MARCH 16, 1973 25 CENTS VOLUME 37 /NUMBER 10 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY/PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF THE WORKING PEOPLE What the Oglala Sioux are strug_gling for ewitness re ort Wounded Knee, S.D. Indians occupying church on burial grounds of 1890 massacre. Heavily armed federal marshals surround the area. By SKIP BALL to negotiate. In response to the government The duplicity of the government officials is WOUNDED KNEE, S.D., March 7-Federal move, Russell Means, a leader of the American indicated by the fact that three participants officials have called off negotiations with the Indian Movement (AIM), told the press here in the occupation who tried to bring an in­ Indians occupying Wounded Knee. They have today, ''We're making a national appeal for jured person out of Wounded Knee for medi­ announced that their offer to allow people people to come here and witness for them­ cal treatment after getting the agreement of out of Wounded Knee without immediate ar­ selves how this country deals with Indian government representatives were arrested and rest would expire tomorrow at 6 p.m. people.... " jailed. The injured person was also arrested. The government had previously offered to The Indians are hoping a show of popular Meanwhile, the Indian leaders have an­ let the Indians leave with the stipulation that support. will deter the government from a all adult males would have to identify them­ violent attack. In the meantime, approxi­ nounced that their lawyers are negotiating selves, thus laying the basis for future pros­ mately 220 women and children in Wounded for the purchase of the trading post and Cath­ olic Church they occupy. They anticipate they ecution. Knee who were offered the chance to leave soon will be the legal owners of these build- The Indians participating in the occupa­ without giving any identification to federal tion here have made clear they remain willing officials elected to stay. ings. Continued on page 3 International Women's Day/4-s In Brief PHILADELPHIA TEACHERS BACK AT WORK: Most In the Magee decision, the court had ruled, "The state teachers "felt they got the best they could have under should keep to a necessary minimum its interference with the circumstances." This evaluation by one striker is a the individual's desire to defend himself in whatever man­ commonly held opinion among Philadelphia teachers con­ ner he deems best ... that desire can be constitutionally THIS cerning the recent agreement they reached with the city. forced to yield only when it will result in significant prej­ The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers approved the udice to the defendant himself, or in disruption of the contract March 1 after a 51-day strike. (For details on orderly processes of justice. " WEEK'S the contract see last week's Militant.) Drumgo faces murder charges for his participation in The end of the strike came after the Rizzo administra­ the Aug. 21, 1971, events in San Quentin prison in which MILITANT tion, which had tried to break it, was forced to back George Jackson was killed. 4 Abortion rights and down in the face of a threatened city-wide solidarity strike involving the entire labor movement in Philadelphia. Black women GAY ACTIVISTS PICKET INNER CIRCLE 1>INNER: 5 Margaret Sanger CAMDEN 28: Since February the federal government Militant reporter John Lauritsen writes that 100 gay ac­ 9 British general strike has been prosecuting a group of Catholic antiwar ac­ tivists, the maximum allowed by a court order, picketed called tivists known as the Camden 28. Eight of the activists the main entrance of the New York Hilton March 3 during U.S. hypocrisy over were arrested in the process of destroying draft board the annual Inner Circle Dinner for New York politicians Khartoum killings records in August 1971. and political reporters. Several hundred more demon­ strated across the street. 10 Speech by NPAC Two months earlier they had given up the idea of the draft board raid, but a "friend," FBI informer and pro­ The "Outer Circle" demonstration, sponsored by the leader vocateur Robert Hardy, came forward and saved the Gay Activists Alliance, commemorated events at last year's 11 Torture in Saigon jails project. He supplied them with diagrams of the Federal Inner Circle Dinner. At that time gay activists attempting 12 Hanoi protests truce Building and the Camden draft board offices, burglary 1:o distribute leaflets were savagely assaulted by guests violations tools, transportation, money to live on while the raid at the dinner and employees of the Hilton Hotel. The 13 Peace and Freedom was being prepared, and overall leadership. demonstration also called for passage of Intro 4 75, a New York city council bill that would ban discrimina­ meets The arrests were announced at a special Washington, D. C., news conference by former attorney general John tion against homosexuals in housing, jobs, and public 14 Cleveland socialist out­ Mitchell and J. Edgar Hoover. The FBI was able to accommodations. lines transit plan round up 20 people who weren't at the draft board by 15 N.Y. SWP campaign claiming they were all part of the "conspiracy." HIGH SCHOOL RIGHTS IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: On rally Charges against the 28 range from conspiracy to pos­ Feb. 23 a federal district court ruled high school stu­ 16 Food prices soar session of burglary tools. The case of 10 of the defen­ dents have the right to distribute literature in school, have access to outside speakers, and have a hearing 17 Interview with Attica dants has been severed from the others, and one has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge. before being suspended for more than five days. The defendants ruling, which will affect all New Hampshire high schools, 18 Left Opposition in USSR stems from a case brought by Evon Mayo of the Ports­ 19 Debate on French elections mouth High School Black Student Union and Calvan 21 Houston sets pace in Vail of the Young Socialists for Jenness and Pulley there. sales drive Vail reports the suit originated after Andrew Pulley, 24 S. F. child-care protests the Socialist Workers Party candidate for vice-president, had been invited to speak by students at Portsmouth. Pulley was refused admission to the school. Other can­ 2 In Brief didates had previously spoken there, some more than 6 In Our Opinion once, but the administration claimed Pulley "wasn't a Letters bona fide candidate." 7 National Picket Une Portsmouth students went out on strike in response to La Raza en Accion this, and Pulley was able to address them in spite of 8 Great Society the administration. However, the next day 15 students were suspended for leafletting the day before the strike. Women in Revolt The court victory will make it more difficult for school By Any Means Necessary administrators to use such tactics in the future. 20 In Review 21 Militant Gets Around SUPREME COURT TO REVIEW BALLOT CASES: On March 5 the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to review feur cases in which lower courts in California and Texas sus­ WORLD OUTLOOK tained restrictive laws governing ballot status for inde­ 1 Socialists seek to win Mil' on pendent candidates. One of the California suits was over Peronists More than 200 people demonstrated against the Greek dictator­ brought by the Northern California American Civil Lib­ 2 World News Notes ship March 3 outside the U.S. mission to the United Nations. The erties Union on behalf of Gus Hall and Jarvis Tyner, United Hellenic Front called the action in support of the massive the 1972 presidential and vice-presidential candidates of 3 'Chronicle of Current student demonstrations taking place in Greece. Events' the Communist Party. California has the rriost restrictive ballot laws in the 4 Caamano reported RAMSEY CLARK JOINS MAGEE DEFENSE: Militant nation, and any action by the court striking them down killed reporter Michael Schreiber reports from San Francisco would be a significant victory for civil liberties and for that a special order by the California Supreme Court those fighting for democratic election laws. will permit former U.S. attorney general Ramsey Clark to direct the questioning of defense witnesses in the trial HOUSTON POLICE RIGHT ON TOP OF THINGS: of Ruchell Magee. In the Feb. 9 Militant we reported that the Houston head­ In a unanimous decision March 5, the court blasted quarters of the Socialist Workers Party had been broken trial judge Morton Colvin for refusing to seat Clark at into, vandaliz~d, and ransacked. Books, files, and doc­ the defense table. The decision stated, "It is the defen­ uments were stolen. dant's confidence (in his attorney) which is at stake, not Recently, the sherifrs department telephoned the Hous­ that of the court." ton SWP and accused it of dumping trash beside a county On March 6 Clark began questioning Dr. Richard Ko­ road. It seems that the cops had "found" a portion of THE MILITANT misarak, a psychiatrist, who described Magee's early the missing SWP papers. youth in Louisiana. Magee's love affair with a _white VOLUME 37/NUMBER 10 JUST OUT- PAMPHLET ON VIETNAM: Pathfinder MARCH 16, 1973 woman ended in his being unjustly convicted on a charge of aggravated rape brought by the woman's father. At Press has just published The Meaning of the Vietnam CLOSING NEWS DATE-MARCH 7, 1973 the age of 16 he became the youngest inmate at "Amer­ Accords, a pamphlet containing recent articles from The Editor: MARY-ALICE WATERS ica's worst prison"- the state penitentiary at Angola. Militant by Barry Sheppard and Dick Roberts. Issues Business Manager: SHARON CABANISS discussed are Nixon's world strategy, the role of Mos­ Southwest Bureau: HARRY RING The defense contends that Magee participated in the escape attempt of several prisoners Aug.
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