September 24, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9903 The purpose of this hearing is to re- formation Distribution System Joint having spent the morning and afternoon at ceive testimony on the feasibility of Program Office; the computer systems the Statler Hotel in a seemingly endless suc- using bonding techniques to finance acquisition manager for the seismic cession of these consultations, I announced I large-scale capital projects in the Na- portion of the Atomic Energy Detec- was going out for a walk. An economist tional Park System. tion System; the software division would call it a random walk. I had no direc- Because of the limited time available chief at the Joint Surveillance Target tion in mind, save any that would get me away from that hotel room. for the hearing, witnesses may testify Attack Radar Systems [JSTARS] Joint by invitation only. However, those Program Office; and the chief of the And so I wandered westerly to Church wishing to submit written testimony Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Street and reached Pearl. Glancing south for the hearing record should send two Missile Systems Division at Eglin AFB. along Church Street, of a sudden I saw some- copies of their testimony to the Sub- Lieutenant Colonel Miller became thing that did not exist. Couldn’t exist. Cer- tainly something I for certain had not committee on National Parks, Historic the joint program office site director known to exist. A Sullivan skyscraper. The Preservation and Recreation, Com- at the Software Engineering Institute Guaranty Building. The beginning of an mittee on Energy and Natural Re- in 1992. During his tenure at SEI, Lieu- American architecture that would come to sources, U.S. Senate, 364 Dirksen Sen- tenant Colonel Miller earned the re- be known as the International Style. Sure ate Office Building, Washington, DC spect and admiration of his colleagues. enough, on the east side of the street there 20510–6150. A proven leader, Thomas will be sin- were three tall skyscrapers (an American For further information, please con- cerely missed. term, incidentally, the topmost sail of a tact Jim O’Toole of the subcommittee Mr. President, after many years of clippership, save when the moonraker is staff at (202) 224–5161. service to his country, Lieutenant rigged). One was by an old friend, Minoru f Colonel Miller is retiring to private Yamasaki. Each was an exact copy, if you would just look at the essentials, of Sulli- AUTHORITY FOR COMMITTEES TO life. In honor of his service, I ask my colleagues to join me in extending the van’s building across the street, built fifty or MEET sixty years earlier. (On closer examination, Senate’s best wishes to Lt. Col. Thom- COMMITTEE ON FINANCE there had been a fire of sorts, and the build- as Miller, his wife Colleen, and their ing was all but abandoned.) Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, the three children.∑ Finance Committee requests unani- I then and there resolved to win the Demo- f mous consent to conduct a hearing on cratic primary, become a United States Sen- Wednesday, September 24, 1997, begin- FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT BUILDING ator and save the Sullivan building. ning at 9 a.m., in room 106 Dirksen. CONSERVANCY ANNUAL CON- My first task was to get the City of Buffalo The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without FERENCE interested. One day the Mayor agreed to objection, it is so ordered. ∑ Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, this walk over with me from City Hall. He was a COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS past weekend I was invited to speak at fine new Mayor; if he had any weakness, it Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I ask the annual conference of the Frank was that he agreed with you on everything. unanimous consent that the Com- Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy I mean everything. Well, most things. ‘‘Mr. which took place in Buffalo, NY. I Mayor,’’ I proclaimed, ‘‘if we can save that mittee on Foreign Relations be author- building, the time will come when people ized to meet during the session of the promised some of the attendees that I will get on airplanes and fly to Buffalo just Senate on Wednesday, September 24, would enter my keynote address in the to see it.’’ ‘‘Bull,’’ said His Honor. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. I ask that the 1997, at 10 a.m., to hold a hearing, and May I say, it was a special pleasure to see at 2:15 p.m., to hold a business meeting. full text of my address be printed in in Thursday’s Buffalo News a picture of The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without the RECORD. Eugenio De Anzorena of Alexandria, Vir- objection, it is so ordered. The text follows: ginia, one of your conferees, making video- COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY SENATOR DANIEL tapes of the designs on the wall of the Guar- Mr. JEFFORDS. Mr. President, I ask PATRICK MOYNIHAN anty Building. ‘‘Appreciating Architecture’’ unanimous consent on behalf of the Not long ago I happened to be in Phoenix was the caption, although I should have pre- Governmental Affairs Committee Spe- and took the opportunity to visit Taliesin ferred, ‘‘The Mayor Refuted!’’ West, Frank Lloyd Wright’s desert com- cial Investigation to meet on Wednes- No matter. The Buffalo ‘‘Evening News,’’ mune. I was most generously received and as it then was, got the point. I began to learn day, September 24, at 10 a.m., for a shown everywhere, including the atelier hearing on campaign financing issues. where the plans were being drawn for the history of this great achievement of the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Wright’s splendid Monona Terrace Commu- Prairie School, the first American architec- objection, it is so ordered. nity and Convention Center, just now com- ture, soon to be seen world-wide. f pleted in Milwaukee. At length, I was shown We begin in middle of the 19th Century, in ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS the splendid, terraced dining room where, in the village of Stockton in nearby Chau- the manner of the Englishman in the jungle, tauqua, County. It was in Stockton where all communards, faithful to the Master’s one Hascal L. Taylor, a carriage maker, had TRIBUTE TO LT. COL. THOMAS R. edict, dress for dinner on Saturday night. grown up. Taylor would in time make a We are less formal here in Buffalo, but no great deal of money in the oil fields of west- MILLER less welcoming, and greatly honored to be at ∑ ern Pennsylvania. His vision was to build a Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I the site of this year’s Frank Lloyd Wright monument, the largest office building in the would like to take this opportunity to Building Conservancy Annual Conference. city, in downtown Buffalo. Taylor imme- recognize an outstanding citizen from Each of us, I cannot doubt, has a personal diately sought the prestigious Chicago firm Allison Park, PA. On October 3, Lt. story of an encounter with the spiritual and of Dankmar Adler and Louis Sullivan, who physical force of architecture. As Americans, had of course built the Wainright Building in Col. Thomas Miller will retire from his we tend to begin in Europe, but with time, St. Louis four years earlier—in 1892. position as the joint program office more and more we return to our own. site director at the Software Engineer- I have two tales to tell. Adler, the engineer, and Sullivan, the de- ing Institute [SEI] of Carnegie Mellon The first is simple enough. In 1992, I was signer, had created a new form. A form based University. asked to address the convention of the Amer- on function. Taylor got it. He, however, died Thomas was born in Valley View, PA. ican Sociological Association then meeting in 1894. Fortunately the Guaranty Company He earned an undergraduate degree in in Pittsburgh. I arrived in a fine new hotel in bought the plans for the building and the the Golden Triangle expecting all manner of site. Note the brevity of the subsequent suc- computer science from Utah State Uni- posters and pronouncements as had been the versity. Later, Thomas received a M.S. cession: The Guaranty purchased the land fashion of a few decades earlier. Instead, I and plans in December of 1894. The construc- degree in systems management from was greeted by a large sign announcing the tors began laying the foundation for the new the Florida Institute of Technology. times of departure for the tour of building in February of 1895. By July of 1895, In 1974, Thomas received his Air Fallingwater. American sociologists are fi- the steel frame was complete, and in March Force Commission from the Reserve nally getting their priorities straight. of 1896, barely a year after laying the founda- My second tale, more personal and specific Officer Training Corps. Since then, he tion, the first occupants were moving in. In- to Buffalo, took place some twenty-one years has had an exemplary military career. credible. ago. I was then in a five-way primary contest Lieutenant Colonel Miller has served for the Democratic nomination for United Using his ‘‘organic’’ philosophy, Sullivan, as a computer systems acquisition en- States Senator. In the manner of such cam- had created a ‘sister’ work to St. Louis’s gineer at the Air Force Electronic Sys- paigns, most of one’s time is spent in strat- Wainwright Building. The new, taller build- tems Division for the Joint Tactical In- egy sessions in hotel rooms. One August day, ing, a 13 story, 140,000 square foot structure VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:23 Oct 24, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\1997SENATE\S24SE7.REC S24SE7 mmaher on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with SOCIALSECURITY S9904 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 24, 1997 was called the nation’s second skyscraper.
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