
NOVEMBER, 1948 BULLETIN Tkie little Poli~11ho? i. only one nl naillionc ot~r1rn:try cnf the war. Ilr. i- nar~rr 11t:nn :I rvnlindrr tlap 1):a.t. IIc i. a11o11 reelt~n~ihilil~(11 IJIP ~~rt-etnt itntl ollr rln:tllrne** of tltc ft~ltlrr. ORPHANSg LEGACY OF WAR by ESTHER B. RHOADS and EMILIE BRADBURY SEE PAGES 4 and 5 AFSC Looks Forward U. N. Liaison 1:Iniorc jnckson lins resigned as As- c( ~lohf relief to rcli;lbilit:1tion" is hope tliat \\.e niigllt be a rnedinting sistant Executive Secretary of tlie Amcr- Ftlle clirrlctcristic plir;ise of rlmost infl~~cncc:' Can \vc, recognizing not ican 1:riends Service Co~nlnittecto bc- all ajiencics that I1.1ve been involucd in only the need of Western Europe, but corne the Co~nlnittcc'sliaison with the overseas assrstance. It will be necessary tlie deep need in Russia itself, find United Nations. He urill, in ;lddition. to sul>l>lerncnt diets nntl s~~pplyshoes new forms of contact between the serve as the cons~~ltantto tlic U. N. and clothing in parts of 1:urope and East and the West! Instead of clc- Economic and Social Collncil for thc Asia for at le;ist another yenr, but the pending solely on political action, can 1:riencls World Committee for Con- revival of religious, soci;il and indus- urc fintl \trays in wIiic11 the heart ant1 sultation. The new appointment bc- trial life, and espcci;illy tllc rchuilcling spirit of Americans can to~lcli the comes effective No\rc~nbcr 1. Elmore of mor;ilc ant1 hope are the central lives 2nd ncccls of Russian people? ;~n~llilizabcth Jackson will live at problems. Can u.e once again earn the right by Quaker Housc. in New York, in the Thirty-eight per ccnt of our 1:oreign st~~dyand prayer to Iise person to per- apartrnent made available to tlie AI:SC Service butlgct last year was spent on son relations with responsible Rus- to f;icilitate its United Nations c-on- relief and 62 per ccnt on rehabilitation sians to further understanding hetvrrecn tncts. ant1 rcconstr~~ction.That trend urill 11s ? The Scr\ricc Committee recognizes mo\,c further this ye;lr. Let no one \Y'c :ire probably at a point \vherc that its ~'orkfor 13e:~ceni~~st be carried feel easy :thout his res1)onsibility for more is dcmnntled of us in the arc1 of out in cons~~ltution\\it11 other apen- sharing foo~l,hut morc thnn food. politicnl action thnn has been true in ties and groups, international in char- must mnkc a tlecpcr spirit~~alcontri- the p:1st. nctcr. \\~liicli are striving to conciliate bution. The lxacetinie draft and the cnor- international clitfcrences and build an The very f~ctth,~t our Government rnous espcndit~ires for rnilitariz:ltion orderly world community. The Com- is particip,~ting in large-scale relief nre so sharply in conflict ~vitlithe cen- niittce's \vork has alrcntly led it into nctiuities makes it more esscnti,~ltliat tral beliefs and practices of ITriends a speci;~lconcern for the friction be- vol~~nt;iryagencies furnish additional th;lt it is probable that the AI:SC will t~veenIndin 2nd Pakistan, for the civil spiritu;ll serviics. be rnorc critical of Government action urar in China (wl~erc the AI:SC is One of the polx~lnr nrpl~mcnt.; for than r~sual, 2nd our actions may not opcr;lting on both sitlcs), for a relief .lssist:~nc-c, partic-t~lnrly in Central be easily ~~nrlerstoorl. ant1 refugee service in I'alestine, in co- Il~~ropc,is to huilcl a hul\vark against All of thcse trends tle~nan~lof LIS operation \vith the United Nations. Communism by offering aid to des- greater wisdom, fuller cornmit~ncnt, and into jointly sponsored projects in ~wratt' ~>cople.The A17SC must cm- cleeper faith anrl more profound tin- I'olantl and Mesico with UNESCO scio~~sly2nd insistently refuse the clerstanrling as \ve try to chart our (Unitctl Nations Ecll~cational, Social tempting lure of securing f~~ntlsand course, which we believe to be in the ant1 C~~lt~~rnlOrganization). approval of program5 on such a hasis. dcc1>est sense loyalty to our country. 1:lmore J;ickson will c-ontinuc to be \Yfc offer our services to people bccn~lsc and at the same time, to express our rclate~l to the cliscussions \\,hich tlic they arc in ncctl and because \ve feel fundamental religious bclicfs. AFSC has ~rndertakcn in an effort to c;~llcdto help them. The political re- CI.ARI~N(.I~E. ~'~C.ICI:T?', s::. if. in some smnll way, it coulcl sr~lts must be left in tlic hantls of lessen the tension \vhich now exists thosc \vl10111 \ve Serve. l~ct\vcenRussia and the United States. Ho\vcver, n,c cannot ,~voicl recog- nizing tlic irnportnncc of political cvcnts. Driven by facts and by our New Addresses csj>crience, \\'e must atteln17t to en- Taro Service Committee offices have courage a path of political action changed their addresses. The New AFSC ~~~~i~~~ n.hich respects the rights and the sa- 'i'ork City Ofice is now located at 53 The nest meetings of the American credness of individunls. Rroa~l\vay, New York 6. The Dts Concretely this means: Is there hloines Regional Ofice is at 11 16 East 1-riends Service Committee will be cqro\ving out of our csperiencc on both University Avcnlle, Dcs Moincs 16, Ileltl in New York City on December sidcs ol the lines in China any slight Iowa, ns of November 1. 3 and .I.Write the AI:SC for details. Internes in Ove I+I: t\vo young people in tile pic- the desire to see for them- T ture at the right ~\.orkeclh.~rtl for selves wI1:lt drc the C;~LIS~S the pri:iitge of p~~nc.llingthnt timc of t!lc tensions which chnr- clock nt 7 a.m., six cl*~ys'1 \veck. 'They ,~cterizcour incl~~striallitc. sc-nnned newsp:lpcr clnscitic~l ;lcI col- They felt that if they coulcl umns. stood in lincs in cro\j,clcd crn- \.ic\\. the scene firstllancl ploymcnt ottices, ancl po~rnclcd many and n'ith unclerst.~ncling, blocks of city pavements before they they !night be 'lhle to hell1 linally \Yere hireel hy tlie company bridge tllc g,~pthat now \vitll tlic time clock. exists bct\vecn employer And once hired, they founcl th;~t ;lnd employee. they must nrise at 5 :30 a.m., get The 10 internes nre liv- bre'lkfast, pack lunchch, ancl travel on Ing coopcr,~tivcly in the South I'hila- sonnel experts, economists, soc.iol- bus, sdnvay, nncl trolley for -17 min- clelpl1i;l ho~ne,not far from the busy 0,q"s. utes to get to their factory at seven. wh:~rvesof tlic I)cl:~\\,nrc River. They The project 113s reccivcel the co- \X'ho nre these two \vho ,Ire so eager share in the houscholcl chores ;~ndcon- oper.~tion of the I'l1il;~clclphia Cham- to p~~ncl~a timc clock? They arc I-cp- tribute pnrt of their earnings each ber of Co~nmcrcc,u,hich h,ls \vorkccl rescntntive "internes in inelustry," week to help meet the expenses of the with the proup in n1.lny \v;lys. Thc members of one of the \+.ark :mcl study project. T.abor I!cll~c.ation Association, n group projects spon~orccl by the American Tllcir first exl>eriencc \\!as, of course, \\.hich rcc.civcs support irom I'hilil- I:riends Scrvic.c (:ommittcc. to lind ;I job. This was not too cnsy. clell>hin ~~nions,nnd the city Ronrcl of This fall and ~vintcrtlle third group As one interne. a young engineer fro111 Ecl~~cntionthro~~gh its \\,orkcrs' ccl~l- of "internes" to meet for n nine-month I'eru, put it: "Jobs were SOLI~~I~for n cntion 1,rogruii h,~ve also lent their prograrn arc living i~tthe old scnmcn's period of eight clays. \vitll scarce support to the project. home in South Philnclelphia wlhich results." I3ut the most cnth~rsinstic support houses the project. Internes clo cvent~~allyfind cniploy- co~nes from the internes themsclvcs, pahi ;1rlcl ~\>\>ic>\~il 'fhcre arc 10 .youn,g .. ~,coplc . in this illent, ho\vcver, 2nd rile jobs r'uigc prchc~~t,T'l~cii . <,I rvinter's project fivc girls and fivc from typicai asscmhly line work anti the intcrncshil> ;is 'In effective \\..~yto boys. They come from Inany back- truck Ioncling jobs, to work irnions develop .In understancling ot incll~s- grounrls. They rnnge in n'gc from 10 ,lnd \\it11 proups \\,orking in the ficlcl trial problems I>eyoncl that gninecl to 25. 'I'heir future plans vary. Somc oi I.lbor ecl~~c-'ltion. from texihooks 11.1s been the clecicfin:;: want to tench, others to do I;lhor eclu- After \vork, the internes get togctllcr factor in the continuntion and cxp,ln- cntion work, one wmts to he ;ln cngi- to cornpiire their cspcrienccs. TIlcy sion of the program. necr, another to do personnel work. come up ~vitlldifferent observations ot What niacle them corne to Intcrne- inJustri;il life. Sornc \\,ark \\.here tllcre in-Intl~rstry:' I:~~ncl:uncnt:~lly,it \vas 'ire unions; others \vhere unions arc trying to org;~nize:others \vllcrc there is not a tr.lce of unionization. Thosc \\slit) work in ~~nionizedshops fine1 that unions (.In clifyer as clrnsticnlly xs .my other organiz;ltion mndc up of h~~rn.~n beings.
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