
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Green, Max: Files Folder Title: Briefing International Council of the World Conference on Soviet Jewry 05/12/1988 Box: 42 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name GREEN, MAX: FILES Withdrawer MID 11/23/2001 File Folder BRIEFING INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL & THE WORLD FOIA CONFERENCE ON SOVIET JEWRY 5/12/88 F03-0020/06 Box Number THOMAS 127 DOC Doc Type Document Description No of Doc Date Restrictions NO Pages 1 NOTES RE PARTICIPANTS 1 ND B6 2 FORM REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENTS 1 5/11/1988 B6 Freedom of Information Act - [5 U.S.C. 552(b)] B-1 National security classified Information [(b)(1) of the FOIA) B-2 Release would disclose Internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA) B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA) B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial Information [(b)(4) of the FOIA) B-8 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted Invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA) B-7 Release would disclose Information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA) B-8 Release would disclose Information concerning the regulation of financial Institutions [(b)(B) of the FOIA) B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical Information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA) C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. CONFERENCE ROOM RcSL:RVATION ru:oucST .----------------------------------..----- ·---------· NAP.IE OF INDIVIDUAL HOSTirJG/ATTErWltlG EVEtlT: EXTENSION: ~~ DATE OF MEETING: 5°- I;)- gg HOURS:/:~ Fro~ To:;; . · ~ TYPE OF EVENT: OHi cl ai: Private: ~~eeting 0 Rccep!lon Other_______________ _ A? PURPOSE OF MEETING: i -f&i ../ft-f I J~ v--.:,-,;A t~J e~~~ v i- ~ 'J_f NUMBER OF ATIEllDEES: IN ATTErmAll:CE: I President 0 First Lady 0 Vice President ROOl.l(s) REQUESTED: 0 22 OEOB 0 274 OEOB 0 450 OEOB 0 474 OEOB 0 476 OEOB 0 Roosevelt Room West Wing Other e t4 g I f-J(. T f!_ oo /.""I GSA REQUIREMENTS: 0 YES (fill out TYPE OF SERVICE bolow) TYPE OF SERVICE:) 0 Elevator Service O #4 O «> O #7 SPECIAL ROOM ARRANGEMENTS (Rooms 22 and 474 OEOB Only) Time Reserved 0 Theatre: Number of Chairs _ _ _ Floors Reserved ------ 0 Reception: Number of Table(s) __6ft __Bft _ _ 1 Oft O Podium 0 Coat Rack 0 Other ----------- 0 Flags WHITE HOUSE STAFF MESS REQUIRED: ?7NO 0 YES Estimated Cost $ ________ Funding to be Provided by: _____________________ Counsel's Approval: ----------------------- REMARKS: RETURN TO: \'/hite House Admlnistr.itlvc Office Room 1, OEOB ~ J~~ iJ~k- 16uv~u s~V\ flov,,.;~ Abf"CtNvi Ql!( 1-H+B Po1VtS ~h_ s~ ~ fZ.e-,-~ Sr h.~ btvi ,-+t: //1-./1-- ~ fii·~~c~~ l<::L l VVl ~ V'\ A l/ <;J h~lu(W1 ~ ~-i-, bi·)<A: ~ Ne J; (,,, ~ -~ --- ----------------------~----------------·-------- ............................... -w-w ~ "'-"-......"-'--....; ..... - ..... ....,.................. 17Nn~ ~ ;f-G-v"'-! ~ s-~·;4.._ 1)~ -z,) /l/t. &)~~ ¥)~ s-') ~/U t/) i{)1 n . p._,,, - s~ 't"s- ~) ~ f~ ~~rvf ):IJ ~(l S-~ 0-//,). ~ /W>6 ~i g~ ~ ""-"~. ~ ~ll ~ ~ tfat~~ ~ M;w.IY ~ ~6· WITHDRAWAL SHEET Ronald Reagan Library Collection Name Withdrawer GREEN, MAX: FILES MJD 11/23/2001 File Folder FOIA BRIEFING INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL & THE WORLD F03-0020/06 CONFERENCE ON SOVIET JEWRY 5/12/88 THOMAS Box Number 127 DOC Document Type No of Doc Date Restric- NO Document Description pages tions 1 NOTES 1 ND B6 REPARTICIP ANTS Freedom of Information Act - (5 U.S.C. 552{b)] B-1 National security classified information [(b)(1) of the FOIA] B-2 Release would disclose internal personnel rules and practices of an agency [(b)(2) of the FOIA] B-3 Release would violate a Federal statute [(b)(3) of the FOIA] B-4 Release would disclose trade secrets or confidential or financial information [(b)(4) of the FOIA] B-6 Release would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy [(b)(6) of the FOIA] B-7 Release would disclose information compiled for law enforcement purposes [(b)(7) of the FOIA] B-8 Release would disclose information concerning the regulation of financial institutions [(b)(B) of the FOIA] B-9 Release would disclose geological or geophysical information concerning wells [(b)(9) of the FOIA] C. Closed in accordance with restrictions contained in donor's deed of gift. _._.,......- . ··-·············· ---------::::'-:r------ . '' P.3" / • Tbe organizeli Jewllh Community hu deleaated to the National Conference en Soviet . Jewry tbe ~eaderahtp role in the development and lmplementatfon of pollcles to frff Soviet Jew• from apectal persecution wltbtn the Soviet Union. and permit those who wilh to be repaulaced ro Iarael, and be reunited with relatlves, to do 10.. .. JG/02/004/12/85 ' . .. , . , .• Cha1naan•P ... •iMnc jottN GolML.EY Bou. ATnww. CANADIAN PARLIAMBNTARY GROUP FOR 5oVIBT jBWRY Bou Gomwc Sa.If GIAHAM EM<'Vtiw Co1nmitttt: GROUP! DB PARLEMBNTAIRBS CANADIBNS POUP. LBS jUIFS D'UNlON SoVItmQUB MKM ll GIAvtJ. Co.ill es.k\ltif: OUITL l . GUY Ho• )ON• 8o<UY HON. Hw Guy SMULA FlHrsn>NI l...oQIE CilUMAWAT HON )CNN A. F'l.uEI RJc.:NAID G11• HON 0oNALD J. JOHNSTON GIUJ3 CilOliilOIN HON Roar.n IUl"Uf\I )ACOUU GUJUAULr 0..VIO KILGOUI JE.ANGUT GUll.&AULr fKD KIN< G.M. GUlllN SIC LDl.ANC lDI Gumrso• LYNN MAC0o!CALD 1+1 Btucr HAWIMT HOflill 8AIM&A MCDoUGAU. CKAIUS HAMWN Eworr KAIDCY rro:.(~c.:;~~ .. C S UICim HOUSB OP CoMMONS/CffAMBRB DBS CoMMUNBS Joo HA•Krs ~ll.SOfill Rus D"" Hur Ho•. G11>t1<;r H££S S...-e&nat: 0rrAWA KlA OA6 G£011Gl H.. DDISON HON. MAaTlAL AsSD.DI Boa HICKS HON. SOOMAN_,,.. HON. 1bw HOClJN HON . ,lN:I AIJmN Ft1JJ H<>tn<ANN HON. R. )AMU S.LIOUI LD< HOP!<JNS Ho•. E.W. s.aoons Boe HOINEI HON . llVINl 8.UIOW S1'N J. HOYDUO Ho•. )IAH llo\ZJ• April 29th, 1988 HON . ). ROIUT HOWi£ Ho•. PITU llOsA )L\HGUY H UDON HON. SIO 9UCKWOLD GASTOll ISAarw; HON. OOMAU> C.UIDON CAIOU lACOUts HOJril . ETH&:L CCXHlANl KV< JAwts HON. MICH£i. COGGEI HOH . 0no)WNEK Ho•. 0.Y1D Caou. )llC ) ll'SON HON . Al<>'l COO'-' President Ronald Reagan, PlwUHE )£W£TT HoN. Kll'nl o.vn MOtlJSSEY JoHHSON Ho•. WIWAM oooor ) Ul<Wc )DNCAS HoN. )ACQVD F'ln<N The White House f'UNANO JovlDDCAIS HON. RO'l'CI F'arrH CYllL KIVEi HOH . j()HN GooFUT Washington, D.C. BU,.l. KDIPUf'tC HOH . j[UT C.IAl'STDN l'littis• KllJ.lNS HON . SnJriu. .n HAIDl\SZ Ala KINDY HOH . 0."1£1. HAn U.S.A. Ho•. RocH LA SALU HON. BIU. KIW F'nHAHO l.Aoouc£UJ Ho•. Uo KOIMll HON . MONIQUt l..ANt>«Y Ho•. )IAH LD<an<l CLAlJDl LA1muu HOH . )OHM MACDONALD Dear President Reagan, HON . JUN l..A"D.1.£ HOH . F'lNUY MACOONAlD HON. ~ l.AWIEHCE HON . ,J.\CI MAISHAU. HON . Boa l.Arn:>• HON . GIUIU MOL.Gott 'MUJAM G. l&sJCK HON . Roacrr MUii Dove L£Wts HON . Lowru. MuUAY The forthcoming Summit in Moscow is an historic occasion. RICAIDO lo"2 HON . )QUI NDMAN HON . f'l.DaA MAc0oHAU> HON. RAT l'DLwU We wish you every success in your meetings with General )DHN ~ - MAcllouGAU. HOH. OtMLU l'IUUJl'S HON. El.Mii M. MACKAY HON. BIVIM ROllU'nON Jlussw. MAcl.w.AN Ho". DUH kOIUN Secretary Gorbachev. Cl..M..'Ot' MAIW HOJlll . JtAl'-MAUtJCl SUitAAD )U!<CLAUDE MALtP.. T HOH. MIU SIMI AlHOUl MALONE HON . Hl:D SMlllOW )llC MANU' HOlril . RlCH.UD Sn.nun We trust the issue of Hu;nan Rights and particularly Jewish Mor. MANTKA HON . ~El STOt.J.UY Sl.ICIO MAICHI HON. A.HOHW T\40WP'50N CHAll.£5.lUGtNt MAIJN HOJri• GIEOICE VAN IOGGDI emigration will be promi.1ent on your agenda. Please be SMw.n MAmN HOH. Oi\UA 'At>oo HON. DoN MAZAJifKOWSKI assured that the undersizned Canadian parliamentarians, flm M CCAIN Houec ol Commone/ W. l'MIL MCCIOSSAN Cha.mat~ dra Con1 .. WMa: i..olH£ MCCUISH HOH . WlUlH AU.MAND representing the Canadian people applaud, support and How.ao MCCUIDI' Ho•. llAIY1£ Al<D• )OMN MCDUMJO LAIN AIC;U'S strongly encourage your continued efforts. HOH . ST11<UT MCINND HON. 1..1.DrD AXWOlmO' 0.. MCKDCll£ G..,... llAKEI HON . All.AN B. MCKINNON HoN. Pul:JN BlATTY HON . TbM MCMILLAN Ross 8£1.SH El GEOltl MIMAICEI US 8ocJAMIN We believe that Human Rights and peaceful co-existence Gus Mm;ts OlVlD Bucu a.a.. Moou GAUJDJ.L 8UTMND are inseparable. ROD M UIJl'MY f'llT 8006 HON jM:IC MUITA JlA,...,,Dll 8LACJCIUIN A. IOU.~ NKHOLSON SIU. BLAllUl Roi NKHOLSON PU.UE lk.AIS f'llT NowlAN OON 8uNIC.ARH Yours joHN NUl'Q.IATA A.10111 81.0UlN l.AWllX[ I. O'N DL DoN 8oUDllA CMvm OIUKOW A<nlc• Bona HON . A.No• 0VW£T BUD 8UOUY HON . STEVt £. PAP1tOSK I A .H . llbc:HTWllJ. )OM N Pun 8ol 811SCO Kunt PENNEi HON . ~ID 8ROADID<T 8ol l'L'<l'OCK ~U!"'l BaowD l.UC1 £ PIPt N HON. l'IDll H. CA01rux PlTll l'ETuso• !JM CALDWllJ. ALL.AN PIET? ~l' HAT CA.ml'1 Louts P\.A.M ONOON HON .
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