Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08872-6- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 22: 1874 Frederick Burkhardt and James A. Secord Index More information INDEX The dates of letters to and from Darwin’s correspondents are listed in the biographical register and index to correspondents and are not repeated here. Darwin’s works are indexed under the short titles used throughout this volume and listed in the bibliography. Abbot, Francis Ellingwood: CD discusses morality expeditions for transit of Venus 370 & 371 n9, 174; CD thanks for sending ‘Darwin’s theory of 493 n1 conscience’ 174 & 175 nn 1–4; ‘Darwin’s theory Airy, Hubert: CD lent American Naturalist 11 & of conscience’ 122–3 & n1, n3, n4, 172 & n6 n1; comments on W.J. Beal’s paper 11; helps Aberdeen University: T.H. Huxley, lord rector 133 L. Darwin with transit of Venus expedition n1, n5 commission xxiii; phyllotaxis (leaf arrangement) Abinger Hall 503 n14, 629 n17, see also T.H. Farrer theory published 12 n3; revised paper for Royal Abney, William de Wiveleslie: L. Darwin writes to Society 152–3 & 153 n1, n2 330 & n2; writes to L. Darwin answering queries Aitken, Thomas: Pinguicula 311–12 & nn 2–5 331 & n2 Albani, Emma 372 & n3 aboriginal peoples see native peoples Albany pitcher-plant see Cephalotus Abutilon (Indian mallow) 4 n1, n2 Aldabra atoll, Seychelles: giant tortoises 180 & 182 Acacia farnesiana (synonym of Vachellia farnesiana): n2, n3 CD received from Kew 187 & n8; J.D. Hooker Aldrovanda see Aldrovanda vesiculosa sent specimen to CD 335 & n8; specimen Aldrovanda vesiculosa (waterwheel plant; synonym A. growing well 447 & 448 n5 verticillata): Bengal 491 & 492 n4, 541 & n1; CD acacias: bull-horn 367 & 368 n2, 368 & 369 n1 asks D. Oliver for 506; CD trying to grow 484 Académie royal des sciences, des lettres et des & n3, 489 & 490 n6; CD works on 482 & n3, beaux-arts de Belgique: T.H. Huxley 584 & 585 493–4 & 494 n2; F.J. Cohn 484–6 & 486 nn 1–4, n4 485, 487 n7, n10, 617, 617–18 & 618 nn 1–3, 619 Academy of Sciences, Paris: C.E. Blanchard n4, n7, n10; family Droseraceae 456 n3, 486 n3, opposes election of CD as correspondent 289 618 n3; J.D. Hooker supplies 454 & 456 n3, 481 n5, 614 n5 & n3, 490 n6, 493 & 494 n2; monospecific genus Acanthocephala femorata see Metapodius nasulus in family Droseraceae 486 n3, 618 n3; range Acari: on Pinguicula grandiflora 351 & 352 n4 of 506; var. australis 492 n5, 506 & 507 n3; var. Acer plantanoides 477 & 478 n5 verticillata 492 n5, 506 n6, 574 & n2 Adams, Charles Francis: American Academy of Alglave, Emile: Revue politique et littéraire 171 n5, 612 Arts and Sciences 46 n5; suspension as editor of Revue scientifique 171 & Adlumia: bees visiting 192 & n3 nn 1–5, 611 & nn 1–4, 612 n4 Aeby, Christoph Theodor: critical of T.H. Huxley’s Allen, Frances: G.H. Darwin meets 514 & 516 n15 work 207 & n2, 210 & 211 n3 Allman, George James: Linnean Society, president Agassiz, Alexander: wife’s death 12 & n6 167 & 168 n7, 580 n12, 595 & 596 n4, 644; at R. Agassiz, Anna Russell 12 & n6 Strachey’s 60 & 61 n8 Agassiz, Louis 12 n6 Allman, Hannah Louisa: at R. Strachey’s 60 & 61 Airy, George Biddell: abstracted J.C. Maxwell 45 & n8 n4; astronomer royal 493 n1, 497 & n2; British alpine butterwort see Pinguicula alpina © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08872-6- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 22: 1874 Frederick Burkhardt and James A. Secord Index More information 808 Index Amberley, Lady (Katharine Louisa Russell) xxiv, will publish Descent 2d ed. 539 & 540 nn 2–4, 552 377 & n2 & n1; will publish Insectivorous plants 539 & 540 n5 Amberley, Lord (John Russell) 377 & n2 Appleton, Thomas Gold: admires CD’s work and American Academy of Arts and Sciences: CD seeks his views on spiritualism xviii, 182–3 & 183 elected foreign honorary member xxix, 46, 96, nn 1–7, 184 n8, n9; visits Down 628 124 n1, 129 & n6, 291 & n7 Apus 511 & n2 American Association for the Advancement of Aquilegia vulgaris 495 n6 Science: T. Meehan’s address 471 & 472 n2, n3 Arctiidae 220 n9 American expedition to observe the transit of Argus 292 & n4, n5 Venus 327 & 330 n18 argus pheasant: illustrations of feathers 185 & n2; American Journal of Science and Arts (‘Silliman’s W.B. Tegetmeier’s article 188 & 189 n2 Journal’) 301 & 302 n4 Argyll, duke of (George Douglas Campbell): fossil American Naturalist: W.J. Beal, ‘Phyllotaxis of plants 477 & 478 n5 cones’ 11 & n1; CD subscribes to 531 & 532 n2; Aristophanes, Acharnians 440 & 443 n17 ‘Spawning of the capelin’ 110 & 111 n2 armadillos 88 & n4 American Public Health Association 548 n4 Arms, William 305 n4 Amphioxus: F.M. Balfour 563 n5; E. Haeckel 562 & Asclepiadaceae 274 & n5 563 n6; T.H. Huxley 562 & n1, 563 n4, 579 & Asclepias physocarpus see Gomphocarpus physocarpus 580 n9, 587 & n6 Asian bladderwort (Utricularia griffithii; synonym of Amphioxus lanceolatus (now Branchiostoma lanceolatum; U. uliginosa) 498 n2 lancelet) 562 & n1 Asteraceae (was Compositae) 494 & n5 Ampullaria 30 & 31 n3 Athenaeum Club: elections 137 n2, n3, 159-60; Anasa tristis (was Coreus tristis: squash bug) 280 & 281 members 29 n5; H. Parker’s candidacy xxviii, n3 26, 29 n5, 137 & n1, 138 & n1, n2, 139–40 & 140 Anderson, G.S.: sends photograph of n1, 139 & n1, 141 & 142 n2, 156 & 157 n1, 160 n3, representation of bear-like animal 265 & nn 1–3 313 n2; H. Parker’s election 159–60 & 160 n1, n2, Anderson, Rufus: The Hawaiian Islands 75 & 78 n9; 195 & 196 n3 History of the Sandwich Islands Mission 75 & 78 n8 Atkin, Mary Elizabeth 212 n6 Andrews, James Bruyn: assists J.T. Moggridge 135 Australia: aboriginal peoples 75, 78 n2 & 136 n7 Australian Museum, Sydney 510 n1 Anelasma: and Rhizocephala 190 & 191 n8, n9 Autographa gamma (silver Y moth caterpillar): on Anelasma squalicola (parasitic goose barnacle) 209 n5 Pinguicula grandiflora 351 & 352 n6 Anergates atratulus 498 & 499 n6 Ayrton, Acton Smee: Office of Works 124 & 125 n7; annual marsh herbs (herbae annuae paludosae) 576 & Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew 125 n7, 292 n7 n7 azaleas 370 & 371 n5 Anoplotermes 1 & 3 n3 Anthophora fulvifrons 218 & 220 n11 BAAS see British Association for the Advancement Antilocapra americana 516 n22 of Science ants: T. Belt 4 & 5 n6, 217, 480 & n3, 480 n4, 535 & backgammon tournament: CD and E. Darwin 275 n4, 622 & 623 n4; and Cecropia 217 & 220 n6, 368 & 276 n12 & 369 n1; A. Forel 473–4 & 475 nn 1–6, 522–3 Backhouse, Edward: Zoological Station appeal 248 & 523 nn 4–9, 615–16 & 616 nn 1–6, 621 & 622 n2 nn 4–9; and germination of seeds 135 & 136 n3; Baedeker: guidebooks 191 n15 J.P. Huber 474 & 475 n5, 480 & n3, 616 & n5; J. Baer, Karl Ernst von 132 & 133 n9, 606 & 607 n9 Lubbock 571 & 572 n3; F.V.A. Meinert 522 & 523 Bagehot, W.: Physics and politics 247 & 248 n2 n4, 620 & 622 n4; J.T. Moggridge 136 n6, 286 Balfour, Alice Blanche 297 & 298 n12 & 287 n11 Balfour, Francis Maitland: Amphioxus 563 n5; away Apelles 524 & 526 n3 from Cambridge 393 & 394 n6; CD thanks G.H. Apis 218 Darwin for news of 505 & n9; departs for South D. Appleton & Co.: CD hopes will publish Descent America 502 & 503 n17; elasmobranch fishes 2d ed. in US 529 & nn 1–3, 530 & 531 n3; Descent 191 n6, 562 & n2; embryology of sharks 190 & 2d ed. published US 1875: 529 n2, 540 n3; 191 n6, 295 & 298 n4, 562 & n2; T.H. Huxley publisher of 3d US ed. Origin of species 51 & n1; speaks highly of 502 & 503 n17; Monograph on the © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-08872-6- The Correspondence of Charles Darwin: Volume 22: 1874 Frederick Burkhardt and James A. Secord Index More information Index 809 development of the elasmobranch fishes 191 n6; sends beer: hops 405 n4, 409 n2 CD photograph of Zoological Station xxvii, 190 bees: Adlumia, visiting 192 & n3; W.J. Beale 507 & & 191 n17, 209 & n4; visits CD 73 & n3, 628; n2; T. Belt 390–91 & 391 nn 1–4, 395–6 & 396 nn visits J.D. Hooker 368 & n6; Zoological Station 1–3; biting flowers for nectar 230 n3; Corydalis, 129 & 133 n4, 131, 178 & 179 n2, 190 & 191 n3, 193 visiting 192 & n3; H. Crüger 383 n4; Dasypoda & 194 n2, 215 & n2, 295 & 297 n3, 298 n7, 605 hirtipes 80 & 82 n4; Dielytra, visiting 192 & n3; Ball, John: observations on beavers and anecdotes hive bees 2–3, 391, 507, 532 & n3; J. Lubbock 571 of dogs 312–13 & nn 2–5 & 572 n3; H. Müller 80 & 82 n3, 538 & n2, n3, balloonplant see Gomphocarpus physocarpus 540 & 451 n2; solitary bees 218; stingless honey- Bancroft, Hubert Howe: presents CD with his bees, F. Müller 2–3 & 3 n8, 70, 218–19 & 220 n10, book 398–9 & 399 n1 n12, n20, see also humble-bees Baranowska, Maria von 133 n8, 607 n2 beetroots: grafting 573 & 574 n9 Barber, Mary Elizabeth: Papilio nireus xxviii, 424 & Belemnia inaurata 218 & 220 n9 n8, 426 & 427 n8, 482 & 484 n2 Bell, Charles: determination expression 430 & 431 Barbier, Edmond: Descent, works on translation n4 defects in xxix, 24 n4, 599 n4; Descent 2d rev ed. Belmore, Lord (Somerset Richard Lowry-Corry) translation xxix, 24 & n4, 58 & n2, 599 & n4; 20 & 23 n9, n14 Journal of researches translation xxix, 563 & n1, Belt, Thomas: ants 4 & 5 n6, 217, 480 & n3, 480 568 & n1, n2 n4, 535 & n4, 622 & 623 n4; CD appreciates his Bardi de Fourtou, Oscar 171 n4, 611 n4 observations on bees and beans 395–6 & 396 nn Barnard, Anne 590 n4 1–3; CD in London and hopes they can meet Barnard, Henslow 590 & n4 554 & nn 1–3; CD probably meets in 1875: 554 Barnard, Robert Cary 590 & n4 n1; observations on humble-bees visiting pole Barnes, Thomas: cattle breeding 48–9 & 49 n6 beans 390–91 & 391 nn 1–4 Bary, Anton Heinrich: Royal Agricultural Society Belt, Thomas The naturalist in Nicaragua 4 & 5 n5, n6, 124 & 125 n9 29 & n6, 74 & n4; ants 535 & n4, 622 & 623 n4; Bates, George Washington, Sandwich Island notes 76 bull-horn acacias and Beltian bodies 367 & 368 & 78 n11, n16 n2, 368 & 369 n1; CD admires 169 & 170 n7, n8, Bates, Henry Walter: M.E.
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