Yerington, Nevada October 18,2018 The Honorable Board of Lyon County Commissioners met this day in regular session with the following present: Chairman Bob Hastings, Vice-Chairman Joe Mortensen, Commissioners Greg Hunewill, Don Alt and Ken Gray. Also present: County Manager Jeff Page, District Attorney Steve Rye, Clerk and Treasurer Nikki Bryan and Deputy Clerk Donna MacGill. 1. Roll Call Present: Bob Hastings, Joe Mortensen, Greg Hunewill, Don Alt and Ken Gray. 2. Invocation given by Bob Weiser, with United Methodist Pastor Bob Weiser of the United Methodist Church gave the Invocation. J. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Public Participation Lyon County School District Superintendent Wayne Workman introduced Deputy Superintendent Tim Logan and presented the 2018 State of the District Report to the Board of Lyon County Commissioners. He also invited everyone to visit the schools to see what is going on. He thanked the board for their continued support of the schools. 5. For Possible Action: Review and adoption of agenda Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the agenda as presented. Comm. Gray seconded and the motionpassed5-0. 6. Time Certain 6.a. Time Certain at 9:15 A.M.: Presentation by Daphne Hooper, City Manager City of Fernley, and Frederick Steinmann, Assistant Research Professor University Center for Economic Development UNR, regarding a redevelopment study recently completed by the City of Fernley. - Economic Development in Nevada: Redevelopment - City of Fernley Redevelopment Study City of Fernley Manager Daphne Hooper discussed the redevelopment in Fernley. She said that everyone is working well together on the Community Center with Edrie LaVoie's staff, County Manager Jeff Page and the Code Enforcement Officer. She commented on the Strategic Plan and upgrading the Fernley community. Assistant Research Professor with the University Center for Economic Development Frederick Steinmann presented an overview of what redevelopment entails and gave an overview of the current redevelopment study. He discussed the highest and best uses of development. He explained what redevelopment is. He discussed Tax Increment Financing and briefly reviewed the current redevelopment study of the City of Fernley. He discussed mutual collaboration in the redevelopment process in Nevada. He discussed redevelopment districts, long term financing strategies and the success rate for redevelopment companies and agencies. He discussed tax increment financing (TIF). Lyon County's tax rate totals 3.6085 per $100 of assessed value' He further explained the Fernley Redevelopment Project. He explained the redevelopment rate of 2.5200. He discussed the Lyon County Strategic Planning Project. He said that Lyon County is now the third largest county in Nevada. He commented on some of the challenges this may present. Book BN Yerington, Nevada 115 October 18,2018 6.b. Time Certain at 9:30 A.M.: Sheriff Oflice presentation of the20l7 Brothel Work Card Report. Sheriff Al McNeil expressed his condolences to the family and friends of Dennis Hof. He presented a copy of the Lyon County SherifPs Office Intemal Audit Report on Brothel Compliance Requirements which has been made apartof the record. The commissioners had questions and comments. Comm. Hastings asked for Public Comment. There was no public comment. Public Comment was closed. 6.c. Time Certain for 9:45 A.M.: For Possible Action: To approve the County Manager's 2017-2018 Performance Appraisal and the budgeted2,5o/o merit increase effective on his anniversary date (Requested by Human Resources Director). - Notice Letter Human Resources Director Eric Milavsky praised County Manager Jeff Page for his openness and accessibility. A copy of County Manager Jeff Page was presented as part of the record. County Manager Jeff Page thanked everyone for the performance appraisal and comments. Comptroller Josh Foli said he will receive a 2.5Yo increase for a successful Performance Appraisal. Comm. Mortensen moved to approve the County Manager's 2017-2018 Performance Appraisal and the budgeted 2.5o/o mefit increase effective on his anniversary date. Comm. Gray seconded and the motion passed 5 - 0. 7. PublicParticipation There was no public participation. 8. Presentation of awards and/or recognition of accomplishments There were no awards or recognitions. 9. Commissioners/County Manager reports Comm. Gray expressed his condolences to the passing of Dennis Hof. Comm. Hunewill commented on the Lyon County Library Foundation who is holding a dinner Saturday night and he wanted to acknowledge that Through a Child's Eyes cancelled the dinner they had scheduled so the people who are interested could attend the Lyon County Library Foundation dinner. Through a Child's Eyes will reschedule their dinner for a later date. He thanked them for sending some support to the library foundation. Comm. Hastings invited the public to attend the gathering at Blaqk Coffee on Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. for his thoughts regarding the county. Book BN Yerington, Nevada 116 October 18,2018 County Manager Jeff Page commented on the brothels in Lyon County being legal at this time even with the passing of Dennis Hof. The county will be working with the brothel industry to be sure they adhere to the code. He also commented on the Silver Springs Master Lease. He is requesting a conference call with all of the parties involved to be able to finalize the Master Lease. He reminded the board there will not be a second regular meeting in November due to the NACO meetings. He said there may be a special meeting to deal with some planning issues. He said he is prepared for the November 19th workshop. He said the revised handbook will be discussed at the workshop. Dr. Frederick Steinmann will be facilitating the workshop for the county. 10. Elected Official's reports There were no elected official's reports. 11. Appointed Official's reports Lyon County Human Services Director Edrie LaVoie said we are in the last year of the five year strategic plan. Mr. Frederick Steinman has been engaged for a proposal for the next five year strategic plan. They will be submitting an annual report on FY 2018. She is hoping to submit the 2018 report after the new human services director is on board. Several members of the NACO Human Services Administrators have requested that Nevada Medicaid provide a coordinator for the region and assist in understanding Medicaid and help set up a billing practice. There will be a work session at the NACO conference regarding the assessments that were handed down at the 2011 Legislature. She will be working with Jeff Page to schedule the next Board of Health meeting. Rob Pyzel planner said Title 15 is not on the agenda today and will now be on the November l't agenda. He also updated the board on the Dayton Valley Area Drainage Master Plan. He mentioned the possibility of holding a special meeting in November to discuss the Northern Nevada Industrial Center PUD Approval. There may be some phone calls in regard to Holly Ranch and the tentative subdivision map. It was continued at the Planning Commission Meeting. He met with the people involved with the Quilici Ranch. Comptroller Josh Foli discussed insurance requirements for the Dayton BMX non-profit organization. The insurance carrier said there needed to be a million dollar policy to cover the liability issues. The cost of the policy was cost prohibitive for Dayton BMX. The county insurance carrier will not cover a separate non-profit entity. Dayton BMX would be personally liable if an accident occurred at that track. This issue will be on the November 1,2018 agenda. The commissioners had questions and comments. 12. Advisory Board reports There were no advisory board reports. CONSENT AGENDA 13. Assessor's Corrections 13.a. For Possible Action: Approval of changes on Assessor's tax roll due to correction in assessments and review of tax roll changes. - Comm Delete f0-18-18 Secured - Comm Delete 10-18-18 Unsecured Book BN Yerington, Nevada 117 October 18,2018 Secured Property factual corrections totaled $1,875.87 and Unsecured Property factual corrections totaled $3,480.33. 14. For Possible Action: Approve County Commission Minutes 14.a. For Possible Action: Approve the October 4, 2018 minutes. - October 4, 2018 Minutes 15. Contracts 15.a. For Possible Action: Approve Contract for Senices of Independent Contractor between Lyon County and Rural Nevada Counseling, not to exceed $7,020.00, for selvices funded through a grant from Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. -SFY20I9 DBPH Rural Nevada Counseling Contract 15.b. For Possible Action: Approve Contract for Services of Independent Contractor between Lyon County and Healthy Communities Coalition, not to exceed $6,000.00, for services funded through a grant from Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. -SFY2019 DBPH Healthy Communities Coalition Contract 15.c. For Possible Action: Approve Contract for Services of Independent Contractor between Lyon County and Integrated TeleHealth Solutions, not to exceed $20,800.00, for services funded through a grant from Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health. -SF"f2019 DBPH Integrated TeleHealth Solutions Contract 15.d. For Possible Action: Approve a 60-month lease agreement with Pitney Bowes for a replacement postage machine in the Administrative Building in the amount of $291.48 per month and authorize the Comptroller to sign. - Pitney Bowes New Lease 15.e. For Possible Action: Approve Memorandum of Agreement between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Lyon County, Churchill County and Northern Nevada Development Authority for the implementation of the Brownsfields @etroleum Assessment) grant, in the amount of $6001000. - Churchill and Lyon Counties MOA Agreement 16. Grants 16.a. For Possible Action: Approve a Collection Development grant from the Nevada State Library and Archives 2019 State Public Library Collection Development f,'unds in the amount of $7,403.
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