;“ufnf] SANGALO 2019 Board of Editors Bikram Gautam Dadin Pandey Manoj Pradhan Dr. Rishi Bastakoti Subas Dhakal Youth Editor Ayushma Sharma Computer Design Saru Shrestha Published By Nepal Center of North Carolina (NCNC),Inc. 1020 Signal Creek Ln. Morrisville, NC Printed At *ULI¿Q3ULQWLQJ&R5DOHLJK1&86$ Disclaimer: The information, ideas, articles, and links provided herein do not represent official policies, proce- dures, or opinions of Nepal Center of North Carolina, Inc. (NCNC). The contents contained in the magazine have come from a variety of sources, including speeches, articles, field visits and public reporting's. Editors may not agree with all the contents of the magazine. NCNC is not liable for the damage to anyone due to the information contained in this magazine. Any error or information should be mailed to the editor at the above address. PAST EXECUTIVE COMMITTEES Executive Committe 2000- 2001 Executive Committe 2006-2007 Executive Committe 2012-2013 Ishwar Devkota (President) Ishwar Devkota (President) Shilendra Devkota (President) Dr. Devendra M. Amatya ( Vice President) Nagendra Neupane (Vice President) 8GKDY.DUNL 9LFH3UHVLGHQW Annapurna Deo (Vice President) Dr. Sushama Pradhan (Vice President) Manoj Pradhan (Vice President) Dr. Bir Thapa ( Executive Secretary) Madhukar Devkota (Exec. Secretary) 6KLVKLU.KDQDO ([H6HFUHWDU\ Bibhor Rimal (Treasurer) Lekh Nath Dulal (Treasurer) Bharat Shrestha (Treasurer) Pramod Mishra (BoD) Shanti Rajlawat (BoD) Madhab Raj Bhattarai (BoD) Madan Risal (BoD) %DVDQWD.KDGND %R' Deepa Dawadi (BoD) -DQDN0DUKDWWD %R' .LVDQ8SDGKD\D %R' Dr. Chiranjivi Bhattarai (BoD) 5DYL.& %R' 5DELQGUD.DUNL %R' Executive Committe 2002- 2003 Annapurna Deo (President) Executive Committe 2008- 2009 Executive Committee 2014-2015 Madhav Dhakal (Vice President) Nagendra Neupane (President) 'U7KDNXU.DUNHH 3UHVLGHQW Dr. Dasharath Lohar (Exe.Secretary) Yagya Acharya (Vice President) Dr. Tika Adhikari (Vice President) .LVDQ8SDGKD\D 7UHDVXUHU 3DP8SDGKD\D 9LFH3UHVLGHQW 5DELQGUD.DUNL 9LFH3UHVLGHQW Danile Goetz (BoD) Madhukar Devkota (Exec.Secretary) Dr. Batu Sharma (Executive Secretary) Shanti Rajlawat (BoD) 8GKDY.DUNL 7UHDVXUHU Sujata Dhungel (Treasurer) 6KUHH.DQWD*DXWDP %R' Shanti Rajlawat (BoD) Deepa Dawadi (BoD) Dr. Padam Poudel (BoD) 5DELQGUD.& %R' Dr. Shreekant Adhikari (BoD) Shiva Prakash Mishra (BoD) Dil Bhattarai (BoD) Executive Committe 2004-2005 Bhimsen Basnet (BoD) %DONULVKQD8SDGK\D %R' Ishwar Devkota (President) Nagendra Neupane (Vice President) Executive Committe 2010- 2011 Executive Committee 2016-2017 Madhukar Devkota (Vice President) Arun Dhital (President) Dr. Sushama Pradhan (President) Dr. Roshan Shrestha (Exe. Secretary) 8GKDY.DUNL 9LFH3UHVLGHQW Dr. Batu Sharma (Sr. Vice President) .LVDQ8SDGKD\D 7UHDVXUHU 6KUHH.DQWD*DXWDP 9LFH3UHVLGHQW Dr. Archana Lamichhane (Vice President) Madhav Dhakal (BoD) Shailendra Devkota (Exec. Secretary) Yam Shreshtha (Executive Secretary) Bibhor Rimal (BoD) 8WWDP6HGDL 7UHDVXUHU 'U8QQDWL2MKD -RLQW6HFUHWDU\ Yagya Acharya (BoD) Dr. Rajesh Subedi (BoD) Bhimsen Basnet (Treasurer) Srijana Guiliford (BoD) %DVDQWD.KDGND %R' Bhim Timalsina (BoD) Shashi Bhatta (BoD) Amar Ale (BoD) Prabha Marhatta (BoD) Ram Poudel ‘RP’ (BoD) Arun Sapkota (BoD) Ghanendra Adhikari (BoD) Editorial :H DUH YHU\ SOHDVHG WKDW WKH WK LVVXH RI /RQHO\3ODQHW¶VDQQXDO%HVWLQ7UDYHO/LVWLQ 6DQJDOR FROOHFWLRQ WKHRI¿FLDOSXEOLFDWLRQRI1HSDO Besides disseminating the information about Nepal Center of North Carolina (NCNC) is in your hands. In to potential travellers, Sangalo also sheds lights on this issue of Sangalo, we chose to feature Visit Nepal the achievements of Nepalese immigrants living in 2020 on the cover page of the magazine to reinforce North Carolina. In this issue of the magazine, we the fact that Nepal remains the pristine place on the are featuring prominent Nepalese entrepreneurs planet earth to explore and praise its beauty. NCNC who took the business risk and managed to turn urges everyone to consider visiting Nepal in 2020 that into meaningful return. We hope the advice and also requests all Nepali organizations around the IURP WKHVH H[SHUWV ZRXOG EH RI VLJQLILFDQWYDOXH WR world to spread the message to make the campaign a aspiring newcomers vying to venture into the world of grand success. entrepreneurship. We’ve also asked senior members $IWHU WKH VXFFHVV RI 9LVLW 1HSDO <HDU DQG of the community to share their experience which is Nepal Tourism Year 2011, the Tourism Board of an interesting read in itself. Sangalo has also been Nepal introduced the Visit Nepal Campaign 2020. featuring the achievements of our youngsters to cheer 7KH FDPSDLJQ ZDV ¿UVW DQQRXQFHG LQ WR EH their progress. In this issue, we are featuring Sukrity KHOG LQ EXW ODWHU SRVWSRQHG WR 7KH 'KXQJHOZKRPDGHLWWRWKH7RSOLVWRI0LVV1HSDO GHYDVWDWLRQ FDXVHG E\ WKH HDUWKTXDNH LQ 86$7KHLVVXHLVDOVRDFROOHFWLRQRIYLHZVH[SUHVVHG the crawling upgrading activity of Tribhuwan by other community members in various forms. International Airport and delayed construction of It took a village to bring this issue of Gautam Buddha International Airport in Lumbini, Sangalo in its current shape and we express our sincere and improper transportation infrastructure led the gratitude to NCNC executive committee, Tourism Board to postpone the campaign to 2020. writers and contributors, and all the individual and :RUNVDUHXQGHUZD\WR¿QLVKFRQVWUXFWLRQRI*DXWDP business advertisers who chose to patron Sangalo. Buddha International Airport before 2020 and the Despite our due efforts, there could still be some government has planned various activities through errors and omissions. We apologize in advance out the year to surpass the target of 2 million tourist IRU WKHVH GHILFLHQFLHV DQG H[SHFW \RXU YDOXDEOH arrival in 2020. Currently, the country sees nearly one suggestions to make Sangalobetter in days to come. PLOOLRQWRXULVWYLVLWRUV\HDUO\1HSDOLV¿IWKDPRQJWKH Finally, the board of editors would like to wish all the Top 10 countries to visit in the world and number one community members a very happy Dashain & Tihar in Best Valued Destination in the World, according to 3UHVLGHQW V0HVVDJH Respected Community Members, signifying the importance of our rich cultural diversity; both Wake County and HAPPY BIJAYA DASHAMI AND Town of Morrisville have proclaimed the TIHAR 2076! third Saturday in April of every year as NEPAL DAY throughout the Wake This is again the time of the year and I County. This is the most significant feel highly honored and privileged for achievement and the moment of great the opportunity to wish all of you and pride and honor to all the Nepalese living your families the happiest Bijaya in and around Wake County, North Dashami and Tihar 2076. On behalf of Carolina and the United States of NCNC Board of Directors, my wife America. This was possible because of Puja, and my kids Ayushma & Aarnav, consistent efforts and dedications of our I wish that the upcoming festivals be senior leadership including past the harbinger of good health, presidents, trustees and advisors; and our prosperity, success and happiness in community’s unity and commitments every step of your life ahead. May towards the community service over the Goddess Durga and Laxmi bestow all last 20 years under the umbrella of of you with her blessings! NCNC. I urge every community member to work responsibly and maintain the For the last 20 years, NCNC has been working consistently dignity of this utmost attainment. to preserve the cultural heritage, traditions and customs of Nepal and to protect the Nepalese identity. Celebrating Our team came with the vision of making NCNC more festivals like Dashain and Tihar together with all transparent, institutionalized, professional, accessible, community members creates the exuberant feeling of welcoming, inclusive and well organized for future togetherness and homely despite being thousands of miles generations. We continue to seek your full cooperation and away from home. It also helps us to protect and pass on the active participation. Collaboration, partnership, teamwork, goodness of our rich traditions and cultures to the future inclusiveness and participatory approach have remained generations and the broader community. In a long run, it our topmost priorities. We have successfully collaborated will help us to strengthen our roots and engrave our unique with several local and regional organizations like NASeA, identity in the hearts of our future generations. NCAAT, HSNC, NRNNC, NCNLS, NepaRhythm, EVC, Humsub, HSS etc. on varieties of activities. Through our In my close association with NCNC for last 10 years, I have MDPRC committee, we have been very successful in been very fortunate to witness its proud history, an significantly boosting the membership strength of our incredible growth, and very rich social and moral values. organization. Through our community outreach program, This flourishing Nepalese community has provided our team has been putting a tremendous effort to listen to volunteers like me with an implausible opportunity for every concerns of the community member, provide community service. It has been a wonderful opportunity for necessary help whenever needed and maintain a constant me to serve this community as the president of NCNC for and cordial relationship with every member of the the years 2018-2019. Our dynamic team have thriven to community. Our vision has remained very clear in making work diligently to maintain the dignity of NCNC and propel NCNC a common home for all Nepalese living in North its proud history
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