:JAe .llpAilJ 1941 AIRPOST JOURNAL I I I 1941""' AAMS Convention :• to be held at Atlan­ tic City, New Je~sey ,. August 15 to 17. -Your Officers ~ in. tAid, id4u.e­ '' NY RB A'' ~ g)iJ; ~~ SAN A BRIA'S AIR POST CATALOGUE For 1941 Unabridged - Complete Lists All the Air Stamps of the Entire World Without Restriction. "WE BELIEVE THAT THE ISSUING OF STAMPS IS AN EXERCISE OF THE SOVEREIGN POWER OF THE GOVERNMENT CONCERNED." We list all stamps so issued, likes or dislikes as to their color, shape or other characteristica notwithataRding. We are the World's most extensive dealers Jn Air Mail Stamps. We are quick to buy important lots of Air Stamps whenever offered. We are open to purchase the Air Stamps that we list. Our stocks are large but we buy against future as well as for present demands. We can supply more than 90 per cent of the stamps that we list at all times. We have a large stake Jn the future of Air Mail Stamps and believe that constant transactions of increasing magnitude in this field, since 1925, have qualified us to produce a catalogue worthy of the impor- tance Air Stamps have acquired in the Philatelic World. Here is the complete record, Mr. Collector, in this complete cata­ logue for Air Post Stamps. Be the Judge yourself of what you wish to collect. Who indeed is better qualified? Lists all Government issued Air Post Stamps. All Semi-official Air Post Stamps. Aero Postal Stationery. Air Post Stampt1 Proofs. Air Post Stamps Specimens. U. S. Souvenir Pioneer . Flights. "AS COMPLETE AND AUTHORITATIVE AS A STANDARD DICTIONARY" PRICE Collectors Edition $6 .so DeLu.re Edition $S.OO Nicolas Sanabria, Inc. 17 East 42nd Street New York, N. Y. OFFICERS VOTE 12TH ANNUAL CONVEVTION FOR ATLANTIC CITY • Eastern Sile Favored Eastern Chapters Will Cooperate In Although a few of the officers had contemplated this year's Convention Sponsoring Event could be held in the middle-West, the complete poll of the officers indicated • a heavy majority in favor of meeting DATES: AUGUST 15 - 17 on the· !Eastern seaboard, It was also pointed out that quite a few regular • Convention attendants could not be HE TWELFTH ANNUAL Con­ present this year, because of stepped­ T vention of the American Air up business demands, if the gather­ Mail Society will be held at Atlantic ing were in the middle-West. All vot­ City, Ne·w .Jersey, Friday, August 15 ing for Atlantic City were of the through Sunday, August 17, 1941. opinion that its central location in Headquarters for the three-day the East would help draw a record meeting will be the Hotel Claridge, attendance, added to the fact that the and representatives from Eastern seashore resort is most popular dur­ Branch Chapters of the Society have ing the month of August. The site, signified their willingness to cooper­ therefore, will provide a most enjoy­ ate in jointly sponsoring the event. able meeting and vacationing point. Announcement of the Convention Officers also chose the site and place and date was made March 31 dates to somewhat correlate with the by L. B. Gatchell, Recording Secre­ 1941 annual meetings of the APS and tary of the Advisory Board, following the SPA, the two other national phil­ a poll of all officers and a trip to the atelic societie·s, making it convenient seashore resort for the purpose of for collectors so desiring to take in completing arrangements. all three events without difficulty in time and place schedules. Invitational Exhibition The Hotel Claridge, located on the One of the features of the Atlantic famed boardwalk, is one of the new­ City Convention will be a "demon­ est, largest and finest hotels at At­ stration exhibition" of airposts, com­ lantic City. Mr. Gatchell has been prising a number of frames of choice assured of special rates and conces­ material submitted through invitation sions for Society members who at­ by the organizing committee. tend, even though the date selected is There will also be an AAMS Air­ during the busy summer season. post Auction sponsored on one of All members are urged to make the afternoons of the meeting, and it plans now to attend and fully enjoy is expected material offered and in­ the 1941 AAMS Convention at Atlan­ terest shown will parallel or e·xceed tic City. that of the successful Toronto Con­ vention Auction. In addition to the usual business meetings, the Annual A-1 COVERAGE• AAMS Dinner, and social events, Collectors in 42 states and four there will also be time designated for nations sent for souvenir covers of a Catalogue Forum, discussions of the Gotham Stamp and Cover Clubs' this kind having proven very popular 10th anniversary celebration. Thirty in recent years. Other features of the magazines and newspapers publiciz­ 1941 Convention will be announced ed the event. Dan Newman is the in the near future. busy lad who took care of things . .OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE THE AIRPOST JOURNAL AMERICAN Affi MAIL SOCIETY APRIL, 1941 Vol, XII, No. 7 Issue 132 20c PER COPY P. 4. 4. ()ffe'u BOLAMA ROUTE COVERS When Pan American Airways in­ tion accorded them by Pan American augurated their new trans-Atlantic Airways System in the preparation route via Bolama, Portuguese Guinea, of the new trans-Atalntic covers. As Trinidad and Puerto Rico February everyone who has forwarded first 1 (eastbound) and February 6 (west­ flight covers knows, there is consider­ bound) there was insufficient time to able detail and labor involved-not notify collectors and enable them to to mention the task of later filling prepare first flight covers. orders and distributing the covers to Now, under date of March 17, a individual collectors throughout the bulletin from the airways announces country. The PAA has added a small that "the company prepared and service charge to the cost of postage, forwarded a sufficient number of but you may be assured that this fee first flight covers from each point on is not at all exhorbitant. this route to meet the requirements It is understood, also, that covers of philatelists." According to the re­ . were delayed for some time in clear­ lease the covers are addressed to the ing the British censorship at Port airways at different points along the of Spain, Trinidad. The covers ad­ route, bear stamps of the country of dressed into Bolama were nearly a origin, special company - prepared month and a half returning to New cachets, and are properly backstamp­ York, according to the company. ed by the post office at each point of destination. We believe collectors are fortunate in being able to secure these sh0rt­ Nine Covers Available notice covers through the commend­ able p1an of the PAA. Without this The set of South Atlantic route service· there would be but a very first flights as perpared by the air­ few items now available. Picture ways consists of nine covers and is also, the price that might be charged priced at $4.29. The service an­ for covers of this historic nature if nouncement requests that money handled exclusively through some order or certified check accompany other organization. We trust, there­ orders, with an itemized list of covers fore, that airpost collectors will long desired, addressed to Philatelic Sec­ remember this fine PAA courtesy tion, Pan American Airways, 135 when they add Bolama covers to East 42nd Street, New York City. their albums. -W.J.C. The individual point-to-point cov­ ers available in this set, with the • company's price in parentheses fol­ Ask your favorite dealer-if he lowing are: New York- Bolama (.65); isn't advertising in The Airpost Jour­ Horta-Bolama C.37); Lisbon-Bolama nal-to do so! Our official mae:azine (37); Lisbon-Port of Spain, Trinidad is the medium we should all be in­ C54); Lisbon-San Juan C49); Lisbon­ terested in FIRST! New York (.42); Bolama-Port of­ Spain C54); Bolama-San Juan (.49); Bolama-New York (.42). The an­ DUTCH AIRLINE BUYS• nouncement states that these points NEW U. S. AIRSHIPS are the only ones serviced by the KNILM, RoyPl Netherlands Indies Air­ company on the first flights. ways. apparently has not been wined out by the war. 'Purch,se by the svstem of two new Sikorsky S-42 amphibian trans­ Compliment PAA Policy ports for use in its East Indies service, h'-ls Collectors of airposts will appre­ been reported through United Aircraft ciate the thoughtfulness and recogni- Corporation. -Glen W. Naves N ew U. S. Airpost Stamp -M ay Be First Product of Artists' Committee • Of top interest to AIRPOST JOUR­ by WALTER J. CONRATH NAL readers is the possibility that an airpost stamp may be the first to be produced by the Department and • the Bureau in collaboration with the NITED STATES stamp design is artists' advisory committee. It is not 1U certain to benefit through the currently known whether this new voluntary cooperation of a committee air stamp might be a single value to of twelve of the country's most prom­ supplement the de·fense series, or the inent artists, the Post Office Depart­ first of the new regular set, already ment and the Bureau of Engraving under consideration for several and Printing. The group of artists months. was brought together by AAMS Di­ rector Paul F. Berdanier, art director F amou s Designers of the J. Walter Thompson Company, In bringing together the committee N e·w York advertising specialists, of artists it has been pointed out to and is working with the government the Postoffice department that the agencies through the auspices of the problem of design is not being ap­ National Federation of Stamp Clubs, proached in the spirit of criticism of with Harry L.
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