INDEX Titles of books, as well as Arabic: words and technical terms occurring in the text, in italics. Initial letters of book-titles and of certain Oriental nouns capitalized. Main references indicated in heavy type. In pronouncing Arabic names the accent generally falls on the long vowel bearing the macron(-); the • stands for a glottal stop; the' for a c'e~pguttural that has no correspond. ent in English; such dotted letters as 1 and I are emphatically sounded; aw and ay are diphthongs. Of the prefixes listed below, al· means thei abu-, father of; ibn-, SOD of: dhu·, possessor of; umm-, mother of; "Abd-, slave (servant) of. Aaron: sister of, 125; 443 'Abbasids: 6, I8I, IC)6, 200, 222, 225, 'aba', 24, 229, 334 228, 232, 240, 243. 245, 255. 282-90, Aba<;lite, see Iba<;lite 304, 316, 317, 318, 319, 327, 330. 332, Abaqa, 678 337.348, 34Q, 353.354.394,413,414, 'Abayh, 736 415,424,426,427,439,455.462,466, 'Abbad, son of qii.<;li of Seville, 538 474, 480, sos, 519, 617, 619, 621 'Abbad, banu-, 537, 538 A6breviat£o A~•icenne de animalibus, 'Abbad, ibn-, al-$~b, 404 588, 6u 'Abbadid: domain, 540; days, 550; 'abd, 235 n. 1 capital, 598 'Abd, ibn-a!-, see Tarafah 'Abbadids, 538, 541, 558, 598 'Abd-Allah, see 'Abdullah Abbar, ibn-a!-, 566 'Abd-al-'Aziz, son of Marwan I, 2i9, 282 'Abbas I, 726 n. 1, 745 'Abd-al-'Aziz, sultan, 713 n. I 'Abbiis II, 726 n. 1, 750 'Abd-al-'Aziz ibn-Miisa ibn-Nu~ayr, 'Abbas, banu-al-, 405 496. 503 'Abbas, abu-al-, 'Abbiisid caliph: 284-5, 'Abd-al-l;lakam, ibn-, I65, 388 28R, 332; in Chinese records, 344 'Abd-al-l;lamid I, 7I3 n. I 'Abbas, a!-, son of al-Ma'miin, 318 'Abd-al-l;lamid II, 186, 713 n. I, 738 'Abbas, a!-, uncle of Mul;lammad, 111, 'Abd-al-l;lamid al-Katib, 250 184 n. 2, I89, 282, 283, 284, 289, 291, 'Abd-al-Karim, 718 297 {236 'Abd-al-La~if,al-Baghdadi, 166,662,686 'Abbas, abu-al-,' Abdullah ibn-a!-' Abbas, 'Abd-al-Majid I, 7I3 n. I, 727, 735 'Abba5, ibn-a!-, 'Ali, see· al-Majiisi 'Abd-al-Majid II, Ottoman, 139, 184 'Abbas, Shah, 737 'Abd-al-Malik ibn-Marwan, Umayyad: 'Abbasah, al-, sister of Hariin, 296 13, I95, 205-7,212,217,220,221,222, 'Abbasi, al-, title of al-Ya'qiibi, 385 n, 2 226, 227, 228, 229, 232, 233, 238, 243, 'Abbiisid: period, 182, 194, 198 seq.; 252, 253. 264, 265, 267, 278, 279, 282, regime, 208, 294. 317, 322, 328; 220, 322, 354; postal service of, 322 223,224,236,269,278,289,297.322, 'Abd-al-Malik al-Mu~affar, see 329, 332, 333, 340, 343 seq.; forces, Mu~affar, al- 283; agent, 284; government, 286; 'Abd-Manaf, I II, 184 n. 2, I89 l577 power, 300; family, 304; capital, 305; 'Abd-al-Mu'min ilm-'Ali, 546, 548, 549, age, 308; era, 316; glory, 318; spies, 'Abd-al-Mu'min al-Dimya~i, 685 32 Si provinces, 330; poets, 405; court, 'Abd-al-Muttalib, I I-I, 184 n. 2, 189, 4o6; poetry, 407; ruins, 417; art, 4I9; 283, 291 inquisition, 435; dynasty, 467; rivals 'Abd-al·N~ir, 75I of al-'Aziz, 62o; mercenary troops, 'Abd-al-Qadir, see Jilani, al­ 62o; state, 625; administration in 'Abd-Rabbih, ibn-, 557-8, 559 Egypt, 627; house, 677; gllilman, 695 'Abd-al-Ral;lman I, Umayyad of Cor- 'Abbasid-'Alid alliance, 289 dova, 286, 29I, 450, 501, 504, 505-9, 'Abbiisid caliph, 285, 288, 291, 29<), 5I2, 514 n. I, 519, 594 326, 327' 328, 339, 343. 344. 348, 355. 'Abd-al-Ral;lman II, 513-16,521 n. 2, 598 424, 45I, 466, 48o, 6os, 646 'Abd-al-Ral;lman III, UmayyaJ of Cor­ 'Al basid caliphate: I84, 328, 450, 633; clova: 469, 481 n. 2, 508, 509, 514 n. I, in Egypt, 489, 705 520-25,526,529-30, 531. 533, 534 n. s. 'ALbasid caliphs: I84 n. 2, 290,407, 473; 543. 557. 563, 565,595, 019; secretary in Egypt, 676 of, 564 759 INDEX 'Abd-al-Ra\,uniin IV, 534 n. 5 'Abid ('Ubayd) ibn-Sharyah, 227, 244 'Abd-al-Ra\,uniin V, 534 n. s, 535, 558 'Ablah, 96 'Abd-al-Ra\,uniin ibn-'Abdullah al-Ghi- iiDIQij, 6gi fiqi, su Ghifiqi, al­ Ablaq, al-, 107 'Abd-al-Ra\,uniin ibn..al-Ash'ath, 2o8-9 Ablastha, 200 n. 4 'Abd-al-Ra\lmiin ibn-'Awf, see 'Awf, Aboukir, see Ablqir Bay ibn- Abrahah: 54, 62, 64; inscription of, 105 'Abd-al-Ra\.uniin al-Awsat, sell 'Abd­ Abraham: descendants of, 61, 62, 92, al-Rahmiin II roo, 125, 161, 264, 443; submission of, 'Abd-al-Ra\lmiin al-Dikhil, see 'Abd­ 129 al-Rahmiin I Abs, 90 'Abd-al.-Ra\lmiin ibn-Marwiin al-Jilliqi, Abulustayn, 200 see Jilliqi, al- Abuqir Bay, 722 'Ahd-al-Ra\lmiin ibn-Mu'iwiyah, see Abu~ir, 689 n. 8. Se~ also B~ir 'Abd-al-Ra\lmin I Abydos, in Egypt, 33 'Abd-al-Ra\lmiin ibn-Muljam, see Mul- Abydos, on the Dardanelles, 204, 212 jam, ibn- Abyssinia: 19, 48, 57, 6o, 62,66, 100, 1o6; 'Abd-al·Ra\lmiin Shanjiil, see Shanjiil migration to, II4; emigrants to, 121 'Abd-Shams, III, 184 n. 2, 189 Abyssinian: 100; language, 52; kingdom, 'Abd-al-'Uzza, 99 56; maritime service, 59; rule, 6o, 65, 'Abd-al-Wahhib, ibn, 740-41 66; monarch, 6o; overlords, 64; army, 'Abd-al-Wiil;Ud al-Rashid, Muwa\ll;Ud, 64; garrison, 66; intervention, 66; 587 negro, ro6; centres, 107; mercenaries, 'Al:kluh, Muhammad, 751, 753-5 117, 259; eunuch, 456 'Abdullah, Umayyad of Cordova, 514 Abyssinians: 10, 59, 62, 105; reign of, 64 n. 1, 517, 519, szo octuUmie littlraire, 745 'Abdullih, brother of 'Uthman, 176 Achaemenid dynasty, 157 n. 2 'Abdullah, father of Mul;lammad, 101, Achila, 499 III, 184 n. 2, 189, 283, 289, 291 Achilles, 90 'Abdullah, king, 752 n. 3, 756 Acrab, 572 'Abdullih, son of al-'Abbis, 289 Acre, see 'Akka 'Abdullih, son of 'Abd-al-Rabmiin II, Acropolis, the, 550 516 'Ad, 30, 124 'Abdullah, son of 'Ali, 285, 290 'Ad, ibn-, Luqmiin, 54, 124 'Abdullah, son of al-I;Iasan, 291 adah, 335· 400, 402 'Abdullah, son of Maymiin al-Qaddii.l;l, Adam: 19, 28, 92, 100, 125, 443; 443-4 creation of, 87, 352 [Aden 'Abdullah ibn-al-'Abbis, s/JIJ 'Abbis, 'Adan, 61, 62, 697, 710, 740· See also abu-al- Adelard of Bath, 375, 378, 571, 573, 'Abdullah ibn-'Amir, 157 s88,6oo,662 'Abdullah ibn-'Amr ibn-al-'A,, 354 Aden: 711, 740; colony, 14, 739, 740; 'Abdullah ibn-Maymiin, see Maymiin, protectorate, 14, 739, 740. See also ibn- 'Adan 'Abdullah ibn-Qisim, 530 Adham, ibn-, Ibrahim, 434 'Abdullah ibn-Sa'd ibn-abi-Sar\1., Sell adkan, 118, 259 n. 2 Sari;!, ibn-abi- Adhanah, 200 'Abdullah ibn-'Umar ibn-al-Khattab, Adharbayjiin, 154, 176, 225, 330 236, 394 'Adhri', 150 n. I 'Abdullah ibn-Wahb al-Risibi, se11 Adhrul;l, 119, 181 Risibi, al- 'Adi, ibn-, Yal;lya, 315 'Abdullih ibn-al-Zubayr, 191-3, 207 'Ao;lid, al-, Fitimid, 623, 645 'Abdiin, ibn-, 621 'Adil, al-, I, Ayyiibid, 6SI·J, 655 Abdus, see Abydos, on the Dardanelles 'Adil, al-, II, Ayyiibid, 655 'Abdiis, ibn-, 56o 'Adiliyah, al-, school, 653 Abencerrage, see Sarrij, banu• 'Adites, 30 Abi-kariba As'ad, 6o 'Adniin, 32 INDEX 'Adnini, 2So Agur, son of Jakeh, 43 Adrianople, 709 Ahab, 37, 286 n. I Adriatic, 483, 6o4 Ahasuerus, 12 5 'Ac;lud-al-Dawlah, Duwayhid, 366 n. 2, Al;lir-d.m in;cription, 70 367, 390. 413,471-2 ani a/-!Ja'ir, 22 Adumu, 38 Ahl al-Bayt, 172, 249 Adwar al-.Mansu!J, al-, 599 A hi al-Dhimman, 170 n. 3, 233. See also Adwiyan al-A-Iufradah, al-, 575 Dhimmis Aegean: waters, 202; islands, 46o ahl al-kalam, 370 Aegean Sea, 451 ahl al-kita!J, 122 n. I, 143, 170 n. 3, 233 Aelana, 58 ah/ al-nau, 179 Aelius Gallus, 21, 46-8, 5I, 56, 68 ah/ a/-qa/am, 295 Aeschylus, 44 Abmad I, 713 n. I Afc;lal, al-, Ayyiibid, 652, 655 A):lmad II, 713 n. I 'Affan, 189 A):lmad III, 713 n. I 'Affan, ibn-, see 'Uthmii.n Abmad, title of the Prophet, I I I Afghani, al-Jamii.l-al-Din, 751, 753 Abroad ibr.-al·N~ir, Marnliik, 673 Afghanistan, 2o8, 330, 376, 464, 465, Abrnadiyah, 437 699 Abmar, banu-al-, 549 Aflab, ibn-, Jii.bir, 57I, 572 A):lmar, ibn-a!-, see N~r, ibn-, Mu\).arn- Afla~iin, 316. See also Plato mad ibn-Yiisuf Africa: I3,30,32,36, I54,26o, 305,330, A):lnaf, al-, 250 344. 383, 437. 452, 497. 498, S02, SIS, Abqaf, al-, 15 519- 521, 5JO, S40, S41, 542, 546, S54. Ahriin, 255 5s6, s7o, S74, s78, s83, oos, 009. 617, Absii.', al-, 445 618, 619, 62s, 689; northern, 22, I36, A/tsan al-Taqasim, 386 I7S, 214, 215, 224, 398; geography of, Ahwii.z, a!-: 325, 330, 443, 468, 4701 387; eastern, 398 sugar-cane of, 351 Africa Minor, 4SI a/tza!J, al-, 117 African: shore, 34, 62; rule, 66; revolt, 'A'ishah, wife of the Prophet, 120, I72, so2; coast, S2I, S32; affairs, S26; 179-80, 184 n. 2, 193, 238, 394 monarchies, S4S; conquerors, S4S; 'A'ishah bint-Tal):lah, 238 style of minarets, 594; army in Sicily, Aja', 15 6o3; element in population of Sicily, 'Aja'ib al-Athar fi al-Tarajim w-a/­ 6o6; territory of Fiipmids, 618; Akhbtir, 743 provinces, 62 I, 711; mainland overrun Ajnadayn, ISO by Normans, 622 Ajwiban 'atz al-As'ilah a/-Siqilliyah, Africans, SSS al•, 587 Afshin, al-, 339 Akhbtir al-Tiwal, al-, 389 Agade, see Akkadu akhis, 479 Agapius of Manbij, 202 akh!tiq, 400, 40I Agar, 43 Akhltiq, al-, 401 Agarenes, 43 Akhtal, al-, 196, 220, 246, 252 Agha Khan, 448 Akil al-Murii.r, 85 Aghani, a/-, 92, 94, 9S.
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