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With numerous Illns- trations. $1.76. 4. MIND AND BODY : The Theories of their Relation. By Alkxabber Bain, LL. D. With 4 Illustrations. $1.60. B. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By Herbert Spencer. $1.50. 6. THE NEW CHEMISTRY. By Professor J. P. Cooke, of Haryard Dniver- Bity. With 31 Illustrations. $2.00. 7. ON THE CONSERVATION OF ENERGY. By Balfour Stewart, M. A., LL. D., F. R. S. With 14 Illustrations. $1.60. 8. ANIMAL LOCOMOTION; or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. ByJ. B. Pettiqrew, M. D., F. R. S., etc. With 130 Illustrations. $1.75. 9. RESPONSIBILITY IN MENTAL DISEASE. ByHENRT Maubslet, M.D. $1.50. 10. THE SCIENCE OF LAW. By Professor Sheldon Amos. $1.75, 11. ANIMAL MECHANISM: A Treatise on Terrestrial and Agrial Locomotion. By Professor B. J. Mabbt. With 117 Hlustrations. $1.76. 13. THE HISTORY OP THE CONFLICT BETWEEN RELIGION AND SCI- ENCE. By J. W. Draper, M. D., LL. D. $1.75. 13. THE DOCTRINE OF DESCENT AND DARWINISM. By Professor OecAB Schmidt (Strasburg Uniyersity). 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THE FOKMATION OP VEGETABLE MOULD, THROUGH THE AC- TION OP WORMS. With Observations on their Habits. By Ohabms Darwin, LL. D., P. R. S. With Illustrations. $1.50. 88. THE CONCEPTS AND THEORIES OP MODERN PHYSICS. By J. B. STAiLO. $1.75. 39. THE BRAIN AND ITS FUNCTIONS. By J. LcTs. $1,50. 40. MYTH AND SCIENCE. By Tito Vigholi. tl.50. 41. DISEASES OP MEMORY: An Essay in the Positive Psychology. By Th. RiBOT, author of "Heredity." $1.50. 43. ANTS, BEES, AND WASPS. A Record of Observations of the Habits ef the Social Hymenoptera. By Sir John Lubbock, Bart., F. R. S., D. C. L., LL. D., etc. $2.00. 43. SCIENCE OP POLITICS. By Sheldon Amos. $1.75. 44. ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE. By Qeoege J. Romanes. $1.75. 45. MAN BEPOEE METALS. By N. Jolt, Correspondent of the Institute. With 148.inustration8. $1,75. 46. THE ORGANS OP SPEEfH AND THFIR APPLICATION IN THE FORMATION OP ARTICULATE SOUNDS. By G. H. von Metfh, Pro- fcBsor in Ordinary of Anatomy at the IjEiversity of Zurich. With 47 Woodcuts. $1.75. 47. FALLACIES of ; A View Logic from the Practical Side. By Alfbed SiDGWiCK, B.A., Oxon. $1.75. 48. ORIGIN OP CULTIVATED PLANTS. By Alphonse de Candolle. $2.00. 49. JELLY-PISH, STAB-PISH, AND SEA-URCHINS. Being a Research on Primitive Nervous Systems. By Geobqe J. Romanes. $1.75. BO. THE COMMON SENSE OP THE EXACT SCIENCES. By the late Will- iam KrsGDON CLirFORB. $1,50. 51. PHYSICAL EXPRESSION: Its Modes and Principles. By Francis War- neb, M.D., Assistant Physician, and Lecturer on Botany to the London Hospital, etc. With 51 Dlustrations. $1,75. B2. ANTHROPOID APES. By Robert Habtmann, Professor in the University of Berlin. With 63 Illustrations. $1.75. New York : D. APPLETON & CO., 1, 8, & 5 Bond Street. The International SdenHJle SerUs—(Oontlxmei.') B3. THK MAMMALIA IN THEIR RELATION TO PRIMEVAL TIMES. By OSCAB SCHHIST. $1.50.i 54. COMPARATIVE LITERATURE. By HcTCHHsos MAOATOilr Pobnett, M. A., LL. D., P. L. S., Barrister-at-Law ; Professor of Claesics and EogliBh Literature, University College, Ankland, New Zealand ; autlior of " The Historical Mettiod," etc. $1.75. 55. EARTHQUAKES AND OTHER EARTH MOVEMENTS. By John Milne, Professor of Mining and Geology in the Imperial College of Engineering, Toliio, Japan. With 38 Figures. $1.75. 58. MICROBES, FERMENTS, AND MOULDS. By E. L. Tbouessabt. With 107 Illustrations. $1.50. 67. THE GEOGRAPHICAL ANB GEOLOGICAL DISTRIBUTION OP ANI- MALS. By Anoelo Heilfbin. $2.00. 58. WEATHER. A Popular Exposition of the Nature of Weather Changes from Day to Day. With Diagrams. By Hon. Raiph Abebcboubt. $1.75. 59. ANI.MAL MAGNETISM. By Alpbed Binbt and Chables Feb^, Assistant Physician at the SalpStriere. $1.50. 60. INTERNATIONAL LAW, with Materials for a Code of International Law. By Leone Levi, Professor of Common Law, King's College. $1.50. 61. THE GEOLOGICAL HISTORY OP PLANTS. With lUustrations. By Sir J. William Dawson, LL. D., P. R. S. $1.75. 62. ANTBRO POLOGT. An Introduction to the Study of Man and CiTilization. By EnwARS B. Tilob, D. C. L., F. B. S. Uiustrated. $2.00. THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES. FTJI^ai: NATUKE AND USES BY M. C. COOKE, M.A., LL.D. EDITED BT The Eet. M. J. BERKELEY, M.A., E.L.S. NEW YOEK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, AND 5 BOND STREET. 1888, PREFACE BY THE EDITOR. As my name appears on tte title-page of this volume, it is necessary that I should exactly state what part I had in its preparation. I had no doubt originally engaged to undertake the work myself; but finding, from multiplicity of engagements and my uncertain health, that I could not accomplish it satis- factorily, I thought the best course I could take was to recom- mend Mr. Cooke to the publishers ; a gentleman well known, not only in this country, but in the United States. The whole of the work has therefore been prepared by himself, the manu- script and proof sheets being submitted to me from time to time, in which I merely suggested such additions as seemed needful, subjoining occasionally a few notes. As the work is intended for students, the author has had no hesitation in vi PKEFACE. repeating what has been stated in former chapters where it has been thought to prove useful. I have no doubt thiit the same high character will justly apply to this as to Mr. Cooke's former publications, and especially to his " Handbook of British Fungi." M. J. BEEKELET, SIBBEBI07T, Novemher 23, 1874. CONTENTS. I. FAOE Natork or FoNGt 1 II.
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