o s d cinerary urn iron a , n objectflinta d an , scraper, fro excavatioe mth Kipe 192n ncaira i th f ,7n o n o Falla , Oxnam, Roxburghshire. (See Notes . 183.p , ) Fragmen uppee th f o rt portioa f no reddish food-vesse , founl 1) smala (fig , n 1 di . l cair Camphousn no e Farm, close to Camptown, Roxburghshire. Fragments of a grey food-vessel, with black corinned ean r surface diametem ri , r estimate inched6 s (fig , 2)—thi1 . s vesse s extremeli l y similafroe on m o t rAlwinton , Northumberland (B.M. Bronze Age Guide, 1920, p. 69 and fig. 60); knife of pale grey flint, 2-2 inches long, -6 inch wide, retouched on both edges of the upper face, half of one edge being finely serrated anothed an , r 1-6 inch long, 1-2 inch wide lone ,th g sides retouche alternatn do e faces, both fro kere mth bf under o stones e on ; fro mgrave-circla e abou fee2 1 tt across, surrounded with stones t aboua , t 800 feet O.D Camphousn .o e Farm, nea Romano-Britise rth h Fort, Edgerston. Portion reddisa f o s h beaker, estimated height 8-5 inches, decorated with roughly executed notched impressions criss-crosse horizontan di l zones, from Edgerston Estate. Presented by Mrs F. S. OLIVER, F.S.A.Scot. (20) Cinerary urns fro Late mth e Bronz cemetere eAg t Pinkiya e Mains (West), Musselburgh. (See Notes, p. 177.) Presented by MUSSELBURGH TOWN COUNCIL. (21) Late Bronz penannulae Ag e r "lock-ring f goldo " , diameter 1-05 inch, of hollow triangular cross-section, each side consisting of a separate thin corrugated strip, joined togethe foldiny rb edgee gth s over (PI. XXIV. ,1) Found near the Biggar Water, Boghall, Lanarkshire. Presented by the finder, Miss G. I. C. GOVAN, 43 Nile Grove, Edinburgh. (22) Bronze double-edged razor and part of its wooden sheath, found Laughton'n i s Knowe Cairn, Holm, Orkney. (See Notes . 173.,p ) Presented by P. SUTHERLAND GRAEME, F.S.A.Scot. (23) Relics from Midhowe Broch, Rousay, Orkney. (See Proceedings, vol. Ixviii.) Bequeathed by WALTER G. GRANT of Trumland. (24) Fragment hand-madf so t rimepo s (fig 5-7), 1 . , walls basesd ,an e on , of the latter having in the centre an impressed dot-and-circle made with the finger-tips; pounder f pino s k granite; small steatite moul ringa r dfo , -75 inch in diameter; small lumps of pumice; part of a cast-iron cannon ball. Fro e Cumlinsmth , Olnesfirth, Shetland (Royal Commission Inventory,. No 1363). Found whe moun e edge th nencroacheth s f eo dwa d upo abouy nb t 3 feet in constructing a farm road in. 1935-37. (The vessel from the same site describe Proceedings,n di illustratew no vols ) i , . 8. fig dn Ixxi, i 23 1 . p . Presente JOHy db N SUTHERLAND e CumlinsTh , , Olnesfirth, through Peter Moar, Corresponding Member. (25) Fragment vessea f s o blac f o l k pottery, havin inside gbevea th n elo of the lip and a sharp shoulder 1 inch below the rim. Found under 4 feet of peat about J mile north-eas thouse e ofth s of Murrion, Eshaness, Northmavine, Shetland. Portion of a slab of red sandstone, sculptured on one side, Fig. 1. an1 ( ) Food-vesseld2 s from Edgerston, Roxburghshire Silve) (3 ; r hand-pin, Freswiok, Caithness; (4) Bronze stud, Newstead Fort; (6-8) Pottery from OInesflrth, Shetland. (No. I two-thirds; Nos. 4/wd 3an Breste size;th l half-size.)al DONATIONS TO AND PURCHASES FOR THE MUSEUM: 193 including near the edge four or five ogham letters (PI. XXII, 4): the two apparent score muce ar s hA betwee lesd san definitnN e tha otherse nth , theid an r ends were certainl t joinedyno , while what migh interpretee b t d s dot a eithen o s e ster th sidm f eo lin e separatin e wordg th probable ar s y accidental bruises.
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