Creation Science Volume 39/2 Volume MAY 2012 Publication Mail Reg. 40013654 0229-253X ISSN avid Coppedge is one man videos such as Unlocking the Mystery of standing up against NASA, Life, Privileged Planed, Darwin’s Dilemma Dthe American governments’ space ex- and Metamorphosis. He also provides Woodpeckers ploration agency. Now that takes cour- daily commentary on scientifi c articles Miracle Birds Designed age! Why would anyone undertake which have just appeared. CSAA’s such a diffi cult task? Basically it is a website provides a link to the insightful to Peck Wood fi ght for freedom of religion and for and upbeat Creation-Evolution Headlines --------------------- (which has been op- Woodpeckers (family Picidae) are erative since 2001). In found almost everywhere on the a more popular vein, continents except extreme polar Creation Weekend David Coppedge has regions. Most species live in forests to feature published articles in or woodland habitats, and many of Institute for Creation the about 30 genera and 214 known David Coppedge Research’s Acts and species are now threatened due to loss of habitat or habitat fragmenta- October 26 and 27, 2012 tion. The smallest woodpecker is the Bar-breasted Piculet (seven grams and freedom to discuss eight cm tall) and the largest is the intelligent design Imperial Woodpecker (average during social set- over 600g (1.3 lb) and 58 cm (23 By tings in the work- inches) tall. Some species exhibit Jerry Bergman place. differences in appearance of CSAA brings the sexes such many interest- as body size, ing and qualifi ed weight and speakers to Alber- bill length. In ta. Few however have been involved such cases, with NASA in space exploration! This the males makes David Coppedge particularly are larger. remarkable. An information technol- Most ogy specialist and high level system ad- Facts Magazine. species pos- ministrator at NASA’s Jet Propulsion During his career at JPL, Mr. sess predom- Laboratory, he worked on the interna- Coppedge occasionally shared cop- inantly white, tional Cassini Mission to Saturn from ies of Illustra Media videos with col- black and 1997 until last year. In that capacity he leagues. Having complained that he brown, green was heavily involved in all the mission was “pushing religion”, JPL fi red Da- and red plumage operations and from 2000-2009 in the vid Coppedge in January 2011. He and patches of red capacity of Team Lead System Ad- brought suit against JPL (funded by and yellow on their ministrator. In addition, on behalf of American taxpayers) and the institu- heads and bellies. NASA during those years, he present- tion’s private administrator Califor- The dark areas of ed the Cassini discoveries to schools nia Institute of Technology. His suit plumage often refl ect bright colours in and civic and astronomy clubs. One claims protection against religious direct light. The males of many wood- astronomy society in January 2011 discrimination under California’s Fair pecker species have more prominent urged people to hear this “educational Employment and Housing Act. On red or yellow head markings than do and enjoyable speaker.” November 18, 2011, a judge ruled that the less showy brown or gray females. David Coppedge is also a promi- this case presents legitimate issues of Woodpeckers are active during the nent apologist for young earth cre- fact and law and ordered the case to day, roosting at night inside tree holes ation and intelligent design. He is a move forward to trial. The trial began and the roost for most species becomes member of the board of Illustra Me- on March 7, 2012. the nest during breeding season. dia, which has produced excellent - Continued on Page 6 - Continued on page 2 Mark your calendars Friday evening and Saturday October 26 and 27, 2012 Edmonton Volume 39 / # 2 / Spring 2012 -------------------------------------- Creation Science Dialogue is a quar- terly publication of the Creation Science Association of Alberta (CSAA). Its purpose is to discuss the creation model of origin in terms of scientifi c details. Subscription for 1 year $8.00 --------------------------------------- Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: PM 40013654 Creation Science Dialogue The court case has generated interna- On the other hand David Coppedge Creation Science tional media attention. A Yahoo News contends that he was a senior employee in Association of Alberta 5328 Calgary Trail item (March 12/12) was entitled “Suit: good standing until a supervisor objected Suite 1136, Edmonton, Alberta NASA Specialist Axed over Intelligent to his lending the DVDs Unlocking the T6H 4J8 Design.” Another item, posted online by Mystery of Life and Privileged Planet to ---------------------------------------- TIME Magazine on March 19 was en- willing colleagues. titled “Legal Smackdown: NASA, Re- The resulting court case therefore is Other Creation Science ligion and Intelligent Design.” TIME’s supposed to resolve to what extent an Associations piece suggested that Mr. Coppedge’s views employee really enjoys freedom of reli- (see also www.creationinfo.com) “make something gion and free speech in of an awkward the workplace. Legisla- ▲ Creation Science of fi t with a mission “Houston! tion clearly protects this Saskatchewan Inc. that is intended, We have a problem....... right, but does the law re- P.O. Box 26 Kenaston, SASK. S0G 2N0 in part, to look for with this man” ally protect anyone? This the chemical and California case obviously is an ▲ Creation Science Association important one. It is expected to run 3 or of British Columbia (B.C.) 4 (possibly even 5) weeks. The judge has P.O. Box 39577, RPO White viewed the two DVDs and multiple copies Rock, Surrey, BC. V4A 0A9 have been distributed to the media. CSAA therefore looks forward to a most ▲ Creation Ministries interesting and famous speaker! His lec- International ture titles include: Cassini discovers Saturn; 300 Mill Street, Unit 7 Evidences for youth in the Solar System; the Art Kitchener, ONT, N2M 5G8 and Science of Baloney Detecting!; and Why the ▲ Creation Science Association of Church must emphasize Creation. The venue, in Quebec Edmonton, is Mill Woods Assembly at 66 CP63, Succ. Youville St. and 23 Avenue, easy to fi nd with lots of Montreal, Quebec, H2P 2V2 parking! evolutionary origins of life, with no role ------------------------------------ ▲ Institute for Creation for anything other than the strictly empiri- Mark your calendars now for Fri- Research cal.” The article suggested that NASA was day evening and Saturday all day and 1806 Royal Lane entirely justifi ed to object to someone who evening, October 26 and 27, 2012 in Dallas, TX. 75229 was a “provocateur” and “ a pain”, pro- Edmonton! And plan to bring your moting an unpopular view. But it was not friends. We look forward to beauti- ▲ Creation Research Society the views, but the actions that JPL objected ful images and insightful commen- Van Andel Center 6801 North Highway 89 to, said TIME, and besides all NASA did tary on topics not recently consid- Chino Valley, AZ. was to “downsize” Mr. Coppedge as a re- ered in our Creation Weekends. 86323 - 9186 sult of a reduced role for Cassini. Expect to be impressed! --------------------------------- Visit us at 2 - Creation Science Dialogue - Spring 2012 www.create.ab.ca Take your pick! The Big History Book Special Space-Related By Andrew Bain (age 8) Resource It went on and on. I In 1978, Don DeYoung and kept pulling the panels out John Whitcomb, wrote the and there were more. This fi rst edition of their book Our book is cool because it has Created Moon: Earth’s Fascinat- real time lines. It goes from ing Neighbor. Since then however, a lot of new information the creation in 4004 B.C. has accumulated about the moon. Furthermore far more to 2001 when the IPod Good beautiful images of the moon and of other space objects was invented (I’m not talk- Books have become available. Thus the information was up- ing about the IPod Touch I ✔ dated in 2003, and a new deluxe edition, complete with mean the original IPod)! That is a lot of fast change! beautiful photographs, charts and diagrams, was pub- The book tells us about the early people. We follow lished in 2010. Bible history, world events, inventions/technology and civi- The authors present their book as an educational re- lizations/empires. We see what happened all at the same source, written with a focus on issues related to the cre- time. Stonehenge in England was built just after the fl ood. ation of the moon. This work is loaded with information Most history books don’t tell us that. And it is funny to talk and some fairly heavy discussions on issues like the moon’s about, but sort of cool, that the yoyo was invented in 500 origin, the purpose of the moon, the treatment of the B.C. moon in Scripture, distances in space and time, and why Later on the Vikings began raids in Europe, about 800 the moon looks old. Prior to the more philosophical discus- A.D. I love their helmets with the horns. They must have sions however, details are presented concerning the loca- looked scary! We come to Marco Polo and Columbus tion and nature of the moon, its phases and effect on and the age of discovery. Then there were the earth, and a comparison with other moons in some important inventions like the fi rst the solar system. bicycle in 1817 and the fi rst chocolate Youngsters who are space enthusiasts will bar in 1849. We end up with the space no doubt enjoy the diagrams concerning the age and Russian Yuri Gagarin, fi rst man orbit of the moon, its phases, its effect on in space.
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