G.I. Smith and Economie Df?v(?lopmfinl: in Nova Scotia A thesis submitted by Andrew Tliiesen in partial fulfillrTient of the requirements for the Master of Alls Degree in Atlantic Canada Studies at Saint Mary's University. October, 199.*3. Dr. D. Stanley Supervisor Reaclîr Dr. Therese Arseneau Reader O Copyright by Andrew Thieseri 1995 NaUonat übrsry Btbtiothèque nationate ■ ♦ I of Canada du Canada Acquisitions and Direction des acquisitions et BitStographic Services Branch des services bibliographiques 33S W s I^ S in StrssE 335, fueWeüingion Oltaw». OftEano Ottawa (Omano) K*A0N4 K1A0M4 THE AUTHOR HAS GRANTED AN L AUTEUR A ACCORDE UNE LICENCE IRREVOCABLE NON EXCLUSIVE IRREVOCABLE ET NON EXCLUSIVE LICENCE ALLOWING THE NATIONAL PERMETTANT A LA BIBLIOTHEQUE LIBRARY OF CANADA TO NATIONALE DU CANADA DE REPRODUCE. LOAN, DISTRIBUTE OR REPRODUIRE. 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SUBJEaTERM SUBJECT CODE Subject Categories m i HUM ANITIiS AND SOCIAL SCIiNCIS COMMUNICATIONS AND THE ARTS ^ PHILOSOPHT, RELIGION AND Ancient ............................0579 Architccluro.............................0729 THEOLOGY Medieval ...........................Ô58I Art History...............................0377 Philosophy.............................. 0422 Modern............................. 0562 Cinema .................................. 090O . Black .................................0328 Banco .................................... 0378 Socondary.............................. 0533 » fine Arts .................................0357 Socia Sciences ........................0534 Biblical Studies ...................0321 Asia, Australia and Oceania 0332 Inlormgtion Science .................. 0723 Sociology o........................... ( 0340 Clergy .......................... 0319 Canadian ..........................0334 JgurnaTism ...............................0391 SpecioT.................................. 0529 History of....,......................0320 European ...........................0335 librory Science........................0399 Tcacliof Twining ...................... 0530 pjiilosopny o f .....................0322 lalip, American ................... 0336 Mass Communications .............. 0708 teclinology............................. 0710 Theology................................ 0469 Middle Eastern ................... 0333 Music ..................................... 0413 Tests anoMeosuremonli ........... 0288 United Stales ...................... 0337 Speecli Communication ............ 0459 Vocoiional...............................0747 SOCIAL SCIENCES History of Science.................... 0585 Tnoalor...................... 0465 low....,....................................0398 lAHGUACE/LITERATURE AND American Studies .....................0323 Political Science General ................. 0615 LINGUISTICS o= « W" ..................... Cultural .7 . .......................0326 International Low and Administration .........................0514 Physical .............................0327 Relations ......................... 0616 ‘T i l .............................m Public Administration...........0617 Adult qnd Continuing ............... 0516 Ancient ..............................0289 Business Administration Agriculturaf ............................. 0517 General ............................ 0310 Recreation, .............................. 0814 linguistics ..........................02% Social Work............................ 0452 M , .....,........ 0273 Modern.............................0291 Accounting ........................0272 Bilingual and Multicultural .........0282 Banking .............................0770 Sociology , literature . General , .......,......... 0626 Businoss ........................0688 General .............................0401 Matiagement .....................0454 Community Co lego.................. 0275 Marketing, .........................0338 Criminology ond Penology ...0627 Classical ............................0294 Oemograi^y ..... ,..........0938 Curricuuni.ond Instruction .........0727 Comparative ......................0295 Canadian Studies ....................0385 Early Cltllaliood.......................0518 Ethnic and llacial Studies .....0631 Medieval ...........................0297 Economies. Individual and Family Modern.............................0298 General .............................0501 Agricultural ........................05o3 Studies ..................0628 Airican ..............................0316 Industrial and labor Guidance and Counseling .........0519 American ...........................0591 Commerce-Business 0505 HoqTlli.....................................0680 Asian ................0305 Finance .............................0508 Pu^ic5s6ciàïwéïfdrë':l0^ Higlier .................................0745 Canadian lEnglishj ............. 0352 History.............................. 0509 HiOory o................................ l 0520 labor ............................... 0510 Social Structure and Canadion (Frencli) ............. 0355 Developtnent ................. 0700 Home Economics.....................0278 Etigllsn ..............................0593 Theory.............................. 05 ll industriol , ..........................0521 Theory and Methods ........... 0344 Germanic ..........................0311 Folklore.................................. 0358 Transportation ................. 0709 language and liieroture ........... 0279 latin American ................... 0312 Matneniotics ....................... 0280 Urban and Regional Planning ....0999 Middle Eastern ................... 0315 arft::::::::::::;::;:::::::::::;®Women's Studies .......... 0453 Music ............................0522 Romance ...........................0313 Histoiy Miilosopliy o f........................... 0998 Slavic and East European 0314 General .............................0578 " ' ' ...............................0523 f H I SCIINCIS AND IN aiN IIR IN O RIÛL06KAL SCIENCES Speech Pathology ............... 0460 Agriculture, Toxicology......................... 0383 '"O ........................... 0 » General ................ 0473 Home Economics..................... 0386 Aerospace ...................... 0538 Agronomy ............. 0285 Hydrology...............................0388 Agricuilural ...................... 0539 Animal Culture and .............................041Ï PHYSICAL SCIENCES Automotive...................... 0540 Nutrition ..................... 0475 eobotgny............................0345 Biomedical....................... 0541 Pure Sciences Chemical ......................... 0542 Animal Pathology ............... 0476 eoecology...........................0426 Chemistry Food Scittitcean. ....... atid General ............................. 0485 chno . mectronics and Electrical 0544 Agricultural ........................ 0749 Heat and Thermodynamics ...0348 Foresti. t e l . : : : : . Analytical .......................... 0486 P ant Cultui-o .0479 Hydraulic. ....................... 0545 Physical Oc^nography ........... 0415 Biochemistry...................... Ô487 industrial ......................... 5546 P ant Pathology .................. 0480 Inorganic ........................... 0488 Plant Physiology................. 0817 Marine ............................ 0547 Nuclear ............................. 0738 Materials Science .............. 0794 Range Mcittagemant ........... 0777 HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL Organic ............................. 0490 Wood Technology.............. 0746 Mechanical .......................0548 SCIENCES Pharmaceutical ....................0491 Metallurgy ....................... 0743 Environmental Sciences ............ 0768 Physical ............................. 0494 ® '° '& ra l ............................ 0306 Mining ............................ 0551 Health Sciences Polymer............................. 0495 Nuclear ........................... 0552 Anatomy ........................... 0287 General .............................0566 Radiation ........................... 0254 Biostatistics ....................... 0308 gackegifta........................6349 Audiolegy ..........................0300 Mathematics ............................ 0405 Petroleum .............,....... 0765 Chemotneropy .................. 0992 Physics , Sanitary and Municipal 0554 General .................0605 System,Science ..................0790 Ecology............................. 0329 ::::::::::::::: ...... Acoustics , ............... ...0986 Entomology....................... 0353 Geolechnology ................. 0426 Hospital Moirogement ......... 0769 Aslronorny and ^ Operations, Research .............. 0796 Genetics
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