mmm 'Afar/ THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUENAL-SILVEB "ANNIVEESARY EDITION. ~f$ fT&tVpW# -It: « GRIGSBY WILL THE JIM GROW GARS SILK LEAOIRf •? TUB NORYMWBaT H1.QO Reward It U Our Aim to ad­ |J vertise our goods ^. ; - Maryland's Stand in Their Favor ~ bystraightforw'rd t - HAVE FAIR PLAY statements and to guard against do. May Create a National f " ception of any The President Will Stand by Him ,T kind. We will glad­ Election Issue. ly pay $1 to first Electric Mghted-OjHorra- parson reportingto tion Cars, to Portland, Ore., via 'ii? Until All Charges Are Staffi^Tr*--* •••«••••*•.- ?&$%&Carteton. • our Mr.Mosher any Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma misrepresentation. Paeiflo Express Proven. Pennsylvania Member May Intro­ Fargo,Helenn, Butte, Spokane, Seattle, Tacoma, Portland duce a Bill in Congress Pro­ Fargo and Leech Lake Local iJ Btr. Cloud, Little Falls, Brain- Attorney General Knox Thought to hibiting Their Use, •rd, Walker, Bemidjl, Fargo.... Dakota and Manitoba Express i'f Be Unfriendly to the . Fergus Falls, Wahpeton, Moorhead, Fargo, (Jamestown From the Journal Bureau, Colorado Building, Dally Ex. Saturday), Crookston, ** ' Rough Rider. - Washington. Grand Forks, Grafton, Winnipeg Washington, Nov. 26.—All signs now indicate that the rajce Issue between From the Journal Bureau, Colorado Building, the two great parties will reach a "Diilutb Short Line" Washingtoa. more clean-cut phase in the railroad TRAINS TO »?f Washington, Nov. 26.—The history world than elsewhere, and the point at DULUTH AND SUPERIOR ilNDVEMBER3Dl of last winter's trip to Washington of Two Days' Sale which the lines will intersect will be •Dally. tBx. 8unday. Melven Grigsby, United States marshal the "Jim Crow" car. In Maryland, NOTE.—Ail trains use the Union Station, St. gPL, QAM «r< *•&£ at Nome, points to very hard sledding which is a border state and therefore Paul, and Union 8tat!on In Minneapolis. on his part in his present difficulties, good fighting ground, the democrats Friday and Saturday unless there is a very radical change in are discussing legislation requiring TICKET OFFICE MfimWfft the attitude of the department of jus­ separate accommodations for negroes tice. It will be recalled that at that and whites on the same trains, such Very Great* Reductions—All the more remarkable on account of the high grade of the time Grigsby was charged with hav­ as are found on southern railroads shoes—for every shoe is of solid leather thru and t*hru. ing absented himself from his post generally. If the Maryland legislature J^QREAT NORTHERN without leave of absence. So con­ should enact such a law, an attempt Shoes for Skating, School, Dress and House Wear—Shoes for very little children, for vinced was Attorney General Knox of will be made to enforce it, of course, the truth of the charge that he went on the Pennsylvania and Baltimore & girls, for boys and for women. Many of the shoes are of the famous Dugan & Hudson Office. 800 Nie. Phone. Main 860. Union Depot so far as to recommend to the presi­ Ohio railroads in their traffic between make—the best shoe for children in the world. All are arranged in seven lots—-. t: dent that Grigsby be dismissed. But Leave 'Daily. tEx. Sunday. Arrive. the New England and middle Atlantic + 9:00 am St. Cloud, Fergus Falls, Fargo, f 4:55pm hard work on the part of Grigby's' states and the District of Columbia. Babies* shoes and house Girls' extra fine, hand welt tMfcOQam .. .Tintah. Aberdeen, Fargo... T 6:40pm friends prevented the president from If the Jim Crow faction should pre­ Lot, No. 1— removing him, and he went back to vail, every thru train from Boston, slippers, sizes 1 to 6, inclu­ Lot No. 5— box calf, and women's low MliOl Flyer to Paolfle Ooast IOIIO Nome last spring with clear skirts, and New York or Philadelphia to this city sive; black kid, red and heel, and boys' enameled am i Wilbnar, S. Falls. S. City, t pm no charges on file at the department. would be compelled, on reaching the Special, 79c Special, $1.99 tlOtOOam (Watertown.Browns Valley i t 6;40pn» pat. leather, w'th to $1.35. leather shoes, worth to $3. t 8:05 pm .Princeton, Milaca, Duluth.. tl2:4Qj>m Just before the season closed in Maryland boundary, if not before, to t 6:10pm ... Wayzata and Hutchinson... t 8:65pm 1902. Grigsby had some cases pending take on an extra car divided into com­ partments for white and colored pas­ Children's and little men's Girls* and women's low before the federal court at Nome in Lot. No. 2— fine, heavy shoes; women's felt *8i2Q /Winnipeg Express •7»« which the evidence of certain per­ sengers respectively, or an exclusive Lot No. 6— heel, hand welt skating pm am sons residing in the states was needed. negro car. shoes and slippers, girls' house * 6:0: 'uget Sound Expresf •Si1« Special, 99c slippers in pat. leather and red; boots, with glove fitting pm .Montana and Pacific Coast.. pm He wrote the department, asking for What is more, the law would be as Special, $2.19 * 8:40pi Breck.. Fargo. G. Forks.... ' 6:65am leave of absence, without stating his strictly enforced against whites rid­ women's Turkish slippers and top, sizes 11& to 6, regular * 8;40p. /illmar, S-Falls. Yank.,S. Citj » 9:55am reasons'for wanting to leave the ing in the negro compartment or cars, boys' moccasins, worth to $1.75. * 8:40 p .innesota and Dakota Ezpres ' 6:66am country. L,ater he informed the de­ as against negroes riding in the parts $3.00 and $3.50. * 9:30 a * 7:59pm partment of the necessity for securing of the train set apart exclusively for Children's, girls' and little men's, •11:47p Gopher state fcxpressi ' 6:45am t 3:05p. \i2:40pm the evidence to complete his cas<»Vand Caucasian use. Every conductor would Lot No. 3— most every size in the lot, from Dugan & Hudson shoes (. .Minneapolis to Duluth..) requested instructions. He received a be held responsible for violations of 6 to 2, including girls' and chil­ Lot No. 7— only in this lot, for school Sleeper for 11:47 train ready at 9 p.m. reply to the second letter first, in the law. As it takes a residence of sev­ Special, $1.49 dren's skating boots> enameled or dress, made of vici kid, which he was instructed to use his own eral years in the south and constant leather, vici kid, Dugan & Hudson Special, $2.39 judgment. Later a denial of his appli­ cdntact with negroes and mixed-bloods patent leather and calfskin, cation for leave of absence reached to enable the most intelligent person dress shoes, and children's 4-strap Roman dancing slip­ ORTH-WESTERN IINEI him. In a quandry, and the season in any walk of life to distinguish pers, worth to $2.50. sizesi-.Ui tbf5, w'th to $3.50. being nearly closed, he acted on his between certain erratic mixtures and 16. £fc £».M.acxRY.i •1 -;* best judgment and came to the states the pure Caucasian race, every con­ The Banner Lot—Shoes for children, girls, boys and women, in box calf, ,r and got a lot of evidence, which he ductor would have to be what Presi­ Ticket Office, 600 Nicollet. Phone. 240. Mala* Lot No. 4- vici kid, enameled and patent leather, girls' 5-strap Roman dancing slip­ ___—_—.— i« carried back to Nome this spring. dent Roosevelt denominated Conductor •Ex. Sunday. Others Daily. | Leave. | Arrives Upon arriving at Washington he was E. E. Clark of the anthracite arbitra­ Special, $1.79 pers; there are a good many Dugan & Hudson shoes in this lot; also wo­ Chicago, Milw'kee, Madison. 7:50 am 10:80 pm confronted with the department's de­ tion commission—an eminent sociolo­ men's low heel, box calf shoes; fine 3-strap slippers and seamless comfort Chicago—Fast Mail 6:00 pm 10:00 an» nial of permission to leave Nome and gist. shoes, regular $2.50 grade. North-Western Limt'd > 8:00 7:35 asked to give his reasons for leaving, The question comes up at once, in Chicago, Milw'kee, Madison J pm on which he did, but that was not satis­ touching on such a matter, how far a Chicago—Atlantic Express.. 10:20 pm factory, and his removal was recom­ state legislature, in enacting a Jim Duluth, Superior, Ashland.. *7:86 am 5:20 pm mended for disobedience of regulations Crow law to be administered on all Twilight. Limited ) 4:00 and the specific orders of the depart­ railroads in the state, would be tres­ Overshoes, Leggins and Felt Slippers Duluth. Superior, Ashland. } pm pm ment. passing on ground reserved • by the Elmore, Algona, Des Moines *7:10 am •8:10 pm constitution for congress. In these Elmore, Algona, Des Moines 7:30 pm 8.80 am President Roosevelt, however, after JiewUlm, Tracy, Watertown 9:06 am 8:10 pm hearing all the evidence, decided that days of combination, the railroads con­ For All Ages. Sioux City, Omaha, Blk Hills »7:10 am 8:10 am Grigsby should remain in the service. fining their traffic wholly within the L Su City, Omaha, Kan. Cy. 9:05 am 8:10 pm Going back a ye"ar or two to the time boundaries of a single state are com­ Watertown, Huron, Bedfield 8:80 pm 8:80 am paratively few, and the instant one Worthington, Mitchell, Su F 8:80 pm &:8aaat when Grigsby was appointed t| his 8:10 present position, it can be stated on run its tracks across a state line it Omaha Limited ) 7:30 authority that it was done in opposi­ passes into the pale of strictly federal r Sioux City, Omaha, Colorado y pm am tion to the wishes of Attorney General regulation.
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