MA Jainology

MA Jainology

à. 3. O¡Z {MÌH$bm Ho$ ~mao _| {dñVma go g_PmB`oŸ& D001 MJCRP101 Explain in detail about Jain Painting. AWdm / OR E_.E. (nydm©Õ©) narjm - 2015 {H$Ýht VrZ O¡Z _pÝXam| Ho$ d¡{eîQ²>` na àH$me S>m{bEŸ& (nÌmMma nmR>²`H«$_) Throw light on the characteristics of any three Jain Temples. {df` … O¡Z{dÚm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$ Y_© VWm Xe©Z àW_ nÌ … O¡Z B{Vhmg, g§ñH¥${V, gm{hË` Ed§ H$bm à. 4. O¡Z AmJ_ go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢? {H$Ýht Xmo O¡Z AmJ_m| Ho$ ~mao _| {b{IEŸ& g_` … 3.00 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ … 80 What do you mean by Jain Agam? Write about any two Jain Agams. AWdm / OR {ZX}e …g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OEŸ& g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ h¢Ÿ& O¡Z ì`m»`m gm{hË` na EH$ {Z~§Y {b{IEŸ& Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. Write an essay on Jain explanatory literature. à. 1. ^JdmZ A[aîQ>Zo{_ Ho$ OrdZ Ed§ Xe©Z na àH$me S>m{bEŸ& à. 5. {ZåZm§{H$V _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na {Q>ßnUr {b{IE - Explain the Life and Philosophy of Lord Aristnemi. Write short notes on any two of the following - AWdm / OR (i) Xme©{ZH$ gm{hË`/Philosophical Literature ^JdmZ _hmdra Ho$ OrdZ Am¡a Xe©Z na àH$me S>m{bEŸ& (ii) M[aV gm{hË`/Charitra Literature Throw light on the life and Philosophy of lord Mahaveera. (iii) O¡Z nd©/Jain Festival (iv) H$mì` gm{hË`/Literature of Poetry à. 2. AqhgH$ OrdZ e¡br H$s {deofVmE§ {b{IEŸ& Write the characteristics of Non-violent way of life. AWdm / OR VrW©ñWmZ go Amn Š`m g_PVo h¢? {H$Ýht Xmo O¡Z VrW©ñWmZm| H$m dU©Z H$s{OEŸ& What do you mean by Pilgrimage? Explain any two Jain places of pilgrimage. (ii)(ii) (i) P.T.O./H¥$.n¥.C. AWdm / OR D002 MJCRP102 lmdH$mMma na EH$ {Z~ÝY {bI|Ÿ& E_.E. (nydm©Õ©) narjm - 2015 Write an essay on 'Sravakachara'. (nÌmMma nmR>²`H«$_) {df` … O¡Z{dÚm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$ Y_© VWm Xe©Z à. 4. "Amdí`H$' H$m ñdê$n ~VmVo hþE CgHo$ à`moOZ Ed§ _mhmËå` na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& {ÛVr` nÌ … O¡Z VÎd _r_m§gm Ed§ AmMma _r_m§gm Explain the nature of 'Aavashyaka' illustrating its purpose and importance. g_` … 3.00 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ … 80 AWdm / OR {ZX}e …g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OEŸ& g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ h¢Ÿ& narfh {H$VZo h¢? CZHo$ CËn{Îm Ho$ H$maUm| H$mo ~VmVo hþE narfhmo§ H$s {dñV¥V Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. ì`m»`m H$a|Ÿ& à. 1. O¡Z Xe©Z Ho$ AZwgma Ðì` H$s AdYmaUm H$m {ddoMZ H$a|? How many 'Parishaha' are there? Define in detail giving reasons Explain the concept of Dravya according to Jain Philosophy? for their creation. AWdm / OR à. 5. Zd VÎdm| _| _moj Ho$ gmYH$-~mYH$ VÎd H$m¡Zgo h¢? ñnîQ> H$a|Ÿ& O¡Z Xe©Z Ho$ AZwgma bmoH$ Ho$ ñdê$n na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& Which among the nine categories of truth are helpful for and which Throw light on Loka as believed in Jain Darshan? are hindering in attainment of Emanicipation? Discuss. AWdm / OR à. 2. O¡Z Xe©Z _| ñdrH¥$V fS>Ord{ZH$m` H$s AdYmaUm H$m {dñVma go {ddoMZ H$a|Ÿ& O¡Z Xe©Z _| g§Wmam H$s AdYmaUm H$m dU©Z H$aVo hþE, g§Wmam Am¡a AmË_hË`m Explain in detail the concept of 'Sadjeev Nikaya' as accepted in _| Š`m AÝVa h¡, ñnîQ> H$a|Ÿ& the Jain Philosophy. Explaining the concept of 'Santhara' in jainism clarify the AWdm / OR difference between santhara and suicide. O¡Z Xe©Z _| à{Vnm{XV "H$mb Am¡a AmH$me' Ðì` H$m {ddoMZ H$a|? Explain the concept of 'Time and space' according to Jain Philosophy. à. 3. na_mUw H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE CgH$s {deofVmAm| na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& Define Parmanu in detail and give its characteristics. (ii) (i) P.T.O./H¥$.n¥.C. AWdm / OR D003 MJCRP103 {H«$`m `moJ na {Z~ÝY {bI|Ÿ& E_.E. (nydm©Õ©) narjm - 2015 Write an essay on 'Kriya Yoga' (Yoga of Action). (nÌmMma nmR>²`H«$_) à. 4. O¡Z Xe©Z Ho$ AmYma na H$_© Ho$ ñdê$n H$mo ~VmE§Ÿ& {df` … O¡Z{dÚm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$ Y_© VWm Xe©Z Explain the nature of Karma as per Jainism. V¥Vr` nÌ … Ü`mZ `moJ Ed§ H$_© _r_m§gm AWdm / OR g_` … 3.00 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ … 80 H$_©~§Y Ho$ hoVw Ed§ à{H«$`m H$m dU©Z H$a|Ÿ& {ZX}e …g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OEŸ& g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ h¢Ÿ& Explain the causes of bondage of Karma and its process. Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. à. 5. H$_© Am¡a nZwO©Ý_ {df` na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& à. 1. O¡Z `moJ _| AmMm`© h[a^Ð Ho$ AdXmZ H$mo {dñVma go ~VmE§Ÿ& Throw light on 'Karma and Rebirth'. Explain in detail about the Contribution of Haribhadra in Jainology. AWdm / OR AWdm / OR n§M g_dm` na {Z~§Y {bI|Ÿ& Ü`mZ Ho$ ñdê$n H$mo g_PmVo hþE Y_©Ü`mZ Am¡a ewŠbÜ`mZ na {Z~§Y {bI|Ÿ& Write an essay on 'Panch Samvay' (Five Concomitance) Explaining the nature of Dhyan write an essay on Dharma dhyan and Shukla dhyan. à. 2. àojmÜ`mZ Ho$ ñdê$n na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& Throw light on the nature of 'Preksha dhyan'. AWdm / OR gdm©W{g{Õ J«§W Ho$ AmYma na AZwàojmAm| H$m dU©Z H$a|Ÿ& Explain the concept of 'Anupresksha' (Contemplation) on the basis of the text 'Sarvarthasiddhi'. à. 3. g§àkmV Ed§ Ag§àkmV g_m{Y H$mo {dñVma go g_PmBEŸ& Explain the sampragyat and asampragyat samadhi in detail. (ii) (i) P.T.O./H¥$.n¥.C. AWdm / OR D004 MJCRP104 Ad{YkmZ H$mo {dñVma go ~VmE§Ÿ& E_.E. (nydm©Õ©) narjm - 2015 Discuss in detail about clairvoyance. (nÌmMma nmR>²`H«$_) {df` … O¡Z{dÚm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$ Y_© VWm Xe©Z à. 4. O¡Z Ý`m` Ho$ CX²^d Ed§ {dH$mg na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& MVwW© nÌ … O¡Z kmZ _r_m§gm Ed§ O¡Z Ý`m` Throw Light on the origin and development of Jain Logic. AWdm / OR g_` … 3.00 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ … 80 {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Xmo na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{IE - {ZX}e …g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OEŸ& g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ h¢Ÿ& Write short notes on any two of the following : Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. (i) à_mU H$m bjU / Characteristic of Pramana (ii) àË`j à_mU / Direct Pramana à. 1. O¡Z kmZ _r_m§gm Ho$ CX²^d Ed§ {dH$mg na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& (iii) Ý`m` {dH$mg _| O¡Z AmMm`m] H$m `moJXmZ Throw light on the origin and development of Jain Epistemology. Contribution of Jain Acharyas in the development of Logic AWdm / OR à. 5. {ZåZ{b{IV _| go {H$Ýht Mma na g§{jßV {Q>ßnUr {b{IE - kmZ H$mo n[a^m{fV H$aVo hþE kmZ Ed§ ko` Ho$ g§~§Y H$mo ñnîQ> H$a|Ÿ& Defining knowledge, clarify the relation between knowledge and knowable. Write short notes on any four of the following : (i) ñ_¥{V / Recollection (ii) VH©$ / Reasoning à. 2. lwVkmZ Ho$ ñdê$n H$mo ñnîQ> H$aVo hþE CgHo$ àH$mam| na àH$me S>mb|Ÿ& Clarifying the nature of verbal knowledge focus on its types. (iii) AZw_mZ / Inference (iv) AmJ_ à_mU / Verbal Testimony AWdm / OR (v) à{_{V / The Resultant _{VkmZ Ho$ àH$mam| H$mo g_PmE§Ÿ& Explain the types of perceptual knowledge. à. 3. _Z… n`©dkmZ H$mo g_PmVo hþE, G$Ow_{V Ed§ {dnwb_{V _Z… n`©dkmZ Ho$ ^oX H$mo ~VmE§Ÿ& Explaining mind-reading knowledge, show the difference between rijumati and vipulmati. (ii) (i) P.T.O./H¥$.n¥.C. à. 3. H$m§jm_mohZr` H$_© H$s {dñV¥V ì`m»`m H$s{O`oŸ& D005 MJCRP201 Give a detailed explanation of 'Kanshmohniya' Karma. AWdm / OR E_.E. (CÎmamÕ©) narjm - 2015 (nÌmMma nmR>²`H«$_) Ord d nwX²Jb Ho$ g§~ÝY na boI {b[I`oŸ& {df` … O¡Z{dÚm Ed§ VwbZmË_H$ Y_© VWm Xe©Z Write an essay on relation between Jeev and Pudgala. n§M_ nÌ … O¡Z AmJ_ g_` … 3.00 KÊQ>o nyUmªH$ … 80 à. 4. CÎmamÜ``Z H$m n[aM` XoVo hþ`o Jwê$-{eî` gå~ÝY na àH$me S>m{b`oŸ& Giving an introduction of Uttradhyana throw light on Guru-sishya {ZX}e …g^r àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Xr{OEŸ& g^r àíZm| Ho$ A§H$ g_mZ h¢Ÿ& relationship. Note : Attempt all questions. Each question carries equal marks. AWdm / OR à. 1. AmMmam§J H$m n{aM` XoVo hþ`o AmË_dmX na {Z~ÝY {b{I`oŸ& Xímd¡H$m{bH$ H$m n[aM` XoVo hþ`o Y_© Ho$ ñdê$n na àH$me S>m{b`oŸ& Throw light on the form of religion and give introduction of Write an essay on Aatamvada and give an introduction of Aacharanga.

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