Datuk Tan Kok Liang Sales and Service Tax (SST) Birth of A Caribbean Hopeful Proposal to the Awarded as Best Tourism – does 10% and 6% equal Princess? Ministry of Transport Industry Leader 2018 16%? ™ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MALAYSIAN ASSOCIATION OF TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENTS OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 PP13679/04/2013(033458) MATTA Would Walk 100 Miles, and then 100 More... Trudging along to Visit Malaysia Year 2020 with RM100 million Matching Grant announced from Budget 2019; we have much work to do. MATTA EVENTS & ACTIVITIES ON PAGE 24 Suara Matta | PB WhyWhyWhy Malaysia? Malaysia? Malaysia? Statistically, Statistically, Statistically, Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Tourists Tourists Tourists Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals are areamong among are the among topthe intop the the in top destinationthe in destination the destination countries countries countries in 2017. in 2017. For in 2017. Forexample, example, For example, Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia was was ranked wasranked 1st ranked with 1st with the1st withthe the Why Malaysia? most tourists from a single country to Brunei, 2nd place in Thailand, 3rd in Indonesia and so on. Malaysian presence is also making waves further in the Asian Pacific nations mostmost tourists tourists from from a single a single country country to Brunei, to Brunei, 2nd place2nd place in Thailand, in Thailand, 3rd in 3rd Indonesia in Indonesia and soand on. so Malaysian on. Malaysian presence presence is also is alsomaking making waves waves further further in the in Asian the Asian Pacific Pacific nations nations like likein Australia inlike Australia in Australia and and South Southand Korea South Korea as Korea the as 7ththe as most7th the most 7th tourists most tourists touriststo visit to visit in to the visitin samethe in same the year. same year. The year. Thefollowing followingThe following are arethe rankingsthe are rankings the rankings of Malaysian of Malaysian of Malaysian arrivals arrivals arrivalscategorised categorised categorised by country by country by countryin 2017. in 2017. in 2017. Statistically, Malaysian Tourists Arrivals are among the top in the destination countries in 2017. For example, Malaysia 1st 1st 1st 2nd2nd2nd 3rd3rd 3rd 4th4th 4th 5th5th 5th 6th6th 6th 7th7th 7th THAILANDTHAILANDTHAILAND INDONESIA SINGAPORE CHINA* TAIWAN HONG KONG VIETNAM was ranked 1st with the most tourists INDONESIAINDONESIA SINGAPORESINGAPORE CHINA*CHINA* TAIWANTAIWAN HONGHONG KONG KONG VIETNAMVIETNAM 3.353.35 M3.35 M M 1.241.24 M1.24 M M 1.171.17 M1.17 M M 1.1651.165 M1.165 M M 528,019528,019528,019 516,701516,701516,701 480,456480,456480,456 tourists tourists from a single country to Brunei, 2nd place touriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists Why Malaysia?Statistically,Statistically, Statistically,Statistically, Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Tourists Tourists Tourists Tourists Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals are are are among among are among among the the the top top the top in in top the inthe thein destination destination the destination destination countries countries countries countries in in 2017. in2017. 2017.in 2017.For For For example, example, For example, example, Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia was was was ranked wasranked ranked ranked 1st 1st 1st with with 1st with the withthe the the WhyWhyWhy Malaysia?Malaysia? Malaysia? Ranked Arrivals Malaysian Malaysian Arrivals Ranked Arrivals Malaysian Ranked Arrivals Malaysian mostmostmost mosttourists tourists intourists touristsThailand, from from from froma a single singlea single a3rd single country country countryin country Indonesia to to Brunei,to Brunei, Brunei,to Brunei, 2nd 2nd 2ndand place place2nd place so place in in Thailand, inon.Thailand, Thailand,in Thailand, 3rd 3rd 3rd in in 3rd Indonesia inIndonesia Indonesiain Indonesia and and and so soand soon. on. soon. Malaysian Malaysian on. Malaysian Malaysian presence presence presence presence is is also isalso alsois making alsomaking making making waves waves waves waves further further further further in in the inthe thein Asian Asian the Asian Asian Pacific Pacific Pacific Pacific nations nations nations nations Malaysian Arrivals Ranked Arrivals Malaysian Statistically,Statistically,Statistically,Statistically, Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Malaysian Tourists Tourists Tourists Tourists Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals Arrivals are are are among among are among among the the the top top the top in in topthe inthe the indestination destination the destination destination countries countries countries countries in in 2017. in2017. 2017. in For 2017. For For example, example, For example, example, Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia Malaysia was was was ranked rankedwas ranked ranked 1st 1st 1stwith with 1stwith the thewith the the likelikelike in inlike Australia inAustralia Australiain Australia and and and South Southand South South Korea Korea Korea Korea as as asthe the asthe 7th 7th the 7th most most 7th most mosttourists tourists tourists tourists to to visitto visit visitto in visitin the inthe thein same same the same same year. year.Why Whyyear.Why year.The TheWhy The following followingThe Malaysia? Malaysia?following Malaysia? following Malaysia? are are are the the are the rankings rankings the rankings rankings of of Malaysianof Malaysian Malaysianof Malaysian arrivals arrivals arrivals arrivals categorised categorised categorised categorised by by bycountry country bycountry country in in 2017. in2017. 2017.in 2017. Malaysian presence is also making waves Why Malaysia?mostmostmost touristsmost tourists tourists tourists from from from a from a single single a single a Statistically,single country country country country to to Brunei, toBrunei, Brunei, to Brunei, Malaysian 2nd 2nd 2nd place place 2nd place placein in Thailand, inThailand, Tourists Thailand, in Thailand, 3rd 3rd 3rd in Arrivalsin 3rdIndonesia inIndonesia Indonesia in Indonesia and areand and so so andamong on.so on. soon. Malaysian Malaysian on. Malaysian Malaysianthe presence toppresence presence presencein the is is also isalso destination also is making makingalso making making waves waves waves waves countries further further further further in in the inthe the inAsian Asian the Asian2017. AsianPacific Pacific Pacific For Pacific nations nations nationsexample, nations Malaysia was ranked 1st with the further in the Asian Pacific nations like likelikelike in inlike Australia inAustralia Australia in Australia and and and South South and South South Korea Korea Korea Korea as as theas the theas 7th 7th the 7th most most 7th most touristsmost tourists tourists tourists to Whyto visit tovisit visit to in invisit the Malaysia?inthe the insame same the same sameyear. year. year. The year. The The following following Statistically,The following following are are are the Malaysianthe are the rankings rankings the rankings rankings Tourists of of Malaysian ofMalaysian Malaysian of Arrivals Malaysian arrivals arrivals are arrivals arrivals among categorised categorised categorised the categorised top byin by the countryby country countrybydestination country in in 2017. in2017. 2017. in countries 2017. in 2017. For example, Malaysia was ranked 1st with the most tourists from a single country to Brunei, 2nd place in Thailand, 3rd in Indonesia and so on. Malaysian presence is also making waves further in the Asian Pacific nations 8th8th 8th 9th9th 9th most tourists10th10th from10th a single country11th to11th Brunei,11th 2nd place in Thailand,12th12th 3rd12th in Indonesia and13th so13th on. Malaysian13th presence14th is14th also14th making waves further in the Asian Pacific nations 1st1st1stin1st Australia and2nd2nd 2ndSouth2nd Korea as the3rd3rd3rd 7th3rdlike in Australia4th4th4th 4thand South Korea5th5th5th as5th the 7th most tourists6th6thlike6th6th in Australia to visit and in South the7th7th7th Koreasame7th as year.the 7th mostThe touristsfollowing to visit are in the the same rankings year. The following of Malaysian are the rankings arrivals of Malaysian categorised arrivals categorised by country by country in 2017. in 2017. JAPANJAPANJAPAN AUSTRALIAAUSTRALIAAUSTRALIA INDIA*INDIA*INDIA* SOUTHSOUTHSOUTH KOREA KOREA KOREA MACAO*MACAO*MACAO* CAMBODIACAMBODIACAMBODIA PHILIPPINESPHILIPPINESPHILIPPINES THAILAND INDONESIA SINGAPORE CHINA*439,500 TAIWAN396,400 301,961 279,558 222,809 179,316 143,556 THAILANDTHAILANDmostTHAILAND tourists toINDONESIAINDONESIA visitINDONESIA in the same SINGAPOREyear.SINGAPORESINGAPORE 1st1stCHINA*CHINA*1st1stCHINA*439,500439,5002nd2ndTAIWAN2ndTAIWAN2ndTAIWAN396,400396,4003rdHONG3rdHONG3rdHONG3rdHONG KONGKONG KONG KONG301,961301,9614th4thVIETNAM4thVIETNAMVIETNAM4thVIETNAM279,558279,5585th5th5th5th 222,809222,8096th6th6th6th 179,316179,3167th7th7th7th 143,556143,556 3.353.353.353.35 MM M M MM M M 1.17 MM M M 1.1651.1651.1651.165 MM M Mtouriststouriststourists528,019528,019528,019528,019touriststouriststourists516,701516,701516,701516,701touriststouriststourists480,456480,456480,456480,456touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists touriststouriststourists Thetouriststouriststourists touristsfollowing are thetouriststouriststourists tourists touriststouriststouriststourists THAILANDTHAILANDtouristsTHAILANDtouriststouristsTHAILANDtourists INDONESIAINDONESIAINDONESIAtouriststouristsINDONESIAtouriststourists SINGAPORESINGAPORESINGAPOREtouriststouristsSINGAPOREtouriststourists CHINA*CHINA*touristsCHINA*touriststouristsCHINA*tourists
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