KING SABATA DALINDYEBO LOCAL MUNICIPALITY: FIRST DRAFT IDP 2017/18 -2022 THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER KING SABATA DALINDYEBO MUNICIPALITY PO BOX 45 MTHATHA 5099 Tel: 047 501 4371 Fax: 047 532 5198 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Preparation of this IDP/Budget of The King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality 2017/18 could have not been achieved without the assistance of the large number of stake holders that includes : National Government, Provincial Government, State owned Enterprise ,NGO’s, Traditional Leaders, Councilors, Ward committees, Community Development workers ,Management, Staff Members and Members of the Community of King Sabata Dalindyebo. Their Assistance is appreciated and their valuable contributions are acknowledged with thanks. GLOSSARY OF TERMS AA: Administrative Authority IDP: Integrated Development Plan ABET: Adult Based Education and Training IGR: Intergovernmental Relations ABP: Area Based Plans ISRDP: Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme AIDS: Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ITPs: Integrated Transport Plans AsgiSA: Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative for South Africa IPILRA: Interim protection of Informal Land Rights Act BBBEE: Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment IDC: Industrial Development Corporation CBOs: Community Based Organisations IWMP: Integrated Waste Management Plan CDWs: Community Development Workers ORDM: OR TAMBO District Municipality CLARA: Communal Land Rights Act No. 11 of 2004 KPA: Key Performance Area CRDP: Comprehensive Rural Development Programme KPI: Key Performance Indicator CIF: Capital investment Framework SDF: Spatial Development Framework CMA: Catchment Management Area LDO: Land Development Objective DEDEA: Department of Economic Development & Environmental Affairs LED: Local Economic Development DEA Department of Environmental Affairs LRAD: Land Redistribution for Agriculture Development DFA: Development Facilitation Act 67 of 1995 LM: Local Municipality DLGTA: Department of Local Government and Traditional Affairs LGMIM: Local Government Improvement Model DM: District Municipality LUM: Land Use Management DWA: Department of Water Affairs MEC: Member of the Executive Council EC: Eastern Cape MFMA: Municipal Finance Management Act ECBCP: Eastern Cape Biodiversity Conservation Plan MIG: Municipal Infrastructure Grant ECPSDP:Eastern Cape Provincial Spatial Development Plan MSA: Municipal Systems Act ECSECC: Eastern Cape Socio-Economic Consultative Council MSIG: Municipal Systems Improvement Grant KSDLM: King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality MSP: Master Systems Plan EMF: Environmental Management Framework MTEF: Medium Term Expenditure Framework EXCO: Executive Committee MTSF: Medium Term Strategic Framework FET: Further Education & Training MYPE: Mid-year population estimates GDP: Gross Domestic Product. NDP: National Development Plan, Vision 2030 GDS: Growth and Development Summit NEMA: National Environmental Management Act GGP: Gross Geographic Product. NGO: National Government Organisations GIS: Geographic Information System NSDP: National Spatial Development Perspective HIV: Human Infected Virus PDP: Provincial Development Plan ICT: Information and Communication Technology PES: Poverty Eradication Strategy II PGDP: Provincial Growth Development Plan PSDP: Provincial Spatial Development Plan PSDF: Provincial Spatial Development Framework PGDS: Provincial Growth Development Strategies PLAS: Pro-active Acquisition of Land Strategy PLTF: Provincial Land Transport Framework PSF: Provincial Strategic Framework RDA: Rural Development Agency RDAT: Rural Development & Agrarian Transformation RDP: Reconstruction and Development Programme RULIV: Rural Livelihoods SANRAL: South African National Road Agency SDF: Spatial Development Framework SDG: Sustainable Development Goals SPLUMA: Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act SEDA: Small Enterprise Development Agency SETA: Sector Education Training Authority SMME: Small, Medium & Micro Enterprises STEP: Sub Tropical Ecosystem Planning Project SAPS: South African Police Services TA: Tribal Authority VIP: Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine WMA: Water Management Area WMP: Water Management Plan WSA: Water Services Authorities WSDP: Water Services Development Plan WSU; Walter Sisulu University III MAYOR’S FOREWORD Viedgesville as a Logistics Hub, Establishment of a new town in Coffee bay AGRO Processing and industrialization of agricultural initiative around the Mqanduli town. Development of the Mthatha Airport as an Spatial Economic Zone which is linking economic opportunities Presidential intervention (PI) Special Economic Zones (SEZ) National Health Insurance Scheme Furthermore, the introduction of Spatial Planning and Land Use management Act (SPLUMA) will assist the municipality together with its traditional authorities to be able to plan about the utlisation of This year (2017) is the year dedicated to the Honourable Oliver Reginald Tambo who preached land (space) in a specialized and planned manner. education, peace and unity as the cornerstone of governance. Furthermore, this year is declared a year of unity in action towards socio-economic transformation and humans ‘rights in which this We will dedicate all financial, intellectual and human resources to secure the realisation of this noble council has to focus on. goal. We have come with an IDP that marks the beginning of a new era, an epoch of hope, inspiration, We further have the duty to restore the Good Name of this Municipality. Our IDP attempts to outline rejuvenation and accelerated development and institutional re-engineering. plans on how to ensure accountability to the Electorate in a bid to achieve Clean Governance. It has come at a time when both the National and Provincial Departments under the leadership of the Presidential Intervention Update President of the Republic; the Honorable JG Zuma has implemented, through the KSD Presidential Intervention, National Development Plan (NDP), Provincial Development Plan (PDP), and National KSD municipality through the Presidential Intervention (PI) for the successful delivery of sustainable together with the Provincial budgets to make a decisive intervention in the realisation of the and quality infrastructure services through the completion of the 11KV overhead line in Mthatha aspirations of the King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality (KSD). West. As a result winter load shedding and minimal breakdown shave has been eliminated due to the stabilised electricity supply to our people. The quality of road infrastructure is improving in KSD This has brought about a shower of opportunities both to the strengthening of our governance and mainly due to the work of the Presidential Intervention. the creation of a conducive environment for the development of our communities. In addition to outlining what we plan to do in the next few years ahead Of national general elections to be held soon, we also have had to simultaneously, tabulate how we intend to monitor ourselves on performance, so that we can quickly identify those areas that we might feel that there is under- The further details of the PI projects are revealed and/ or contained under the project phase performance and come up with measures to rectify such. We also note that the financial health of KSD is being negatively affected by litigations as well as The municipality still remains committed and continues to pursue the following High Impact Programmes: challenges to recover debt owed mainly by domestic consumers. To make the situation worse there are a number of interdicts and court orders to prevent the enforcement of by-laws. Institutional Re-engineering The existing land claims are having a negative effect on the socio-economic development of the area resulting in litigations against the Council. We will coordinate the resolution of these claims with the Economic Model relevant stakeholders. Mqanduli as an Agricultural node, IV With these ideals, we can achieve united, in the spirit to honour the fallen heroes who fought for our freedom. I take this opportunity to thank fellow Councillors, Stakeholders, Sector Departments and the People of King Sabata Dalindyebo in general for their dedicated contribution to this process. I have the honour to present to you the first draft of the 2017/18-2022 Integrated Development Planning (IDP). I thank you _________________________________________ HIS WORHSHP, THE EXECUTIVE MAYOR COUNCILLOR D. M ZOZO V Development of the Mthatha Airport as a Spatial Economic Zone which is linking economic EXECUTIVE SUMMARY opportunities Presidential intervention Special Economic Zones (SEZ) Integrated Wild Coast Improvement Programme SANRAL, N2 R61 road network upgrades, Agri-Park Development ICT Broadband and Wi-Fi connectivity The New political term is presenting a new vision for the KSD Municipality which look amongst other issues, Sustainable, Social and Economic Development. It has been realised by the leadership and management of KSD Municipality at the Strategic Planning Session held at Trinset on the 07th -09th March 2017 to refine objectives and strategies and further undertake integration and projects formulation. KSD Municipality is enjoined by Section 25 of the Municipal Systems Act (32) to adopt an inclusive It has been acknowledged that the brand and image of KSD Municipality will have to encapsulate the and Integrated Strategic plan which outlines the development priorities for the whole municipal area. values of performance excellence integrity and service delivery of KSD. With the advent of 2016 of local government elections
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