// ^ THE NCTCE DAME <^^^o. =^^%^o^ LITTLE HANDS LILT TO LITTLE'S BAND In This Issue: NEWS SPORTS Juniors Set for Prom Tonight . • • University Theatre Cagers Invade Madison Square Garden . Thinlies Readies Season's Opener . Debussy's "Prodigal Son" Point West for Drake . Winter Sports Program Set.. Here Next Week . Bengal Boxers Shape Up Well . Irish Six Defeats lllini Hockey Hopes . Introducing . The Week . Man About. Splinters. Februory 25, 1938 RICHARD, for whom girls fell Uke leaves in the wind. MEET GEORGE-ANN,a raving beauty IHEGMrBANDim even before breakfast. HEY match their wits against a lonely old lady's heart. You Twill find them irresistible, this family of engaging fakers, who live by their charm and off their friends and chance acquain­ ^^\ tances. The author of "Furious Young Man" and "To The Van­ INARMY. who has lost every­ quished" has written a truly lovely story of the four Carlyons. thing but her appetite. A New Novel ''I.A.R.WYLIE s ••.-?•% Start it in this week's Post •••• CAPTAIN CARLYON, "late cf Bini AfflUTE? the—er—Bengal Lancers." male a*let^^^^/young the neck, indutogy^^^^ t^a HE SHOT IHE WORLDlS EllenCharles. He P newgolftneteoronth P^,^ ndlether sizzle^^.^ DANGEROUS ...alone/ In a homemade boat, young Buzz Holmstrom shoved off last fall to do what no man ever did before: run the Colorado Interview River alone, from Wyoming to Boulder Dam—and live! It fc, BROOKE HANLOM took him 52 days to cover those 1100 miles, and an accident meant death by drowning or slow starvation. Here is the story of that incredible trip. ^j' ROBERT ORMOND CASE ^^m^^ THE SATUHPAY EVENING POST The Notre Dame Scholastic Entered as second-class matter at Notre Dame. Indiana. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage. Section H03, Oct. C. 1917. Authorized June 25, 191S. Z18S VoL 71 February 25, 1938 No. 17 JUNIORS SET FOR PROM TONIGHT THREE HUNDRED COUPLES' ON HAND TO DANCE TO LITTLE JACK LITTLE'S SWEET MUSIC TONIGHT AT THE PALAIS ROYALE; MISS ELEANOR LALLY IS PROM QUEEN BY GEORGE HAITHCOCK Tonight in the festively decoi-ated thing different has been the motto of Palais Royale 300 couples on hand all the committees who have been for the annual Junior Prom will working overtime to make this year's dance to the music of Little Jack Prom the best in years. Little and his orchestra. The pati-ons and patronesses are as Queen of the Prom will be Miss follows: Ml-, and Mrs. Joseph Casa- Eleanor Lally of Chicago, who will santa, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Price, be the guest of the general chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bocskey, Mr. Bart O'Toole. Miss Patricia Sloan and Mrs. Earl Langwell, Mr. and Mrs. of Jonesboro, Ark., the guest of Andrew Smithberger, Mr. and Mrs. honor, will be escorted by Paul Mc- John P. Turley, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- Ardle, president of the Junior class. bert Engels, and Mr. and Mrs. Cletus F. Chizek. The decorations are somewhat ex­ tensive and novel, and according to The lyrics for the Prom song have the m.embers of the decorations com­ been composed by Jack Collins who mittee thei-e is a surprise in store for will sing. The music was done by everybody. Sometliing new and some- Art Davidson. The dinner-dance will be held to­ morrow night at the Oliver Hotel. John McGovem is chairman. Music will be furnished by' Myron Walz. The affair will start at 7:00 and come to an end at 11:30. Music for the Prom will start at 9:30 and continue until 1:30. Prom- CHATBMAX O'TOOLE goers are required to. be in their And he a Queen. place of residence at 2:30 a.m. Auto­ mobiles will be permitted over the chairman; Thomas A. Walker, J. week-end provided they are regis­ Fred Simon, Harry J. Detzer, Vern­ tered with the Prefect of Discipline. on J. Sneider, Walter R. Cotton, It was announced yesterday by Frank S. Pittman, James C. Mc- O'Toole that 10:30 p.m. would be the Ardle. dead-line for admission to the Prom. Ticket committee—John B. Wheel­ Anyone "coming after that time will er, chairman; Maurice F. Leahy, not be admitted. Thomas Ziegler, J. James Bernard, The highlights of the evening will Peter J. Fluge, Kryon W. Hanlan, G. be the customary gi-and march and Robert Campbell, Daniel J. Ryan. broadcast. The Prom will be broad­ cast, for a half hour period, over the Patrons committee—Louis B. Bra­ South Bend station. The time has dy, chairman; Frank R. Kelly, An­ not definitely been set. Walter drew J. Gannon, Andrew J. Felker, Hagan, Jr., will introduce the class James C. Tansey, Joseph M. McKeon, president, the Prom chairmen, and Joseph M. Dunn, Paul H. Rice. other guests. Decorations committee — Paul J. Mullen, chairman; James J. McGold- Prom Committees rick, David W. Harris, Thomas R. The list of prom committees fol­ Bossort, Thomas C. Powers, George lows : R. Fenn, Francis H. Vallez, William General chairman — Bartholomew A. O'Loughlin. BANDMAN LITTLE D. O'Toole. Reception committee—^Theodore P. He dreio a Golden Plum. Music committee—James E. Rocap, (Continued on Page 22) THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC MRS. SHEED FOLLOWS HUSBAND ON PLATFORM DEBATERS ARGUE AT WITH LECTURE ON CHESTERTON TONIGHT MANCHESTER TODAY .By F. G. Barreda The Manchester Debate Tourna­ ment will be the center of the Notre Perhaps no two literary contemporaries have disagreed so adversely on Dame forensic activity today and to­ religion and philosophical outlook on life as did George Bernard Shaw and morrow. Both "A" and "B" debate Gilbert Keith Chesterton. Last Friday evening, Frank J. Sheed, eminent squads are represented in the tour­ English publisher and author, speaking before a large audience in Washington ney, a two-day siege of pro-and-con Hall, undermined the principles of ^ arguments. "G.B.S." Tonight Maisie Ward (Mrs. ' Last year the "B" team, substitut­ Frank Sheed) ascends the platform ing for a varsity squad, found its to lecture on "G.K.C.," thus present­ question and debate dates a trifle ing the second half of the picture mixed, won nine out of ten in this which depicts the contrary doctrines contest; its record being equalled of Shaw and Chesterton. only by the host's school. Two years ago the varsity placed second in the Knew Chesterton Well competition. What this year's com­ bination will do remains to be seen. For 30 years Maisie Ward was ac­ quainted Avith the late Chesterton In the Manchester tournament and his immense contributions to the about 60 mid-western colleges and Catholic Intellectual Eevival. She universities are annually represented. knew him as a personal friend, and Each school will debate at least ten then as an author whose works were times. Notre Dame's men of the published by her firm, Sheed & Ward. varsity will divide their program, Recently, Mrs. Chesterton turned with the negative debating six times over her husband's correspondence to and the affirmative another six. The Mrs. Sheed for the biographical work "B" team will engage in ten contests, of the famous Catholic apologist. with affirmative and negative taking on five opponents apiece. Since 1918 Maisie Ward has been In addition to this tournament, an outdoor speaker for the Catholic Notre Dame debaters will, Sunday Evidence Guild, lecturing in more evening, tilt with the Kent College than 70 towns of England and Amer­ of Law, a Chicago school, over the ica. As secretary to her father, Wil­ ail-waves. The question for this con­ frid Ward (the biographer of Car­ MAISIE WARD SHEED test will be: "Resolved: That the dinal Newman), she was in contact G. K. C. lives again tonight. United States should extend armed %vith the leaders of European Cath­ protection to foreign investments." olic thought; and since her marriage The debate will be aired at 7:00 this contact has been widened to in­ p.m. Notre Dame participants will clude practically every province of First Plans Made For be Tom Proctor and Robert Catholic Christendom. She is now Schmelzle, senior law students. vice-president of the Catholic pub­ Hockne Program lishing house of Sheed & Ward. James Graham, publicity director Plan Lenfen Devotions Wrote Biography of Parents of the Kansas-Oklahoma Club has an­ Annual Lenten sei-vices will begin nounced the tentative date for the at Notre Dame with the Forty Hours' Mrs. Sheed has just completed presentation of the third annual writing two volumes on the life of Adoration, Sunday, Feb. 27. Rev. Rockne Memorial program as Sun­ Richard J. Collentine, C.S.C, will her father and mother, which, in day evening, March 27. reality, is a work dealing with the speak that night at services in Sacred intimate history of the Church from Because of the fact that Knute Heart Church. The Forty Hours' de­ 1890 to the present day. Her mother Rockne met his tragic death in the votions will end with benediction was niece of the Duke of Normandy, state of Kansas, the Kansas-Oklaho­ Tuesday night, March 1. the most influential Catholic layman ma Club has been given the privilege The observation of the Lenten sea­ of the century; her father was inti­ of sponsoring an annual memorial son proper begins on Ash Wednes­ mate with Newman and Manning, for the beloved leader. day, March 2. Ashes will be distrib­ with Tennyson and Huxley, with The program this year will feature uted in Sacred Heart Church from Aubrey de Vere and Lord Halifax, 7:00 a.m., through and after the and \%ith such Parliamentary leaders the showing of some of the spectac­ ular games which were played while Mass.
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