·June 16, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF ·REMARKS 191'17 By Mr. SISK: hospital in southern Nevada; to the Com­ Page 44, lines 9 and 13, strike out "HoLI­ H. Res. 545. Resolution modifying certain mittee on Veterans' Affairs. FIELD". investigatory authority conferred by House 189. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Page 44, after line 14, insert the following: Resolution 138; to the Committee on Rules. the State of California, relative to the seizure SEc. 402. The Heavy Ion Research Facility By Mr. MOORHEAD of Pennsylvania: of tuna boats; jointly to the Committees on under construction at Oak Ridge, Tennessee, H. Res 546. Resolution establishing a select International Relations, and Merchant Ma­ is hereby designated as the "Holifield Heavy committee to study the problem of U.S. serv• rine and Fisheries. Ion Research Facility". Any reference in any icemen missing in action in Southeast Asia; law, regulation, map, record, or other docu­ to the Committee on Rules. ment of the United States to the Heavy Ion PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Research Facility shall be considered a refer­ ence to the "Holifield Heavy Ion Research Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Facility." MEMORIALS bills and resolutions were introduced and By Mr. RICHMOND: Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials severelly referred as follows: Page 19, line 20, strike the figure "$144,- were presented and referred as follows: By Mr. DUNCAN of Oregon: 700,000" and insert in lieu thereof the figure 180. By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the H.R. 7941. A bill for the relief of Hamish "$194,800,000". Legislature of the State of Nevada, relative Scott MacKay; to the Committee on the H.R. 7001 to the Energy Independence Act of 1975; to Judiciary. By Mr. LONG of Maryland: the Committee on Interstate and Foreign H.R. 7942. A bill for the relief of Willia On the first page, immediately after line 8, Commerce. Niukkanen, a/k/a William Mackie; to the insert the following: 181. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Committee on the Judiciary. "SEc. 2. Unless the President determines the State of Arizona, relative to the Republic By Mr. WIGGINS: that the national security requires such li­ of China; to the Committee on International H.R. 7943. A bill for the relief of P. S. Sey­ cense or authorization, and makes a report Relations. mour-Heath; to the Committee on the of such determination to the Congress 182. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Judiciary. (which report shall be available to every the State of Indiana, relative to the Inter­ Member of the Congress) at least 60 days state Civil Defense and Disaster Compact; prior to the issuance of such license or au­ to the Committee on the Judiciary. PETITIONS, ETC. thorization, the Nuclear Regulatory Commis­ 183. Also, memorial of the Legislature of Under clause 1 of rule XXII. sion shall not use any of the funds herein authorized to license or otherwise authorize the State of Nevada, requesting that Con­ 154. The SPEAKER presented a petition of gress propose an amendment to the Constitu­ any export of nuclear fuel or nuclear tech­ the city council, Brunswick, Ohio, relative to nology- tion of the United States declaring that deconcentration of the energy industry; to Representatives to the Congress shall be ap­ "(1) to any country which furnishes or portioned among the States according to the the Committee on the Judiciary. agrees to furnish uranium enrichment or total number of persons residing within each nuclear fuel reprocessing plants to a country State; to the Committee on the Judiciary. not a party to the nuclear nonproliferation 184. Also, memorial of the Legislatm·e of AMENDMENTS treaty; or the State of Nevada, requesting that Con­ Under clause 6 of rule xxnr, pro­ "(2) to any country which is not a party gress call a convention for the purpose of posed amendments were submitted as to the nuclear nonproliferation treaty and proposing an amendment to the Constitu­ follows: which develops either any enrichment or tion of the United States to prohibit Con­ H.J. REs. 499 reprocessing plant without concluding an gress or the President or any Federal agency agreement with the International Atomic from withholding, withdrawing or threaten­ By Mr. HECHLER of West Virginia.: Energy Agency or Euratom to adhere to safe­ ing to withhold or withdraw any Federal On page 4, line 21, strike the semicolon guards established by either such agency funds from any State as a means of impos­ and insert a. coma in the following proviso: against diversion of nuclear material." "Provided, That none of the funds made ing or implementing Federal policies; to the H.R. 7500 Committee on the Judiciary. available by this joint resolution shall be 185. Also, memorial of the Legislature of obligated or expended to finance directly or By Mr. VANIK: the State of Nevada, relative to the right indirectly any activities or operations of the Page 11, immediately after line 9, add the to keep and bear arms; to the Committee Federal Metal and Nonmetallic Mine Safety following new section: on the Judiciary. Board of Review." "INTERNATIONAL JOINT COMMISSION On page 15, after line 12, insert the follow­ 186. Also, memorial of the Legislature of "SEc. 16. After the date of enactment of ing new section: the State of Nevada, relative tQ administl·a­ this section, any commissioner of the Inter­ tion of the Charles Sheldon Antelope Range; "SEc. 111. None of the funds made available national Joint Commission appointed on the to the Committee on Merchant 1\!arlne and by this joint resolution shall be obligated or part of the United States, pursuant to article Fisheries. expended to finance directly or indirectly any VII of the treaty between the United States 187. Also, memorial of the Legislature of activities or operations of the Federal Metal and Great Britain relating to boundary wa­ the State of Nevada, relative to research and and Nonmetallic Mine Safety Board of Re­ ters between the United States and Canada., development in solar energy; to the Com­ view." signed at Washington on January 11, 1909 mittee on Science and Technology. H.R. 3474 (36 Stat. 2448; TS 548; III Redmond 2607), 188. Also, memorial of the Legislatlue of By Mrs. LLOYD of Tennessee: shall be appointed by the President by and the State of Nevada, relative to a. veterans' Page 44, line 5, strike out "HOLIFIELD". with the advice and consent of the Senate." EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS I insert his commencement address in the the birthday of this nation and to invite your RECORD: friends to join in this celebration. For one COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS AT BOSTON COLLEGE fundamental reason-modern nations are HON. SILVIO 0. CONTE not different from the ancient Hebrews who OF ]dASSACEnJSETTS (By Paul Ricoetu) kept existing as one people to the extent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES This "Commencement" is a. special one. that they were able to recall the founding · You will have to recall it in the next years as events and to re-enact the founding acts of Monday, June 16, 1975 a fortunate coincidence with another "Com­ their founding fathers. What you are cele­ n1encement"-French commencement is be­ brating is not different. If you object that Mr. CONTE. Mr. Speaker, as an honor­ ginning-that of the Bicentennial of the except for historians who know the real facts ary degree recipient at recent commence­ independence of this nation. in a scholarly way, this memory of the found­ ment exercises at my alma mater, Boston Many people question the relevance of this ing fathers and of their deeds is largely College, I was privileged to share the dais Bicentennial celebration. Allow me, as a guest mythical, you merely forget that myths have with the eminent French philosopher of this University and as a foreigner, more a positive meaning, a creative function. Paul Ricoeur. precisely a~ an heir of the French revolution, I should say that each nation, if it is Professor Ricoeur gave an address to allow me to say that these people are right genuinely a. nation, has to make an image of the graduates that thoughtfully dealt and wrong. They are wrong because they its own existence in order to take hold of its overlook the meaning of memory and festivity own identity among the nations. It is not with our Bicentennial. I found it an in­ for any national community. But they would true that these images are mere distortions of sightful look at what this national time be right if you failed to answer a. certain the reality of the nation, because what you of remembrance means. challenge and used this celebration to in­ call mere reality is not something you might In order to share Professor Ricoeur's dulge yourselves in self-deception. describe in terms of brute facts. YOUl' reality thoughts with my colleagues, at this time I do say that you are right to commemorate as Americans is not only what you do, but 19118 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS June 16, 1975 the sum of your values, of your beliefs, and As concerns the latter, it is clear that the dition of the New York Army National the way in which you look at yourselves. This founding of an inner democracy remains a Guard whose predecessors, Ethan Allen is what I call the image that you have of task as much as a conquest of the past. Its your existence as a nation. The French soci­ meaning has to be preserved and increased and his Green Mountain Boys at Fort ologist and anthropologist, Claude Levi­ in a new world where it is challenged by the Ticonderoga took the first otfensive ac­ Strauss, used to say that symbolism is not the new paradigms of revolution proposed and tion against the British and gave the result of society but that society is the result very often imposed on the world by revolu­ Redcoats their first defeat.
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