SECTION ONE SECTION ONE \ VOLUME LXIV, NO. l&C RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1941. PAGES 1 TO 16 Dessert-Bridge To Needlework Guild To \ Aid Riverview Army Football Game "Shout To Heaven" Defense Council Needs Mrs. H. A. Stevenson, Jr., and Mrs. Disturbed Peace M. A. Young are chairmen of a des- sert-bridge to be held Thursday af- For Chinese Relief Members of the Church of Hold Annual Meeting ternoon of next week at the Episco- Our Lord Jesito Christ, en- People's Cooperation pal church parish house. Fair Haven, gaged in "getting religion" at by Fair Haven auxiliary of River- revival meetings 'in & tent on view hospital. Proceeds will be plac- River street, used to gather Mrs. W. A. Patterson, Branch ed in a fund to re-decorate a hospital Monmouth-Hancock Contest To Be nightly to "shout to Heaven." Questionnaires Being Distributed . room recently taken over by the Residents of River. street, President, Gives Guild's History auxiliary at Riverview. Held Sunday, November 2 about 30 of them, bad no ob- To 3,300 Red Bank Families prizes will- be awarded to those jection to these worshippers with high score at each table. The "gottlng religion." In fact, be- Mrs:. William A. Patterson, presi- chairmen will, be assisted by Mrs. -*.A championship United States ing just as pious as the resi- The Red Bank defense council has) dent of the Red Bank branch, Charles Edelmann, Mrs. S. A, Gilbert, Masquerade Dance Army football game will be played dents of any other street, they begun the difficult task of distrib- Needlework Guild of America, an- Mrs. L. A. Griffin, Mrs. S. J. Kessler, between the elevens from Fort Mon- welcomed, this manifestation of Halloween Party uting and collecting questionnaires nounced yesterday- that the annual Forget To Pull Mrs. Peter Elehele, Mrs. J. P. Mul- mouth and Fort Hancock at Asbury divine guidance. What they ob- from 3,300 families in Red Bank. The In-gathering meeting of the branch vihill and Mrs. Leon VanBrunt. Park stadium Sunday, November 2, jected to, though, was the borough is being canvassed by elec- To Be Held By for the benefit, of United China re- Arranged By Group will be held Thursday, November 6, Down the Shade Tho next auxiliary meeting will be shouting. tion districts with the aid of various at the Red Bank Woman's club. lief, It was announced today by that election board members. The coun- Wednesday, November 5, at tho par- organization. "This loud noise," stated a Garments collected will be given to The Sons and Daughters of ish house. Colt's Neck Troop Club to Hold Event for cil and other volunteer workers are Liberty, Pride of Crescent coun- The outstanding service game of petition received at a cbuncl) the Red Bank Public Health Nursing meeting Monday night, "pre- attempting to complete the survey as association and the Monmouth Coun- cil, met Monday night at the tho year, it will bo tho first army Children Saturday quickly as possible. Eatontown borough hall and fol- athletic event sponsored by the na- vents us from getting our need- ty Organization for Social Service. Elaborate Decorations ed sleep, and is also annoying Information gleaned from the Mrs. Patterson, in speaking of the lowing a brief business meet- Howard Hubbs Is tional campaign to raise $5,000,000 for questionnaires will be used in the relief of suffering in China. to members .of our families. We A special variety entertainment guild's work, said "Tho Needlework Ing an exhibition in. corset to Feature Event request' that immediate action program has been arranged by the 'ent of any national or sectional guild gives an opportunity to every- fitting was given by profession- Brigadier General Uawsoh Olm- emergency. This Information Is not Exonerated For stead, chief signal officer ,of the Uni- be taken to prevent the same." committee completing plans for the one to share with tho30 who are lesB al corsetleres. Needless to say,' at School House The council took the "imme- annual kiddle Halloween party to be only essahtlal to the defense of the fortunate than themselves. Our the male members of the lodge ted States Army, who will attend, United States In war, but will have a has donated a cup to tho winning diate action." It referred the membership includes men, women were ordered from the building Girls' Injuries Members of Boy' Scout troop 90 matter to the police committee distinct use in peace time as well. and children, and dues are the con- during the demonstration which team. The contest will be. attended Information of this kind can be ex- worked until early morning today to by many other ranking army offi- which Investigated only to find tribution of .two or more new articles was performed behind closed complete work dn the elaborate dec- that the meetings had been die- tremely valuable In the event of flood, of clothing, or household linen, an- doors, but according to reports, cials, including Grlgadier General hurricane, cyclone, fire or any other Circuit Court Judge orations which will add color to the Philip S. Gage, commanding oilicer continued some time ago, act- nually." someone forgot to pull down a troop's annual old-fashioned mas- ually a few days before tho pe- emergency. The branch president, in speaking shade at the rear of tho build- of Fort Hancock, and Brigadier Gen- Kinkead Holds Local querade dance to be held in the At- eral George' L. VanDeusen, com- tition was sumblttod. The questionnaire employed by the of the guild, stated that tho Needle- ing. lantic township school, Colt's Neck, Red Bank council is based on sample work Guild of America was founded manding Fort Monmouth, and by Garageman Blameless tomorrow night. officials of United China Relief. questionnaires supplied by the na- 54 years ago by seven young women tional and state defense councils. of Philadelphia, and it has grown to Arnold Plotkln, who is a member Mayors of Monmouth county mu- Howard Hubbs; Red Bank garage- of the troop committee, last night nicipalities are co-operating in the Some of the information of more or national proportions with branches Another Rumson less personal nature will not be pub- established throughout the country, "Daughters Of man, WBB held blameless by Circuit unexpectedly trucked into the school advance sale of tickets for the game Court Judge- Robert V. Kinkead at a Bet of turnstilea which will be at the invitation of Mayor Clarence lished, but will be kept for emer- and has a membership of more than gency use only. one million. Tho idea of an organi- Freehold Tuesday for injuries re- used in connection with tho refresh- V. Mooncy of Asbury Park. River Front Place zation of this type originiated in Dor- The Union" To ceived by two Keyport girls who ment room.f,ln. the back of the audi- *.> All money raised will go directly Most of the questions are under* setshire, England, following a mine were thrown from their blcyVjle when torium. to tho United China Relief fund, ex- itandable in the Interest of national disaster. Form Chapter it was struck by a machine driven Before installing the apparatus, cept for a. small portion which will Changes Hands defense, Some might appear personal by the defendant's brother, William Mr. Plotkln explained that instead go to the post athletic fund of the or Impertinent, but in all cases there Following this mine disaster the Is a definite reason for the questions. people of that section were con- Hubbs of Keyport, and owned by a of an addition to the gate feo to two forts. t. Tickets aro now on sale. man who had left it at the garage cover the cost of refreshments, a Tho Asbury stadium Beats 12,000. Joseph G. McCue Sells Ensley White", chairman of the local fronted with the necessity of supply- First in Monmouth council, will be glad to explain any; ing clothing to children who were for repairs. nickel in the turnstile would enti- William Hubba, employed by his tle a person to "all the cider and Plot to J. Fred Johnson 3f the questions that might be mis- orphaned by the tragedy. Lady Wol- County to Be Started leading or confusing. verton ol Dorsetshire conceived the brother at Intervals to assist him doughnuts ho could eat and drink," of Westfield ' practical plan of asking friends to Today \/ in his shop at Newman Springs road The troop's dance committee late Church Leaders In the attempt to complete the sur- contribute at least two new articles, and Shrewsbury avenue, took, a car last week placed an order for 125 vey as quickly as posslble-and to get exactly alike. The response was so left at the garage by William Bur- dozen doughnuts and 150 gallons of Another river front property has as much Information as possible, the generous that a permanent. organi- A chapter of the "Daughters of the roughs, 62 Cherry street, Shrews- elder td take care of a crowd that To Speak At just been sold by the Joseph G. Mc- council through Its chairman solicits zation was formed for the sole pur- Union (1851-1864) inc." is about to be bury township, home with him Jan- is expected to number near 500. McCue Agency of Rumson to J. Fred the co-operation of all Red Bank res- organized for Atlantic Highlands and uary 28, 1940. Tho following day pose of collecting each year a sup- Features of the danca are &• cos- Middletown Johnson of Westfield for the estate MRS.
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