::TAMILNADU GENERATION AND DISTRIBUTION CORPORATION LIMITED:: From To Er.S. Nirmalatha ,B.E, Chief Engineer/Distribution, Vellore Region, Vellore. Lr.No.1074/D.170/CE/D/VLR/MM/Enq.No.36/2015, dt.31.03.2015. Sir, Sub: Vellore Region- Provision and Maintenance of VPNOBB connectivity with minimum 512Kbps speed or more according to client locations with unlimited upload and download of data to 100-locations in Vellore Region by using available aggregate line at Data center Chennai and Vellore for LT billing and all other Data Transfer purposes of TANGEDCO for the period of one year and further extendable as per TANGEDCO’s need with conditions that the PO will be terminated with refund of amount or migrated with adjustment of amount in the event of providing centralized connectivity – Reg. &&&&&& Please quote your lowest price for Provision and Maintenance of VPNOBB connectivity with minimum 512Kbps speed or more to 100-locations in Vellore Region by using available aggregate line at Data center Chennai and Vellore for LT billing and all other Data Transfer purposes of TANGEDCO to 100-locations for the period of one year as per the specification enclosed. The rate shall be furnished in the annexure enclosed. 1. Instruction to the Tenderers : The Quotation should be sent in sealed covers subscribed as quotation for Provision and Maintenance of VPNoBB connectivity against Lr.No.1074/D.170/CE/D/VLR/MM/ Enq.No.36/ 2015, dt.31.03.2015, Due on 28.04.2015 so as to reach the undersigned by 14.00 hours on the due date. The quotation received against this enquiry will be opened on the same date at 14.30 hours in the presence of such of those tenderers who are present at the time of opening of the tender. (Please See instructions to the tenderers). 2. Earnest Money Deposit: Waived as a Special case. If the due date of Tender opening is declared as holiday Tender will be opened on the next working day at 14.30 Hours. Telegraphic quotation will not be accepted. Encl: Annexure I to VI (Sd)/-***** Chief Engineer/ Distribution, Vellore Region/Vellore. Copy to the Executive Asst. to CE, O/o CE/D/Vellore. Copy to the DFC, O/o CE/D/Vellore. Annexure I Pr ovision and All inclusive All inclusive price maintenance price for for Provision and Description Qty cost per Tax Provision and Maintenance per connectivity for Maintenance connectivity one year for 100-locations CONNECTIVITY for (required minimum 100 512Kbps or more Nos. speed) Total Annexure II 100-LOCATIONS LIST IN VELLORE REGION Name Required Sl. Name of the Section Land Line of the Address Band No Circle Name Phone No. Region width 1 Vellore Tirupattur AEE/ North / AEE/North/ Tirupattur, No phone no 512 Tirupathur 34F, London mission Road, Sougath Alipet, Tirupattur. Vellore DT - 635601 (9445855287 ) 2 Vellore Tirupattur Town1/ 34F, London mission 04179 -2200 13 512 Tirupattur Road, Sougath Alipet, Tirupattur Vellore DT - 635601 (04179-220013) (9445855288) 3 Vellore Tirupattur Town 2/ 34F, London mission No phone no 512 Tirupattur Road, Sougath Alipet, Tirupattur Vellore DT - 635601 (04179-220013) (9445855289) 4 Vellore Tirupattur EE/O&M/ 110KVSS,TNEB, 04174 -232627 512 Vaniyambadi Permalpet PO, Vaniyambadi-635751 (04174-232627) (9445855318) 5 Vellore Tirupattur North/ 110KVSS,TNEB, Land Line 512 Vaniyambadi Permalpet PO, Phone Not Vaniyambadi-635751 available (9445855317) 6 Vellore Tirupattur South/ 110KVSS,TNEB, 04174 -232627 512 Vaniyambadi Permalpet PO, Vaniyambadi-635751 (04174-232627) (9445855318) 7 Vellore Tirupattur Valayambut 110KVSS,TNEB, 04174 -232231 512 Permalpet PO, Vaniyambadi-635751 (04174-232231) (9445855319) 8 Vellore Tirupattur AEE / SS / AEE/SS/Vaniyambadi, no phone 512 Vaniyambadi 110KVSS,TNEB, number Permalpet PO, Vaniyambadi-635751 (9445855313) 9 Vellore Tirupattur Perumalpet 110KVSS,TNEB, 04174 -234979 512 Permalpet PO, Vaniyambadi-635751 (04174-234979) (9445855323) 10 Vellore Tirupattur EE/O&M/ EE/O&M/Pallikonda, 04171 - 244238 512 Pallikonda No.7 Kothaval Street, Pallikonda, Vellore DT - (04171-244238) (9445855589) 11 Vellore Tirupattur AEE/Urban/ AEE/Urban/Ambur, 04174 - 242754) 512 Ambur 110/11KV Substation, TNEB, Reddi Thopu, Ambur-635802. (9445855338) 12 Vellore Tirupattur Town/Ambur 110/11KV Substation, No phone no 512 TNEB, Reddi Thopu, Ambur-635802. (04174-242754) (9445855339) 13 Vellore Tirupattur West/Ambur 110/11KV Substation, No phone no 512 TNEB, Reddi Thopu, Ambur-635802. (04174-242754) (9445855340) 14 Vellore Tirupattur SS/Ambur 110/11KV Substation, 04174 -242646 512 TNEB, Reddi Thopu, Ambur-635802. (04174-242646) (9445855341) 15 Vellore Tirupattur AEE/O&M/ AEE/O&M/ Land Line 512 Vinnamangalam Vinnamangalam, Phone Not 230 KV Sub-Station available Campus, Vinnamangalam Vellore (Dt) - 635807 (944585535) 16 Vellore Tirupattur Urban1/ 22/27 ,VOC Street, No phone no 512 Gudiyatham Nadupet, Gudiyattam- 632602 (04171-229000) (9445855370) 17 Vellore Tirupattur Urban2/ No.2,Match fac tory no phone no 512 Gudiyatham street,Sandapet, Gudiyatham (04171-220033) (9445855371) 18 Vellore Tirupattur East/ No.24,Kamatchi (04171 -229478 512 Gudiyatham amman garden, Gudiyatham (04171-229478) (9445855372) 19 Vellore Tirupattur Udyand iram 3/86,Shyali Street , (04174 - 512 Pallipattu Road, Near 229736) Jafarabath Masooq, (9445855321) Jafarbath, Vaniyambadi(T.K.), Vellore Dt. - 635754 20 Vellore Tirupattur Vadacheri No.1/27A, Meltheru (04174 - 512 street, Vadacheri, 266480) Vaniyambadi(T.K.), (9445855322) Vellore Dt. - 635754 21 Vellore Tirupattur South/Ambur Govindapuram Road, (04174 - 512 Devalapuram Vill&Post, 242115) Ambur(T.K), (9445855357) Vellore (DT) 635802 22 Vellore Tirupattur Nellorepet No.2,Match factor y (04171 - 512 street, Sandapet, 242244) Gudiyatham (9445855377) 23 Vellore Tirupattur Pakkam 110/11 KV Sub -Station (04171 - 512 Campus Chittoor 229755) Road, Pakkam, (9445855390) Gudiyattam (T.K) Vellore (Dt) 24 Vellore Tirupattur South/ 110/ 11 KV SS (04171 -233033) 512 Pernambut Complex, Pernambut (9445855383) 25 Vellore Tirupattur Town/ AE/Town/Pernambut, No phone no 512 Pernambut Solan Street, Pernambut-635801 (9445855381) 26 Vellore Tirupattur Vengalapuram AE/O&M/Vengalapuram (04179 - 512 Alangayam main road, 229301) Near 110/33-11 KV Sub-Station Vengalalpuram Tirupattur (T.K) (9445855293) 27 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/East/ Narasimmachari No phone 512 Dharmapuri Street, number DHARMAPURI - 1. 28 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/West/ Narasimmachari No phone 512 Dharmapuri Street, number DHARMAPURI - 1. 29 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/Fort/ Narasimmachar i 04342 -266010 512 Dharmapuri Street, DHARMAPURI - 1. 30 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/ Yamakuttyyur road, 04342 -230763 512 Lakkiyampatti Lakkiyampatty, DHARMAPURI - 636705. 31 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/ Ariyakulam Village and 04342 -243365 512 Krishnapuram post, Dharmapuri (TK and Dt) 32 Vellore Dharmapuri AE/O&M/ Rural/ Salem main Road, 04342 -244220 512 Adhiyamankottai Adhiyamankottai 110KV SS Campus, Adhiyamankottai - 636807 33 Vellore Dharmapuri AAO / Revenue Thiru Vi.Ka Nagar, 04346 - 22082 512 Branch / Harur Harur - 636903 34 Vellore Dharmapuri AE / O&M / Salem main Road, 04342 - 44411 512 Palayampudur Palayampudur 35 Vellore Dharmapuri AE / O&M / Naripally, Harur -Tk, 04346 -256040 512 Naripally Dharmapuri - Dt 36 Vellore Krishnagir i Town/ Assistant Engineer / 04343 -225577 512 Krishnagiri O&M/Town/Krishnagiri, TNEB COMPLEX, Housing unit II phase, kartiganapalli village, krishnagiri post, 04343-225577 37 Vellore Krishnagiri Indl Estate Assistant Engineer / 04343 -225577 512 Krishnagiri O&M / Industrial Estate/ Krishnagiri, TNEB COMPLEX, Housing unit II phase, kartiganapalli village, Krishnagiri post, 04343-225577 38 Vellore Krishnagiri Oldpet Assistant Engineer / 04343 -238501 512 O&M/Oldpet/Krishnagiri, TNEB Nethaji Road, Oldpet, Krishnagiri, 04343-238501 39 Vellore Krishnagiri Central Assistant Engineer / 04343 -222693 512 Hosur O&M / Central/ Hosur, Rayakottah Road, TNEB Complex, Hosur, Ph: 04343 – 222693 40 Vellore Krishnagiri West Assistant Engineer / no phone 512 Hosur O&M / West/Hosur, number Rayakottah Road, TNEB Complex, Hosur 41 Vellore Krishnagiri South Assistant Engineer / no phone 512 Hosur O&M / South/Hosur, number Rayakottah Road,TNEB Complex, Hosur 42 Vellore Krishnagiri Rural Assistant Engineer / no phone 512 Hosur O&M / Rural/Hosur, number Rayakottah Road, TNEB Complex,Hosur 43 Vellore Krishnagiri Rural/ Assistant Engineer / 04343 -226688 512 Krishnagiri O&M / Rural / Krishnagiri, TNEB COMPLEX, Housing unit II phase, kartiganapalli village, krishnagiri post, 04343-226688 44 Vellore Krishnagiri Veppanapally Assistant Engineer / 04343 -247628 512 O&M / Veppanapally, V. Madepally 33/11 KV SS Campus,V.Madepally (Vill)- 635 121 and (P.O), Krishnagiri (TK)- Ph: 04343-247678 45 Vellore Krishnagiri Uthangarai -I&II Assistant Engineer / 04341 -220035 512 O&M / Uthangarai-I & Uthangarai-II Uthangari 33 /11KV SS Campus, Krishnagiri Main Road, Venkatathampatty (PO), Uthangarai (TK)- 635 207, Krishnagiri (DT), Ph: 04341 - 220035 46 Vellore Krishnagiri Samalpatty Ass istant Engineer / 04341 -245799 512 O&M / Samalpatty, 65/A Kallavi Road, Samalpatty Village - 635 306, Dharmapuri (DT), Ph: 04341 - 245799 47 Vellore Krishnagiri EE/O&M/ Executive Engineer / 04343 -225101 512 Krishnagiri O&M / Krishnagiri, HIG-64, Phase-II, New Housing Board, Krishnagiri. Ph: 04343 - 225101 48 Vellore Krishnagiri Gurubarapally Assistant 04343 -245355 512 Engineer/O&M/ Guraparapally, (Newly Formed Section) 04343-245355 49 Vellore Krishnagiri Belagondapally Assistant 04347 -233490 512 Engineer/O&M/ Belagondapally, Thally Main
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