148 Dossier Catalonian Journal of Ethnology December 2019 No. 44 Xerardo Pereiro Pedro Azevedo UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO DOURO UNIVERSIDADE DE TRÁS-OS-MONTES E ALTO Europeus Doctor in social and cultural DOURO anthropology from the University He holds a bachelor's degree in of Santiago de Compostela and in history and a master's degree Anthropology from the Instituto Superior in cultural heritage and cultural de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa tourism from the University of (ISCTE) - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa Minho, and is currently a researcher (IUL). He also holds a Doctorate in at CETRAD at UTAD and a doctoral International Tourism from the University scholarship holder in anthropology of La Laguna (Tenerife - Canary Islands - Spain). He is currently at the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, with a tenured professor of anthropology and cultural tourism at the support from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) (Vila Real - (FCT). His doctoral thesis project at UTAD is part of the Portugal). He is also a researcher at CETRAD (Centro de Estudos "Desenvolvimento, Sociedades e Territórios” programme, Transdisciplinares para o Desenvolvimento). A member of the and focuses on the effects of the heritagisation of the Economics, Sociology and Management Department at the UTAD Way of St James in Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro. School of Human and Social Sciences, Xerardo Pereiro is currently Among other distinctions, he received the Almedina director of the tourism degree programme at UTAD and was Award for the best student at the "Instituto das Ciências coordinator of the degree in applied anthropology and director of Sociais - Universidade do Minho", for the academic year the master's degree in anthropology at UTAD-ISCTE. 2013/2014. The CICATUR model applied to the cultural heritage of the CPIS (the Portuguese Camino de Santiago)1 Paraules clau: CICATUR; patrimoni cultural, ruta turisticocultural, atracció turística, Interior portuguès Camí de Santiago (CPIS). Palabras clave: CICATUR, patrimonio cultural, ruta turisticocultural, atractivo turístico, Camino Portugués Interior de Santiago (CPIS). Keywords: CICATUR, cultural heritage, tourist- Tourist-pilgrim on the CPIS cultural route, tourist crossing Rio Corgo in Vilarinho attraction, Portuguese de Samardã. Source: Xerardo Way Inside of Santiago de Pereiro, January 2016. Compostela. XERARDO PEREIRO Cultural heritage in tourist contexts Dossier 149 Introduction: They want to make or controversy. It is like a flame that can be 1 everything cultural heritage now used to cook a delicious meal or to start a This work is part of the R & D project “Cultural Heritage of the wildfire. Such an analysis must acknowledge Northern-Galicia-North of Portugal: ultural heritage is a its multidimensional nature: identification, Valuation and Innovation.” GEO- metacultural phe- ARPAD "Operational program classification, appreciation, management, EP - INTERREG V Spain - Portugal nomenon, a public interpretation, presentation, visitation and (POCTEP). Call 1, Identifier representation of conservation are essential words when it 769- GEOARPAD (0358_GEO- ARPAD_1_E), funded by the Euro- identity (Prats, 1997; comes to building the meaning of a herit- pean Regional Development Fund Peralta and Anico, age landmark. (ERDF) through the INTERREG 2006). Rather than alluding to the past it is V-A Spain-Portugal 2014-2020 Cooperation Program (POCTEP) Can exercise in giving meaning to the present And in contrast to the authorised heritage ". The text was developed in the that implicates different agents in the process discourse of the heritage concept put for- tourism and development line of research at CETRAD.CETRAD is a of creating significance and understanding ward by Laurajane Smith (2006: 4), which multidisciplinary research centre in who we are and who we want to be (Ballart is dominant, specialised, aesthetic, national UTAD, internationally described as and Juan, 2001; Ballart, 2002; Hernández "very good", with a line of research and monumental. Authoritative heritage on tourism and development, sup- i Marti et al., 2005; Smith, 2006: 1; Silva, discourse is based on the great national and ported by funds: A) from the ERDF 2014). Heritage experiences are complex and class narratives, on technical knowledge and through the COMPETE 2020 program, Project No. 006.971 are motivated by identity, leisure, tourism, in aesthetic judgement (Smith, 2006: 9). (UID/SOC/04011), reference: etc. These experiences steer us toward con- But there are numerous social discourses POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006.971; sidering cultural heritage not as a thing or b) FCT National Fund - Foundation and practices that challenge and oppose this for Science and Technology, UID/ an object, but rather as a social and cultural dominant viewpoint, and redefine cultural SOC Project / 04011/2013. In process during which acts of remembrance, heritage as a set of values and meanings that addition, the text was written as part of a sabbatical fellowship selection and forgetting take place. make it a social heritage in their cultural awarded to Xerardo Pereiro, in practices. These diverse heritage discourses the Department of Geography Cultural heritage has no inherent or innate at the University of Santiago de include the local, regional, transnational Compostela, under the guidance value other than that attributed to it by soci- and personal (e.g. women, ethnic minority of Prof. Dr. Rubén Lois, funded ety (cf. Smith, 2006: 2), which implies a groups, indigenous and peasant commu- by FCT, under the code SFRH/ BSAB/143053/2018; and with more critical, open re-evaluation of how it nities, working class, etc.), voices which are the research grant awarded is managed, preserved and conserved (Kir- often alienated and absent from the domi- by FCT, with reference SFRH/ shenblatt-Gimblett, 2001). Identifying cul- nant discourses on cultural heritage. BD/136459/2018. tural and natural elements as heritage and attributing value and meaning to them is a According to Laurajane Smith (2006: 11) practice subject to debate, and to political there are two types of heritage practices: (a) and economic aspirations. Cultural herit- management and conservation of heritage age can unite or divide, create agreement sites and objects; (b) management of cul- Aquest article pretén reflexionar sobre Este artículo tiene como objetivo reflexio- This article aims to reflect the relationship la relació entre el patrimoni cultural i el nar sobre la relación entre patrimonio between cultural heritage and tourism turisme a partir d’un estudi de cas com cultural y turismo a partir de un caso de about the case study of the patrimonial- la patrimonialització d’una nova ruta de estudio como es la patrimonialización ization of a new tourist-cultural route of peregrinació turisticocultural a Santiago de una nueva ruta turisticocultural de pilgrimage, as the Portuguese Way Inside de Compostel·la, com ara l’interior del peregrinación a Santiago de Compostela, of Santiago de Compostela (CPIS) - Vi- Camí Portuguès de Santiago de Com- como es el Camino Portugués Interior de seu, Castro Daire, Lamego, Régua, Santa postel·la (CPIS) - Viseu, Castro Daire, Santiago de Compostela (CPIS) – Viseu, Marta de Penaguião, Vila Real, Vila Pouca Lamego, Régua, Santa Marta de Pena- Castro Daire, Lamego, Régua, Santa de Aguiar, Chaves, Ourense, Santiago guião, Vila Real, Vila Pouca de Aguiar, Marta de Penaguião, Vila Real, Vila Pouca de Compostela. This case study, to which Chaves, Ourense, Santiago de Compos- de Aguiar, Chaves, Ourense, Santiago de we have applied the CICATUR analysis tel·la. Aquest estudi de cas, al qual hem Compostela. Este caso de estudio, al cual model, will allow us to illustrate some of aplicat el model d’anàlisi CICATUR, ens hemos aplicado el modelo de análisis CI- the problems of heritage selection in its permetrà il·lustrar alguns dels problemes CATUR, nos permitirá ilustrar algunos de promotion of tourism value. de la selecció patrimonial en el seu valor los problemas de la selección patrimonial turístic. en su puesta en valor turística. 150 Dossier Catalonian Journal of Ethnology December 2019 No. 44 tural heritage tourism. Here we refer to the The Portuguese Way of St James latter, beginning by stating the existence The Portuguese Way of St James (CPIS) is of a long-standing critical opinion of cul- a pilgrimage route of medieval origin (cf. tural heritage managers towards tourism, Cunha, 2005) which runs through the Por- particularly mass tourism (cf. Pereiro and tuguese municipalities of Viseu, Castro Daire, Fernandes, 2018). The focus of this critique Lamego, Peso da Régua, Santa Marta de Pena- is the idea that cultural heritage has been guião, Vila Real, Vila Pouca de Aguiar and reduced to entertainment, consumerism Chaves (cf. Tranoy, 1981; Portomeñe, 2007; and entertainment, the “Disneyfication” of Brochado de Almeida, C A. and Brochado tourism marketing and the interpretation de Almeida, P. M. 2011; Almeida Fernandes, of cultural heritage, while its educational 2018), before crossing the Portuguese-Gali- role has been neglected (Smith, 2006: 33). cian border at Verín and continuing on to Route of the Portuguese Way Ourense and Santiago de Compostela along of St James to Santiago de Beyond these critiques, cultural heritage the Silver Route (Vía de la Plata or Mozarabic Compostela. USED WITH THE has embraced tourism but not without Way), "which starts in Seville, [...] following PERMISSION
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