The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: September 28, 2020 | Pages: 359-364 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue09-55 - Role Of Ancient Written Sources In The Formation Of The Old Uzbek Literary Language Nematullo Hikmatullaevich Nasrullaev Candidate Of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Islamic History And Source Studies IRCICA, International Islamic Academy Of Uzbekistan Journal Website: http://usajournalshub.c om/index,php/tajssei Copyright: Original content from this work may be used under the terms of the creative commons attributes 4.0 licence. ABSTRACT This article describes the role of ancient written sources in the emergence of the old Uzbek literary language. Our written heritage has an ancient and rich history, and its comprehensive study based on primary sources is more relevant today than ever. Regardless of how much the research carried out in this area to date has enriched the treasury of our linguistics, we still have a lot of work on the ancient Uzbek language and classical texts in this language. KEYWORDS Western Europe, Asia Minor, Central Asia and Western Siberia,Old Turkic language, Latin and Greek pronunciations. INTRODUCTION It is known that the first Turkic written Chinese sources, from Iranian to Sogdian, sources began to appear in the 6th century Khorezmian and Pahlavi languages. The Uzbek AD. Ancient Turkic words are also found in language, which is one of the Turkic The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 09-2020 359 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: September 28, 2020 | Pages: 359-364 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue09-55 - languages, has been called by different names changed, at different times, as a result of the for almost one and a half thousand years of its dominance of these Turkic peoples and tribes, history. The word “Turk” is often mentioned only differences in their common names have in memoirs of the VI-VIII centuries. Judging by been observed. Peter Friedrich Sum, a Danish the content of ancient monuments, the word scholar who studied the history of the Turkic “Turk” originally had a political and social peoples of Eastern Europe and Asia Minor, meaning and meant a union of tribes. came to the conclusion in the 18th century: Although the Old Turkic language was “The common name of the Turks changed reflected in the written monuments of the frequently in connection with the victory of Blue Turkic, Uyghur, Maoni, and Brahma one tribe over another. Scythians, Sarmatians, scripts in the VI-IX centuries, the most ancient Alans, Huns, Khazars, Uzs or Komans, Tatars written monuments of this language have not are essentially common names.”, admitted. survived. Those that survived until the threshold of AD are preserved only in the It has been 1000 years since Dīwān Lughāt al- works of Greco-Roman historians with Latin Turk was written. However, the Turkic peoples and Greek pronunciations. It is therefore still live in the areas mentioned in this play. impossible to make any definite judgment Now most of them have just changed their about the phonetic and grammatical norms of names. Of the ancient names, only Tatar, the old Turkic script or language. Bashkir, Kyrgyz, Uyghur and Bulgarian terms In ancient times, Turkic tribes lived in the area have survived. Many tribes and clans were from Siberia to the Mediterranean, some part of modern Turkic, Azerbaijani, Uzbek, settled and some nomadic. The medieval Tajik, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Turkmen, Karakalpak lexicographer Mahmud Kashqari writes in his and other Turkic peoples. Dīwān Lughāt al-Turk (Collection of Turkish Words): “In the region from the Greek border The Old Turkic language laid the foundation in the west to China in the east, Turkish tribes for the emergence of the old Uzbek literary and clans are arranged in the following order: language. Uzbek literary language is called pecheneg, kipchak, oguz, yemen, bashkird, “Old Uzbek language” in the linguistics of the basmil, kayi, yabaku, tatar, kyrgyz, chigil, toxi, last period of XI-XIII centuries. Especially in yagmo, ugrak, charuk, chomul , Uyghur, Central Asia, with the formation of a large Tangut, Chinese ”. In the following pages, the centralized state of the Turkic peoples, tribes author also mentions the Bulgar and Suvar and clans - the Karakhanids (X-XII centuries), tribes located in the west as Turkic peoples. the prestige of the Turkic language increased Ancient tombs and stone inscriptions found in significantly. The state center was originally these areas so far also confirm this Kashgar (Ordukent) and later moved to information. Uzgen. In the large cities under the protection of the capital, such as Shosh, Sayram, MAIN PART Bolosogun, Samarkand, Bukhara, the scientific and spiritual environment was much This means that the Turkic peoples have lived developed, and its influence even reached for thousands of years under different names neighboring countries. During this period, in Eastern and even Western Europe, Asia such scholars as Mahmud Kashgari, Yusuf Minor, Central Asia and Western Siberia. Khas Hajib, Ahmad Yugnaki, Ahmad Yassavi, Although their ethnic affiliation has not Suleiman Bagirgani were effective. This The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 09-2020 360 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: September 28, 2020 | Pages: 359-364 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue09-55 - marked the way for the further development works created during this period were a great of Turkish literature and literary language as turning point in the expansion of themes in the emerging traditions of written literature terms of themes, in terms of quality, and in and literary language. terms of quantity. Representatives of classical Uzbek literature, such as Haydar Khorezmi, By the XIII-XIV centuries the period of the Shaykhzoda Atoi, Mavlono Yusuf Amiri, Mongol rule began in the country. Oguznoma, Mavlono Lutfi, Hussein Boykaro, Alisher Navoi, which, despite the difficulties of the time, Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur, Turdi Fergani, reflected the heroic images in the oral Sufi Allahyor, Munis Khorezmi and others, tradition of the Turkic peoples, Nosiriddin who lived and worked in a scientific Burhoniddin Rabguziy Khorezmi’s large-scale environment, The literature and literary “Qisasi Rabguziy” (Rabguziy stories), which language of the Karakhanid period, which narrates the traditions of ancient peoples with continued in this way, had a strong influence. his stories and short stories, Sheikh Sharifi’s Terms of the Turkic language – “Turkish”, Mu’in ul-Murid (Assistant to the Murid), Ali ibn “Turkish language”, “Turkish language” are Mahmud’s Nahj ul-Farodis (Ways of Paradise), often mentioned in the works of Alisher Navoi which expressed Islamic beliefs in poetry, and his contemporaries. These terms refer to Another written monument created in the “old Uzbek language”. By this time, the Khorezm in Uzbek and Persian-Tajik languages thematic aspect of Turkish manuscripts had is Masnavi-noma, which is called expanded, their quality had increased, and “Muhabbatnoma”. It is obvious that during their quantity had increased. This was the case the glorious period of the Mongols, a number under the direct patronage and leadership of of talented representatives of the Turkic Hussein Boykaro and Alisher Navoi. Personally, language and its literature emerged. Alisher Navoi himself used these terms in a number of works, leaving a unique scientific The strengthening of the political position of and spiritual heritage for the Turkic-speaking the Turkic peoples, their increasing peoples. settlement, especially their active participation in the life of the city, served to In particular, the work “Muhokamat ul- further increase the prestige of the Turkic lug’atayn” (Discussion of two languages) was languages. As a result, the old Turkic language created in the last years of the author’s life - began to emerge from the interference of when he gained a lot of life experience, many Turkic tribes. Translating this language matured his scientific views, his thoughts into a literary language that is understandable were refined and reached the level of to all Turkic tribes; The written monuments of perfection. In his work, the author not only Turkic literature - manuscripts - played an compares the two languages, but also important role in the study of the linguistic compares their unique aspects and features of the Turkic peoples, the norms of scientifically substantiates the unique features vocabulary, the richness of vocabulary and, on of each. In this regard, Navoi draws attention this basis, the development of future ways of to such important aspects of the Turkic literary language. language as its unique sounds, subtle meanings, action verbs and their influence on The heyday of the old Uzbek literary language the content, ambiguity of words, as well as dates back to the XV-XVIII centuries. The the richness of the Turkic system of terms, The USA Journals Volume 02 Issue 09-2020 361 The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations IMPACT FACTOR – (ISSN 2689-100x) 2020: 5. 525 Published: September 28, 2020 | Pages: 359-364 Doi: https://doi.org/10.37547/tajssei/Volume02Issue09-55 - which is not found in other languages, ul-Viqaya” from Arabic into Uzbek by especially Persian. For example, this sentence Ubaydullah ibn Mas’ud, a well-known jurist of in the work is also a proof of our word, “Bu the 14th century who received the title of ehtimolg‘a xud yo‘l bersa bo‘lmaskim, turk “Taju-Sharia”. The author followed the path of ulusining xushtab'lari majmui sart tili bila nazm expressing this translation in verse and aytqoylar va bilkull turk tili bila aytmag‘aylar”. successfully completed it and named the book Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur gives a clear but “Nazmi Mukhtasar al-Viqaya”.
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