! T.... Seria, Vel xu. No. 46 Thursday, May 7, 1992 Vaisakba 17, 1914 (Saka) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Third Session (Tentll Lot Sabba) (Vol: XlI contains Nos. 4J to 49) LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NBW DELHI セ@ セ@ : R.r. 6.00 CONTENTS [Tenth Series, Vol. XII, Third Session, 199211914 (Saka)} No. 46, Thursday, May 7, 1992Naisakha 17, 1914 (Saka) Oral Answers to Questions: 1-30 ·Starred Question Nos. 902 to 905 Written Answers to Questions: 31)-300 Starred Question Nos. 906 to 915 and 917 to 921 30-42 Unstarred Question Nos. 9339 to 9471 43-270 9473 to 9498, 9498-A and 9498-B Re. Botors Issue 300-323 Papers laid on the Table 323-326 leave of Absence trom the sittings of the House 326 Statement by Minister 327-328 342-343 (i) Modifications to the National 327-328 policy on Education, 1986 Shri Arjun Singh 327·328 (ii) Derailment of 7022 Dakshin Express 342·343 on the Balharashah-Kazipet Broad gauge section ot South Central Railway on 6.5.1992 Shri Ma/likarjun 342·343 Matters under Rule 377 328-332 (i) Need to provide more funds to Kerala 328 Government for the development of Sports in the State Prof. K. V. Thomas (II) Need to classify 'Kuruvlkarans' of . 328-329 Tamil Nadu as Scheduled Tribe Shri P.P. Kaliaperumal • The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) Cow..1NS (iii) Need to construct an over-bridge at 329-330 Shikohabad railway crossing, Uttar Pradesh Shri Prabhu Dayal Katheria (iv) Need to introduce direct superfast Railway trains 330-331 from Agra to Allahabad, Varanasi and Bombay Shri Bhagwan Shankar Rawat (v) Need to provide modem communication 331 facilities In Sambhal parliamentary constitituency, Uttar Pradesh Dr. S.P. Vadav (vi) Need to hand over certain tea gardens of West Bengal 331-332 managed by TTCI to WTDC Shri Jitendra Nath Das (vii) Need for early setting up Cashew Board at 332 Quilon, Kerala Shri Kodikkunil Suresh Committee on Petitions 332-334 Action taken Statements - Laid Constitution (Seventy-First Amendment) Bill (Amendment 334-342 of articles 81, 82, 170 and 327) 344-357 As passed by Rajya Sabha Motion to refer to Select Committee Shri K. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy 334-336 353-357 Shri Lal K. Advani 336-341 Shri Mohan Singh 344-345 Shri Ram Vilas Paswan 345-348 Shri Sobhanadreeswara Rao Vadde 348·349 Shri Somnath cィ。エエ・セ・・@ 349-350 Shri Ratial Varma 351 Dr. Kartikeswar Patra 351-352 Shri P.C. Thomas 352 Constitution (Seventy-Sixth Amendment) Bill 357-434 (Amendment of articles 54 and 239 AA) As passed by Rajya Sabha Motion to consider (iii) ColUMNS Shri K.ViJaya Bhaskara Reddy 357-360 366-368 Shri Madan Lal Khurana 360-363 Shri Manoranjan Bhakta 363-364 Shri Bhogendra Jha 364 Shri Surya Narayan Yadav 365 Shri Sudarsan Raychaudhuri 365-366 Shri Pius Tirkey 366 Clauses 2-3 and 1 381-421 Motion to Pass Shri K. Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy 408 LOK SABHA DEBATES lOKSABHA [English] Soli Testing Laboratorie. Thursday, May 7, 19921 Vaisakha 17, 7974 (Saka) *902. SHRI CHANDULAL CHANDRAKAR: Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE be pleased to state: The Lok Sabha met at (a) the numberof soil testing laboratories Eleven of the Clock in the country, State-wise; [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair} (b) whethertheGovernmentproposeto set up such a laboratory in each block of ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS State; (c) of so, the details thereof; and [English] Cd) the average cost of setting up such a laboratory? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF AGRICUL TURAL(SHRIK.C. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE LENKA): Mr. Speaker Sir, before you call MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE (SHRI K. C. Q.No. 902, I haveto make a submission. For lENKA): (a) A statement is laid on the table your kind information, my colleague Shri of the Sabha. Mullapally Ramachandran's wife is seriously (b) No, Sir. ill and he could not come to the House. I got (c) In view of (b) above, the question the papers only now and I will try to answer does not arise. the questions to the best of my ability. (d) The average cost of setting up a Soil MR. SPEAKER: '"When did you receive Testing laboratory (e)(cluding cost of land the papers? Just an hour back, I suppose! and building) with a capacity for 10,000 soil safr1)Jes per annum., would be approximately O. No. 902, Shri Chandrakar please. As. 5.00 lakhs. STATEMENT NurrtJer of Soil Testing Laboratories - State-wiS8 S.No State NurrtJer of soU testing Laboratories In thil country 1. Andhra Pradesh 31 2. Kamataka 23 3. Kerala 1i 3 Oral Answers MAY 7,1992 Oral Answers 4 S.No State Number 01 soil testing Laboratories in the country 4. Tamil Nadu 34 5. Pondicherry 02 6. Andaman & Nicobar Islands 03 7. Gujarat 25 8. Madhya Pradesh 29 9. Maharashtra 22 10. Rajasthan 12 1,. Goa 02 12. Haryana 30 13. Punjab 49 14. Uttar Pradesh 71 15. Himachal Pradesh 12 16. Jammu & Kashmir 08 17. Delhi 01 18. Bihar 41. 19. Orissa 11 20. West Bengal 13 21. Assam 13 22. Tripura 02 23. Manipur 02 24. Meghalaya 01 25. Nagaland 01 26. Arunachal Pradesh 01 27. Sikkim 01 28. Mizoram 01 Total 463 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 17,1914 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 [Translation] given Rs. 5 crore for strengthening the existing laboratories In the country and also SHRI CHANDULAL CHANDRAKAR: to set up some more mobile laboratories. I Mr. Speaker, Sir, to augmentthe agricultural will consider the case of Madhya Pradesh, production, it is necessary to have a soil keeping their requirement In view. testing lab In every development block to test the fertility of the soil but these have not [Translation] been provided so far. It has been stated in the reply that in all the States in the country SHRI CHANDUlAL CHANDRAKAR: there are only 463 soil testing laboratories, Mr. Speaker, Sir, the hon. セゥョゥウエ・イ@ has just Madhya Pradesh, which is area wise the now stated Rs. 5 crores have been given to biggest State in the country is having 29 Madhya Pradesll エセゥウ@ year under The Eighth laboratories only. I do not have any grudge Five Year Plan, I may point out through you against any state but even then I want to that there are 400 blod(s in the State. Will the submit that Kerala which is even smaller Central Government ask the Madhya than Bastar District of Madhya Pradesh is Pradesh Government to set up a soil testing having as many as 19 such laboratories. lab in each block? Similarly, will the Central There are 30 laboratories in Haryana, 49 in Government make efforts to set up a soil Punjab, But in Madhya Pradesh there are testing laboratory in each bklck of every only 29 labs. The land in Madhya Pradesh is State in the country. We want an assurance very fertile and the water resources are that the soil testing laboratory will be set up enough, even then why the number of labs in each block of the country. is less there? I would like to ask the Government as to whether it will try to make [English] provision in the Eighth Five Year Plan to provide one soil testing lab in each block SHAI K.C. LENKA: As I told you, at even if its cost is 51akh rupees. H Rs. Siakh present, there is no proposal under the is invested in a block then on the other hand consideration of the Government to create the expenditure of crores of rupees on one Soil Testing Laboratory in each block. fertilisers, will be saved. So, the hon. Minister . Sir, are you prepared to make such a Butso far as the State Governments are provision in the Eighth Year Plan? concerned, we will certainly ask the State Governments to increase their Soil Testing [English] Centres. In the Eighth Five Year Plan, due to constraint of funds, we do not have any SHRI K.C.LENKA: Sir, at present there proposal to have one such laboratory in are 463 testing laboratories in the country, each block. out of which 100 laboratories are mobile. The present capacity utilisation is about 75 per SHRISOBHANADREESWARA RAO cent. We have not been able to utilise the full VADDE: Mr. Speaker, Sir, one 01 the main capacity of the existing laboratories. The reasons for not utilising the full capacity is hon. Member's proposal is good and if we that some farmers who are progressive and can have one laboratory in each block, it will who are enlightens and who want to know certainly augment the production. But one about the soli conditions, they are able to get laboratory costs about Rs. 5 lakh. One the details and whereas, a very large number laboratory will be able to give 1 0,000 samples of farmers still cannot think of this faCility. a year. Due to the resource constraints Government has decided to first gear up the So, I would like to know irom the hon. existing laboratories for full capacity Minister, through you, whether the Union utilisation. Then the Government may think Government will suggest to the State of creating new laboratrories. So far as Governments steps regarding this. Of Madhya Pradesh is concerned, under the course, as you said, setting up of a Soil Eighth Five Year Plan, this year we have Testing Laboratory In each block will cost a 7 Oral Answers MAY7,1992 Oral Al'lswers 8 lot.
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