HE.;:~SHE I " PRESENTS AUGUST 23, 25 & 26 2631 RICHMOND HOUSTON OVER SI,500 IN CASH AND PRIZES FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE: (713) 850-1007 \\911 CONTENTS -. ----- Volume 9, Number 18 July 22-28, 1983 11 TWTNEWS _ Domestic Privacy Ordinance, AIDS Breakthrough, AHRC Growth 23 COMMENT-------- _ Public Forum 29 PERSPECTlVE _ Good Lesbians and Betty Butch by 0 Flores Alvarez 33 BOOKS _ In Search of God in the Sexual Underworld Reviewed by David Fields 38 MOVIES _ Stayk19 Alive Reviewed by Harry Deutsch 40 SHOWBIZ _ Jacqueline Bisset, Burt Reynolds . by Weldon Grahame 43 ENTERTAINMENT- TEXAS _ Delio Stewart at the Tower, Diona Ross by Rob Clark A Short Story by Paul Beguiristain Illustration by Randy Ruhlman 57 HOTTEA _ New Clubs Open, Cruise Camero by Chuck 63 SPORTS _ Summer Gomes by Cheryl Chamberlain 69 STARSCOPE _ July Full Moon by Milton von Stern 81 CALENDAA _ Special One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 83 CLASSIFIED _ Wont Ads and Notices 91 THE GUIDE _ Texas Business I Club Directory TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises, Inc., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713) 527·9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organiz ation in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $60 per year; $40 per half-year. Rates cover cost of first-class postage. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston, Texas. Copyright © 1983 by Mon- trose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, 'news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. TWT JULY 22 - 28, 1983 PAGE 7 At Fitness Exchange we help you Two 'fays: First: We tailor a program to meet your special needs and supervise you on our double lines of NAUTILUSequipment. Our fitness centers also include SunTana sun systems, free weights, sauna, jacuzzi, juices, great music and much more, all in a clean, comfortable facility. Second: Buy one year now and get your second year free. THAT'S 2 YEARS FOR THE PRICE OF 1% OFFER ENDS JULY 31, 1983 HOURS: MONDAY-FRIDAY 6A.,.\1-10PM SATURDAY lOAM-8PM SUNDAY NOON-6PM MEMBERSHIP RECIPROCAL BETWEEN DALLAS AND HOUSTON {!§)rm=rnes;s DALLAS HOUSTON 2615 Oak Lawn 3307 Richmond at Maple ~XCIH~ at Buffalo Speedway 526-1220 NAUTILUS FOR MEN 524-9932 \WI SouTH ww THIS WEEK IN TEXAS Weekly Circulation' 20.000 J EN I~I'"(~S ----NEWS HOME OFFICE (713) 527-9111 __ 2205 Montrose (l~OSSl~OAI)S Houston. Texas 77006 POSSIBLE AIDS since it was the city from which Judge DALLASOFFICE (214) 521-0622 Jerry Buchmeyer made his historical rul- 3409 Oak Lawn. Suite 206 South Jennings Dallas. Texas 75219 BREAKTHROUGH ing, freeing Texas' gay men and les- Crossroads bians. PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick EAST LANSING, Michigan - A sub- FEATURESEDITOR Blase DiStefano of Ft. Worth/Arlington stance found in the blood may fight Proposed events for the Texas Free- TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark AIDS. The blood component is being dom Festival include a Cedar Springs NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock Varsl 651/ARLINGTON called by some a possible AIDS treat- street sale, gay bands, a street carnival, NEWS EDITOR Chuck Patrick 1851 W. DIVISION sporting events, Texas-size barbecues, SPORTSEDITOR Cheryl Chamberlain ment. ASSISTANT TO THE EDITORS Dennis Walker 275·9138 The substance, lnterleukin-Z, which religious services, an AIDS seminar, an PICK UP YOUR TWT EVERY FRIDAY POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski occurs naturally in healthy white blood outdoor party, and fireworks, at last for CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Dallas! Jim Boone. Susan Collins. Harry Deutsch. cells, offers a potential treatment. In David Fields. Weldon Grahame. Christopher Hart. CUSTOMER tests, tnterleukln-z "significantly en· On Saturday, September 3, a 21.06 Paul Herrera. Hollie Hollister. Harold Haya. Celebration, plus a Silver and Blue George Klein. Dean Malone. hanced" activities of "natural killer Fan- Joseph Michael. W.J. Quigley APPRECIATION cells," which normally destroy cancer tasy Ball of entertainment, are propos- ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow cells and those infected by viruses, a ed. On Sunday, September 4, a corn- ASSISTANT AD ART DIRECTOR Thom Bisping PARTIES mand performance extravaganza is plan- GRAPHIC ARTISTS study published in this month's Journal Frank White. Fred Hinton. Tuck Finn FRIDAY, JULY 29 of Clinical Investigation revealed. ned at the Majestic Theatre. TYPOGRAPHERSw.J. Quigley. Leslie Holmes Author of the report, Alain Rook, said Profits from the concept will benefit STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS Ell Gukich. & SATURDAY, JULY 30 AIDS, the Texas gay lobby, and the na- Scott Taylor. Greg Havlcan. AI Macareno. 9-11 PM at a meeting of the American Society for Jim Hamilton. J. Robert Araya. Tom Davis. Virology at Michigan State University, tional gay lobby, it was learned. Carl Neil. Oscar Mendiola. Blase DiStefano. 50<1:WELL & BEER Michael Galatis. Hollie Hollister. Greg Oleviera that "positive results suggest inter- DGA estimates that the Labor Day ACCOUNTING Doug Felix COME ALONG INN leukin-Z may eventually be helpful in the weekend Texas Freedom Festival will at- RECEPTIONISTTracey Springer tract an additional thousand people to S. JENNINGS @ PENNSYLVANIA treatment of patients with AIDS." Dallas. SALES 332·0720 Months of research will be needed, EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER however, before the value of this blood Jim Veteto substance can be proven. "The results Advertising rcites are available on request by tele- SUNDAY, JULY 31 DALLAS GPA phoning the salesperson In your nearest city. from & MONDAY, AUGUST 1 are extremely preliminary," Rook cau- 10am-Spm. weekdays. tioned. ELECTS OFFICERS DEADLINE FOR ALL ADS: 9-11 PM Friday. one week prior to publication. 50<1:WELL & LONG NECKS DALLAS - In a renewed effort of uni- ty, this city's Gay Pride Association AUSTIN TEXAS FREEDOM Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 LUMBER COMPANY (DGPA), which came under criticism dur- Jay Cherin .441-3678 FESTIVAL PROPOSED ing the recent June celebration, elected, CORPUSCHRISTI 700 S. JENNINGS Greg Oleviera . (512) 857-8947 332·0192 DALLAS - TWT NEWS has learned with few exceptions, all-new officers at Alan Gellman. (512) 734-3233 that a Texas human rights celebration their monthly meeting last Sunday, July DALLAS Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 is in the planning stages for Labor Day 17. In the election held at the NOW of- FORTWORTH & WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 weekend. The event will be called Texas fices, Alan Ross and Tom Hatfield were Jerry Cassidy. (817) 335-0742 Freedom Festival, and is being coordl- elected president and treasurer respec- HOUSTON 9-11 PM Scot Roberts. (713) 527-9111 50<1:WELL & CANNED BEER nated by Alan Ross of the Dallas Gay tively. They will serve until their terms SAN ANTONIO Alliance (DGA). expire on June 30,1984. Alan Gellman. (512) 734-3233 Jim Hamilton. 734-8216 651/FT. WORTH The festival is planned as a statewide Tony Anthony was elected vlce-presl- CLASSIFIED DIRECTORS 651 S. JENNINGS event to celebrate the first anniversary dent and will serve with the recorder un- Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain Houston Assistant-Leslie Holmes 332·0745 of the repeal of 21.06, Texas' Penal Code til December 30, 1983, when both of their Dallas-Chuck Narth statute on sodomy, which was declared terms expire. WE APPRECIATE YOUR ASYLUM ENTERPRISES, INC. CONTINUED SUPPORT & unconstitutional last August. Dallas was The following committee heads were The Corporation SINCERELY INVITE ALL OUR PRESIDENTJames D. Cagle Chosen as host city since it was the city appointed: Events-Gary Monier; Fund- VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick FRIENDS TO COME PARTY from which the 21.06 legal battle was raising-Davey Jones; and Public Hela- SECRETARYJim D. Chappell WITH US! launched by Dallasite Don Baker, and tions-Don Ritz and Richard Rogers. PAGE 10 TWT JULY 22 - 28. 1983 TWT JULY 22 - 28. 1983 PAGE 11 The newly-elected president, Mr. ing, jeering, and even cup-, ice- and can- Ross, told TWT NEWS that all meetings of throwing as his float passed through the the revamped organization "will be open parade route. "Had we been the last unit, to all members of the community"-not as we have been for two consecutive just a select handful. years, I feel the crowd would not have According to DGPA by-laws, regular hesitated attacking us." meetings are to be held on the third Sun- Sanders feels his group was treated day of each month. Next month's meet- unfairly regarding the decision because ing, on August 21, will be held at the he was never notified personally of the Dallas Gay Alliance offices, 3409 Oak committee's decision. "I found out Lawn, Suite 205, at 1:00pm. almost two weeks after the parade. I read of the decision in TWT, like every- one else," he explained. Sanders main- CONTROVERSY OVER tains that the parade committee blatant- ATHEISTS' FLOAT ly violated his First Amendment right to HOUSTON - The controversy con- freedom of expression, citing pressure tinues over the American Gay Atheists' from gay religious groups. float in the June 26 Houston gay pride Bagneris told TWT NEWS that no further parade.Some members of the gay com- meetings had been scheduled by the munity feel the punishment of a four- GPW Parade board to discuss the mat- year ban, recently handed down, is too ter, and that the board's decision was final. TONIGHT harsh. Others feel it is justified. It is im- portant to note that the four-year ban "We intend to fight this move by the FRI., JULY 22 was a unanimous decision by the Gay parade committee, even if it means tak- MIGUEL BROWN PrideWeek (GPW)Parade Parade board; ing legal action," Sanders warned.
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