I S S N 1 3 9 2 - 7 3 7 X I S B N 3-447-09440-0 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 1 2 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS ARCHIVUM Lithuanicum 7 HARRASSOWITZ VERLAG WIESBADEN 2005 3 Redaktoriø kolegija / Editorial Board: HABIL. DR. Giedrius Subaèius (filologija / philology), (vyriausiasis redaktorius / editor), UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO, LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DR. Ona Aleknavièienë (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS HABIL. DR. Saulius Ambrazas (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DOC. DR. Roma Bonèkutë (filologija / philology), KLAIPËDOS UNIVERSITETAS PROF. DR. Pietro U. Dini (kalbotyra / linguistics), UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA DR. Jolanta Gelumbeckaitë (filologija / philology), HERZOG AUGUST BIBLIOTHEK, WOLFENBÜTTEL, LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DR. Birutë Kabaðinskaitë (filologija / philology), VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS PROF. HABIL. DR. Rûta Marcinkevièienë (filologija / philology), VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS DOC. DR. Bronius Maskuliûnas (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS DR. Jurgis Pakerys (filologija / philology), VILNIAUS UNIVERSITETAS DR. Christiane Schiller (kalbotyra / linguistics), MARTIN-LUTHER-UNIVERSITÄT HALLE-WITTENBERG, FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER-UNIVERSITÄT ERLANGEN-NÜRNBERG PROF. DR. William R. Schmalstieg (kalbotyra / linguistics), PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY MGR. Mindaugas Ðinkûnas (kalbotyra / linguistics), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS DOC. DR. Janina Ðvambarytë-Valuþienë (filologija / philology), ÐIAULIØ UNIVERSITETAS MGR. Jurgita Venckienë (filologija / philology), LIETUVIØ KALBOS INSTITUTAS, VILNIUS, VYTAUTO DIDÞIOJO UNIVERSITETAS, KAUNAS © Lietuviø kalbos institutas 4 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 Turinys (Contents) Archivum Lithuanicum 7 ¡ 7, 11 Straipsniai (Articles) Aleksas Girdenis Rankraðtinës Purpuros chronologiniai santykiai su 1759 metø Þyvatu ¡ 17 Birutë Kabaðinskaitë Diakritiniai þenklai Baltramiejaus Vilento Enchiridione ir Evangelijose bei Epistolose (1579): <f>, <ô>, <ò>, <ó> ¡ 45 Vincentas Drotvinas, Auðra Rimkutë Rankraðtiniai Kristijono Gotlybo Milkaus prieraðai jo þodyne Littauiµch=deutµches und Deutµch=littauiµches Wærter=Buch (1800) ¡ 67 Robertas Gedrimas Priesaginiai þiediniø augalø pavadinimai Jurgio Ambraziejaus Pabrëþos veikale Tayslós augumyynis (1843) ¡ 81 Jurgita Venckienë Trisdeðimt ðeði Aukso altoriaus maldaknygës leidimai (18851907): santykis su bendrinës kalbos raida ¡ 93 Daiva Litvinskaitë Kirilikos Evangelijø (Åâàíãåëiåñú, 1865) raðyba: Laurynas Ivinskis ir Jonas Kreèinskis ¡ 123 Anna Verschik The First Textbook of Lithuanian for Yiddish-speakers ¡ 139 Giedrius Subaèius Stanislovo Moravskio lietuviø kalba: 18501852 ¡ 155 Publikacijos (Publications) Mikas Vaicekauskas Motiejaus Valanèiaus draudimas perspausdinti Bromà (1864) ¡ 177 5 Turinys (Contents) 0 0 0 Recenzijos (Reviews) Jonas Palionis, XVIXVII a. lietuviðkø raðtø atrankinis þodynas, 2004 (JOLANTA GELUMBECKAITË) ¡ 209 Guido Michelini (par.), Lozorius Zengðtokas, Giesmes Chriksczionischkos ir Duchaunischkos ir jø ðaltiniai, 2004 (MINDAUGAS ÐINKÛNAS) ¡ 215 Pietro U. Dini, Bonifacas Stundþia (par.), Giacomo Devoto, Baltistikos raðtai. Scritti baltistici, 2004 (SAULIUS AMBRAZAS) ¡ 223 Liucija Citavièiûtë, Karaliauèiaus universiteto lietuviø kalbos seminaras. Istorija ir reikðmë lietuviø kultûrai, Senosios literatûros studijos, 2004 (WILLIAM R. SCHMALSTIEG) ¡ 229 Vacys Vaivada, Katalikø Baþnyèia ir Reformacija Þemaitijoje XVI a.: esminiai raidos bruoþai, 2004 (DEIMANTAS KARVELIS) ¡ 235 Jurgis Pakerys, XVI a. Maþosios Lietuvos spaudiniø miðriøjø ir priesaginiø veiksmaþodþiø daryba, 2005 (SAULIUS AMBRAZAS) ¡ 243 Diskusijos, apþvalgos, pastabos (Discussions, Surveys, Notes) Ona Aleknavièienë Rotunda, ðvabachas, fraktûra, antikva ir kursyvas lietuviðkuose XVI amþiaus spaudiniuose ¡ 249 Daiva Kriðtopaitienë Kristijono Donelaièio raðtø rengimo ir redagavimo principai: ankstesnieji ir 1977 bei 1994 metø leidimai ¡ 287 Ona Aleknavièienë, Laima Grumadienë Kompiuterinis ðriftas Palemonas filologams ¡ 303 Saulius Ambrazas Tarptautinë konferencija Kalbos istorija ir dialektologija: praeitis ir perspektyvos ¡ 327 Roma Bonèkutë Mokslinë konferencija Þemaitijoje, skirta Dionizo Poðkos 240-osioms gimimo metinëms paminëti ¡ 333 Giedrius Subaèius Iðorinës kalbos istorijos lubos ¡ 339 6 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 This year the seventh volume of Archivum Lithuanicum is not appearing just by itself it is being accompanied by an irregular Indices volume in which we have given a list of abbreviations and advice for authors. Aurelija TAMOÐIÛNAITË has prepared indexes of persons and places occurring in previous volumes. In the seventh volume of Archivum Lithuanicum an analysis of the nineteenth century writings of Lithuania Major predominates. A series of five articles is de- voted to this topic. In two of these articles Lowland Lithuanian texts are analyzed. Aleksas GIRDENIS, having compared in depth the Purpura manuscript with the Þyvatas book printed in the middle of the eighteenth century (1759), has established that the Purpura manuscript was not written in 1707, as the inscription on the title page shows, but considerably later, after the middle of the nineteenth century. He also demonstrates that the linguistic basis of the manuscript is the dialect of the Kretinga parish. Robertas GEDRIMAS, the winner of the Archivum Lithuanicum Robin Neumann scholarship (2003), investigates the suffixed names of flowering plants in the work Tayslós augumyynis (1843) by the Lowland Lithuanian Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrëþa. In order to create these names Pabrëþa seems to have used 25 suffixes, but only four were among the most productive: -ûnas (-ë), -utis (-ë), -ytë, -elis (-ë). Daiva LITVINSKAITË analyzes the 1865 Evangelijos, prepared in Cyrillic accord- ing to Juozapas Arnulfas Giedraitis New Testament (1816). Traditionally the one preparing the Evangelijos was thought to be Laurynas Ivinskis, but philological analysis leads one to think that in addition to Ivinskis Jonas Kreèinskis did a lot of work on it also. This is shown by individual characteristics of the writing of Russian letters. The writing of <ý> is very similar to that of Kreèinskis, but there also occur several examples with <ei>, which is characteristic only of Ivinskis. Jurgita VENCKIENË investigates the dialect and orthography of the thirty-six remaining editions of the prayer book Aukso altorius from the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries. It turns out that for a long time, until the very beginning of the twentieth century in the editions of the prayer book the hierarchy of the Catholic Church held to the letters and sequences thereof <cz>, <sz>, <ù>, <w>, <aj>, <ej> traditionally used in religious texts. The letters <è>, <ð>, <v> and the digraphs <ai>, <ei> which had appeared in secular texts considerably 7 Archivum Lithuanicum 7 earlier (in the last decades of the nineteenth century) appeared in the prayer book only at the beginning of the twentieth century, i.e., they lagged behind by several years or more. Giedrius SUBAÈIUS tries to evaluate how well Stanislovas Moravskis (1802 1853) knew Lithuanian. Moravskis was a noble, a physician, a writer and the author of the famous remembrances of Vilnius (Keleri mano jaunystës metai Vilniuje; 18181825). From the names of some Lithuanian songs encountered in his manu- script Piesni (1852) and some notes (there have been established 151 Lithuanian words and a total of 269 cases of their use) one comes to the conclusion that Moravskis knew Lithuanian, but only superficially. Probably he could distinguish a number of words in a stream of speech, but he could hardly follow a connected discourse. Birutë KABAÐINSKAITË, Vincentas DROTVINAS and Auðra RIMKUTË, Daiva KRIÐTOPAITIENË are publishing here articles connected with the problems of East Prussian Lithuanistic texts. Kabaðinskaitë investigates the use of the diacritic signs (<f> and <ô>, <ò>, <ó>) in Baltramiejus Vilentas Enchiridionas and Evangelijos bei Epistolos (1579). The sign <f> is mostly used in place of the stressed or unstressed nasal [ø] and in place of stressed (occasionally unstressed) long [û]. The three diacritics above <o> apparently had the same function but for the most part the form <ô> was used. The most common case of the use of <o> with any diacritic was to denote the gen. sg. ending of certain monosyllabic pronouns. Drotvinas and Rimkutë review the notes of Kristijonas Milkus in two copies of the dictionary Littauiµch=deutµches und Deutµch=littauiµches Wærter=Buch (1800) which he himself had published and which are kept in the LMAB. 246 notes and 29 underlined words have been counted these were Milkus notes for himself. These show what Milkus thought appropriate to use in order to improve his dictionary: new lemmas are added, old lemmas are supplemented with new facts from the spoken language, homographs are separated. Kriðtopaitienë, comparing a number of editions of Kristijonas Donelaitis works comes to the conclusion that only in 1977 was an attempt made to prepare his Raðtai in as authentic a manner as possible, but even that does not provide a standard canonical text. The 1994 edition was prepared for a broader audience and it does not retain the kind of punctuation and lexicon characteristic of Donelaitis and some of the inaccuracies and inconsistencies from the 1977 edition have crept into it. Ona ALEKNAVIÈIENË describes
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