CENSUS 1971 SERIES-9 KERALA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK CANNANORE PART X-A TOWN & VILLAGE DIRECTORY PART X-B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT K.NARAYANAN OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS KERALA 1973 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK PARTS A & B CANNANORE 3/10-i ~ ____~75~O . , ________ ~_~~~_~-~-=- __~ ____~'~;~3~O{ __________________________ ~76~O~' ____________ KANARA DISTRlCT (MYSORE STATE) CANNANORE DISTRIC T 12° 3"1 lILES 10 » '0 I a:-rr§f2E~:= ccj ,0 SOlO KILOMETRES LEGEND _. _.- DISTRiCT eOUNDA~Y -~ RiVER _.-.- TALUK BOUNDARY ~ LAKE AND CANAL D1STRICT HEADQUARTERS -------WEST COAST ROAD _____ OTHER tMPORT,A,NT RO ..\D TALUK HEADQUARTERS AND TOWN _ __ RAILWAY-BROAD-GAUGE • TOWN @ TALUK HEADQUARTERS - .. CONTENTS Preface Figures at,a glance 1 PART A-TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY Introduction 5 Town Directory 11 Village Directory 19 Taluk-wise abstract of educational, medical and other amenities 46 PART B-PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT Introduction 51 Village and Town Primary Cen~us Abstract Cannanore district 59 Kasaragod taluk 59 " Hosdrug taluk 77 Taliparamba taluk 89 Cannanore -taluk 107 " Tellicherry taluk 127 " North \Vynad taluk 153 " Block-wise and Panchayat-wise Primary Census Ab'>tract 161 Alphabetical list of villages and desoms (Rural areas) 215 MAPS Cannanore district Facing title page Kasaragod taluk 61 Hosdrug taluk 79 Taliparamba taluk 91- Cannanore taluk 109 Tellicherry taluk 129 North Wynad taluk 155 3/IO-ij PREFAc:£ The District Census Handbooks were published for the fir'lt time in 1951 as part of the Census Publication Programme. Each Handbook contained a general account of the district and its people, census tables and statistics on the area, houses, population, general amenities and distribution of population by livelihood classes for each village and town. The 1961 D.i$trict Census Handbooks were a distinct improvement on the 1951 volumes. A uniform procedure was adopted for the pre­ paration of the ~andbooks. Each Handbook contained three parts as detailed below: Part A. General, dealing with a general introduction about the district, its progress On various fields of general amenities since 1951 and an analysis of population by various demographic characterist les. Part B. Census data, dealing with the census tables of 1961 pertaining to the district. Pari C. Village/Town Directory, dealing with the amenities, Primary Census Ab~tract down to the level of karas} muris/desoms in the case of rural areas and blocks and wards in the case of urban area~ and number of industrial establishments by type. District and taluk maps were also incorporated in each District Census Handbook. In 1911 also it has been decided to adopt more or less the same pattern and publish the District Census Handbooks in three parts as given below: Part A. Town and Village Directory Part B. Village and Town Primary Census Abstract Part C. Administlative Statistics and Report It is proposed to print and publish Parts A and B relating to a District in a single volu:n;te with a view to making it available to the public as soon as the information is collected and compiled. Part C will be printed as a separate volume. The collection and compilation of data for Part A were done by the office of the Director of Census Operations, Kerala through specially designed schedules for villages and towns. The information on rural areas was furnished by the Tahsildars and on the urban areas by the concerned Municipal/Corporation Commissioners. While Part B of the Handbook presents the Village and Town Primary Census Abstract, Part C gives the Report and Admini­ strative Statistics processed from information collected from the various Central and State Govelnment Offices. A special feature of the publication of the Handbook in 1971 is the presentation of Primary Census Abstract not only for villages but also for the pan::hayats. This is the first t~e that an attempt has been made to pi'esent panchayat-war figures. The additional work involved in the new venture is more than justified in view of the grm\,jng importance of panchayats in administration. On the recommendation of Registrar General, India, the Government of Kerala have agreed to bring out these volumes as State Government publications and issued orders in G.O. Ms. No. 199/70/PD., dated 17thJune 1970. The printing of the Handbooks was undertaken by the Superintendent of Government Presses, Trivandrum. 11 It is not po~sible to have compiled a book of this kind without the co-aperation and good­ will extended by the various State and Central Government Offices. I am gcateful to them for their co-operation. The District Census Handbook section of my office functioned under the direct control of Shri B. T. Pillai, Deputy Dire:::tor of Census Operations (Tabulation) and he was assisted by a Tabulation Officer and necessary staff. Shri S. Jayashanker was the Tabula. tion Officer-in-charge of the section at the time of addressing the various departments for collec;tion of information. At the time of compilation of the District Census Handbook ~mt. C. Kamalam took charge as the Tabulation Officer. I feel very happy in acknowledging the valuable contributions made by these officers and other members of the staff in my office, especially Smt. K. Sulabhamma, Statistical A,sistant and Smt. S. Radhamoni and Smt. M. Parvathiammal, Assistant Compilers in the compilation of this important work. The entire typing work was done by Shri M. Krishnan and Smt. S. Saraswathy Amma, Typists of this office. Sarvashri K. Krishna Pillai and M. T. Pillai have prepared the maps included in this volume. The brunt of the proofreading was cheerfully borne by Shri N. Ravindranathan Thampi, Printing Inspector and Sarvashri N. Aravindan and N. Madhavan, Proof Readers. I would like to place on record my deep sense of gratitude to Shri P. Kurien John, Superintendent of Government Presses for the warm co-operation exten:led by him for the timely printing of the Handbook. I also wish to place on record my appreciation of the excellent work done by Shri M. Hariharasubramonia Iyer, Deputy Superintendent, Govent. ment Press, Ernakulam and his efficient colleagues in executing the printing of this book ne'ltJy and in record time. I shall be failing in my duty if I do not place on record my gratefulness to Shri A. Chandra Sekhar, LA.S .• Registrar General for the valuable guidance and help extended to me in this work. Trivandrum, K. NARAYANAN, 10th December 1973. Dir6ctor ofCensus Operations. FIGURES AT A 41LANCE CANNANORE DISTRICT Population Total Persons 2,365,164 Males 1,172,338 Females 1,192,826 Rural Persons 2,040,260 Males 1,010,547 Females 1,029,713 Urban Persons 324,904- Males 161,791 Females 163,113 Decennial population growth rate 1961-71 +32'85 Area inkm2 5,706'0 Density of population per km2 415 Sex-ratio (Number of females per 1000 males) 1017 Literacy rate Persons 54'84- Males 63·20 Females 46·62 Percentage of urban population to total population 13·74- Percentage of workers to total populat.ion (Main activity only) Persons 30'21 Males 45·97 Females 14,73 Break-up of workers: Percentage to total workers: (i) Cultivators Persons 18'31 Males 20-95 Females 10'23 (ii) Agricultural labourers Persons 33'9 Males 24·92 Females 61,54 (iii) Other .workers Persons ·47'77 Males 54·13 Females 28'23 Percentage of Scheduled Caste population to total population Persons 2-44 Males 2'51 Females 2'37 Percentage of Scheduled Tribe population to total population Persons 3'82 Males 3·84 Females 3'81 Number of occupied residential houses 355,474- Number of villages Total 188 Inhabited 188 Uninhabited Number of urban areas (Towns) 13 3/10-1 ERRATA Page Item LineNo_ Col_ No_ For Read l~ StaL~menL II 10 9 Kasaragod Kasamgod , (1 ) (11) 14 Statement Iy Heading Civil Ci ... ic 15 Statement V Nilcshwar 4 6 15 Pappinisseri 4 6 20 1-1-11 13 9 P03 24 1-2-18 ,~ 23 6 R_ 1-2-20 ' 52 4 01 34 1-4~10 W :1 5-74 ]5-74 47 Kasaragod 6 14 D(AY)27 D(AY)28 - Ka~aragod 10 H D(AY)28 D(AY)27 9:l 1-3-6-3 26 33 204 2641 100 1-3-34-7- 34- 4 156 154 113 1-4-17-1 _ 27 32 n 122, 1-X-15 1 8 1100 llHi-- 123 l-X-19 17 37 47 471 137 .- 1-5-20 30 13 t 6 61 ' , 1-5-20-1, 31 18 Blank 1 - 139 1-5-22-4 5 32 41 4· 139 1-5-22-4. 5 33 9 19 145 l-XII-I (Block II) 13 17 3 23, I-XII-I (Block 12) 14 17 28 8 };,1 I-XII-28 (Gopalapetta) 18 '.)B 127 1277 164 1-4-23. 2 12 361 3616, 2 13 62957 2957 " 166 Location code. 40 1 1-3-45-6 1-3-35-6 174 1-1-27-2 21 7 ' 5034 5084 176 l-I-IF-IA (Kasaragod ran(l"e) 3 13 " I:! 13 1 lWi 1- 5-39-5 < 40 37 ' ~27 272" 186 1-5-29-4 19 12 ' 19771 !977j IU6 19 13 630 1630' 189 1-6-2 J 33 33 I- 190 1-6-3-1 ~ 13 1934 521 208 Sl. No. 30 0 14 1 209 1-5-27-6 37 37 1870 Is7 210 Sl. No. 13 0 Blank 4 213 15 0 9- 3f 10 PART A TOWN AND VILLAGE DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION This part; comprises Town and Village Directory, TABLE 1 of Cannanove district.
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