Filozofski fakultet Ramiza Smajić MIGRACIJSKI TOKOVI, DRUŠTVENO-POLITIČKE PRILIKE U BOSANSKOM EJALETU (1683.-1718.) DOKTORSKI RAD Mentor: Prof. dr. sc. Nenad Moačanin Zagreb, 2019. Filozofski fakultet Ramiza Smajić MIGRACIJSKI TOKOVI, DRUŠTVENO-POLITIČKE PRILIKE U BOSANSKOM EJALETU (1683.-1718.) DOKTORSKI RAD Mentor: Prof. dr. sc. Nenad Moačanin Zagreb, 2019. Faculty of Philosophy Ramiza Smajić MIGRATION FLOWS, SOCIO-POLITICAL CIRCUMSTANCES IN THE BOSNIAN EYALET (1683.-1718.) DOCTORAL THESIS Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nenad Moačanin Zagreb, 2019. SAŽETAK Bosanski ejalet, kao krajiška upravna jedinica Osmanske države, u razdoblju između 1683. i 1718. godine doživljava krupne i dugoročno značajne društveno-političke promjene uslijed kojih dolazi i do velikih migracija preko njegovog prostora. Nakon upoznavanja s karakterom i obujmom Bosanskog ejaleta te njegovom vojnom organizacijom u zadanom periodu, disertacija donosi kronološki prikaz stanja u tom dijelu Osmanske države, ratne sukobe i prilike u tih tri i pol desetljeća, sve na osnovi prvorazrednih izvora i relevantne literature. Interdisciplinarnim i interkulturnim pristupom, te komparativnom historijsko-demografskom i kulturnopovijesnom metodologijom pokušava se rasvijetliti specifična kulturna i gospodarska evolucija populacije kroz migracijske tokove u naglašenom društveno-političkom kontekstu. Uslijed nepovratnih teritorijalnih gubitaka Osmanska država prvi put u svojoj povijesti zauzima konačan obrambeni položaj. Konstelacija odnosa i raspored aktivnosti među članicama Svete Lige je bio takav da su Austrija, Mletačka Republika, Poljska i Rusija uglavnom poduzimale vojne aktivnosti, Nizozemska i Engleska preuzimale ulogu posrednika, dok je Francuska nastojala sačuvati otklon prema Osmanlijama. Doktorska radnja prati njihovo pojedinačno sudjelovanje u zbivanjima na prijelazu iz 17. u 18. stoljeće u onoj mjeri koliko se to odražavalo na Bosanski ejalet. Ugovor o miru u Srijemskim Karlovcima 1699. godine ubrzao je nazadovanje Osmanske države koja ostaje bez Ugarske (osim Banata), gubi Slavoniju i Hrvatsku do Une i južno od Velebita, kao i sve gradove i oblasti koje su u prethodnom ratu osvojili Mlečani. Potpisivanjem Ugovora i razgraničavanjem koje je uslijedilo tijekom naredne tri godine Osmanska država je prihvatila poštovanje načela međunarodnog prava kod političkih granica i nepovredivosti teritorija susjednih država. Bosanski ejalet će nakon toga ostati u istom teritorijalnom opsegu do rata između Osmanske države i Venecije 1714. godine. Iako u početku neutralna, u rat se 1716. godine uključuje i Austrijska Monarhija. Požarevačkim mirom 1718. godine Osmanska država ostaje ne samo bez Banata, Srijema i Smederevskog sandžaka, nego i većih dijelova Bosanskog ejaleta. Disertacija kronološki prati valove migracija koje su obuhvatile stotine tisuća stanovnika bivših i preostalih dijelova Osmanske države na Balkanu, a posebno Bosanskog ejaleta. I pored raznorodnih podataka iz osmanskih opširnih katastarskih popisa, džizje, šikajet i muhimme deftera, crkvenih matičnih knjiga, vizitatorskih izvještaja, nikad se neće znati konačna brojka stanovništva koje pred oružjem bježi u strahu za vlastiti život. Zaključci do kojih se dolazi u radnji su vezani i za nastanak novih gradova, stagnaciju varoši tijekom 17. stoljeća uslijed migracija nemuslimanskog stanovništva izvan Ejaleta, dok je početak 18. stoljeća obilježen pojedinačnim i grupnim povratcima. I pored izvora, istraživanje porijekla migranata zna biti otežano uslijed njihova različitog imenovanja od domaćeg stanovništva, kao i prisutna praksa višestrukih migracija istih migrantskih grupa. Kroz migracije, asimilacijske i integracijske procese, vjerske i manjinske zajednice su mijenjale, gubile ili čuvale jezik, običaje, način života, odijevanja i sl., u većoj ili manjoj mjeri. Analizom dijela uvjeta migrantskih zajednica u spomenutom razdoblju, ovisno o društveno-političkim zbivanjima, s paralelnim rješavanjem individualizirane forme društvenih, ekonomskih, političkih, kulturnih čimbenika, opstojnosti vjerskih i manjinskih zajednica na prostoru samog Bosanskog ejaleta, disertacija pokušava olakšati poimanje slojevitosti njegove povijesno-demografske problematike. Ključne riječi: Bosanski ejalet, osmanski period, migracije, društvo, politika SUMMARY Locked between the Adriatic and Pannonian basin, given the character of crossroads imposed by its geopolitical position, the Bosnian region was even till the Ottoman period of administration constantly marked by migration processes. The harder part of those migratory experiences is that they cause manifest consequences, as they have been largely an accompanying element of various interests and serious war events in, and around Bosnian region. The Bosnian eyalet as a serhat, as the most remote Krajina administrative unit of the Ottoman state, experienced its establishment and full territorial flourishment a century before the Ottoman defeat at the foot of Vienna in 1683 and the vivid war events and the consequent migrations during the next three decades. The approach for researching that period is not and cannot be the same as when researching peacetime activities, migration flows, and the organization of everyday life within the Eyalet. Therefore, chronologically through the framework of socio-political conditions in which the Ottoman state was found, and with it the Bosnian eyalet, through social structure, long-lasting migratory movements of different intensity, this paper intends to present the reality of the transition between two centuries in which the Ottoman state, due to irrecoverable territorial losses for the first time in its history, takes the ultimate defensive position. All of the above was causally and consequentially conditioned by the network of political relations between individual European countries, the relationship between the latter and the Ottoman state, and the inner relations that reflected on the situation in the Bosnian eyalet as the most remote point to the West. Encouraged by the defeat of Ottomans in the war they themselves incited, the members of the Holy League have offensively and multilaterally forced the Ottoman forces to retreat and lose territory over the coming years. The climate in Europe that was once understood as the defense of Christianity before the spread of Islam which was personified in the Ottoman state, during the Great War turned into territorial gains, individual economic interests, political goals and the better status of power. While Austria, the Venetian Republic, Poland and then Russia undertook military activities, the interest of France was to hold a somewhat neutral position toward the Ottomans. The Netherlands and England have assumed the role of intermediaries, mainly in an effort to preserve the unhindered course of trade. This paper follows their individual participation in the events at the turn of the 17th into the 18th century to that extent which it reflected on the Bosnian eyalet. The forthcoming peace negotiations accelerated the decline of the Ottoman state, which even in the regions with a preserved formal administration did not really have under its control the local authorities and the fulfillment of their obligations. The replacement of the vizier, measures aimed at economic recovery, the murder of the great vizier, the revolt of janissaries and sipahis in Istanbul, the replacement of the Sultan, the moves in the trading business, were largely in the focus of interest of all countries that were surrounding the Ottoman state and whose fields of activity were intertwined. At the territorial level, it suited Dubrovnik to preserve the Ottoman hinterland due to its separateness from Venetian territories, while Austria in the 18th century entered War for the sake of Spanish heritage, with the support of England, Netherlands, Prussia and most of the German princes. In the newly-conquered regions of the seized Ottoman territory, the Habsburgs form four captaincies, Kostajnic, Glinsko, Zrinsko and Jasenovac where the non-Muslim population from Bosnia would settle. With the establishment of peace, the Ottoman state seeks to strengthen the central government too, attentively following the situation in the territories it lost. Incited largely by Austria and England, the Ottoman-Russian war takes place and ends quickly, but by 1712 the same sides were involved in a new conflict already. Following the Ottoman-Venetian war of 1714, the period in which the Bosnian eyalet actively participated in all socio-political circumstances in which the Ottoman state was found, was concluded. One of the key phenomena that included hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the former and remaining parts of the Ottoman state in the Balkans, and especially of the Bosnian eyalet, were migrations to the Bosnian eyalet and from the latter to the outside. Despite outstanding information obtained from the first-class sources, visit reports, church registry books, ottoman extensive cadastral registers, jizya, shikayet, and muhimme defters, the final number of people fleeing at weapon-point fearing for their own lives will never be known. The last thing on these peoples’ minds, who were coming to a new place, was to be registered somewhere, because they hoped they would return. And such people, due to often-present repudiation from locals in the new place of residence, tried to resemble the same population as soon as possible. The newly-arrived population settled in the deserted villages left so after the departure of non-Muslims from Eyalet and
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