~ICACO DAILY TRIBUNEI' . how to organize Bn.tn~est~uctible'IBUSINESS GIVES CENTENNIAL EDmON TRIBUNE AD MEN jBdmlratlOn and affectlon for CoL 2 *** Tuesday, JuaelO, 1947 IIIN IS:W S S U H M A • 1l unconquerable organization. M:cCormic:k,who has guided To ". ••••• 11:•• 1CIAfIOGK." _ Concerning these and other trib- GIVE PLAQUE TO TRIBUNEto its period of sreatest colonel has got." It brought down T.aMy •••••• 10. 1947 utes, the colonel said that he could CAN BE MAILED TO ALL achievements. the house. only pray that he would be able to R0 S E S SCROLL COL McCORMICKI "Practically all of Ull began our A true repres ntatlve of Amerl- accept them with Christian humil- • association with THE 1fRIBUNEsince can thought W8I the picture drawn LOCAL I DOMESTIO ity and that he would be able to , PARTS OF U S FOR IOe A copper plaque bearing the sig·,Col. McCormick took Its helm in of THE TRIBUNEby Gen. Wood, a Tribune Stages Great Centennial House votes to double state school live up to them. I· • natures of 441 membe~s of the Chi'11911,,,the message continued. "Be- paper which fought the New Deal Show Tonight. ••••.• I·ald sranta. Pace I Speaks for Departed IN TESTIMONIALI Chicago readers of THE TRIBUNIcago. Tribune advertising depart- cause of the friendly relations from its start against an intrenched CitYs Leaders Tender Birthday Clalms accused pastor wanted a Cc?l.McCormick recalled that he may order copies of today's Cen- rgett Rw:s presented ye~terday. to Iwhich have at al~ times existed be- bur 0 era c y, and never pulled a DInner to THETRmt1NE. Pace I larger church. Pace 1 was the only one left of the group tennial edition mailed anywhere in a~d pU~lf:~e~~f M;~~r~~:~~dltor tween us and hl~, we look upon punch. VI Id to read page 1 Tribune Cen- 22,000 left homele•• by 1100dsin of young men who took over THE Ithe United States or its possessions ourselves as associates. rather than Smear artists and cynical colum- te ~l edition. by facsimile Pace I three states. Palre 18 TRIBUNEwith him, the late Joseph Chicago business joined the sa- and Canada for 10 cents a copy A message engraved on the plaque i as employes of a corporation or of nlsts were lambasted by the general nn • One-world blll of rlghts has quali. M. Patterson, Max Annenberg, Wi!· lute to THE TRIBUNEand Col. Mt:. Orders for mailing may be addressed offered congratulations. to THEIan Individual," In a few pungent sentences. At the Eight youths rescue passengers I~ l1ed safe guards. ......18 lIam Field. Bert Macfarland, and I Cormick at the Civic Centennial ~to the Tribune clrculation depart. TRIBUNEfor th~ contributions it ~as I Representatsves of the six divlo end of his speech THE TRIBUNEhad "L" train fire. Pace A. M. A. approves first two years Dan McMahon, and said: "I am!banqUet thru David Mayer, presi·'ment or may be made in person at ~ade to the city. state and natlonisions of the advertising depart.enl advanced In 100 year~ from" Thun. Army and navy jets 1laah to Chi- of Chicago medical school Pace Z5 speak~,ngfor them and representing I dent of Maurice. L. Rothschild and Tribune Tower or at the Tribune ~a"~ 100 years, and expressed attended the present~lon ceremony. derer of the Prairie to the voice cago for Tribune show. Pace a BUll to revIse state mine laws th~m. head of the Chicago Better Busl- Public Service office, Madison and of the midwest and the nation. All available transit ready for given to senate. Pace sa Time was when only people of ness bureau. At the conclusion of Dearborn sts, No orders can be ae- Extolled In Toasia Tribune show. Pace I Engllsh ancestry were thought to his address, he presented an Illu- cepted by telephone. Toasts were given by four speak- Tribune show largest ever tele- FOREIGN be competent to write editorials. minated scroll and 100 roses, each THE TRIBUNEwill also accept or- Store Hours Today, ers. Mayor Martin H. Kennelly call. vised says WBKB director Pace' Tribesmen rlot u Moslems vote Men with names like Raymond and of the flowers typifying a year of ders for mailing the edition else- 9:15 a. m. to 5:45 p. m. ed THE TRIBUNEa living link with ~ f k b diu sou ht u for separate nation. Pace I Blake. Now we have editorial writ- Tribune accomplishments. Mayer's where in the world. The fee will the past which has played a force- t 0 po er an g 18 London Daily MaU haill THETRlB-ers named Stolz, Aton, and Morgen- speech follows: include postage at the rate of 1% ful role in all major events of the two confess. Pace UNE'slooth birthday. Page 14 stern. Among our editorial writers "The organization that I repre- cents for each two ounces, plus 4 city, America and the world. He Sixteen nurserles fined on fire Reds refuse U. S. copies of Bela are two Jews, one Catholic, and sev- sent tonight, the Chicago Better cents. Early editions weighe6t 17 spoke of its 100 years as a l1ghting code violations. Pap 20 Kovacs' confession. Pace 15 eral heretics. This does not mean Business bureau, is tireless in its ounces. newspaper, and sald Its power and Deaths and Obituaries. Pace n Wife of Argentina president wins that they were selected for those effort to see that people get their I=============== Influence is attrlbutable to Col WASHINGTON Madrld ovation. P••.e15 beliefs. rights . and their money's McCormick. With relishable Irish d d b S S "I want to say one thing about worth. I don't know of any man. for THE TRIBUNE'Sdrainage canal wit, which delighted the audience, End of housing office or ere y PORr the editorial writers which they or any institution, that has done a fight ••• its boulevard link cam- he made light reference to Tribune house group. Pace H Fifty race btodayin Tribune looth won't agree with and that is they better job of both than Col. Robert p~lgn .•• its d~mand for the elec- cartoons In the mayoral campaign. Senate group backs U. S. aid to birthday out oard regatta. Pace It are not always right. I have the as. R. McCormick and THE CHICAGOtrlfication of railroads. Roses for Americans love nothing better. state schools. Page Z5 White Sox beat Yankees In 10th sent of Mayor Kennelly in that ex. TRIBUNE. the Golden Gloves . • the Silver than a first class fighting man, Gov. Truman leaves for three day om- inning, 9 to 8. Pace S9 pression. But views must be ex. ••The Chicago Better Business Skates . roses for the all-star Green told the banqueters, as he cial vlslt to canada. Pace 11 Cubs make 1 hit In 1'() loss to pressed, they must be talked out so bureau is composed of more than baseball and football games • . proposed a toast to Col. McCormick FEATURES Braves. Pace S9 that errors can be found." one thousand leading manufactur- rose~ for the Tribune Charities and for the batties he hu fought and Cr ret zzl Pace 18 Ted WUliams tops All-Star poll in Celebration Continual Surprise ers, leading merchants and retail- MUSICFestivals. won. and those he wlll l1ght and D ~oD pu t~e Farm. PaceM first day. Pacelli The colonel remarked that the ers, leading banks and bankers, Leading In Patriotic Works will win in the struggle for human 11'aynt"Vi ay on d Proftles Pa e S5 COMMERCE AND FINANCE Centennial celebration had been a leaders in every phase of business "There would have to be roses freedom in the next century. G~dys ;::tia~ton Bev~ns p':e M Wheat futures prices fallon new continual surprise to him. He said -men who have grown with Chi· for Col. McCormick and THE Besponse by Col McCormick Go Brl~ . P 17 crop marketing. Pace a he could understand that THE TRIB· cago and who have helped Chicago CHICAGOTRIBUNEfor the dramatic Responding to the toasts, Col Me--H re~ o~ ::-0. pace u Stock market prices drift lower in UNE itself might put on its own grow. And, again. I don't know of way they helped the War Bond and Cormick said he had been deeply In°~';n ~e~ Girl Pa-:: 17 slow trade. Pace 4S show In honor of the event, but any man, or any institution that recruiting drives • • • and the Red touched by a message from an old Llq,~ Tw Pac It Appeals court rules against Igoe that this assembly of civic leaders have done a better job of both than Cross campaigns. friend, Frank B. Noyes of the Wuh- Lon':cI0 r:~r 11 o, d P e 17 in Rock Island rail plan. Pace 4S would join in the Centennial cele- Col. Robert R. McCormick and ••There would have to be roses Ington Star, who for 38 years wu M 0 ~ ado ywoo . page 17 Stockholders' equity in Edison is bration as a demonstration of good THE CHICAGOTRIBUNE. for the architectural beauty of Trib- president of the Associated Press. Raa:J ea e. pace 21 400 million dollars. Page 4S will was ••beyond my egotism." Scroll and Roses Tributes une Tower and Tribune Square Mr. Noyes said that altho the minds Rea ~ programs. pace M Permit foreign trade with Japs to At the beginning of the speeches, ••And because of our kindred • . • roses for the W·G-N radio of the two men had not always Rh eeger R m ants P:: It reopen Aug.
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