LOCf DOSE’S 'Dreadful Vifit* An: Or A Co'uection of All che Bills of Mortality yf F&r reienc^Yea^; aLa . jf Beginning the 2o th or and ending rhe ipth.of December following: As alfo, The Cy ElSf E A L or whole years DILL : According to the Report made to the King’s Moft Excellent Majcfty, By the Company of Parifh-Clerks of London, &c l u D o 2^: Printed and are to fold by E, Cotes living in Alderfgate-flreet: Printer to che laid Company i 6 6k, The Printer the Reader. t Courteous (Reader, Prefume that the Candor of thy Ingenuity is fiich, 1 IpS*, that thou wilt not rafaly condemn me of 1m- St821 prudence in the Reprinting thefe /ad facets. Firft undcrftand the Reafons moving me SiPV thereunto, and then I am fomewhat confi- dent that thou wilt Approve ofmy Defign. I know that Romances and Play-books too much gratifie che Humours of the Populace j but humble and lincere with Delight recall to mindcGods Mercies, and with Awfulnds tremble at His Judgments: Behold, the enfuing Papers will afflft thy Meditation in both: Confider His Mercy to 7 hce Mee that we are in the Land of the to )Vo'rk and , yet Living, cut our Salvation V?ith Fear and Irembling: His ‘judgments on many Jheufands in or near this City, whom He hath in . One. year foept altay with the fiee/ome of a Temporal 'DeJlruElton : O let us not imagine, that they were greater Sinners than we the Survivors! for, Except “toefpeedily and fmoufay Pepent, V?e faall all hke'tot/eperip?, either CertitudmePrenre: but I am a Printer no Preacher $ I fhall therelorc wave fuch DKcourfe,. and briefly, yet perlpicuoufly, rentier a taithfull Account, why I undertook this Publication. In the year 1615. the ftroke of the Lords hand was heavy upon this City and Suburbs, which year was ever fince called: To the ‘Reader The Great (Plague: Now though thou haft teen probably fe- veral Printed General Reports, given in by the Parijh Clerks in am not able to Recover all that year ; yet I the particular Weekly Bills thereof; the fight of them hath been much defircd thefe times-, but it is beyond my power, as yet, to anfwer mens ex- pectations. That Pofterity may not any more be at fucli a lofs, I refolved to communicate unto the Nation, theft fubft- quent leaves: In all humility befteching the Omnipotent, to conferr upon us,(uch an uniforme and cordial Repentance that every one of us may fearchoutthe Plague oi his own Heart and Brain, and Purge our [elves, by Hisgratious afliftance, from all filthinefs of Befh and Spirit ■ that fo He may in the riches of His tender Compaflion, return in favour to this finful City, and reftore Health to our Habitations: That neither the Phyfitians of our Souls or Bodies, may hereafter in fuch great numbers forfake us, and that neithermy felf, or any other ofmy Profefiion, may have occafion,for the future, to Print iuch Dreadful lines, ! London * From the 20 of December to the 27, • I664. I • ' i i Bur. Flag. Bur. Flag, Bur. Pkg* S' A Lban Woodftrcet- S' George Botolphlane— S' Martin Ludgatc——— — JL\.Alhallows Barking 2 S' Gregory by S' Pauls— 2 S' MartinOrg&rs — 2 j iTiinailow's oreaaitreer— S' Jamp* Flukes p|»rr— I 2 Alhallows Horvhnc S' James Garlickhitho— S' Matthew Fridav-lrect- Alhallows Lelie— 2 S' John Baptift l S' Maudlin Milkftreet— Alhallows Lumbardftreet 2 S' John Evangclilt--—-< S' Maudlu: OldBihftrcet- I Alhaliows Stayning- S' John Zachary S' Mich? : Bali: haw— I Alhallows the Wall S' Katharine Coleman— S' Michael Cornhil 1 — S' Alphagc — ■ S' Katharine Ctcchurch- S' Michael Crookcdlane I S c Andrew Htrbbard I S' Lawrence Jewry I S' Michael Qucenhithe- S' Andrew Underihaft— I S' Lawrence Pcruntncy— S' Michael Quern c ! S Andrew Wardrobe -— 3 S' Leonard Eaftcheap S' Michael Roval r S' Am Alderfgate 1 S' Leonard Foftcrlanc— S' Michael Woodftrcet- r2 S’ 1 Ann Blackfryers- S' Magnus Parifh— — I S' Mildred Brcadftrccr— S r Atulioiins Parifh S' Margaret Lothbury— S' Mildred Poultrcy I S' Auftins Parifh S' Margaret Mofcs- S' Nicholas Aeons- S' BartholomcwExchange S' Margaret Newfifhftre. I S' Nicholas Colcabby— 3 S' Bcnncc F nek S' Margaret Pattons S' Nicholas Oiaves 1 S' Bcnnet Graccchurch- S' Mary Abchurch- S' Oiave H-mftreet Sc Bennct Pauifrrharf-— 3 S' Mary Aldcrmanbury- S' Oiave Jewry S' Bcnncc Shcrchog S' Mary Aldcrmary- I S' Oiave Silverftrcct 2 — 1 S' Botolph Billingfgate- iS' Mary 1c Bow- S' Pancras Sopcrlanc— 2 S' Chriftophcrs — S' Mary Colcchurch— S' Peter Cornhil- ■— S c Clement Eaftcheap-— S' Mary Hill-— .— S' Peter Paulfwharf x 1 S' Dunftan Eaft- 1 S' Mary Sommerfec- S' Steven CoJcmanftrect « S' Edmund Lumbardftr. 1 S' Mary Stayning-— S' Steven Walbrook— 1 S' Ethelbccough- 1 S' Mary Woolchutch— I S' Swithin - ■ n S' Faith S' Marv Woolnoth —— —— 1 St*Foftcr- 3 S'Martin Iremongcrlanc Trinity Parifh— — S' Gabriel Fen-church-— Buried in tbt 97 Parijhet within the "alls s - 60 Plague- — O S' Andrew Holhcrr l 9 S' Botolph Aldgatt 12 Saviours Southwark 8 1 S' Bartholomew Great-— 5 S' Botolph Bifhoprgacc— 9 S Sepulchres parifh- •’ z 1 1 1 S' Bartholomew Lefts-— a S' Dunftan Weft — 3 S' Thomas Southwark— — z I S' Bridget * S' George Southwark— Trinity Minories— | * j Bridewel Prednd 1 S' Giles Cripplcgatc— 7 At the Pcfthoufc — | * l S' Botolph Aldcrlgatc— 1S' Oiavc Southwark- 4 1 Buried in tbs 1 6 Pari(hts without the tVaXs. and at tbt Peftbiufe— 12 $ Phgir— 0 ■— S' Giles in the fields c 4 I Lambeth Parifh— 2 S' Mary Iflington — 1 Hackney Parifh S' Leonard Shoreditch— 9 S' Marv Whicechappcl- 8 S' James Clerkcnwcl— 3 S' Magdalen Bcrmondfey f Rochorirh Pa-rift;- — S' K&th. near the Tower 4 S' Mary Newington Stepney Parifh — 18 turkd in tbt 12 tut Parifhet I* Mrddiefc* and Surrcr - 67 Plague—— I 1 Martin in ll . 3' Clement Danes 8 1 IS' the fields— 7 ( S' Margaret Weftminfler 1 14 1 : Paul Covent Garden*- 1 (S Mary Savoy-- ’-"—I 1 Waeretf at ibz Pcfthoufc—■ Buncd in the £ in the City and libertirstf Wcftminftcr-— 3 9 Plague— O .. J "The Difeafes and C afualties this Wee\, Jaundies — x Infants-— —-— 1Q Killed in a Crane at Alhallows 1 Barking — , Kingfevil—: —. — t Overlaid * 1 Pallic —— 1 Plague 1 - 2 Kickcis , j ABortiveAged — 23 Riling of the Lights 5 * — Apoplcxie 2 Scurvy — 1 Canker 1 Sore Breft — 1 Childbed— . 5 Spotted Fcavcr-——■■ . 1 Chrifomcs 6 Stilbora —— S Confumptkm- — Stone * 1 Convulfion 2 3 Stopping of the ftomach 3 Dropfie —■ 15 Suddenly 3 Executed-- —1 Surfeit * 4 Feavcr- * 2 9 Teeth 17 Plot and Small-pox— — 23 Thrufh — 1 French-pox- 1 Xiflick — 2 Griping in the Guts 2 i. Winde * 1 Headache —> *—* 1 Wormes ———— 2 Me^d-ipould-fbot——* t :Malea—~. ntf | Males—— 144“ Cbrtftned' IFemales— r 13 Buried Females—J 147* Plague— t Lin all —* 22y . In all 29 1 1 Occrcalcd in the Burials this Week 24 Plague Paridies clear ofthe -t 2 o Parishes Infedfced — I Lord Mdor g Aflize of Bread jetforth by Ordert cf the and Court of penny Whcatcn Loaf to contain Eleven Ounces r and three half-penny White Loaves the like weight. i London 2 From the 27 ot December to the 3 ofJanuary. 1664 Bur. Plag. Bur. Plag. Bur. jPJa S' A Lban Woodftreet- 2 S' George Bocolphlane— S' Martin Ludgatc- 2 XLAlhailows Barking I S' Gregory bj S' Pauls— 4 S' Martin Orgars——— Aiiuiiow lirciuiuCCL Dukes 1 itimiiv TV Q VJfltcLL-" S' James place— Alhallows Honylanc S' James' Garliekhithe— 1 S' Matthew Fridavftrect- 11 Alhallows Lumbardftreec I S' John Evangelift- S' MaudlinOUfiftiftrcet-* Alhallows Stayning- S' John Zachary I S' Michael Baliilhaw-— Alhallows the Wail S' Katharine Coleman— S' Michael Cornhil S' Alphage S' Katharine Crcchurch- S' Michael Crookedlane S' Andrew Hubbard I S' Lawrence Jewry S' Michael Quccnhiche- Sc Andrew llnderlhaft— 2 S' Lawrence Poaintney— S' Michael Quern I S' Andrew Wardrobe — S' Leonard Eaftchcap I S' Michael Koyal T4 S' Ann Aldcrfgatc S' Leonard Folicrlanc— I S' Michael Woodftreet- 2 ' S' AnnBlackfryas- 4 S' Magnus Parilh 3 S' Mildred Hrcadftrcct— S' Anrholins Parifti S' Margaret Lothbury— 1 S' Mildred Poultrcy S c M,arg»rer Mofes-— i S' BartholomewExchange S' Margaret Ncwfifhftrc. S' Nicholas Colcabby—- S' Bcnncc Fynck 2 S' Margaret Pattons S' Nicholas Olaves S' Bcnncc Graccchurch- S' Mary Abchurch- 1 S' Olavc Harcftrcct- 2 S c Bcnncc Pan I {wharf-— z S' Mary Aldermanbury- S' Olavc Jewry S' Bcnncc Shcrehog I S' Mary Aldcrmary. 2 S' Olavc Silverftreer 2 S'-Botolph BilUnifgatc- 2 S' Mary Ic Bow S' Pancras Sopcilanc-— — ' Cbrift Church I S' Mary Bochaw S' Peter Cheap — S' Chriftophers S' Mary Colcchurch-— S' Peter Cornhil 1 j v/iciiithi tLAUcacap- S' Dionis Backchurcn-— I S' Mary Moimthaw 1 S' Peter Poor- —— 3 S' Dunftan Eaft- 3 S' Mary Sommerfet 1 S' Steven Colcmanftrcet 2 S' Edmund Lumbardftr. S' Mary Stayning— S' Steven Walbrook-— Sc Ethclbotough- S' Mary Woolchurch— S' Swithin S' Fofter—■ 1 — — S' Martin Iremongcrlanc 1 3 . S' Gabriel Fcnchurch-— * 1 Buried in the 97Ptrifhes within the if nils - 66 Pldg*f<- O S' Holbctn IS'Botolph Aldgare • l 7 Saviours Southwark 10 Andrew 17 L S' Bartholomew Great— 1 ,^ Bocolph Bifhcpigate— io S Sepulchres Parilh l 7 S E Bartholomew Lefle— 2 Dunftan Wm —• 7 S' Thomas Southwark— 3 — S' Bridget — 5 (S' George Southwark— 3 Trinity Wineries Bridcwel Prccind; j S Gilc s Cripplcgnc— 23 At the Pefthcufe S' Bocolph Aldcrfgatc— 6 S' Oiave Southwark-— 15 Buried in the 16 P tribes withtut the H’tUs, tend u the Pefthtufe-— I y6 PUgltf- O Sl Giles in the fields-— 16 Lambeth Parilh 4 S' Mary Iflingcon- 1 1 Hackney Parilh- 6 S' Lconard’Shorcditch— ) S' Mary Whircchappcl- r 7 S' James Clerktnwcl— 9 S' Magdalen Hermondlcy 4 HorhofithWrii h- S' Kath.
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