WAverly S ( I h illsid e gfime# 3-9207 - 8 Prevention As Well As Rescue Maple Ave. Businessmen See Kraft Foods Names New Sales Manager Parking Situation Critical Chesl PH i has i np- pbined sales manager of the Kraft | er the sponsorship Cf the* May Appeal On Progress Club of Hillside, a Foods Company, effective July 1T of store ownersinfplfe Maple u ould have to be acquired by the it has been announced by C. G. wP* Township—Committee—and—properly Wright, vice president in charge of re area met at Sinai uudltori- \st week to consider the park- graded and surfaced. sales, and advertising'. Formerly national cheese prod* problem. The. meeting was An alternative location would be ailed- by the civic affairs commit - ucts sales manager for t-hp r.nm. the plot of land at'the intersection se.-headed by AllaipL.. Tumarkin, pany. Green will how be responsible 0? Maple and Bailey avenues. Rltz for the sales and merchandising of Dairy Queen H > of the unanimous indicated- that in the view of the all K raft branded products, under Planning. Board, .this plot should tjie direction of J. B. McLaughlin, * Unless the township ap­ opnviun that the parking situation peals a decision by Superior tin^the-area--had—reaehed a erlMdaf possibly be reserved for further director of sales and advertising. U.S. Savings Bank po.nl At the mvitatipnror-fclic cojn- business expansion and was too Green joined Kraft as a salesman Court Judge Bichard J. Hughes [mlttee, Rubin Rita, a member of valuable to use for parking. in Albany, Ga. in 1933. After serv­ Post For T. A. Smith la s t Thursday, the Dairy the Planning Board, attended and The group decided to Incorporate ing three years with the Navy dur­ Queen ice cream drivein may as the Maple Avenue Businessmen's ing World War II, S i i f i g to NEWARK—Thomas A. 'smith ' of Informed the group with respect be erected at Liberty avenue [fe^WQ. ^proposals presently being Association, and- n steering com­ the company as branch supervisor iidered by the Township ©cm* mittee was appointed to. arrange at Miami, Fla. Successive promo­ sistant I secretary and assistant and Fitzpatrick street, ending for the details and present, a slate tions transferred him to Mobile, mlttee for the acquisition of a mu- treasurer of the United States Sav­ a fight which began two years nicipa 1 pa rking. lot in the area. of “ officers at the next meeting, Ala. and Nashville, Tenn. as branch ings Bank of Newark, N. J. by the ago. Township Attorney Adele One proposal involves the plot of which will be held on Tuesday, nj^a ger, and in 1951 he was ap­ July 12. The I-committee is com­ pointed salad products sales maria-1 board of managers, it was an­ Braelow said Hillside may ap­ land, approximately -’50 x 200 feet peal. at the.rear of the stores fronting on, posed of Edward Gottlfebi chfiif»; ger of Kraft's southeastern -divi­ nounced this • • Week by Benjamin Maple avenue between Williamson man-; Leonard—Auerbaoher. secre­ sion headquarters til Atlanta. That Fairbanks, president. ’— The Zoning Board of Adjustment tary; Abe Kesselman. Herb ISlIbeiv same year he. was again promoted and Conklin avenues. Rltz Indicated Smith became associated with approved the application of that this plot would have space for Louis Gnllof, Joseph Mittleman and to the Chicago inteipational ^head­ about 32 to 36 cars, depending upon Adolph Alexander. In addition, the quarters o f the company as cheese the bank Inst October 1. He started the angle of parking. The plot following attended the meeting: sales manager. wo separate frving §11|J| Arthur Hirschmann, broker with I ? public hear- ol Heisch, Mrs. Feldman, Moi ns hip Committee* Gallof, Dave Friedman, Ruth Fried- Lasher pf'East Orange in 1036 and Orchestra School Boy Chasing Ball later was with John A Lfrjjnieii of. 'ruled the Zon­ 'd the build- the, applica- Starts 23rd Year Baptist Vacation j tired By Auto jggg o f the ’23rd ty Band and Orchestra School was I Bible School Ends held on Friday, - The lea as Ba nd VI under the* Casimir Bork of Ro- im opened with] Monday night. tha> flag and the sing­ - - -An a eros4497—tiSft44—With—Gh-p-ist^y ing of the Star Spangled Banner was given by the junior and senior led by Mr.. Bork. depaiftmenls., 4h0S6 taking part in­ The band played '‘Indiana State cluding- Richard. ‘ Klem, Gaji Ho- M arch”: -b y _Farrar .as" the entry uIn, Bonnie“Husterf David_THtdu7 march, "Prelude in C Minor" by Linder Huber. Elaine Hfirtman; Ed­ Rachmaninoff, "Huldigungsmarsch" win Williams,.and Janet Van Bar- by Grieg and ."Little Bop Riding Khelde:-'-^ Hood", a novelty selection by Fore­ Visual presentations of John 3:16 man and narrated by Fred Porter, I were presented by N Roselle. The exit march was “Glor-j land "A Littje Child May Enter I would be nil excessive use of the ia'ljby liosey. I by Ruth Ann Meier of the n tSli md; attended I M S P°wer- - Last evening the first concert of I and- primary • departments.*. School. The township contended further the season was held in Warinanco A rhythm band, of ■■m b that the proposed Dairy Queen, Park, presenting the advanced band I primary pupils played several se- using motors in. excess of one horse- directed by Casimir Bork? of Roselle. [teetiOhs aHsT3a film, nThis Way to I lie assembly Friday, July 8, willl Heaven" . was shown. ' ^e^ire; -a faculty—ensembler-Thel ~ ’. William NardeW” arid~ “Barbara Independence Held Linto-lCfr- cream would be manul'ac— Zimmerman Photo, special scholarship concert will be I Hillside Ambulance squad tries to prevent acci lents as well i Donson received awards for enroll­ turing, both prohibited in a bust- rush aid to victims after they happen, •held in Warinanco Park on Wed-1 In top photo, Mayor Henry Goldhor hammers sign into grou ing the largest number of new ph* l as Otto Zimmerman holds base. Loolt- nesday„ July 20, featuring an alu m -H »a, leftr Capt. Thomas E. Greene, Jr, and Firema i Earl-Brunne drive I plls. Rev... Wesley A. Olsen, pastor, Judge Hughes took the view that Tii^band^composed- of teachers andTrj the- broqess; of convert^g milk * ti> Bottom photo shows meeting of-local squad with one from Pottstown, F Pottstown squad, manned the. invocation apd benedic­ World’s First Need .former students of tion, Refreshmante' followed-in the icecream is freezing and hot manu- isest End Hose Co. No, 7, had taken patient to Bronx Veterans Hospital. G return trip they stopped ’ A special event 'that is an 'annual "fxie Diner, Route ZZ, where Hillside squad was stationed. social hall, WESTFIELD—Speaking, at W« feature will be a trip to Central U List Of Graduates field’s official observance of In Members of the Pottstown squad, in group at le t, were guests of Hill id P a rk -o n fJuly.l8 to hear.the corrd :ge J. Hood, Robert J. Hopstetter and William Clay. The Pottstown ambulanc The class of graduates follows! pendence Bay, Monday; in M » Lions Club. cert of-th e-Goldhian-Bahd-in-an-alll “Jane “Adams; —Amiel and Mary ’dowrrskm Park, “ Congressman- H -Victor Herbert program. Walter Ann Amoresano, Carol. Roger and rison A. Williams reminded the. i Summer Comfort Hillside squad in mid-June started the practice of stationing ambulance i i highway, which the New Howell of Hillside is in charge oil Ronald Babcock, Harold, Henry and 'those of us who l -fy First Aid Council tried out all over the state during the holiday weekend. arrangements. Herbert Balzer. Jeffrey Bennet, Ne\ Jen hav parti Bracker, Burt reason to recall the Declari I Rutgers TV Topic Bundgres. Rose Ann Carozza, Wil­ Independence with pride.; Want to make your home more liam Claypool. Diane Devere, Bar­ were five New Jersey sigi Indepehdence ■ find astonish] To Break Ground For Legion’s parallels; Let j think again comfortable- this -summer? Summer bara and Thomas Donson. Alice El- the Declaration-JUchard comfoft Indoors will be the topic -ste."Dale.1 Fazonnc. Karen. Paul and ton,- • John * Witirerspoorr ' servi tude in iig -ta-seg-^ sf h owi markable thos of "A Woman's Work” WATV. ^ U o n l m iv Memorial Amphitheatre Robert Flschle, Robert Francese, Hopkinson, Jo^ j. Hart and channel 13, Thursday, July 7, from len tion Margaret and N.an?y Friedman and: ham' Clark | Only PcnnsylVftT Gary and Irene Gnatz. iraljdom of i TRENTON-^Ground-breaking ex-* Virginia had more signers. William G. Harden, extension A Wise Move Allen.;Graf,. .Carol,. Elaine and erOises tor the $75,000 outdoor mem­ ‘Ehe world today as 4 agent in agricultural engineering Legion Band will give a concert be- jean Hartman, Paul HeldrlCh, Judy of Rutgers University, will be the Cedarhurst Decision No' Solution orial * amphitheatre to be built by Hoerner, Alien, Gall' and Penny July 4, 1776 for the i guest of Mrs, Margaret C. Shepard. -ther-New-Jersey--A-mei*iearn—Legion--- fpre the exercises and furnish mu- -Howa-rth-r—Joyoe—a-nd-—Linda—Hubaiv the North. American Esbox County home agent—seen Ambulances Caution Drivers 8i0 for the program. County LeglonJ Bonnie Huster, Carmen—and Vin- pendence'—but-1 doubt] Lt freedom have won our indepe American Legion Auxiliary,, at the regularly on this program. The Hillside Citizens Committee for Charter Study has acted and Auxiliary delegations will be cent iacullo, Howard Jones, Claire, trly so se- freedom of -others' oi Veterans Administration Hospital, I think It is set forth 1] Mr.
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