T he Courier-Gazette. •I LTME 47. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20. 1892. N umber 50 g low CITY CHAT. If holly nnd mistletoe don’t here, THIS CHRISTMAS LOCAL LACONIC’S. good health does, nnd with good health Current Comment on Matters ot Inter­ we can earn the money to Imy the holly We have made little attempt to get! est to Rockland. cot a n d ......rate Christmas number. We Sa?2'.n^ " '2 t.*bbrevi*‘ed and mistletoe which tho sunny Soutti lor Home Consumption. produces. have tried to get nut an extra good R IG H T nii>n arc these commercial Rockland seems prolific in candidates newspaper, and have tilled onr columns 1.1 EROCK Hall,-ho travellers, and nb for offices, nnd good candidates, too with readable news The paper this irnw place of serving fellows ns Rockland can always be counted on to issue consists of sixteen pages, in which amusement being furnish her quota, whether it's of lime, well, ami l h e ir will bo found a great deal of seasonable fitted up by Mad- money, enterprise nr candidates. doeks & Rackliffe opinions on men, matter. To our many readers nnd w o m e n, towns, Our workingmen, in the variou over their place of subscribers, 3500. never less and often business and trades, are organizing, nnd we’re glad business, head of things in general is worth something. of it. Trade organizations for mutual more, we extend the season’s greetings of Limerock sheet, will he finished by W illi this I n a self evident (net.it is grat­ benefit, and material, moral and mental .A* -;Sn, nnd good wishes, to our local contem­ Dec 21 and dedicated with a grand ball ifying Io a Roeklander to know that the improvement, have au important part to poraries and fellow journalists cur —C G Moffit has been making exten­ sive improvements on the Manchester travelling men of the state unanimously play in tho development of the race, and kindliest wishes, and to all who read concede to Rockland the credit of being we wish for our local organizations the > • '- 7 house, Lisle Blreet The old shed has these lines our wishes lor a the smartest place of its size in New fullest measure of success. api-.vr^;. merry been removed, the stable moved up to England You can find nigger places a s Christmas the house, and the house itself renovated The prospect that several hundred with new paper and paint—Several cases and richer places, hut none better and Grand Army men »re to meet in Rock­ OUR ADVERTISERS. none where there's more bustle, rustle of la grippe have appeared in town. land in February and thuttlie hospitality \\ e wish to call the attention of our o n# of t,le surest preventatives is to nnd hustle to the square inch than the of our people will he taxed doesn’t cause shire town of Knox. Commercial men readers to our long list ol advertisers in re,„| 'f HB CouitniKK G aZZKTTE. It keeps a tremor here. Rockland’s entertaining our columns to day. This Christmas, ought to ttiink a great deal of Rockland: r ... ,i.._ ii... / , . up one’s spirits tremendously—One of capacity is well known, and the gallant for the first time for years, we have not They do a big business here and nlways Newton Beers’ plays is looked for Far- G. A R hoys will be pre-ented with the sw. canvassed for special advertising, pre­ get their money. Said a well known well Opera House, Saturday, Jan 14— keys of the city on their arrival. Our ferring to let our regular advertisers hardware drummer to a representative The snow shovellers have been busy the own Grand Army Post is one of the best have the use of the paper without past week—The C. G's. frequent refer- ofTiin C.-G. "Rockland has the best in the state, and we know that what reputation for sure pay of any place in crowding our columns full of additional cnees to clearing the sidewalks of snow they attempt to do as hosts will need no ads. Wo have not solicited one stiver- or something else has resulted in a more tile state of Maine." Good leputatiou patching, and that ttiey can count on the to have, brethren ! lisement, and yet we hnve some 33 general observance of the ordinance re- solid support and backing of all out- columns of advertising in our paper te- i:iling thereto than ha- generally been We hope that the City Committee on people. Rockland will be a Grand ■u day. 1 he fact is mat the 3500 of 1 Ue ,h« case—Along with the parcel delivery Fire Department will see tit to recom­ Army city in February. C.-G. does all the canvassing that is j Rockland needs a messenger service, mend the provision of a hose carriage, The next event in the Public Library necessary. according to the suggestion of Chief En­ Now will our readers oblige us by course will be a comic opera by local Kl„. - -■s CHRISTMAS CAROLS. gineer Jones. The necessary cost is so talent. Work will begin on it as soon & l i i l cuiefully scanning tho various advertise i utterly disproportionate with the great as the holidays are over. No arrange­ raenta that appear. If you are thinking Seasonable Suggestions and Sayings of benefit and the greater efBciency at­ ment has thus tar been made for pre- of Christmas gifts, study these ads and Local Interest, tained that it cuts a very insignificant they will suggest just what is wanted. Of whispers of a Cbristmns tree tho slr’x at pres- lentingthe Kirmess. If it is put on, the ent fu ll. figure in the discussion. Our Fire De­ ( And the small boy loves hts teacher and hts plo presentation will take place the latter IN HIS EAR. partment Committee is a level headed part of June. ent Bunday school.—8 . Y. Press. one, however, and we believe that they The city’s various Iratornities are now What a Rockport Man Found Upon I Investigation. will recommend the progressive step. getting in their active work, and elec­ The store windows are looking their loveliest, and the art decorative is now- tions and installations follow each other Caldon Annis, a stone mason, about I'llK C. G. has had several references in great demand. to the need of a more capacious High in rapid succession. Rockland is largely 70 years old, residing at Simonton’s Cor­ blessed wiih social and secret fraterni­ PERSONAL POINTS. FOR OFFICE. ner, Rockport, had been troubled with o o School building, and has dwelt at some NEVER LESS, OFTEN MORE. Knox County has a nice new jail iu its ties, and boasts some of the most flour­ deafness for a number of years. He had length on the crowded condition of our Regarding People More or Less Well And There's Music in the Air in Var­ Christmas stocking. It’s worth all it ishing organizations in the state. “U lanc!” Paid Santa t lih ious Quarters. been in the habit of using a hair pin in temples ol learning. What is needed, Known in Our County. cost and is only what the county abso­ reindeer team, his ear, when it irritated him. The last and it’s sorely needed, is anew High Rockland can take a just pride iu the "Up and away I" he thun- lutely needed Albert C Hall of this city was re­ Oflico hunting is now a favo­ time he nsed the hair-pin he felt some School building on the site o l.tlie pres­ business furnished the Knox & Lincoln d ared ; o o cently called to Harrington by the death 1 rite occupation, and in this state the substance in the ear, which was finally ent Summer Street school bunding, and branch of the Maine Central the past . "Von muet tea up and sot, of his father, En ooh L Hall “Elko Tin: ComriKB- game isn't confined entirely to Demo­ extracted, and proved to he a brass pin Christmas trade started in earlier than this building should Have a suitable hall year. The handsome total ol 86,188 o o O azette, crats, for there are many Maine Repub which was clinging by the point to the usual, and has continued with increasing in the upper story for graduating exer tickets were sold for the year at this »ta- "W ith its handsome 3500!" A M. Mille’-. who has been in bus-1 licans who are looking for something hair-pin. proportions. ’My customers are buying, cises. Last week’s issue of the High tion, tlie receipts Irom this source being And oil- w ent S an 'a in hie reindeer learn e s s here, will lneate in Boston His] | nice in their Christmas stocking. Mr. Annis’ hearing is fully restored. better goods than usual,” said one of School Echo treated of this suhji ot very $89,522.89 In and out ot this station many friends wish for him prosperity And he visited every nation, our oity merchants. the total of 29,129 tons of freight were Bat no cold did he net p-rtinently. and we make excerpts wherever lie may locate F or like Tin: Courieh-Uaze-iti:, Gen John Harper, of Lewiston, is CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. o o handled. Tin, total receipts from all therefrom : lie had an excellent circulation I working dilligcntly upon his boom for Very Interesting Reun.on Held In y°ur Christmas gifts, dear "To any visitor coming in when we sources were 888,610.02.
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