THE CITY RECORa VOL. XXXII. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1904. NUMBER 9,393• The Board having received petitions for planting trees in several localities, the THE CITY RECORD. proceedings were duly advertised, hearings given and the findings transmitted to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the approval of that Board. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Death of Andrew H. Green. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter, by the At a meeting of the Board held November 19, 1903, the death of Honorable BOARD OF CITY RECORD. Andrew H. Green, for so many years connected with the Park Department, was an- nounced. Mr. Green was one of the Commissioners appointed under the Act of GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOR. April 17, 1857, creating the Board of Commissioners of the Central Park. He was JOHN J. DELANY, CORPORATION COUNSEL. EDWARD M. GROUT, COMPTROLLER. elected President of the Park Board in 1858, and remained its President and Treas- urer until September 15, 1859, when the office of Comptroller was created. From that date until May, 1870, Mr. Green was the only person holding that office. He PATRICK J. TRACY, SuPRavlsoR. directed the expenditure of over $to,000,000 without a single judgment being ob- tained against the City in connection therewith. Upon the Park Commission, Published daily, except legal holidays. chiefly upon Mr. Green, were also imposed by the Legislature the additional tasks Subscription, $9.30 per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents per copy. of widening and straightening Broadway, from 'i'hirty-fourth street to Fifty-ninth SUPPLEMENTS : Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 street, and of laying out other parks and avenues in the upper part of the City, in- cents ; Canvass, io cents ; Registry Lists, 5 cents each Assembly District ; Law Department and eluding the widening of Seventh and Lenox avenues to the Harlem river, and the Finance Department supplements, Io cents each. laying out of streets and avenues in what was then a portion of Westchester County, Published at Room 2, City Hall (north side), New York City. but is now within the City limits. The planning of bridges and tunnels for the Entered as Second-class Matter, Post-office at New York City. Harlem river and other important public improvements was also entrusted to the Commission. Mr. Green first suggested the use of the Central Park by the school children, and was prominently connected with the establishment within the parks of the Amer- TABLE OF CONTENTS. ican Museum of Natural History, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the New York Botanical Garden, the New York Zoological Park and the Central Park Meteoro- An Approved Paper— r Law Depsrtment- logical Observatory. ln Re anon to Half-holiday ............... r990 Report for Week ending March 5, 1904.... 199. Armory Commissioners, Board of— Manhattan, Borough of- Messrs. Olmsted and Vaux were appointed Landscape Architects of the Central Propo'als . .... ...... ............ ..... arcs Public Notice ........................... 5996 Park by the Board of which Mr. Green was a member, and he was closely associated Assessors, Bo.ird of— - Mimi r ipal Civil Service Commission- with those gentlemen in the successful carrying out of their plans for the Central Pul,lic Notices........................... 1999 Public Notices ........................... 2002 Park. Mr. Green was always an earnest advocate and supporter of all movements Boar.. Meetings .............................. 1996 Notice to Contractors............... ........ 200 4 Bridge-, Department of— Official Borough Papers ....................... z:or to increase and improve the park system and of the great institutions situated there- Proposals.......... ...................... 1996 Official Directory.............. .. x994 in. Bronx, Borou h of— Official Paper ....... ........................ 1999 At its meeting on November 19, the Park Board adopted the following: Proposals .............................. 2000 Parks, Department of— Brooklyn, Boroug t of— Annual Report for the Year 1903.......... 1971 '\loved by the sad and untimely death on the 13th instant of the Honorable Ar ction Sa e ............................. x997 Proposals. ............................... 1998 Andrew H. Green, the members of the Park Board of The City of New York Proposa s ................................ 1997 1997 Pcltee, Department of- desire to record this evidence of their appreciation of the high character of the man Public Notiees ... ........ .............. Owner, Wanted for Lost Proferty......... 2032 Change of Grade Da ma;e Commission— Proposal........... .... .......... z<oz and the results of his long and useful career as a public official. Public Notice ............................ r99g "Ever mindful of the name and fame of the City to which the best efforts of his, ........... ... 1993 Public Charitie, DDepartmentepartment o of-f— Changes in Departments........ Pn,posals ................... 999 life were devoted, to its institutions and, especially. to its parks, there can be no more Correction, Department of— Querns, Borough of- ' """""' _ Proposals ........ ......... ....... 1997 endearing monument to his untiring energy and skill than the Central Park, which was i .... ...... '"""'of— Report of Commissioner of Public \Yorks 11o:kr and Fe....rr es, for Week ending February so, x904...• r9f3 acquired and largely developed under the guidance of his master hand. Proposals .......... ..................... z~r Transit Commissioners, Education. Department of— Rapid Railroad "During the many years of his connection with the Park Board, serving as Cotn- .............................. 2001 Board of— missioner, President and Comptroller, his discharge of duty was marked by great Proposals Proposals .rough............................... 5996 El;et ons, Board of— Richmond, Borough ol- ability, unbending integrity and a zealous and watchful devotion to the City's in- Meer mgs of March iS and zz, 1904 ........ 1993 Proposals .................... ............ 2000 terest. Es'imate and Appo-tionment, Bard ol— Report of Commi,sioner of Puolic Works, Pubic Hearing ......... ................. t998 1990 "In recognition of our respect for his memory and our esteem for his work, we Public Notices ........................... 1997 wreck ending March 5, e904........... extend to the family of the deceased our sincere sympathy and condolence. Examiners, Board of— Street C'eaning, Department of— Meeting of March 22, 1904 ................ 2990 Ashes, I tc., for Filling in Lands.......... zroz "It is ordered that a copy of this minute, suitably engrossed, be forwarded to the Executive Department— Public Notice ..... ...................... zo 2 family." Public Notices.. ......................... 1994 Supreme Court— Annual Report for 1902. Finance. Deportment of— Acquiring Title to Lands, Etc ............ 2003 Notice of Interest on City Bonds and Taxes and Assessments, Department of— The Board was gratified with the reception by the public and the press of the Stock... ............................. soot Public Notice ............................ z.oz report for 1902. Owing to the provisions of the Charter. the edition was a limited Notices to Property-Owners .............. zoos Water Supply, Gas and Electric.ty, L'epan- one and it was therefore impossible to send the bound report to many applicants. Fire Department— mint of— AuctionSale ..... ....................... z-os Proposals................. .... .. ...... toot This want was met, to a degree: by having the text printed as a supplement to the "City Record," several hundred copies of which were distributed. Letters received stating the report would be of service in establishing park systemstin other cities, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. were particularly gratifying. The Conunissioner's Report of the Work of the Department of Parks for the Bor- The City of New York. Department of Parks, ottghs of Manhattan and Richmond for the Year 1903. Arsenal, Central Park, December 3f, 1903. Office of the Department of Parks, Hon. SETH LOW, Mayor, The City of New York: Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond, The Arsenal, Central Park, Sir—I am directed by the Park Board to transmit herewith the annual report of the Departtint, for the several borough divisions, for the year 1903. New York. December 31, Ipo . Respectfully, Hon. SETH LOW, Mayor of The City of New York: GEO. S. TERRY, Secretary, Park Board, Dear Sir—In compliance with the provisions of tile CL::rter, I send you herewith the report of work undertaken and accomplished in this Department ft,r the year 1903. REPORT FOR THE YEAR 1903.- Respectfully. WILLIAMM R. %VILLCOX, Commissioner of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond. The Park Board. Report of the Commissioner of Parks for the Boroughs of Manhattan and Rich- William R. \Willcox, President, Commissioner of Parks for the Boroughs of mond. Manhattan and Richmond. The energies of this Department during 1903 have been devoted chiefly to carry- John E. Eustis, Commissioner of Parks for the Borough of The Bronx. ing to completion the new features established in 1902 and extending the scope of Richard Young, Commissioner of Parks for the Boroughs of Brooklyn and the park work. Queens. The playground work especially has made great progress, and many important George S. Terry, Secretary. Improvements have been prosecuted to completion. The children's farm garden in Samuel Parsons, Jr., Landscape Architect. De Witt Clinton Park was renewed on a larger scale than last
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