VOLUME 8, ISSUE 2 APRIL 2006 Sharon E Leskowat, Editor From Your President... Greetings OMTA Members! Edmond, student of Natalie Syring, won the Junior Woodwind Competition. So- Hurricane update: January got off to a prano Sarah Duvall of Lawton, student fast start with the MTNA South-Central of Larry Baldwin, won the Senior Vocal Division competitions held in Lafayette, Competition. Cellist Adam Lock, student LA. Upon my arrival, I delivered one 45 of Tess Remy-Schumacher from the Uni- lb. box of vocal music to Sue Steck- versity of Central Oklahoma, was the Turner, president of the Louisiana MTA. Young Artist String winner. Oklahoma Before Christmas, I also mailed a $120 students also represent our division in the Borders gift card to her to distribute to Young Artist Composition Competition. teachers as a gift from the Norman (Continued on page 3) teachers. To date, $12,500 has been donated from MTNA. South-Central Division: Oklahoma stu- dents will be representing our division in five areas of the MTNA Competitions in Austin. The OSU Trombone Quartet, stu- dents of Paul Compton were winners in the Young Artist Chamber Ensemble com- petition. Flautist Shaelynn Morefiled of See you at the 2006 OMTA State Conference June 2-3 in Lawton, Oklahoma! Conference Call: June 2-3, 2006 We are busy at work on the 2006 conference and it’s all coming together. I’m getting excited thinking about it! This issue of the OMT newsletter features the conference call. You will find the conference itinerary, photos and bios of the participants, a reg- istration form, hotel information, and so on. We have added one additional session by four of our student members. Their topic is timely and should be interesting. It is titled, “Finding Time for Ensembles: Solving Technical and Musical Problems through Duet and (Continued on page 6) Inside this issue: Weldome to the State Conference 6 Mark Your Calendar: Conference Guide 6-13 OMTA Composition Festival 14-15 ♦State Conference, June 2-3, 2006—Lawton, OK Senior Audition Finalists 16-17 ♦Next OMT deadline—June 15, 2006 Membership News 18-19 Oklahoma Music Teacher 06-08 OMTA Board Slate of Officers 19 Oklahoma Music Teachers Association Newsletter Association Newsletter Oklahoma Music Teachers from your VP of Membership and Certification The Spring season always represents something brand new and that is true in OMTA’s mem- bership area as well. I am happy to announce the establishment of a new award to honor 15 OMTA members between the ages of 62-69 for their years of teaching and service. Look for the article “Something New: Service Recognition Award” for details in this OMT. Spring is also a season of renewal and that includes certification renewals. See the listing under “Membership News” for members whose expi- ration date is June 30, 2006. If you have served as Sandra Pierce, NCTM, a committee chair on a local association board, you VP of Membership & are now eligible for an extra renewal point – 1 Certification point per year. www.okmta.org www.mtna.org from your VP of Local Associations and Collegiate Chapters I hope by the time you are reading Young Artists Competition candidate, and innovative activities from our lo- this message, your semester of teach- Adam Lock, a cellist from UCO, enjoy cal associations and collegiate chap- ing and sharing music with your stu- the special support and opportunity to ters. Please keep me posted of your dents is going well with high spirit. represent Oklahoma in Austin, Texas. activities by sending your local asso- Also, you would have seen many won- We also have three new college fac- ciations/collegiate chapters’ news or derful representations from Okla- reports to ccharoen- homa at MTNA National Conference. [email protected]. We have many things to be proud of by being OMTA members. I hope to see you at the conference in June. We will be awarding the "Travel This year we have had experienced Trophy Award" for the association wonderful activities and amazing that has the most members attending growth. University of Oklahoma, the Conference! School of Music has re-activated her Collegiate Chapter with 21 members!! Dr. Chindarat At the University of Central Okla- Adam Lock, cellist from UCO and student of Tess Remy- Charoenwongse, VP homa, the Collegiate Chapter re- Schumacher, represents Oklahoma at the MTNA Confer- of Local Associations & ence in Austin. Collegiate Chapters ceived full funding from the UCO Stu- teaches piano pedagogy at the dent Association (UCOSA) and Vice University of Central Oklahoma. ulty members joining MTNA/OMTA She has taught at Chulalongkorn President for Student Affairs’ Office University, Kasetsart University, from UCO! and Chintakarn Music Institute where she served as the director to attend the inaugurated Collegiate of piano department. An active piano pedagogy clinician, she Expo and the Conference. Three In the near future, I hope OMTA will presented workshops, master- classes, and lectures for Alfred members along with the MTNA String see more participation in auditions and Hal Leonard publications. Page 2 Oklahoma Music Teacher from Your President, continued (Continued from page 1) and local associations a way to honor matic progression to the presidency. their members in a monetary way for It also would also remove this office many years of service to their local from the 2 year term limit and place Jeremy Ricketson, student of Roger association or OMTA. For more infor- it in section 6, listing the offices whose Price from Tulsa University, was se- mation, see Sandra Pierce's article in term limits are unlimited. lected as the South-Central Division this issue. winner. Please help me congratulate Change #2: This change would split The board also voted to get our new the office of Vice President for Local them and wish them luck in Austin! State Composition Festival rolling in Associations and Collegiate Chapters. 2006, and not a moment too soon! It The collegiate duties would be han- State Conference: This year, the State was recently announced that entry dled by a new Elected Board Position Conference will be held at Cameron fees for the MTNA Composition Com- referred to as the Collegiate Chapter University in Lawton. I hope all of you petition will go up again, moving Chair. Term limits would be described will take this opportunity to attend close to the fees of the performance under Article VI - Section 5, stating and hear our wonderful artist and competitions: $40/55/70. Luckily, the that the chair may be elected to serve clinician, Joseph Banowetz and Jane national awards are going up too. a term of 2 years, but no more than 2 Bastien. We are so fortunate to have You can find the details in the Festival terms consecutively. a conference packed with concerts, Guidelines. sessions, master classes and opportu- The membership will also be asked to nities for fun and fellowship - all for Our festival couldn't start at a better vote on the slate of officers for the such a low registration fee. Most time, allowing students to 'get their 2006-08 term. Ron Lewis, chair of the states pay three to four times our feet wet' and participate in composi- nominating committee, presented the Oklahoma fee for the same educa- tion for an affordable fee. Informa- new slate which was approved by the tional experience! tion and entry forms are included in board. See this OMT for the 06-08 this OMT. If you have questions, feel slate of officers. If you accepted my challenge to bring free to address them to me at in a new member into OMTA, make [email protected]. We will also have Piano Duet Competition: The MTNA sure you personally invite them to the forms available in the OMT ar- Board recently approved a new rec- attend the Friday banquet. We will chive of the webpage: ommendation from the Collaborative have a drawing for new members www.okmta.org. Performance Task Force that would and the veteran member who sup- initiate a Piano Duet category within ported them. The prizes promise to be Voting Issues for the Membership at the Senior Performance Competitions. something each of you can 'spend'! the June Conference: The member- This competition would support and New drawings for cash gift cards will ship will be asked to vote on the fol- encourage ensemble playing by pre- also be held for members that have lowing items at the annual member- college students, and also open teach- signed up to receive the OMT elec- ship meeting held during the Saturday ers to the possibility of collaborating tronically. OMTA is really starting to business luncheon of the state confer- themselves by jointly entering a duet save paper, time and postage and ence. The board approved the fol- team. The details are being worked more members are getting their copy lowing Bylaw changes to be brought out for implementation in 2007-08 hot-off-the-press. It's not too late to before the membership for a vote: and would be in effect for five years, sign up! Simply email our editor, at which time it will come under re- Sharon Leskowat, at Change #1: Article VI- Section 4 This view. [email protected] with your name section states the offices that shall and email address and she will serve for a term of 2 years and may Hope to see ALL of you in Lawton! gladly begin emailing your newslet- not be re-elected to serve in the same office consecutively. Previously, the ter. Mary Sallee, NCTM, Vice President of Membership and President of OMTA has been What's suddenly new in 2006: Many Certification was included in this sec- an independent teacher in Norman new programs were approved at the since 1988.
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