8 The Ramakrishna Miasion Institute of Culture Library Presented by Ur. Haridbaran Miikerji KMIOL— LIST OF ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN BURMA RANGOON OFflCF OF THE SUPERINTENDENT, GOVT. PRINTING. BURMA 1916 Price Rs. 2=3 ShniiASt> LIST OF AGENTS fCR THE SALE OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. In India : Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta and Simla. W. Nbw^man & Co.. Calcutta. Thacker Sc Co., Ltd., Bombay. Hiooinbotham & Co., Madras. Superintendent, Amkricvn Bvptist Mission Press, Rangoon. • D. B. Taraporevala & Sons iic Co„ 103, Medows Street, Fort, Bombay^ Botterworth Sc Co. (India*,. Ltd., 3 - 2 ,'! lastings Street, Calcutta. In England: Henry S, Kino & Co., 65, Cornhill, R.C. A. Constable & Co., 10, Orange Street, Leicester Square, W.C. Keoan Paul, Trench, TrUbner & Co., ftS—74, Carter I.ane, E.C., and 25 Museums Street, W. C. Bernard Quaritch, ii, Grafton Street, New Bond Street, W. P, S. Kino & Son, 2^4, Great Smith Strict, Westminster, .S. W, Grindlay & Co„ 54, Parliament Street, S.W. r, Fisher Unwi.n, i, Adelphi I'erracc, W.C. W. Thacker & Co., 2, Creed Lane, Ludgate Hill, R.C. Luzag Sc Co., 46, Great Russell Street, W.C. Outer Sc Boyd, Tweeddale Court, Edinburgh. R. PoNSONBY, Ltd., 116, Grafton Street, Dublin. B. H. Blackwell, 50 & 51, Broad Street, Oxford. Obiouton Bell & Co., Trinity Street, Cambridge. On the Continent : Ernest Lbroux, 28, Rue Bonaparte, Paris, France. MartINUS Nijhopp, The Hague, Holland. * For the aalo of oiBcial puhiicHtlons cxctuding Lcginlativo DepArtnciit of Oovermmentof Bumno. ^ ^ TABLE OF CONTENTS, List of Monuments, Arakan Division. Magwe Division* Pegu Division. Mandalay Division. Irrawaddy Division, Sagaing Division* Tennasscrim Division. Meiklila Division. LIST OF ANCIENT MONUMENTS IN BURMA ARAKAN DIVISION. F^art First—Structural Edificks. Classification, iSee Government uf India, Home Department, Resolution No. 3— 168-83, dated the 26th November 1883.) I. These monuments, which from their present condition and historical or archaeological value, ought to be maintained in permanent good repair. II. Those monuments, which it is now only possible or desirable to save from further decay by such minor measures as the eradication of vegetation, the exclusion of water from the walls, and the like. III. Those monuments, which from the advanced stage of decay or comparative unimportance, it is impossible or unnecessary to preserve. 1 {a) and II {a) Monuments in the possession or charge of Govern- flient or in respect of which Government must undertake the cost of all measures of conservation. I {h) and II (i) Monuments in the possession or charge of private bodies or individuals. ! — ( 2 ) Name of History or Tradition reficarding District. Locality. | Serial Monument. the Monument. 5 I Akyab i Kaladan Mahamuni Tem- Tradition ascribes it to Chanda- ple. suriya, king of Arakan, who built it to enshrine the image I of tV»e Buddh.'i cast during the lifetime rf the Sage himself in the cth century 13. C. The image was removed to Amara- pura in 1784, as a spoil of war, after the conquest of Arakan by the Kinshemin, son of |jodav\paya. It has imw been placed in the Mahamuni or Arakan Pagoda, Mandalay {vide item 26, page 14 ()f the List of Ancient Monuments in Upper P>urmn, Mandralay Division). The temple has passed through many vicissitudes and lias been repaired main limes. It was last repaired in 1^67 A.D, Do. Mdncliaung* Mfinchaungwa Tradition ascribes the founda- wa village. Pagoda. tion of this shrine to the pious Buddhist kings of old Dliauna- vati (Arakan) (4th century A.D.y Do. On a hill Kyauktaw Zedi Erected by a fugitive queen of opposite the Launggyet Dynasty (1237 KyauktawJ r4oi A.D.) and recently re- paired by the villagers. Within its precincts, an ancient stone inscription inthcNagari charac- ter was discovered by Dr. Forchhammer. Do. Kyauktaw Stone imagesl Date 14th century A.D. and a foot print] of the Buddha cut in stone. ( 3 ) Present slnte of preserva- Cu‘^t' dy or present tion and suggestions for Remarks, use. Conservation. 7 tliC of li»cnl Ill custody (n a go» d state of pre- I (/O ! elders. Strvation. I /v,v library ’’ * I; ’ : O^'.BARlDfl ^ I'Oi ikw.On -r', In tlif cii'hidv of I- ('.'i! Qo. I (/,) Lar^o? stone images Tiionks .'Mid of the Kinldha whicli were fu.ind in the ncig!i!)->ur- hood of the te njdc liave been remi.A’cd and placed in it ; (vidi^ Item ^ of Dr. Porchbainnicr’s b^t and item i in Schedule attached to (joneral Depart- ment Noiificaliun Nt>, dated the 3ot)i July I In l'’': cu-lndv Do. 1 (A, Declared to be a vil'i.igt*!',. protected niouu- ment under sect ion of 3, clause ( ?) the \ncient Monuments Preservation Act, VII of ii;o4. vide General Deparl- nienl Notificatien No. abi. daic-1 the 30th July 1909). Do. In a fair sl.itrof preserva- H W Do. tion. — ( 4 ) i . History or Tradition regarding p- ! r 1*1. Name of Serial District, Locality. o- Monument. the Monument, j 5 Akyab Myohaung Shitthaung Built by king Minbin,thc! I 2th of Pagoda. the Myauk-u dynasty, who reigned over Arakan from '53> — 'S.S3 A.D. Dr. h'orchhammer writes The Shrine is the work of Hindu architects and Hindu work- men ; the skill and art display- ed in its construction and ornamcntion are far beyond what the Arakancse themselves have ever attained to : theetitire structure is alien in its main features to the native architect- ural style. Andaw Pagoda P>uilt by king Minbin (1531 ^5:>3) to en->hrini* a tooth relic of th(‘ Ruddhn said to have ncen. obtained from Ceylon, 7 Ho. Do. RatanabSn Built by kingi Minpalaung Pagoda. (1571— 1590 A. D.). I I I ^ Do. ' Do. Built ; Dukkanthein by king Minbin (1531— Pag^>da. i553A. D.). j I 9 Do, i Do, Lemyethna * I Pagoda. ( 5 ) Present state of preserva- Custody or present Classifi- tion and suggestions for Remarks. use. tion. , Conservation. 6 7 8 9 No special custodians In a state of disrepair ... 111 Declared In be a • protected monument under section 3, clause (v) of the Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, VII nf > lyo4 (vide General Depart- ment Notification No. 261, dated iba 30tb July igcg). There arc stone sculptures and ins- criptions in the Nagari and Arabic characters. Do. Do. 111 'Fhe tooth-relic was stolen away by a Bengali who broke into the relic chamber about thirty years ago, but was recovered from him and had been placed in the custody of a monk who was residing in the neigh- bourhood of the I.okamu, Declared to be a “ proloctod monu- ment ” under section 3, clause (j) of tlie Ancient Monuments Preservation Act, i 1 VI 1 of 1904 (viW# General Depart- I ment Notification No. 261, dated the 30th July 1909). Do. Do. 111 Do. Do. III ! It was one of the many pagodas which also served as a for- tress in times of danger. Do. Do. 111 ( 6 ) Name of History or Tradition regarding Serial District. Locality. Monument. the Monument. I 3 lo ; Akyab Myohaung Thinzin Pagoda It was built by the eunuchs of the royal palace on the hill where they lived and were buried. 11 Do. Do. Mingalamanaung Built by king Narapatigyi Pagoda. A.D.). I (1638—1645 la Do. I Do. Pitakattaik or Built by king Narapatigyi | Lihrarv. I (1638—1645 A.D.) to store * the Buddhist scriptures which were brought f ver from Ceylon. *3 Do. Do, Linpantmaung Built in the i6th century A.D. or ! Laung- pwanbrauk Pa- goda. ! 14 Do. Do. Dipayon Pagoda » Do, ^5 Do. i r>o. .A noma P.agoda Built in the 15th cenl'.ry A.D. 16 Do. Do. Chinkaikwall Do. 17 Do. Do. i Jinamanaung Pa- Built b> king Chandasudhamma > ! goda. between 165. — 1684 A.D. } : { 7 ) 1 ' Present state of preserva- Custody or prrseni Classifi' tion , and su^^geslions for Kemarks. use cation. Conservation. t ! h S 7 i ! 1 No special custodians' In a state of disrepair ... ”n" 1 Ho. In a fair state of preserva- n (6) There are inscriptions lifn. in Burmese wliich were .set up by king t Chandavijaya ( mi i ; j -17M It I\-. 1 1 .1 Slate of viisnpair 11(6) was <rnamcnlcd ... 1 j with ixqnislle car- 1 1 vings ill st' ne. i 'fC- larc'd to be a * nro* ucied monument” under seclic n 3. claiisi' tD ‘1 ^ic 1 i Alien nt Moiiunumts 1 ’r« seivalion .Act, V'll of ii)o4 (reneral Department Noiificaiion N 0. jbr, d.itcd the /uh July Dc. in. 11 (6) It has some exquisite caivings in sti nr. 1 f 1 Hn • Do. i m 1 1 D.. 1 .1 a l.nr stale of presi rva- 11 (h) The shrii.e stands on | 1 • ii-n. the balilelielil on i which the .Xrakanese 1 were deferit« d by t the linrmans ; / 80. 1 1 Do 111 :: st.'.tc of disrepair ... HI There are two sm ne inseriptii'iis in niC'je, oa( h about 4' 0 y( ars old. Do. In a fair state of pre‘Crva- 11(6) 'The facade (.f the ticai. porch exhibits some I gof d carvinus in i stone, Itach of the eight coriK-TS «•! the Pagoda is guarded 1 by a lion (-r griffin, evK h With a d- uble body and a head- 'vcaririg whiskers and be.ifd. • ( 8 ) 1 Name of History or Tradition regarding Serial No. District. Locality. Monument. the Monument. I 2 3 4 5 i8 Akyab Myohaung Shwed.aung Pa- Built by king .Minbin (1531— goda. 1553 A.D).
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