Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 The Magazine For People Who Need To Know VolumeCOUNTE5 Number 1 $2 R Nov.1980-Jan.1981 CBSasCIA CIA Rebels · SupplyU.S. Heroin Chemical Warfare in Afghanistan , Iraq· lr(ilnWar AIFLD in El Salvador · Rightwing Terror in Guatemala USIA/ICA: Arrowhead CIA Bari(ing in Australia: of Penetration Nugan Hand Colonia Dignidad: New Hebrides: New Revelations Independent at Last Fingermen AreAll Thumbs CIA Copsin Guatemala CIA inTurkey Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 Editorial / Due to public opposition and despite :Lh- In response to the press conference, the ; tense illegal lobbying by the CIA, the New York Times issued a stateme'nt of con­ "I�telligence Identiti�s Protection Act'" siderable import: failed to reach a floor'vote in Congress "N_? editor or executive of this paper before it recessed. ,HR5615 and S2216�would has any knowledge of what Love was sup­ make it a crime to disclose information posed to have .done 271 years ago. What leading to the identification of CIA and- every editor and executive of this pa­ ' FBI officers, agents and informers, even per does know, however, is that The New it the information whi�h led to the iden­ York Times has an absolute rule against tification was already public. any reporter working for any government _ Some Senators and Representatives are agency.. This paper has repeatedly urged, opposed to the present bills because tbey .President carter to reverse the CIA's a.re unconstitutional. Others argue that present policy of permitting use of the bills are not strong enough. Unfortu­ journalists as agents when the Director nately for the public, botH the former and of Central Intelligence approves. the latter still want to see some version "We are confident that no member of The of the bills passed. · New\ York Times would agree to be used Counter'Spy believes that the only prin­ by the CIA. But not until the CIA's cipled and constitutional position is to­ policy is publicly reversed will there tal opposition to any version of the so- be a total confidence abroad that the 'Called "Int.elligence Identities Proi:ection CIA and other government agencies are Act". Moreover, exposure of FBI and CIA respecting the spirit of the First activities is one of the few protections Amendment and not getting involved with for persons tqrgeted by CIA and FBI �pera­ the press." tions, particularly•. in foreign countries. Counterspy believes that the �rn Since the CIA and the FBI have not Times' "absolute rule" position is a re­ changed, it is as crucial and urgent as sponse to past abuses of the Times by the ever for the press to examine and write CIA. In other words,' Times employees have more about the CIA and FBI, not less. Any worked with the CIA and found it impossi­ version of HR5615 and S2216 would reduce, ble to serve both the ,CIA and the re­ if not eliminate, these vitally needed e«­ quirements of honest journalism. Thus, pos7s. Therefore/ Counter�py is flatly op­ the Times' absolute opposition to CIA in­ posed to the so called "Intelligence Iden­ volvement is doubLy important: it is tities Protection Act" and urges concerned based on both a theoretical analysis and people to work actively to stop HR5615 and .;.;.1 actual history of involvement with the S2�16. CIA. The controversy surrounding.HR5615 and Counterspy fully supports this absolute S2216 has resurrected the question of the oppo�ition to CIA involvement with the relationship between the CIA and the media. media� and recommends that all other com­ The consequences of CIA-media affiliation ponents of the media"' follow the example were illustrated at a Counterspy press of the Times in this regard. conference on September 25', 1980. Counter­ In order to further debate on the CIA � disclqsed that Kennett Love was in­ and the media and to encourage other sec­ volved with the CIA's 1953 coup in Iran tors of the media to follow the stated while he was a New York Times reporter. /position of the New York Times, Counter­ (Foi the comple�story, see Counterspy, � is featuringilir�rticles which vol.• 4 no.4.) The devastating aftermath of highlight the need to seve�. all ti.�s be­ t�t CIA coup is a matter bf public re­ tween the media and U.S. government cord. agencies, especially the CIA. Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 Contents \ CBS as CIA by John Kelly CBS as CIA by John Kelly ••• � •••••••••••.•...•.•3 USIA/ICA: Arrowhead of Penetration (Ed. note: John Kelly is the author. of by Martha Wenger••••••••••• ·••••...• � 5 the forthcoming book, The CIA in America, from which this article isexcerpted.J CIA Rebels Supply U.S. Heroin by Konrad Ege •••••••••••••••••••••• 14 CBS Television has announced plans for a new show to ibe aired in 1981: The CIA. Chemical Warfare in Afghanistan Five years a�o, Larry Thompsonmet quietly by Seamus O'Faolain with then CIA Director William Colby and and Dr. Mohammed Sarka sh ••••.••.•..•17 then ABC head Fred Silverman to lay the groundwork for such a show. 1 Thompson is Iraq-Iran War now the executive producer for CBS's The by Jeff McConnell••••••••...••••••• 22 CIA. �ompson is being assisted by Gerald CIA in Turkey...• A .' ••••••••••••••••••••27 Ford's former jokewriter, Don Penny, and screenwriter Edward Anhalt. 2 Additional New Hebrides: Independent at Last "technical assistance and advice" is being by Konrad Ege••••••••. ...•••••••••• , 27 provided by the Assoc!ation of Former In­ telligence Officers, an organization CIA Banking in Australia: Nugan Hand fuH of ex-C°IA officers such as David by Konrad Ege.•.•••..••••......•... 30 Phillips who ran many propaganda and psy­ chological warfare operations for the CIA, SIGN including one in the U.S. (Phillips also by John Kelly•.••.••.•••••.... .•.•.· 34 oversaw the CIA's destabilization of the Allende government in Chile. Later, Fingermen Are All Thumbs Phillips publicly lied about the CIA's by Franklin Folsom .•••••..••••••••• 35 role in the 1973 coup.} Thompson has explained the show's ob­ Colonia Dignidad; _New Revelations jective: "Ideally, we'd.like to show that by Konrad Ege.....••••.....•.••••• .• 42 the people in the CIA are American citi­ zens with families and a job to do." 4 U.S. Rank and File: Rudy Maxa of _the t·lashington � summ�d up Ban AIFLD in El Salvador the show's objective as an at�empt to "do by Frank Arnold.•.•.•••...•••••.••• 45 for the embattled CIA's image what The FBI (TV show} did for J. Edgar Hoover's fief­ Open Letter to the Labor Movement dom." 5 by Richard Hobbs ••.•...••••••.••••• 47 Don Penny doesn't like this comparison to The FBI. He asserted that "tve're not Rightwing Terror in Guatemala trying to whitewash," but then a�ded that by J�hn Clements .•.•••.••••.•••.•.• 51 in talking about the CIA, .. "you' re talking about a university. These people do ev­ CIA Cops in Guatemala...•••.••••..••••. 54 erything from talk (sig} French to collect .(sic} urine samples." · · There can be little doubt that The CIA is a premeditated whitewash for a CIA beleaguered by public exposure of its mis­ deeds •. Such a show also ha� the potential to divert public attention from on-going CIA be remembu:ed operations.. It 1hould 1 that The FBI ■how ran during· the FBI 1 maaaiwau&ult on con1titutional right1 known aa COINTELPRO. 1979 and 1980 have seen a tremendous up• Coun t•riSpy - 8 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100150001-0 Approved For Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R0001,00150001-0 · surge . in peoples' struggles tor liberation - struggles which threaten the very empire Decembei:. 28, 1967 that the CIA defends._Naturally, the CIA ia aware that an Americ� public nur,tbed bf a ficti9na� "CIA" is less likely to·try Michael Bu rke, E;sq. to stop the CIA's operations against pro­ 1 7 East 89th Street New York 10028 gressive movements in other'countries. · Counterspy believes it is unacceptable and unconsci'onable for CBS to run The CIA. Dear Mike: series, particularly ijince the CIAis-- ' forbidden to carry out danestic propaganda I have been anxious to get in touch with you to share an idea, and your Christmas a,nd New Year card operations. Counterspy urges the TV public with the browsing zebras gave me an. address where I :to stop the broadcasting of !!!!_.£!! and to th�ught I could write yo� personally. demand that the Federal camnunication COin­ m�ssion and �ngress in�estigate the CBS's. Fo r some time I b.ave felt that sooner or later program� ,omething should and would be do4,e in.the field of television -with regard to intell!Jence wh.ich. would be This investigation is especially needed. somewhat comparable to what the FBI is now doing so in }igh� o� the fact �hat CBS has for effectively in that field. Efforts have been made by years been "providing cover for CIA agents, various persons along these lines, but always bas.ed on supplying the CIA with film outtakes '(un­ the theory that the series could or should be sponsored aired footage), permitting CIA agents to by the CIA, somewhat as the FBI series is sponsored, Because of the difference in the two services, I feel, enter CBS control r001ns to monitor reports however, that this is an impractical idea insofar as the of correspondents without their kno�ledge intelligence field is concerned.
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