Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment A Report on behalf of Redcliffe Homes Ltd October 2015 30 Brock Street Bath BA1 2LN tel: 01225 445548 fax: 01225 312387 [email protected] www.npaconsult.co.uk Redcliffe Homes Ltd Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Scope and Methodology 3.0 Landscape Planning Context 4.0 Landscape Character Baseline 5.0 Visual Context Baseline 6.0 Description of Development and Identification of Potential Impacts of the Scheme 7.0 Assessment of Landscape Character Impacts and Effects 8.0 Assessment of Visual Impacts and Effects 9.0 Cumulative Landscape and Visual Effects 10.0 Summary and Conclusions Figures 1: Designation map 2: Viewpoint location map 3a - 3e: Viewpoint photographs 1-10 Appendices 1: LVIA Assessment Methodology 2: Landscape Character Area Descriptions RH/NPA/10679 NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES 10679 LVIA - October 2015 Redcliffe Homes Ltd Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Nicholas Pearson Associates was appointed to undertake a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment on behalf of Redcliffe Homes to investigate the potential impacts of a proposed residential development at a site located between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham, Wiltshire. The description of development remains as per a previous application on the same site in 2014, however modifications have been made to provide ecological mitigation as required with respects to bats. These modifications comprise: Incorporation of the existing stone wall running north/ south through the site into the scheme, plus a 10m buffer. Provision of 10 – 15m wide dark corridors alongside Park Lane and Bradford Road. Including new hedgerow on along Park Lane and translocation of approximately 140m of the northern boundary hedgerow 3m inward on Bradford Road 1.2 The Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Report describes the existing landscape conditions and setting of the Site area, hereafter referred to as the Site, and provides an analysis of its landscape and visual characteristics. This report will form part of the information submitted in support of an outline planning application for the Site. 1.3 Relevant landscape planning policies applicable to the Site are noted. Key design proposals are described and the potential landscape impact and significance of developing the Site is assessed. Landscape mitigation and enhancement measures, together with any residual impacts, are identified. 1.4 The appraisal process draws on the principles set out in ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment’, produced by the Landscape Institute and Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment, 2013. Field survey work was undertaken in July and August 2013. 1.5 The baseline conditions have been reviewed from previously and are considered to remain valid for the purposes of this LVIA and the application. RH/NPA/10679 1/23 NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES 10679 LVIA - October 2015 Redcliffe Homes Ltd Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham 2.0 SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY 2.1 The methodology for this LVIA draws upon guidance provided in the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment and Landscape Institute (LI/IEMA) document, ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment’ (LI/IEMA 2013). For full assessment methodology see Appendix 1. 2.2 Visits to the Site and local surroundings was undertaken in July and August 2013 and photographs were taken using digital photography. In certain instances, the photographs have been digitally ‘stitched’ together to provide panoramic photographs. 2.3 For clarity throughout this section, the term ‘landscape’ has been used to describe all combinations of, and relationships between, built form, surrounding ‘open’/undeveloped space and other natural and man-made features within the Site location. 2.4 Landscape is defined in the European Landscape Convention, as follows: ‘...an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors’. 2.5 Landscape character is described by the physical parameters and features of a locality, which are characteristic of, and define the locality. An evaluation of the character is made to identify the most valued areas and those displaying high quality characteristics. 2.6 Visual considerations relate specifically to the views of a landscape afforded to people. These separate but related issues form the basis for landscape character and visual impact assessment (LVIA). 2.7 Mitigation has been an integral part of the design process, and as such is ‘primary mitigation’. The key aspects of the mitigation are referenced as appropriate throughout the report. 2.8 A detailed description of the methodology is provided for reference in Appendix A. Wiltshire Council have been consulted in relation to the selection of appropriate viewpoints for the assessment. RH/NPA/10679 2/23 NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES 10679 LVIA - October 2015 Redcliffe Homes Ltd Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham 3.0 LANDSCAPE PLANNING CONTEXT 3.1 The overall planning context is found in the Planning Statement and will not be reproduced in this report. However policies of particular relevance to the Site in relation to landscape and visual qualities have been carried are outlined as follows: National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 3.2 The following references within the NPPF are important in informing an appraisal of the Site and assessing the implications of development: Section 7, Requiring good design, Paragraph 58 states that planning policies and decisions should aim to ensure that developments: ‘establish a strong sense of place, using streetscapes and buildings to create attractive and comfortable places to live, work and visit; respond to local character and history, and reflect the identity of local surroundings and materials, while not preventing or discouraging appropriate innovation; create safe and accessible environments (which) are visually attractive as a result of good architecture and appropriate landscaping’. Section 11, Conserving and enhancing the natural environment, Paragraph 114 states: ‘Local planning authorities should set out a strategic approach in their Local Plans, planning positively for the creation, protection, enhancement and management of networks of biodiversity and green infrastructure’. 3.3 The proposed development provides 170 residential development with a community hall/doctors/dentists in close proximity to the centre of Corsham, providing new residential amenity and resources which will support the existing, surrounding residential communities. In relation to such development the NPPF guides the design to respond to local character, create safe accessible environments, enhance and manage green infrastructure. RH/NPA/10679 3/23 NICHOLAS PEARSON ASSOCIATES 10679 LVIA - October 2015 Redcliffe Homes Ltd Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Land between Bradford Road and Park Lane, Corsham North Wiltshire Local Plan 3.4 The Wiltshire Core Strategy is currently in preparation. Current local guidance includes the local plans produced by the former district councils. The site is within the area covered by the North Wiltshire Local Plan 2011. A number of ‘saved’ policies with relevance to the proposals are contained within the Local Plan, those relevant to landscape and conservation include: NE10 Managing nature conservation features; NE11 Conserving biodiversity; NE14 Trees, site features and the control of new development; NE15 Conserving the landscape character of the countryside. Policy NE3, a former policy of the North Wiltshire Local Plan relating to the Rural Buffer, is no longer a saved policy and is therefore no longer relevant guidance. The separate Planning Statement covers planning policy in further detail. Wiltshire Core Strategy (WCS) 3.5 The core strategy includes two policies which are of consideration for this development, these include Core Policy 51 ‘Landscape’ and 57 ‘Ensuring high quality design and place shaping’. In relation to landscape, the policy advises that ‘Proposals should be informed by and sympathetic to the distinctive character areas identified in the relevant Landscape Character Assessments’. Character assessments which encompass the Site location are discussed in section 4.0 of this report. Policy 57 states ‘Development is expected to create a strong sense of place through drawing on the local context and being complimentary to the locality’, the proposals have been developed taking the specific local context into consideration, giving the opportunity for an informed, responsive design. Planning Practice Guidance: Design (ID 26) 3.6 Recent planning guidance on design, updated March 2014, sets out how good design can affect a range of economic, social and environmental objectives. The guidance advices on the promotion of local character including landscape setting. In response to the guidance, it is important that the proposals respond to and reinforce locally distinctive patterns of development, to include taking into account the Sites landform and local heritage resource. Potential methods of enhancing local distinctiveness can be through ‘the use of local materials, building methods and detail’s which can be ‘used in evolutionary local design, and… in more
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