US 20140057512A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0057512 A1 Matthews (43) Pub. Date: Feb. 27, 2014 (54) NON IONIC GROUPS OF AMPHOTERIC B22D 5/00 (2006.01) POLYSACCHARIDE LINEAR OR BRANCHED E04H 5/02 (2006.01) ALKYL ORACID AND BASE DISTILLATION B29C 33/38 (2006.01) RESERVOIR LIQUID OR GAS (52) U.S. Cl. MECHANICALLY REFINED AND NANO CPC. B28B 700 (2013.01); E04H 5/02 (2013.01); PARTICLE DISPERSION AND RECOVERY B29C 33/38 (2013.01); B22D 15/00 (2013.01); BASIN IN VACUUMPROCESSING FOR B30B 15/00 (2013.01) BUILDING MATERALS AND HIGH USPC .............. 442/2; 249/1 17:52/173.1; 100/295; WEAR-HEAT RESISTANT PARTS BRUSHES; 4287542.8 WINDINGS: COILS: BATTERY CELLS: BRAKE PADS: BUSHINGS: 2.5 PHASE (57) ABSTRACT EXTRUSIONS DIE CAST MOLDING: Manufacture process scientific formula mechanically refined REFRIGERATION: POLARIZED GLASS: AND and nanoparticle dispersion preform slurry non ionic or elec CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT trolyte carbon nanofoam CNFs with or without ionic suspen PROCESSORS. sion elements manufactured, Preform slurry high wear-heat resistant parts electronic component composite coils, com (76) Inventor: Robert Richard Matthews, posite windings, drawn, annealing, spun, coils, windings, Washington, DC (US) wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, brushes, inductors, anti node couplers, electric rheostats, starters, motors, alternators, (21) Appl. No.: 13/612,667 generators, ionic Suspension element enhanced composite coils, composite windings, drawn, annealing, spun, coils, (22) Filed: Sep. 12, 2012 windings, wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, brushes, capacitors, battery cells, rheostats, electronic resistors, trans Related U.S. Application Data formers, transducers, rectifiers, power Supplies, or heat sinks, (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 13/595,610, Preform slurry carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear filed on Aug. 27, 2012, now abandoned. heat resistant parts aerospace, automotive, and transportation brake calipers, rotors, pads, washers, spacers, and bushings, Publication Classification Preform slurry carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear heat resistant parts precision casting molds manufacturing (51) Int. C. highly pure metal, Super Alloy, acid-Solid, alkaline, glass, B2SB 700 (2006.01) acrylic, halide, alkalide, or ceramics specializing in 2.5 phase B3OB IS/00 (2006.01) die cast molding. s: : ... : : Patent Application Publication Feb. 27, 2014 US 2014/0057512 A1 *igar8 i. US 2014/0057512 A1 Feb. 27, 2014 NON ONIC GROUPS OF AMPHOTERC BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION POLYSACCHARDE LINEAR OR BRANCHED ALKYL ORACID AND BASE DISTILLATION 0005 Scientific utilization of preform technology the RESERVOIR LIQUID OR GAS Variable hydraulic preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte MECHANCALLY REFINED AND NANO carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear-heat resistant PARTICLE DISPERSION AND RECOVERY parts press FIG. 1 with manufactured or processed carbon BASIN IN VACUUMPROCESSING FOR nanofoam CNFs available resources enables the manufacture BUILDING MATERALS AND HIGH process of high wear-heat resistant parts electronic compo WEAR-HEAT RESISTANT PARTS BRUSHES; nent composite coils, composite windings, drawn, annealing, WINDINGS: COILS: BATTERY CELLS: spun, coils, windings, wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, BRAKE PADS: BUSHINGS: 2.5 PHASE brushes, inductors, antinode couplers, electric rheostats, EXTRUSIONS DIE CAST MOLDING: starters, motors, alternators, generators, ionic suspension ele REFRIGERATION: POLARIZED GLASS: AND ment enhanced composite coils, composite windings, drawn, CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT annealing, spun, coils, windings, wire, woven textile mesh, PROCESSORS. shielding, brushes, capacitors, battery cells, rheostats, or electronic parts, electronic resistors, or electronic parts, trans formers, transducers, rectifiers, power Supplies, heat sinks, or DOMESTIC PRIORITY DATA electronic parts, aerospace, automotive, transportation brake 0001. This is an application a continuation in part of pre calipers, rotors, pads, washers, spacers, bushings, and preci liminary amendment to specification Application-number sion casting molds for the manufacturing of highly pure 13595610 Filing Date Aug. 27, 2012. metal, Super Alloy, ceramics, acid-Solid, alkaline, glass, acrylic, halide, alkalide, nonconductive Zirconia, carbon nanofoam CNFs, alternate carbon nanofoam CNFs inductor, BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION or impedance matching load or signal ceramic redbrick clay 0002 Global warming and growing concerns of Green insulator 2.5 phase extrusions for each A and B specification house gas emissions from our dependency on fossil fuels are part. creating real demand and awareness for an electric alternative to gasoline engines and expensive replacement parts. Few DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION technological developments of collecting and manufacturing 0006. The Variable hydraulic preform slurry non ionic or carbon nanofoam CNFs improve upon our existing techno electrolyte extrusion allotropes of carbon atomic number 6 logical structure. By applying scientific utilization of preform symbol C herein referred to as preform slurry non ionic or technology the Variable hydraulic preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte carbon and carbon nanofoam CNFs high wear electrolyte carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear-heat heat resistant parts press the center of this utility patent appli resistant parts press with manufactured or processed carbon cation specification manufacture process of specified Scien nanofoam CNFs assembled resources we can now create the tific formula liquid or gas mechanically refined and manufacture process of Preform slurry non ionic or electro nanoparticle dispersion Preform slurry non ionic or electro lyte carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear-heat resis lyte carbon nanofoam CNFs Solids, liquids, and/or gases, tant parts. heated, chilled, or room temperature Chemical Non ionic Groups of Amphoteric Polysaccharide Linear or Branched BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIG. 1 Alkyl Compounds or electrolyte ionic melts, ionic fluids, and/or fused, and/or catalyst acid and bases, actual catalyst, 0003 FIG. 1 the Variable hydraulic preform slurry non and/or catalyst reservoir with or without ionic Suspension ionic or electrolyte carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high element specification 48 elements and/or specification 49 wear-heat resistant parts press. alloys manufactured 1. Preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear-heat resistant DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF FIG. 1 parts electronic component composite coils, composite wind ings, drawn, annealing, spun, coils, windings, wire, woven 0004 Variable hydraulic preform slurry non ionic or elec textile mesh, shielding, brushes, inductors, antinode cou trolyte carbon extrusion high wear-heat resistant parts press plers, electric rheostats, starters, motors, alternators, genera 1-Hydraulic control wheel 2-Electronic servo 3-Hydraulic tors, ionic Suspension element enhanced composite coils, pump 4 Hydraulic pipe 5 Hydraulic actuator 6 Hydraulic composite windings, drawn, annealing, spun, coils, windings, tool steel arm 7 Slurry carbon tool steel press plate wire, woven textile mesh, shielding, brushes, capacitors, bat 8 Slurry carbon tool steel line in 9A Gravity feed tool tery cells, rheostats, or electronic parts, electronic resistors, or steel collector 9B Tool steel release portal control electronic parts, transformers, transducers, rectifiers, power 10 Slurry carbon tool steel reservoir 11—Slurry carbon Supplies, heat sinks, or electronic parts 2. Preform slurry non reservoir regulated tool steel waste filter 12 Slurry carbon ionic or electrolyte carbon nanofoam CNFs extrusion high tool steel reservoir expanded 13 Slurry carbon tool steel wear-heat resistant parts aerospace, automotive, and trans reservoir contracted 14 Slurry carbon reservoir brass—tool portation brake calipers, rotors, pads, washers, spacers, and steel aperture 15 Tool steel extrusion die cast design bushings 3. Preform slurry non ionic or electrolyte carbon brass—tool steel fitting 16 Tool steel electronic servo or nanofoam CNFs extrusion high wear-heat resistant parts pre manual stop control release pull pin 17 Tool steel extrusion cision casting molds for the manufacturing of highly pure die cast design internal cavity 18 Tool steel extrusion die metal, Super Alloy, ceramics, acid-Solid, alkaline, glass, cast design internal cavity regulator waste filter and 18B acrylic, halide, alkalide, nonconductive Zirconia, carbon Tool steel vacuum release portal control. nanofoam CNFs, alternate carbon nanofoam CNFs inductor, US 2014/0057512 A1 Feb. 27, 2014 or impedance matching load or signal ceramic redbrick clay Building Materials trade name Preform Modular alkalines, insulator 2.5 phase extrusions for each A and B specification clays, and sands for fine concrete, mortar, bricks, tiles, and part. High Wear-Heat Resistant Parts Brushes; Windings; Coils; Battery Cells: Electronic Resistors; Capacitors; Brake Pads: 0007 Distillation Reservoir and Recovery Basin Made Washers; Spacers; Bushings; Drawn; Annealing; Spun: From Super Alloy and/or Ceramic with Variable Hydraulic Coils; Windings; Wire; Woven Textile Mesh; Shielding; And Press Plate 1.0 to 2.0 phase extrusions 1.0 polarized extrusion with positively and negatively molten charging distillation 2.5 phase extrusions Die Cast Molding. glass optical, lenses, and mirrors with or without alumina, 0008 Supplemental Super Alloy Super Cooling Refrig Nano alumina, Carbon Nanofoam
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