Free Weekly Summer Paper Exclusively for Chincoteague Island July 19, 2019 Free Eastern Shore HITCHING HE HORE S NLY OCALLY WNED EWSPAPER T S ’ O L O N Photo by Angie H. Crutchley Running for Mare of Chincoteague in 2019 The world-famous Chincoteague Pony Penning begins this week, starting with the southern herd roundup on Saturday, July 20. Check out the article on Page 2 for all things pertaining to the swim, auction, and more. 2 • EASTERN SHORE HITCHING POST • JULY 19, 2019 Weekly Summer Paper Exclusively for Chincoteague Island Pony Penning 2019 Begins Saturday By Krystle Bono equipment necessities and pony veteri- by the Chincoteague Chamber of Com- It’s that time of year again when the nary care, with the company managing merce and Certified Visitor Center for much anticipated blast of red smoke will and overseeing the ponies. pony-spectators to make the most out signal slack tide, giving the Saltwater Last year’s auction brought in a re- of their trip to Pony Lane. Cowboys the go-ahead to start the annu- cord-breaking total of $228,400, sur- Saturday, July 20 - South Herd al pony swim, an event that has paved passing the previous record of $209,900 Roundup (approximately 7 a.m.) a permanent path in history for Chin- from 62 ponies, set the year prior in • Marking the first major event before coteague and its herd of four-legged leg- 2017. In 2007, $178,300 was raised from the Pony Swim, the Saltwater Cowboys ends. Thousands will migrate to the is- the sale of 73 ponies. A total of 53 ponies will ride out to the southern end of As- land, up before the sun to stake out a were sold last summer, with the average sateague Island at about 7 a.m. to herd piece of shoreline, all in hopes of catching pony going for $4,309. To date, the high- the more than 50 adults and foals that a glimpse of the hundreds of fuzzy nos- est bid was placed in 2015 for $25,000 inhabit that particular part of the island es that will tread above the Assateague on Surfer’s Blue Moon, a buyback pony into the Southern Corral. The public is Channel and down Pony Lane, those very sponsored and named by the Chincote- welcome to come see and take photos of noses read about in the famous “Misty” ague Pony Legacy Group. Buyback foals the ponies on Beach Road at the South- novel that ignited dreams of owning a fa- have been selected to replenish the herd ern Corral from July 21 through July 24. mous Chincoteague wild pony in many and are bought, named by their spon- Note: This is a new time from previous an equine-loving child’s heart. sor, and returned to Assateague Island years; normally, the South Herd round- For 94 years, the last part of Ju- to live out their days. up takes place during the afternoon the ly has centered on this monumental The full week of events begins this Saturday before the swim. event, and it’s the local Chincoteague Saturday with the south herd round- • The carnival will be open from 7 to 11 Volunteer Fire Company that harness- up, and concludes the following Satur- p.m. Rides, games, food, and raffles.Tick- Photo by Angie H. Crutchley es this local holiday and brings it to life day, with the adult pony swim back to ets for the Neptune Pony go on sale at in- Saltwater Cowboys bring a foal to year after year. The week-long affair their home pastures Friday morning. formation stand. You must have a ticket the corral at the carnival grounds helps control the ponies’ population, as Below is the complete list of events, and be present at the carnival bandstand after the 2018 pony swim. well as helping to fund the company’s tips, and information as contributed at 7 p.m. on Wednesday to win. • Trolley service last call at 11 p.m. in Call 757-336-3696 for reservations. front of carnival grounds (25 cents a ride). Monday, July 22 - Beach Walk Sunday, July 21 - North Herd • North meets south when the Saltwa- Roundup - Public is NOT permit- ter Cowboys release the Northern herd ted (approximately 6 a.m.) ponies and walk them along the shore • The northern end of Assateague of the Atlantic Ocean to join the ponies Island is home to approximately 150 at the Southern Corral. The ponies will ponies and their foal, the largest pop- leave Northern Corral at daybreak. It is ulation on the island. The Saltwa- advised to be at Assateague Island Na- ter Cowboys herd this group into the tional Seashore by 6 a.m. for parking pur- Northern Corral. Please note that this poses (the island opens at 5 a.m.). Bring is not a public event, as this part of the your beach gear and stay for the day or island is not accessible. Special bus walk behind the ponies to the corral and tours are offered on the Refuge Trek visit awhile. Bikers and hikers may ac- to visit the corral after the roundup. (Continued on Page 5 ) JULY 19, 2019 • EASTERN SHORE HITCHING POST • 3 Historic Downtown Shopping & Restaurant District DON’S SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Established 1973 • In the Heart of Downtown 4113 Main St. • Chincoteague Island, Va 757-336-5715 New, Local, Used, Collectible & E-Books • New & Used CD’s • Gifts & Local Art • OPEN ALL YEAR (757)336-5825 • www.sundialbooks.net 4065 Main St., Chincoteague Island, VA 23336 Bad Ponies Studio & Gallery 4044 Main St. Chincoteague, VA 301.481.7263 The Hitching Post To advertise in the Hitching Post call 757-789-7678 or e-mail Troy at [email protected] or Sam at [email protected] 4 • EASTERN SHORE HITCHING POST • JULY 19, 2019 Weekly Summer Paper Exclusively for Chincoteague Island Saltwater Cowboys Remembered Fondly By All By Stefanie Jackson and auction, it’s time to remember the ple I knew,” Shelly Wolfe said. “He nev- As the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire pony herders who have died since last er had a bad thing to say about any- Company’s Saltwater Cowboys pre- year’s event. one and was always trustworthy and pare for the 94th annual pony swim Every July, men from all dependable!” over the country ride with the Davita Gardner added, “He always Saltwater Cowboys to help round up had a smile and … was a friend to ev- the Chincoteague ponies. One of those eryone that met him.” men was Robert Dill, of Camden-Wyo- Beatrice Briggs remembered work- ming, Del. ing with Dill at Delaware Auto Ex- Dill was 71 when he died on April change. He also worked at Dill’s Live- 25. He rode with the Saltwater Cow- stock Auction and Carroll’s Livestock boys for more than 40 years, and he Sales earlier in his career. was named an honorary member of Rebecca Keefer wrote, “We have been the Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Com- excited with news of new foals that we pany for his commitment to its cause. forget life continues to happen to hu- The fire company announced Dill’s mans. These men are replaceable with passing on Facebook on April 26, call- someone else but their individual per- ing it a “tremendous loss to our family.” sonalities are not!” Dill was known as the man who told Just two days earlier, April 23, an- the auctioneer about each foal before other Saltwater Cowboy, Edward it was brought out – whether it was a Reynolds, had passed away. He was boy or a girl and its coloring and other 75. Reynolds hailed from Bedford, Va., features, according to the post. a town that’s nearly a six-hour drive “Ride on Saltwater Cowboy!” Lydia from Chincoteague. Walker responded. “Your time here is His death made headlines for being Photo by Stephanie Dennis done. You served well and should be the result of a traffic accident. Reyn- Robert Dill, of Camden-Wyoming, proud.” olds was riding his tractor down the Photo by Stephanie Dennis Del., passed away in April. “Bobby was one of the kindest peo- road in Bedford, near his home, when he was struck by a tractor-trailer at- Ed Reynolds, of Bedford, Va., tempting to pass in a no-passing zone, passed away in April. according to a news release. she wrote. The Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Another regular visitor of Chincote- Company mentioned the accident in its ague, Jackie Mingia, recalled meeting Facebook announcement of Reynolds’ Reynolds in his hometown of Bedford death, saying he was “tragically killed.” when she attended an apple orchard “Ed will be greatly missed,” the festival and rode a horse-drawn buggy post said. he was driving. Betty Shisler agreed. “Ed was one “He said he was a ‘Saltwater Cow- of the reasons we still love the island boy.’ I immediately knew what he and the ponies. Over the years we have was talking about and was excited to had some sad things happen and Ed meet him and told him I go to Chin- was always there for us. Ed was one coteague all the time. He was a very of the best men we have ever known,” pleasant man.” Others called Reynolds a “nice man” and a “gentleman.” “He’s riding with those ponies that crossed over,” Karen Zeigler wrote. One of those ponies was also me- morialized recently – Butterfly Kisses, who had to be euthanized during last year’s Pony Penning after breaking her neck in a freak accident, a slip and Plus - Mustards, Hot Honey, Rubs, fall, at the carnival grounds.
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