TAXONOMICA ARANEAE I: BARYCHELIDAE, THERAPHOSIDAE, NEMESIIDAE AND DIPLURIDAE (ARANEAE) ROBERT J. RAVEN Raven, R.J. 2000 06 30: Taxonomica Araneae I: Barychelidae, Theraphosidae, Nemesiidae and Dipluridac (Araneae). Memoirs ofthe Queensland Museum 45(2): 569-575. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. In the Barychelidae, Idioctis sierramadrensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 is placed in the synonymy of Rhianodes atratiis (Thorell, 1 890) and Aganippe hancrofti Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918 is transferred to the barychelid genus Trittame. In the Theraphosidae, Phlogielhis Pocock, 1 897 is the senior synonym ofBaccallhrapo Barrion & Litsinger, 1 995; Chilocosmia Schmidt & von Wirth, 1992 and Selenopetma Schmidt & Rrausc, 1995 are newly placed in the synonymy of Se/enocosmia along with Phlogius Simon, 1 887 which is replaced into synonymy. In the Nemesiidae, Chenistonia is removed from the synonymy of Aname and includes only species of the Aname maculata group of Raven, 1984. The contentious question of the identil\^ of Aname divers/color Hogg, 1902 is revisited. The invalidly designated neotype is used as the t>'pe ofAname mainae, sp. nov. In the Dipluridac, the Dominican amber fossil genus, Microsteria Wunderlich, 1 988, is placed in the synonymy oTMasteria L. Koch, 1 873. Taxonomy, Mygalomorphae, spiders. Australia, amber, fossil Robert J. Raven, Queensland Museum. PO Box 3300, South Brisbane 4I0I, Australia; 20 April 2000. A number of new taxa and nomenclatural (1988: 2) and its descriptive statement is also changes have occurred in mygalomorph spiders essentially that of Raven (1988). The figures of in southeast Asia, Australia and fossils from the Idioctis sierramadrensis are of sufficient detail to Dominican amber since Main (1985) and Raven clarify its true identity. The species is clearly not (1985b). Some have been a result of taxonomic referable to Idioctis, The eye group is too deep, revisions. Some have been isolated descriptions. the sternum is ^is long as wide' not about 1.5 Some have been forced as a result of wider times w ider than long, the shape ofthe carapace is changes. Most changes do not require full ovoid, not elongate, and the abdomen is dark with revisions but only a briefnote. That is the purpose patterning. All of these are the characters of the of this series. monotypic Rhianodes into which genus the Institutional and morphological abbreviations species is here transferred. follow those of Raven (1985a). The long spines overhanging the chelicerae are mentioned by Raven ( 1994) in R. atratus, and the BARYCHELIDAE palp and diagnostic first leg ofthe male ofIdioctis sierranuidrensis do not show differences from Rhianodes atratus (Thorell, 1890) that of R. atratus. Hence, I am transferring the Rhiamis atraUis Thorell, 1 890: 277; Roewcr, 1 942: 224. species into the synonymy of R. atratus. Rhianodes atratus: Ra\ en. 1994: 697; Platnick, 1998: 143. Idioctis sierramadrensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 25; DISTRIBUTION. Singapore, Malaysia, Platnick, 1998: 137. (New synonymy) Philippines. Raven (1994) incorrectly listed Maxwell's Hill in Singapore; it is in Malaysia. MATERIAL. HOLOTYPE: 6, Philippines, Quezon This is the first report of the species from the Prov., Real, Llavac VilL, R Apostol, 16 Jan 1985; in Philippines. International Rice Research Institute, Philippines. Trittame bancrofti (Rainbow & Pulleine, REMARKS. Barrion & Litsinger { 1 995) described 1918), comb. nov. a new Idioctis based on a male and juvenile (Fig. female from slash and bum upland rice fields in 1) the Philippines on Luzon Island. However, Aganippe hancrofti Rainbow & Pulleine, 1918: 95; Main, 1985: 14. Idioctis is an intertidal spider (Raven, 1988, Churchill Raven, 1992, Raven, 1994) known & MATERIAL. LECTOTYPE: (designated Main, 1985: 14), rarely far from the littoral zone. The diagnosis of AMKS 6151, Eidsvold, SE Qld; 9, paralectotype, same Idioctis given by Barrion & Litsinger (1995) is a data;KS6152, 9p^rd\QcXo\\^,Anamedistincta{R2\nho\\\ slightly changed version of that given by Raven 1914,det.RIR). ) 570 MEMOIRS OF TllE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM DIAGNOSIS. Females shajrc with those p( J. gracilis the pitseoBe*oftbcmT spines 0-4 strofig) oti patellae 11 1 and we ! I developed posterior median .spinnerets bul differ In thai the cheliccrac iackarastellum. the ALE are clearly ijiore than ll^r diaoi^t^ -and the rR^MARKS. TrWs transfer ^ISO removes Ihe secoiidar)'' hotnonymy vvilh Aganippe bufurofti idemified bv Main, 1985. Raven 1994) failed to deal with this species 4i&ted by Maiaii983) a& incertae scdisr in the Skry- chclidac. The leelolypc has dense claw tulls. numerous FlCi. I. Tririame bancrqfti (Rainbow & Pulleine, I9t8), lectoiype fenmle, • maxillar) euspules, no labial AMKSti]52. A, canjpsipe; B^spennathecae;C, eyes. Scale bars I mm. cuspui^s £nid $hon PJUS and is Baccallhrapo alone arc adequate to support the ctedrl^f Tn-ktam. Raftibbw Pulleinfi's type & recognition of a new genus and the variability series also includes a female distmcla Aname falls adequately within ilie known generic which, by default also is paralcctoiype, a variation. The types have a third claw and This increases Ihe already higJi beta di\ ersiiy of cracked tarsus IV, boiii characters ofP^lbgf^US Triffauie in southeast Queensland. Although (see Raven, 1985b), R Inwdokalbo i^ixa^}^ in some in the area are known jOtily ftflm one sex, having tarsi 111 and TV cracked. tbefei&no doubt 1ha| thespeCks is distinct irom Man) references to Sc/fnoco.^nua in (he -mhers In the region. Thtt thom spines on the rainlorciitii of north Queensland should mostly patella were found by Raven (1990) lo be present likely be ifeEerred iQ Pkiogiel/us. Queensland in both males and females ofT gn7ci}i\_ Hence. T. Museuiij. ra^^f {iet^in&i by |UR) include i':i<KrnUi teniales are not eonspeeilie from the many Pfllogiellus ifom that ttegfoil. geographically elos<^ bul allopatric T, mccolU I99S tfi Z ilarmil^v^ 1995. Selenocosraia Ausserer, 1871 THERArtlQSapiAE SelcntK'Oimiit Ausserer, J87h "204. Type specie? by iiiOrioivp>" A/i,i^f/t' javtvitrfsfs Wjlckenaer, 1837. Tspe iPtilogtellus Pocoek^ Wtf. presumed losi. Phricniy K-uctL ltv74; 4^S- i^pc species. b> i"nonoi\pv. f^hh^it-nns Pocock. IS97: 595: Raven. 1985b: 1 18. Phricius crassipcs Ki^c\\. 1K74. \\{*<^ in ZMII. cxuTTiinLTl. BacLiHihrapo Bunion & Liisinuer, 1995; 21; Platnick, 1998: Phlt>s;i}f: Simon. I8K7: cxcv. replacement name \or Phnciits- 153. r>(ic spcci«$. Baccalikftupo hitndokalha Barrion £l koch. IN74 preoccupied b\ Phruiii.\ SpiiioJj, ]H59 in the Litsingef, tm llemipicra: Schmidt. 1995; 10. Replaced into svnonymy. I'sop/iopuvM Thorell, 1897: 1 75, type species by subsequent MATEfHAL. HOLOTYPE: Baccallhrapo hundnhilho. deiignahon of Bonnci ( 1 958: 3825), FhrktNs vaiidus Philippines, LagunaProv.SinjJoan.Mag^a\^iv VilL. 16 TboroIU ISai. First ^nonymised by Simon, 1903: Jan !^85, A, Bamon, Perez. PARAr\*PES:'Subadult M. C*l/fflW.«rHRrtctofdt A voA W 9. Type species by Ts, Philippines. Quezon RrpVi,. Llavac VSll., R. original designation CmociUfmio Jichromaia Schmidl & Apostoi, 16 Jan I%5. All jnfnteniatioriall^Re^^ Insliluie. Philippines. fXcn >\non\m>') Selcmpelnht 'NcKinidi A. JmsIII^ li^dS: 22. l^tic species Sclcnnpdina AmWrfliS Sdimidt & Kroifij life (MeW j\ri<inyin\ HABITAT DISTRIBUTION. RainfoTe^t* tn ) REMARKS. Sciji^Lidl (1995) removed the :md in northern Austt'alia. Australian iSfe31sB^cetf?M/a crcmipcs (Koch, 1 873 -REMARKS. None of the characters (marginal and Selenocosniio Stirling} Hogg, 1901 and dSS^nces on scopula density on tarsi) used by transferred them to the restored genus name Barrion & Litsringe9t (1995) to distinguish Pklogm Simon. 1887. The removal from TAXONOMICA ARANEAE 571 Selenocosmia was based upon differences from a No type material ofSelenocosmia stirlingi Hogg, putative paratype of Selenocosmia javanensis 1901 was examined by Schmidt but material so (Walckenaer, 1837), the type species of Seleno- labelled in the South Australian Museum was, as cosmia Ausserer, 1871. Indeed, the type species well as some other Selenocosmia species. needs to be studied, the species variability documented, the t>^pes found, and other species Schmidt (1995) lists a number of differences in may then be understood and their relationship the material mentioned. No variational study with the type species and ditTerences from it supports the species significance of those understood. None of that has been done in the differences. More importantly, Schmidt does not above three papers written or coauthored by explain how other species of Selenocosmia Schmidt. belong to a ditTerent monophyletic group from The type material of Selenocosmia javanensis those he places in Phlogius. (Walckenaer, 1837) has not been examined or Differences in characters previously used, e.g. even located. Schmidt claims to have examined a relative leg length and diameter, are not 'paratype' of Selenocosmia javanensis in the thoroughly examined, hideed, in that character Museum ofWiesbaden but Jager ( 1 998) found no alone, Selenocosmia crassipes is more similar to such material. Type material of other species of Selenocosmia javanensis than with Seleno- Walckenaer has been found in the Musee cosmia stirlingi. National d'Histoire Nalurelle. Paris but lists only with Heurtault ( 1980) BMNH Also, Schmidt (1995) lists the distribution of Walckenaer types. In any case, since Walckenaer Selenocosmia crassipes as Australia and New did not designate a holotype, paratypes do not Guinea and so perpetuates an error from Roewer exist either. Hence, Schmidt was in error
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