Sacramento International Airport Airline Passenger Statistics July 2010

Sacramento International Airport Airline Passenger Statistics July 2010

Sacramento International Airport Airline Passenger Statistics July 2010 CURRENT MONTH FISCAL YEAR TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE THIS YEAR LAST YEAR % + / ( - ) 2010/11 2009/10 % + / ( - ) 2010 2009 % + / ( - ) Enplaned Domestic Alaska Airlines 25,519 19,792 28.9% 25,519 19,792 28.9% 123,342 106,591 15.7% American Airlines 16,593 16,140 2.8% 16,593 16,140 2.8% 107,297 86,244 24.4% Continental Airlines 14,658 14,288 2.6% 14,658 14,288 2.6% 94,379 98,856 (4.5%) Delta Airlines 36,317 19,603 85.3% 36,317 19,603 85.3% 184,669 117,759 56.8% Frontier Airlines 15,931 12,687 25.6% 15,931 12,687 25.6% 84,949 73,540 15.5% Hawaiian Airlines 7,536 7,616 (1.1%) 7,536 7,616 (1.1%) 49,307 50,683 (2.7%) Horizon Air 13,753 12,058 14.1% 13,753 12,058 14.1% 81,296 71,717 13.4% Jet Blue 10,453 10,669 (2.0%) 10,453 10,669 (2.0%) 64,002 53,048 20.6% Mesa/US Airways Express/YV 753 - 753 - 2,821 - Northwest - 13,184 (100.0%) - 13,184 (100.0%) - 66,533 (100.0%) Skywest/Delta Connection 5,818 5,689 2.3% 5,818 5,689 2.3% 31,982 30,524 4.8% Skywest/United Express 15,635 13,611 14.9% 15,635 13,611 14.9% 107,786 92,425 16.6% Southwest 205,786 214,471 (4.0%) 205,786 214,471 (4.0%) 1,380,693 1,410,965 (2.1%) United Airlines 29,249 32,626 (10.4%) 29,249 32,626 (10.4%) 173,518 199,056 (12.8%) US Airways 25,755 29,462 (12.6%) 25,755 29,462 (12.6%) 129,309 166,358 (22.3%) CHARTER - - - - - - 423,756 421,896 0.4% 423,756 421,896 0.4% 2,615,350 2,624,299 (0.3%) International Mexicana 5,303 6,524 (18.7%) 5,303 6,524 (18.7%) 33,480 32,327 3.6% 5,303 6,524 (18.7%) 5,303 6,524 (18.7%) 33,480 32,327 3.6% Total Enplaned 429,059 428,420 0.149% 429,059 428,420 0.1% 2,648,830 2,656,626 (0.3%) Deplaned Domestic Alaska Airlines 25,320 19,192 31.9% 25,320 19,192 31.9% 119,085 106,048 12.3% American Airlines 16,953 16,399 3.4% 16,953 16,399 3.4% 110,514 86,713 27.4% Continental Airlines 14,549 14,175 2.6% 14,549 14,175 2.6% 93,439 97,362 (4.0%) Delta Airlines 35,024 19,306 81.4% 35,024 19,306 81.4% 177,333 116,296 52.5% Frontier Airlines 15,312 11,570 32.3% 15,312 11,570 32.3% 83,102 73,294 13.4% Hawaiian Airlines 7,264 7,538 (3.6%) 7,264 7,538 (3.6%) 48,880 50,589 (3.4%) Horizon Air 14,325 11,833 21.1% 14,325 11,833 21.1% 83,972 71,917 16.8% Jet Blue 12,047 10,471 15.1% 12,047 10,471 15.1% 64,033 51,260 24.9% Mesa/US Airways Express/YV 612 - 612 - 2,713 86 3054.7% Northwest - 12,952 (100.0%) - 12,952 (100.0%) - 64,606 (100.0%) Skywest/Delta Connection 5,890 5,729 2.8% 5,890 5,729 2.8% 32,052 32,307 (0.8%) Skywest/United Express 16,083 13,577 18.5% 16,083 13,577 18.5% 108,579 89,697 21.1% Southwest 207,311 214,597 (3.4%) 207,311 214,597 (3.4%) 1,380,972 1,410,164 (2.1%) United Airlines 29,904 33,189 (9.9%) 29,904 33,189 (9.9%) 172,399 198,428 (13.1%) US Airways 26,867 30,166 (10.9%) 26,867 30,166 (10.9%) 129,443 167,311 (22.6%) 427,461 420,694 1.6% 427,461 420,694 1.6% 2,606,516 2,616,078 (0.4%) International Mexicana 3,580 6,518 (45.1%) 3,580 6,518 (45.1%) 33,987 33,652 1.0% 3,580 6,518 (45.1%) 3,580 6,518 (45.1%) 33,987 33,652 1.0% Total Deplaned 431,041 427,212 0.9% 431,041 427,212 0.9% 2,640,503 2,649,730 (0.3%) ENPLANED AND DEPLANED PASSENGERS 860,100 855,632 0.5% 860,100 855,632 0.5% 5,289,333 5,306,356 (0.3%) 10/18/2012 10:41 AM Sacramento County Airport System Summary of Activity July 2010 CURRENT MONTH FISCAL YEAR TO DATE CALENDAR YEAR TO DATE THIS YEAR LAST YEAR % + / ( - ) 2010/11 2009/10 % + / ( - ) 2010 2009 % + / ( - ) Sacramento International Airport Passengers Enplaned 429,059 428,420 0.1% 429,059 428,420 0.1% 2,648,830 2,656,626 (0.3%) Deplaned 431,041 427,212 0.9% 431,041 427,212 0.9% 2,640,503 2,649,730 (0.3%) 860,100 855,632 0.5% 860,100 855,632 0.5% 5,289,333 5,306,356 (0.3%) Landings Landed Weight (1,000 pounds) 530,456 559,106 (5.1%) 530,456 559,106 (5.1%) 3,577,225 3,540,943 1.0% # of Landings 4,543 5,140 (11.6%) 4,543 5,140 (11.6%) 33,142 30,763 7.7% Airmail (Pounds) On 152,966 157,511 (2.9%) 152,966 157,511 (2.9%) 1,163,461 1,140,508 2.0% Off 13,132 1,149 1042.9% 13,132 1,149 1042.9% 61,014 9,151 566.7% 166,098 158,660 4.7% 166,098 158,660 4.7% 1,224,475 1,149,659 6.5% Freight (Pounds) On 5,909,954 5,770,104 2.4% 5,909,954 5,770,104 2.4% 35,767,294 39,773,023 (10.1%) Off 6,419,542 6,257,658 2.6% 6,419,542 6,257,658 2.6% 43,475,331 43,284,838 0.4% 12,329,496 12,027,762 2.5% 12,329,496 12,027,762 2.5% 79,242,625 83,057,861 (4.6%) Aircraft Operations Air Carrier - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Air Taxi - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% General Aviation - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Military - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Mather Airport Passengers Enplaned 31 13 138.5% 31 13 138.5% 79 66 19.7% Deplaned 20 13 53.8% 20 13 53.8% 79 76 3.9% 51 26 96.2% 51 26 96.2% 158 142 11.3% Landings Landed Weight (1,000 pounds) 22,758 40,094 (43.2%) 22,758 40,094 (43.2%) 164,622 256,604 (35.8%) # of Landings 259 885 (70.7%) 259 885 (70.7%) 2,787 4,496 (38.0%) Freight (Pounds) On 3,290,689 4,129,971 (20.3%) 3,290,689 4,129,971 (20.3%) 23,553,982 26,323,594 (10.5%) Off 3,729,901 4,077,301 (8.5%) 3,729,901 4,077,301 (8.5%) 25,763,245 26,080,742 (1.2%) 7,020,590 8,207,272 (14.5%) 7,020,590 8,207,272 (14.5%) 49,317,227 52,404,336 (5.9%) Operations Air Carrier - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Air Taxi - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% General Aviation - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Military - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Sacramento Executive Airport Landings Landed Weight (1,000 pounds) - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% # of Landings - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Freight (Pounds) On - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Off - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Operations Air Carrier - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Air Taxi - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% General Aviation - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% Military - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 10/18/2012 10:41 AM Sacramento International Airport Passenger Statistics Prior 12 Months Current Year Prior Year Year over Year Change Enplaned Deplaned Enplaned Deplaned Enplaned % Difference Deplaned % Difference August 2009 403,308 413,085 456,831 465,541 (53,523) -11.7% (52,456) -11.3% September 2009 371,103 364,380 385,116 385,913 (14,013) -3.6% (21,533) -5.6% October 2009 391,828 390,540 406,623 406,456 (14,795) -3.6% (15,916) -3.9% November 2009 360,966 365,184 371,698 371,964 (10,732) -2.9% (6,780) -1.8% December 2009 374,513 371,014 378,792 374,267 (4,279) -1.1% (3,253) -0.9% January 2010 326,458 328,187 326,879 328,982 (421) -0.1% (795) -0.2% February 2010 304,950 305,182 314,502 315,502 (9,552) -3.0% (10,320) -3.3% March 2010 376,794 368,407 370,622 372,823 6,172 1.7% (4,416) -1.2% April 2010 376,645 381,297 387,417 385,828 (10,772) -2.8% (4,531) -1.2% May 2010 399,265 401,407 394,048 396,567 5,217 1.3% 4,840 1.2% June 2010 435,659 424,982 434,738 422,816 921 0.2% 2,166 0.5% July 2010 429,059 431,041 428,420 427,212 639 0.1% 3,829 0.9% 4,550,548 4,544,706 4,655,686 4,653,871 (105,138) -2.3% (109,165) -2.3% Total Enplaned Passengers by Month 525,000 475,000 425,000 2007 2008 375,000 2009 2010 325,000 275,000 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 10/18/2012 10:41 AM SACRAMENTO COUNTY AIRPORT SYSTEM SACRAMENTO INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - SMF PASSENGERS BY YEAR Y.T.D.

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