·,., i"" ~ TODAY: GERMAN 'PARlIAMEN;rAHIANS ON 'HERERO GENOCIDE' * Vol.2 No.207 November 5 Top Nigerian dies in crash NUNW FAILS TO THE Namibian Police last night confirmed that Nigeria's Acting High Commissioner in Namibia, Kadir Jafai, died in a car acci­ dent on Saturday. He was killed instantly after his car left the road and over­ turned,on the way to Windhoek DRAW• . WORKERS• r Airport. According to police spokesperson Com,missioner Siggi Eimbeck the Nigerian was alone when the accident took place. a~ 300-strong crowd told struggle 'fa over' NAMIBIA'S leading trade preceding the rally. Man kills union federation, the Namibia . The beleagured NUNW has ap­ peare,d to have trouble in finding its National Workers' Union feet in the post-independence period. (NUNW), drew a disappoint­ Its first post-independence May Day friend ing crowd of around 300 rally was regarded as a failure, draw­ people to what was billed as ing . only a few thousand people, the umbrella union's first compared to the mass tum-out at over gift previous May Day and NUNW ral­ post-independence mass rally, lies. apart from May Day. In his address, Petru s Iionga, gen­ to wife The meeting, held in Katutura eral secretary of the Namibia Public yesterday, was intended to inform Workers' Union (Napwu), gave a THERE was chaos in Hakahana; : workers on the labour situation but brief explanation on the privatisation of public workers' pensions and put Katutura, on Saturday night , did not come close to puiling the desired numbers. However, despite the blame squarely on the shoulders when a man shot and killed his of the coloniAl government for bav­ friend after tbe man gave a gift the poor attendan:e, organisers pushed ahead with the scheduled meeting. ing liquidated the old pension fund. to his wife. The reasons for the poor atten­ Mineworkers' Union of Namibia The deceased, who is only known dance were not clear, but what is general secretary Ben Ulenga said as Ndeimenena, 20; was killed at certain is that the meeting was poorly CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 organised, with nQ proper publicity CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 NUNW secretary-general John ya OttQ appeals to workers, at yester­ day's rally in Katutura to contribute to the umbrella.union's funds. The turn-out at yesterday's union meeting is regarded as one of the most disappointing in its history. Photograph:' John Liebenberg. Nujoma reassures Basters NAMIBIAN President Sam Nu joma has assured residents at Rehoboth that the Namibian government is one of national unity and will look after the interests of all Namibians. Speaking during his first official visit to Rehoboth since last November's election, he said all Namibians were protected by the Constitution and the residents of Rehoboth had no reason to fear victjmisation from the govern­ ment. The President assured them they could ti:avel safely throughout Na­ BEFORE yesterday'S rally, the NUNW held a gala fund-raising dinner at the Kalahari Sands Hotel in mibia. President Nujoma' s visit follows the recent' mini Rehoboth rebellion', Windhoek, with tickets for the occasion reportedly going at R120. The banquet was far from packed. in which former Kaptein, Hans Diergaardt, initially refused to move out of a Here NUNW Secretary-General John ya Otto is pictured speaking at the occasion. A braai for workers State-owned house. Diergaari:lt's followers have also demanded local auton­ in Katutura on Friday night was reportedly also badly attended. Photograph: John Liebenberg. omy for the 'Gebiet'. - Sapa PHOTO SERVICES I I HR DEVELOpr\(; FRAMING • Portraits & PRI;\;TI:\(; WE OFFER THE LARGEST • Weddings RANGE OF FRAMES IN • Babies NAMIBIA • Families NEW SERVICE: CIBACHROMEPRINTS UALITY PRINTING DIRECT OFF YOUR SLIDES Gerh~rd Botha Photography'- (061) 3"-5551\- 44lnde~ndence Avenue ( f/ipHBW'AMIBIAN Ih" recent strikes in the civil selV­ nies still controlled the lives of work­ icc: concerning pensions represented ers, be it at home or at the workplace, I .i on ly ~ fraction of the workers' de- he said. 111;U\d~. W urkers, he pointed out, wanted a It was not true that tile workers say in the rules and regulations gov­ w<!re trying to sabotnge the economy erning the lives. of the country by dem;uHiing pension At certain mines, the MUN man pay-outs, Ulenga said. continued, managers were a law unto The workers. he emphasised, be­ themselves. A worker was recently lieved their demands on this issue abducted by the manager at the Otjiwa were genuine. mine and, lI lthough the incident was Ulenga weicomed.Finance Minis­ known to the polige, the culprit was ter Dr Otto Herrigel' s announcement not arrested, he told the workers. that workers' pensions were safe. At the Otjihase mine physical fights The problem did not lie with the between workers and company offi­ workers, Ulenga stated. Rather, cials had become a daily occurrence workers were denied information on on the mine and there was acriminal what had happened to their pension case pending against workers, Ulenga . I' monies and were not consulted on cited. ·the issue. Further, he said, at some mines The very same officials who priva­ workers were forced to address their tised their pensions were now insti­ white colleagues as • 'baas" and gating the workers to demand cash "miesies" . pay-outs, the unionist charged. At N avachab mine, company offi­ FUllher, Ulenga added, the pen­ cials were .making fun of the Presi­ sion issue did not make up the main dent and the Prime Minister, he A WORKER proudly holds his NUNW sticker at yesterday's rally in Katu'tuni, which w~s poorly picture'of the overall industrial situ­ continued. attended. Photograph: Da'oud Vries. ation. Unless workers united and fought "Workers at Rossing, COM, to eradicate the ~ Iave-like working Swavleis. and Hmllief are not de­ conditions there was no hope of change, manding pensions. The majority of Ulenga emphasised. actions taken are against intolerable The workers, he continued, would conditions at workplaces," said deceive themselves if they thought Ulenga. their struggle was over. "Exploita­ The situation today was "more tion and repression at workplaces unbearable" as it was happening in' a still continue," Ulenga added. " free and independent Namibia", The unionist urged the govern­ . the, union'leader said. ment to have the ~abour code ready He urged the workers to stand up before the end of the year as it would and fight against intolerable condi­ be the only way through which work­ tions ·at work. ers would find a fair mechanism to . Racist attitudes anlOng company .resolve their problems. managers and excessive exploitation But,he 'pointed out, the labour of workers was still the order of the code would be of no uSe to workers ... order.•• Capitalists are still tumbling unless they studied and knew it in- . OJ. on workers with a vengeance, " Uleng!l side out. "Ignorance about the c04e reiterated. Big multinational compa- will count against us, " he added. ; ( REGIONAL BUSINESS COUNCIL (SRBC) PICTURED at the NUNW's gala dinner at the Kalahari Sands hotel in Windhoek was 'mysterious' American Bill Ullman (right), a roving representative of wealthy US diamond merchant Maurice TRADE & INVESTMENT PROMOTIONS OFFICER Templesman, who has a longstanding interest in Namibia. On the left is Jim Barnes, Templesman's (LONG-TERM CONSULT ANT) representative in Windhoek. Photograph: John Liebenberg. ... Constable Dietrietz Jacobus Applications are invited for the above position for the SADCC van Wyk aJlegedly committed ~ ; Regional Business Council suicide yesterday by shooting about 23h30. They beat him up and the man himself through the head with .JOB DESCRIPTION According to a Namibian Po, was later admitted to the Katu­ his service pistol. lice spokesperson, Ndeimweneml tura hospitaJ where his condi­ Van Wyk was on duty at Wind­ Responsible for guiding ' the policy of the Council through the gave a gift to his 'friend's wife. tion was described as serious. hoek InternationaJ Airport at Executive Director on regional trade and investment matters. The woman's husband allegedly . A case of murder is being inves­ the time. Specific responsibilities will include carrying out activities for the became jeaJous and a fight tigated • . No foul play is suspected. promotion of trade and investment in SADCC region erupted. Ndeimwenena was later ... The police are investigating a ... A case of rape is being inves­ shot in the chest· and died case of attempted murder in tigated after a 20-year-old instantly. Bystanders then be­ Katutura after an Unknown woman was raped by six men in QUA LIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE man came very angry and attacked shot and wounded another mar. GI'ysblok, Katutura, on Friday the aJleged murderer. on Saturday night. night. (a) The minimum qualification is a Master's degree either in \ . Economics, Busmess Administration or related area, and not less ,i than 3-years post qualifying experience in a senior position. Expe­ rience in Trade & Investment promotion organisations/or relevant TO HIRE - MARIENTAL senior positions in a Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be an advantage. THE PRIME POSITION IN TOWN RE1\;fUNERA TION THE PREMISES FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY MESSERS H CHARNEY & " Attractive sMary will be paid in US dollars converted into local CO AND SENTRAAL DRANKWINKEL ARE NOW AVAILBALE FOR HIRE. currrency and commensurate with relevant experience . / , CONTRACT PERIQD ;. ~g~:M~~~1R9~~ , ~;~~;E~t~~~Ep~~~~~~~~~~~A~~~~N~;~~~ . ~E CONTACTED AT OUR OFFICE IN WINDHOEK OR' ON 7 NOV-EMBER 1900 3 years with p<>'$sibilitY of exten~ion , ' . Qualified and interested candidates are required to. to send their­ CARE OF MR, BURGER (TEL 848 fJlA"IENTAL) " applications with their CV, copies of certificates and testimonials .
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