Gardner-Webb University Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 John R. Dover Memorial Library 7-1-1909 Volume 27, Number 07 (July 1909) James Francis Cooke Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude Part of the Composition Commons, Ethnomusicology Commons, Fine Arts Commons, History Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Music Education Commons, Musicology Commons, Music Pedagogy Commons, Music Performance Commons, Music Practice Commons, and the Music Theory Commons Recommended Citation Cooke, James Francis. "Volume 27, Number 07 (July 1909)." , (1909). https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/etude/549 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the John R. Dover Memorial Library at Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The tudeE Magazine: 1883-1957 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Gardner-Webb University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ETVDE \ammmM TERESA Cmt SL CECELIA \msmach \UZALEHMjm 1 1 MME MOOMEIELP-mSUiR | inMusic^fci Theodore Presser, Publisher Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Price 1!» Cents $I.5*per year THE ETUDE 433 WHY YOU SHOULD NOT FAIL TO GET THE AUGUST ETUDE. Owing to space limitations it has been nec¬ A MONTHLY JOURNAL FOR THE MUSICIAN, THE THREE MONTHS’ SUMMER SUB¬ essary to continue some important articles of MUSIC STUDENT, AND ALL MUSIC LOVERS. SCRIPTION. this issue in the August issue* In addition to Edited by JAMES FRANCIS COOKE Many hundreds of our subscribers, we pre¬ Subscription, *1.50 per year, .‘lnnlc copies, 15 Cent this there will be the especially attractive ar¬ sume teachers, on The Etude subscription ticles mentioned below and many others of in¬ list, send to us every year a number of tltree- terest to the Summer reader. If you are not month subscriptions. They find it to their ad¬ a subscriber and are going to the country, •pittances should be made by post-offlce vantage to have The Etude before their pupils where you may have difficulty in purchasing money orders, bank check or draft, o registered during the recreation time between the terms an Etude, do not fail to send fifteen cents to letter. United States postage stamps received for cash. Money sent In let of music lessons. We make a special price the Publisher of The Etude and get this copy. gerous, and we are not responsible 1 for these trial subscriptions of 25 cents. Three It will turn a rainy day into one of profit, en¬ issues; it can be any three consecutive num¬ tertainment and inspiration. bers from May to September. If you have not acrlptlon tried this it will pay you to do so. THE MIRACLE OF INSPIRATION. RENEWAL— SPECIAL RENEWAL OFFER FOR JULY. Most of us realize that the great composer To every one of our subscribers renewing is not the man who sits down and designs his during the month of July we will send any music according to mathematical laws, as a MANUSCRIPTS.—All— manuscriptsn Intended for publica¬ one of the following books upon the receipt mechanical engineer would design a bridge or tion should be addressed to THE ETUDE, 1712 Chestnut •Street, and should he written on one side of only 10 cents above the regular subscrip¬ a skyscraper, but few of us comprehend what of the sheet only. Contributions on topics con¬ tion price. an amazing thing inspiration really is. Listen nected with music-teaching and music-study are le that are not available will be re- For $1.60 we will send The Etude for to “Carmen,” with its scintilating brilliance another twelve months and any one of the and its sensuous melody and you will soon ADVERTISING RATES- Vwill be sent on application. norms close on 10th of each month for the suc¬ following books, postpaid: realize how impossible it would have been ceeding month’s issue. Standard Graded Compositions, Grade 1, 2, 3, 4 for Bizet to have produced such a work by THEODORE PRESSER, or 5. methods of cool calculation. Hear the “Ride 1712 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. March Album for Four Hands. of the Valkyries.” Listen to the “Hebredes” ■ Entered at Philadelphia P. O. as Second-class Matter. Four-hand Parlor Pieces. Copyright, 1909. by Theodore PresSer Co. overture or the “Fifth Symphony,” and ask Tunes and Rhymes, Vocal or Instrumental yourself if anything other than genuine in¬ pieces by Spaulding. spiration could have produced these works. Again, how was it possible for Handel to have CONTENTS PREMIUM LIST AND CLUB OFFERS. written so lengthy and remarkable a work as Foe several months past we have advertised “THE ETUDE” - JULY, 1909. the “Messiah” in twenty-eight days unless he in this column seasonable premium offers for was inspired. Mr. Henry T. Finck, the noted Editorial . the Spring and Summer. We would refer- Current Musical History.Arthur Elson ■ author of many valuable books, will write The Art of the Coloratura Soprano. our readers to those past issues for excellent upon this important subject in the August Luisa Tetrazzini • gifts or bargains of premiums other than of Etude, under the title “The Miracle of Inspi- Discern the Signs of the Times. a musical nature. The camera offer will be Albert W. Bor at • Woman's Opportunity in Music, Symposium.. < found advertised on another page of this is¬ Famous Women in Music.Arthur Elson < sue. Our complete premium list, with illus¬ WHAT FAMOUS AMATEURS HAVE Three Helpful Phrasing Hints. .H. A. Jeboult i trations, will be sent free to anyone. Symposium on Music After Marriage and DONE. Motherhood . / On another page of this issue will be found Successful Memorizing.. .Kate S. Chittenden 4 the best bargains in clubbing offers' with Me. Louis C. Elson has prepared a most Who’s Who Among Famous Women Musicians 4 other magazines, a column advertisement. interesting article upon the work of “The Fa¬ The American Woman Pianist... .Loma Gill 4 mous Amateurs in Music.” Too little recogni¬ Vacation Study Without a Piano, The club offers can be taken in connection ,, Harriette M. Brower 4 with any premium offer; every Etude sub¬ tion is given to the achievements of those who Grieg on Liszts Piano Playing. work for the art but who do not depend upon Gallery of Celebrated Musicians. 4 scription, whether single or in club, counts Why American Girls Succeed in Opera, for the premium. it for a livelihood. Mr. Elson’s long experi¬ - Corinne Rider Kelsey 4 ence as a teacher, critic and author, as well Saint Cecilia, the Patron Saint of Music.... 4 A SPECIAL OFFER FOR JULY TO NEW as his wide reading, insure articles of edu¬ The Influence of Women on Great Composers 4 Music for the Business Woman. SUBSCRIBERS. cational value as well as deep human interest. Mrs. Hermann Kotzschmar 4 . To ,every reader not now on our subscrip¬ Short Practical Lessons in Theory, tion list who subscribes during the month of Thomas Tapper 4 WILLIAM SHERWOOD ON ‘“LESSONS Self-Help Notes on Etude Music. ,P. 11'. Orem 4 July, and to every new subscriber sent in by IN RELAXATION.” Pedal Consciousness.William Benbow 4 a present subscriber, which reaches us during Me. Sherwood, the noted American vi/ Department for Singers.Lillian Blauvelt 4 the current month, we will present a pocket Department for Organists,.. oso, feels that unrestrained or indiscrirt/ Dictionary of Music and Musicians. We want Mary Chappell Fisher 4 relaxation is not altogether desirable. V Department for Violinists.Maud Powell 4 to register as many subscriptions during this written an article for you in which / Department for Children.c. A. Browne 4 month of July as is at all possible. We offer The Work of Our Women’s Musical Clubs, stated some technical principles very f y _. Fanny Morris Smith 4 the above as an inducement. The Dictionary How Theory and Harmony Aid Memorizing.. 4 must be asked for with the order, otherwise and helpfully. This is an article f/ el¬ Teachers’Round Table.N. J. Corey 4 it will not be sent. and student alike, and similar to tBe IS: *ar- Musical Works by Women. ..1 Classified List 4! wenka article on octave playing in the last Publisher's Notes . 4. The World of Music. 41 PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISING. issue is as valuable as a lesson with the writer. New Publications.” 4. Eveby music school in the large cities, every The Etude has in preparation a number of The Reason for Inefficient Sight Reading, music school in every locality, should an¬ similar articles by world-renowned teachers On P'aying for Nothing. .Oscar Hatch Hawlel t nounce their courses of study in the next and virtuosi. You should acquaint all of your What Others Say. 5, three issues of The Etude. It pays the music musical friends, with this fact, as the instruc¬ Recital Programs. 51 tion contained in one such article is often far Answers to Questions. " 51 schools that are now advertising in The Mirth and Music. 5( Etude to advertise, and it surely will pay more valuable than an entire year’s subscrip¬ others. Our rates for this sort of advertising tion to The Etude. MUSIC. are very low. Lowness of rates must be Joyous Peasant.Schumann-Hartl 41 gauged. by the amount of circulation. Our A PROFITABLE SUMMER PASTIME. June Morning.It. It. Forman 41 circulation is a number of times larger than Look over your old Etudes, you will find Tick Tack (4 hands).J{. ran Gael 4I that of any other paper in the musical world. Pastorale Enfantine (4 hands).C. Chaminade 4( many things that may have escaped your at¬ A large advertisement in the next three -An Oriental Scene./,.
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