A STUDY OF HANK HOOTEN’S MOTIVATION IN KILLING THE JURORS IN GRISHAM’S THE LAST JUROR AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters By ISWAHYUDI Student Number: 984214088 Student Registration Number : 980051120106120087 ENGLISH LETTERS STUDY PROGRAMME DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LETTERS FACULTY OF LETTERS SANATA DHARMA UNIVERSITY YOGYAKARTA 2007 ii iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Above all, my supreme gratitude goes to my JC (Jesus Christ) for His assistance and eternal love in giving me inspiration to finish my thesis. Without Him I am hopeless. My immense gratitude and tribute go to Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka. MHum, as my major sponsor, for his patience, criticisms, and contributions in assisting my thesis writing. My endless thanks go Dra. Th. Enny Aggraini, M.A. I thank her for criticizing my work. I excessively will bestow my life for people I love to whom I share my thoughts in completing my study. I owe my thankfulness to my beloved Mother and Father, who have dedicated their whole support and prayer to me to finish this thesis. I am also indebted many thanks to my beloved brother, who has patiently and wisely encouraged me to get my S.S. degree. A friend is someone who will do anything to cheer you up. I do not only have a friend, but many friends beside me who always cheer my thesis writing days with their encouragement, smiles and laughs. I especially bestow my gratitude to My Girlfriend, Titik Ariwarsi for the crazy times we have shared together, the ups and the downs. I will also grant my thanks to all friends Beni, and Satrio, mba Yatmi, Yanti, and mba Sri for their helpfulness and friendship for all the times, along with the other Sastra’ers. May God bless them all! Iswahyudi iv TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE................................................................................................. i APPROVAL................................................................................................... ii ACCEPTANCE PAGE................................................................................. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.......................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................... v ABSTRACT................................................................................................... vi ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... vii CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION ............................................................... 1 A. Background of the Study...................................................................... 1 B. Problem Formulation............................................................................ 3 C. Objective of the Study.......................................................................... 3 D. Definition of Terms.............................................................................. 3 CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL REVIEW .............................................. 5 A. Review of Related Studies ................................................................... 5 B. Theory of Related Theories.................................................................. 7 1. Theory of Character and Characterization...................................... 7 2. Theory of Psychology..................................................................... 12 a. Motivation................................................................................. 12 b. Mental Disorder........................................................................ 14 c. Destructiveness ......................................................................... 17 d. Aggression................................................................................ 18 3. Theory of Crime ............................................................................. 19 C. Theoretical Framework ........................................................................ 21 CHAPTER III : METHODOLOGY........................................................... 23 A. Object of the Study............................................................................... 23 B. Approach of the Study.......................................................................... 24 C. Method of the Study............................................................................. 25 CHAPTER IV : ANALYSIS ........................................................................ 27 A. Hank Hooten’s Psyche ......................................................................... 27 B. Hank Hooten’s Motivation in Killing the Jurors.................................. 37 1. Internal Drive .................................................................................. 40 a. The Unlearned Motive.............................................................. 40 b. The Learned Motive ................................................................. 44 2. External Incentive........................................................................... 45 CHAPTER V : CONCLUSION ................................................................... 49 BIBLIOGRAPHY......................................................................................... 51 v ABSTRACT ISWAHYUDI. (2007). A Study of Hank Hooten’s Motivation in Killing the Jurors in Grisham’s The Last Juror Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Sanata Dharma University. This study discusses a novel entitled The Last Juror. The objective of writing this thesis is derived from the writer’s curiosity to find out the Motivation of Hank Hooten in killing the jurors. In this novel, Hank Hooten is characterized as a man who was suffering from mental disorder, Schizophrenia. The disease, formerly, was actually “sleeping” in his body, but something made it awoke. There are two problems related to the topic of this thesis: (1) How is Hank Hooten’s psyche described? (2) What is Hank Hooten’s motivation in killing the jurors? In order to answer the problems, a psychological approach is used because this thesis analyzes one’s motivation in doing certain action and how a disease and love can be a strong motivation in doing crime. A library study method is also applied in this study. There are two sources used: primary and secondary sources. The Last Jurors, the novel, is the primary source in this study. The secondary sources are obtained from books on literature and psychology. Based on the analysis, Hank Hooten is suffering from schizophrenia, a mental disorder that made him hallucinating. His main motivation in killing is based on his psychological needs, safety needs, and also belonging and love needs. In order to satisfy his needs, he had to kill the jurors who refused to send the murderer in the gas chamber, to kill the murderer to make his imaginary family live in comfort and safety, and also to threaten people around him so that nobody would harm him or his imaginary family. His crime was also based on his seek of revenge. He wanted to take revenge to people who had taken his beloved woman. He became obsessed with the revenge because Rhoda Kasselaw was very precious to him. Finally when he had finished and achieved his goals, kill the juror, the murderer, and take revenge, he left the last bullet for himself. He was satisfied with what he had done. vi ABSTRAK Iswahyudi. (2007). A Study of Hank Hooten Motivation in Killing the Jurors in Grisham’s The Last Juror Yogyakarta:. Jurusan Sastra Inggris. Universitas Sanata Dharma. Penelitian ini membicarakan sebuah novel berjudul The Last Juror. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini berawal dari keingintahuan penulis untuk mengetahui motivasi apa yang mendorong Hank Hooten untuk membunuh para anggota juri. Di dalam novel ini, Hank Hooten di cirikan sebagai seorang yang menderita penyakit mental, yaitu Schizophrenia. Sebenarnya penyakit ini “tidur” di dalam diri Hank Hooten,tetapi sesuatu telah membangunkannya. Ada dua masalah yang diajukan yang berhubungan dengan topik skripsi ini; (1) Bagaimanakah kondisi kejiwaan Hank Hooten digambarkan?; (2) apakah motivasi Hank Hooten dalam membunuh para anggota jury Untuk menjawab pertanyaan, pendekatan psikologi digunakan karena skripsi ini menganalisa motivasi seseorang dalam berbuat sesuatu dan juga bagaimanakah sebuah penyakit dan cinta dapat menjadi subuah motivasi yang kuat dalam melakukan kejahatan. Metode penelitian perpustakaan digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ada dua buah sumber yang digunakan yaitu sumber utama dan sumber pendukung. Novel The Last Juror menjadi sumber utama penelitian ini. Sedangkan sumber pendukung didapatkan dari buku-buku sastra dan psikologi Berdasarkan analisis, Hank Hooten menderita Schizophrenia, sebuah penyakit mental yang membuatnya berhalusinasi. Motivasi utamanya dalam membunuh para juri adalah dikarenakan kebutuhan psikologisnya, kebutuhan keamanan , dan juga kebutuhan rasa memiliki dan cinta. Dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhannya, dia harus membunuh para juri ynag menolak menghukum mati sang pembunuh di kamar gas, membunuh sang pembunuh untuk membuat keluarga bayangannya hidup dalam kenyamanan dan rasa aman, dan juga menakuti orang- orang sekitarnya agar supaya tidak seorangpun menyakitinya atau keluarga bayangannya. Kejahatannya juga didasarkan pada rasa ingin membalas dendam. Dia ingin membalas dendam kepada orang-orang yang telah merenggut wanita yang dikasihinya. Dia menjadi terobsesi dengan balas dendam karena Rhoda Kasselaw sangat berharga untuknya.
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