Utah State University DigitalCommons@USU The Caine College of the Arts Music Program All Music Department Programs Archives 5-2-2017 Senior Recital- Benjamin Krutsch: The Road Goes Ever On by Donald Swann and other works of adventure Benjamin Krutsch Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/music_programs Part of the Music Commons Recommended Citation Krutsch, Benjamin, "Senior Recital- Benjamin Krutsch: The Road Goes Ever On by Donald Swann and other works of adventure" (2017). All Music Department Programs. 11. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/music_programs/11 This Student Recital is brought to you for free and open access by the The Caine College of the Arts Music Program Archives at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Music Department Programs by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 51Y j#¸ 4,Y o`N y2#P6R 6EÉ jiY1 - The Road Goes Ever On by Donald Swann and other works of adventure Benjamin Krutsch, tenor with Dallas Heaton, piano Tuesday, May 2, 2017 7:00 PM St. John’s Episcopal Church Logan, Utah j#¸ y~B 9r#È 1} 2iR2%È ,T o1E 1} 2`N y4% @ 1`BtÈ 41E ,T xr%5$ iU - @ 7`N2# x`N`V8 r$6R 5^ 2ÈP 5^ -PROGRAM- from Die schöne Müllerin ..................................................... Franz Schubert Das Wandern (1797 – 1828) Wohin? Halt! What’s Next? ............................................................................ Andrew Lippa from Big Fish: A New Broadway Musical (b. 1964) with Brad Summers, baritone L'invitation au voyage ............................................................. Henry Duparc (1848 – 1933) -INTERMISSION- The Road Goes Ever On ......................................................... Donald Swann I. The Road Goes Ever On (1923 – 1994) II. Upon the Hearth the Fire is Red* III. In the Willow-meads of Tasarinan IV. In Western Lands V. Namárië* VI. I Sit Beside the Fire and Think* VII. Errantry *with Chantry Olsen, guitar 5% tt$7Y`B`Ct ˆ s9N5 z71U8a y2#P7Rb% ,T @ tj%¸6R8 s`N`Û Á The Beautiful Girl of the Mill Die schöne Müllerin Translated by Celia Sgroi by Wilhelm Müller Wandering Das Wandern Wandering is the miller’s joy, Das Wandern ist des Müllers Lust, Wandering! Das Wandern! A man isn’t much of a miller, Das muß ein schlechter Müller sein, If he doesn’t think of wandering, Dem niemals fiel das Wandern ein, Wandering! Das Wandern. We learned it from the stream, Vom Wasser haben wir's gelernt, The stream! Vom Wasser! It doesn’t rest by day or night, Das hat nicht Rast bei Tag und Nacht, And only thinks of wandering, Ist stets auf Wanderschaft bedacht, The stream! Das Wasser. We also see it in the mill wheels, Das sehn wir auch den Rädern ab, The mill wheels! Den Rädern! They’d rather not stand still at all Die gar nicht gerne stille stehn, and don’t tire of turning all day, Die sich mein Tag nicht müde drehn, the mill wheels! Die Räder. Even the millstones, as heavy as Die Steine selbst, so schwer sie sind, they are, Die Steine! The millstones! Sie tanzen mit den muntern Reihn They take part in the merry dance Und wollen gar noch schneller sein, And would go faster if they could, Die Steine. The millstones! Oh wandering, wandering, O Wandern, Wandern, meine Lust, my passion, O Wandern! Oh wandering! Herr Meister und Frau Meisterin, Master and Mistress Miller, Laßt mich in Frieden weiterziehn Give me your leave to go in peace, Und wandern. And wander! j#¸yY t~B 1} x`N 5% e7`V`V2t^ 1} y2#P6R ,T 38% 35$ t~B q3D À Wohin? Whither? Ich hört' ein Bächlein rauschen I heard a little brook rushing Wohl aus dem Felsenquell, From its source in the rocky spring, Hinab zum Tale rauschen Bubbling down to the valley So frisch und wunderhell. So clean and wonderfully bright. Ich weiß nicht, wie mir wurde, I don’t know what came over me, Nicht, wer den Rat mir gab, Or who advised me to act, Ich mußte auch hinunter I just had to go down with it, Mit meinem Wanderstab. Carrying my walking staff. Hinunter und immer weiter Downward, still further and further, Und immer dem Bache nach, Always following the brook, Und immer frischer rauschte And the stream bubbled ever more briskly Und immer heller der Bach. And became ever clearer and brighter. Ist das denn meine Straße? Is this my path, then? O Bächlein, sprich, wohin? Oh brook, tell me, whither? Du hast mit deinem Rauschen You have completely captivated me Mir ganz berauscht den Sinn. With your flowing. Was sag ich denn vom Rauschen? What can I say about the rushing? Das kann kein Rauschen sein: That can’t be an ordinary sound. Es singen wohl die Nixen It must be the nixies singing Tief unten ihren Reihn. Deep under their stream. Laß singen, Gesell, laß rauschen Sing on, friend, keep rushing, Und wandre fröhlich nach! And travel gladly along. Es gehn ja Mühlenräder There are mill wheels moving In jedem klaren Bach. In every clear stream. Halt! Stop! Eine Mühle seh ich blinken I see a mill glinting Aus den Erlen heraus, From among the elder trees, Durch Rauschen und Singen The rushing and singing Bricht Rädergebraus. Are pierced by the roar of wheels. Ei willkommen, ei willkommen, Ah welcome, ah welcome, Süßer Mühlengesang! Sweet song of the mill! Und das Haus, wie so traulich! And the house, how cozy! Und die Fenster, wie blank! And the windows, how shiny! Und die Sonne, wie helle And the sun, how brightly Vom Himmel sie scheint! It glows in the sky! Ei, Bächlein, liebes Bächlein, Oh brook, dear brook, War es also gemeint? Was this destined for me? 9yY w7v%1jØ @ 85& d5%8$ @ 2~N6 ,T `Û`N6U e6T81 qY'5^1Rp What’s Next? [Will:] Words by Andrew Lippa Edward Bloom, how did you swim through danger in the world? [Will:] What was in the heart that beats inside you? First things first: We're in this prison cell. Were you simply wetter than the ordinary average Have to find a way to break out, man or was it just your fins and scales to guide find another place to stake out. you to... Look around. Be sure we aren't seen. What's Next? Slowly check the door before we're spotted. Were we spotted? [Edward:] We start the car. I know you've been a secret double agent, but we can turn the page into another kind of tale. [Will:] What's next? Let's go. The door is just our first opponent, so step out of your state of shock, [Edward:] we only need to pick this lock. We hit the road. [Edward:] [Will:] No need! What's next? [Will:] [Edward:] "What's next?" is all anyone needs to begin. We find the river. "What's next?" has been a friend to you. What's next to do? [Will:] What's next? One word and then suddenly one more again. What's next? Just like a pen writing a perfect tale. [Edward:] Out the door, and pray the coast is clear. I don't know! Noses to the ground before we're spotted. We were spotted! [Will:] And who do we see at the river to greet you? So now, we face the ultimate decision: Everyone there at the river to meet you. Relinquish our control as we surrender up the Everyone you ever knew, ever spoke of fight. waiting for you to arrive. Or else, we say hello to the collision, just do our job and do it well. Now can you see Karl by the tree in the distance? [Edward:] Amos arrives with his usual flair. Or better yet: Let's run like hell! Zacky and Don, gathered 'round, cheering on. [Will:] Yes, even the witch is there. What's next?" is all anyone needs to begin. She is there! "What's next?" has been a friend to you. What's next to do? What's next?" is all anyone needs to begin. "What's next?" has been a friend to you. One word and then suddenly one more again. What's next to do? Just like that pen writing a perfect tale. Only one dad only inspiring one son. [Edward:] Edward, you're done Will, look! My old Chevy! writing your perfect tale. Telling the perfect tale. It was a perfect tale. 1T yiE `C q6RezR1 1j#L 27`VÓt W 9yY 1T yyYj2 wÈ L'invitation au voyage The Invitation to the Voyage by Charles Baudelaire Translated by EL Mon enfant, ma sœur, My child, my sister, Songe à la douceur Think of the rapture D'aller là-bas vivre ensemble, Of living together there! Aimer à loisir, Of loving at will, Aimer et mourir Of loving till death, Au pays qui te ressemble. In the land that is like you! Les soleils mouillés The misty sunlight De ces ciels brouillés Of those cloudy skies Pour mon esprit ont les charmes Has for my spirit the charms, Si mystérieux So mysterious, De tes traîtres yeux, Of your treacherous eyes, Brillant à travers leurs larmes. Shining brightly through their tears. Là, tout n'est qu'ordre et beauté, There all is order and beauty, Luxe, calme et volupté. Luxury, peace, and pleasure. Vois sur ces canaux See on the canals Dormir ces vaisseaux Those vessels sleeping. Dont l'humeur est vagabonde; Their mood is adventurous; C'est pour assouvir It's to satisfy Ton moindre désir Your slightest desire Qu'ils viennent du bout du monde. That they come from the ends of the earth.
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