PLAN BOTHNIA PILOT PLAN Umeå NORTHERN EUROPE BOTHNIAN SEA Nn Husum WH N N Örnsköldsvik Vaasa nbd N WH F nbd SWEDEN N w FINLAND ge/ls nbd Harnösand M Kaskinen Nn F nbd Sundsvall mine w Merikarvia N nbd w F N Hudiksvall Pori N mine nbd Rauma F Nn Söderhamn M W F Uusikaupunki N/wp N/wp nbd/sp Gävle Åland mine 0 50 km Mariehamn Wind pow er Good con ditions NatureW conseind powrva teiron NatureG coonseo d cronvat diiotion ns NatureN conatureser cvatonse ionr,vation Nature con ser W w for wind power Nn N( aWtura 2000 N/wp andw windfor pwoiwnde rpower N othNner N( atura 2000 N/wp and wind po W Wind pow er w Good con ditions Nn Nature conse rvation N/wp Nature conse rvation N Nature conservation, nbd Potentially high fonbrd /wspinSdp apwownienrg and N(gea/tluras V a20nlbuabd00lPeo getenoltoiaglyly high andM wiMindnbld ipt/asoprwyS eppracrawntinceg and othF er Imporge/ls tVantaluab fishilen ggeology M Military practic natural value nursery area and landscapenatural vaieluwe area nursery area area and landscape view area from land from land ondureitio cnos nservation NatNauturere pNr ocaturetonseect ion r,cv oanset ionrvation NatureNN atcnaonsebutdrur e perrP oconsevtoecattientioontri,avlalyti ohnig,h Naturenb consed/sp SPrpovtaentiwtionanilnl,yg h iganh dnatural v alue, ge/ls ValuabFleutu gereo logy Military prac tShiceipping Important fishiCOng NANCED UN DER EUROPEAN Nn N/wp N/wp N N S s M S F s ourawe 20r 00 Nat(Nauturara 2and00 2000 w0ind power and wiondotheth preor wnemaritnure aMinel valu /e dumothpeedr nusparwnseirnySg h arandipep anuinrgsery ro aurteea and landscapePshomisppinsieibnglMine ero vfutuuitee w/r deumped arWeHa World rHeSouhitrpeitapigneg route area Banks PINoTsEsiGRbAlTePlanED futu MAnRIirTneIMgE POLICY WH World Heritag W Wind pow er w aGmomodun coniti ondit rioisnks Nn Nature conse rvation N/wp sNhatureippina gcm onsermo uunterivtationio rnisk N Nature conservation, shippinarg reoaute Area with high natural val ue. The entire Area with high natural and efocorlo wgicainld power Area of particular signi(Natfiuracanc 20e fo0r 0 froFutumre lpoaandntedntial w faiindrwa py ofowr cerorss- othRecoemrmended route for commercial MARE area or a large part of it belongs to the value that should beMine prot ec/ tdeud.m ped spaSwningS ohri nupprsienryg of r ofish.ut eDue to s PBoothnianssibl eshippin futugr.e World Heshippinritagg. e CoBannstrukc-s Planning uableand geology ge/ls VaMluableMi lgeitaorylo pragy ctice MilFitaryImportant mpractiine ce fishing F Important fishing WH and are landa scape vieEUw Natura 2000 naretweoark. Areas off the M area a mThem biunoloigiticonal a rnids k the shallowness and varied seabed, sMheiappsuriesn gth atro cu oulted prevent the tions, activities and other measures area and landscape nvbidew Potentiallary hieagh nbd/sp Spawning araneda ge/ls Valuable geology Military practice Important fishing from land Finnish coastfrom als loa tnod a maritime national ecological conditions that create its the area is expected to be of higher estMablishment of the route should be F that would hinder passage should only park. Natura 200n0a tural valhighue na tural values should nube prrsoeter cyt eard. ea natural/ecological and value l thanand mscapeost of view avoided.area arbee allaowed if the measures are of great sioureubtle c futuo nserervatiosn PossiblWNe aorfutureltdu rH eceornsei tagrevation World BanHNeartkiurtaseg econserPlanvatinoinn,g Banks Planning values shouNWld/Hw bep protected and activities WH ActiNvities harmful to these values should the Bothnian Sea. from land importance for society and if no other LEAD PARTNER ppuraing 20 ro0u0te shippinandg ro windute power other S area ares a harmful to these values shoulmdi noet bMe ine / dumbep meadde to avoid the area.Shipping route The area’s qualitiePs oforss sipawningble fut ouf rfiseh WH Wororlldd Heritage Banaccepktsable place cPlanan be nfoiunngd. allowed. The National Par k regulatioanms munition risk should be preservesdh. iTppinhe effgects ro ouf ntew heritage area Wind pow er Good con ditions Nature co nser uable geologymust be followM ed.Military practice F ImporImpotrantant t fishing activities on the area’s values should Area in the UNESCO World Heritage list, W Wind w Nn and landscape view area fishingarea area be assessed, harmful activities should mainly coastal. When power for wind power (Natura 2000 froomns learnvdation NNatatureure pr cotonec tsio enr vation NAraeatur identifie conseed as ofrv particatiounla,r be avoided. Existing activities such as granting permission for new activities Area for wind power production. The N/wp Wind pow erN Good con ditions Nature conse rvation NWatureW cindonse powrv aterion NawtureG oconods ceonrv atditioionn,s Nn Nature conse rvation N/wp Nature con servatio ura 200si0ble future andand w windindW poor weWpoldrw Hereritage oimportancether Ban forwk csommercial fiPlanshingn. ing fishingNn should be performed in a way that N/wp and measures, within or close the arNea, arnebad is alsoPo otf enrelattiiavelllyy high hig nhatural nbd/sp Spawning and ge/ls Valuable geolog WH for wind power (Natura 2000 and wind power other for wind power N( atura 2000 and wind power pping route Shallow banks o f high ecological value The possaribilietaies of does not harm. the impact on world heritage values value. natural valu eActivities and nuPArRsTeNEryRS area and landscape and conditions for wind power. Part of sustainable fishing should be ensured . should be assessed. Activities and measures that could harm wind power from land uable geology M Military practice F Important fishing nbd Potentially high nbd/sp Spawning and ge/ls Valuable geology Military practice Finngrundet has sandn bandd grPavoetl enextrtaica-lly highThe conditnbionds/ thspaSt aprae wfundnianmeng atnadl to ge/ls VVaaluabluablele geo gelogoy loangdy meMialisutarersy t hapract couldtic hearm world heriFtageImpor tpantroduc fitionshi snhgould not be allowed. Natu- S M s and landscape view area area Wind pow er Good con ditions NatMure conse rnvaatturioanl value Nature conse nurvmatirnseieornMiney are a/ dumNapteurd e conseandrvat ilandscapeonS,hipping v rioeuwte area Possible futur tion interests, but this wouldn bae thaurrmfual vl alue itsW natural values anund risceh rfiysh ar stoecaks w landands claandpe vsiewcape from v lanieNwdn varalueesa should not be allNow/wedp. area ral valueas mshomuldunN beit pionreser rviedsk as far as shipping rou to its natural/ec ological values and wind should not be harmed. foAnr impo winrdtantfr poo mpaw rltea ornf UNd ESCO High N( atura 2000 and wind powpeorssible. other from land future World Heritage Banks Planning S s Good con dpiowerWtioHn insterests. NMaitneure / dcou nsempervdation S NSahtiureppi ncgonse r outrevation Coasts WoNaPrldo tHsurseriitabe lgconseee fuis thtuatr thveaet vieiowns, Wmiorlne dMineM Heiner/id ta/umpe dguemd ped BanksShippingPlan rounteing Possible future WH World Heritage oute mNnine N/wp area N WH Wind pow er Good con ditions shippinNga rtoureute conse rvation Nature con ser for wind poNatuwerral values should be pr(Noatamecttmuraedun. 20itio0n0 risk nbd Poottenentiatlandilayl hlyig wh indigh power nbd/sp Sfproamw thnei nothhighsgh ia eppincnorastald g cliffsrou atree fregee o/fl s Valuable geoloaammunmgWymunitiiotnion risMk riskMilitary practicew Goarode winaF d Important fishinNgn N/wp Shipping and fishing harmful to these naatuturrala vla lvalue ue nuvisibrsle rcoyn arstruectioa ns. and landscapeSite where mviineews or other kindsar ofe a powerfor w icnondd piartiooewnaser N( atura 2000 and wind po value s should not be allowed. New ac- Due to the relatively shall owness and Permanent constructions that could from lanamdmunitions have, or are supposed to Area with good wind power production /istpioSnpsawning and Nature cgeonse /ls rVvaaltuableion geologNyature con serMilvatiitoanry practiceNature conserIvmaptioornt ,ant fishing tivitieNn s that could significantly harm the N/wp varied seMabineeMd c /o nditidumonps theed area,N S Sbehi vFpispibilen gfr ormo ulatnde and harm cultusral Possibleha futuve, berene ndbumped.d Po tentiallWy orlhigdh Heritagconditinbe d/sponSs.p awningBan andks Activi- Plange/lsninVgaluable geology Military practic onwseenurrvrasteioryn arepoNassibili/wp (NtNiesaaturet furaor wind 20 c onp0o 0wsereand rinv tatih el andoarnea scapeN vandieparticNmwain tweuruilarnde lconsey pthoe wbanarerrkvesa,a cotioulnd, be expecteothd er values sharouelda be avoided. Activities that could leadW toH risks of ties and measures that could harm the M ura 2000 and wind powfroerm land other ammunition risk shipping route natural value nursery area area and landscape view area should not be permitted. to be of higher natural val ue and explosions should be avoided, or carried potential to use the area for wind power from land andShipping rgeou/tlse Valuable ges oloPgoyssible future Mbiiloitdiavreyrsity practi than mcWeostorl ofd th Hee Borthniaitagne Important fishiBanng ks Planning out with great caution. production should not be all owed. M WH F S Shipping route s Possible future World Heritag uable geoloa gy andMilli tiltaandscapearyr y practsi hcveippewing route arImportanSea. t fishing The natural andar ea area mine Mine / dumped WH M F Banks ammunition risk shipping route and landscape view froarpramecta ilcean adrea arecoeloagi cal values in the area should be ute Aresa usPedo fsosir libve l eam fumutunitireon practice by Wporersledrv eHde. Nrietaw agcetivities s hould not Banks Planning the military. The area WH be allowed unless their environmental future WH shWippinorld gHe roruittaege
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