Marlboro Building Inspector Is Convicted SEE STORY, PAGES The Weather THEBMLY Partly sunny today: Sunny FINAL tomorrow. } Red Bank, Freehold T~ I Long Branch / REGISTER EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 44 PAGES TEN CENTS KKD BANK, N.J.THURSDAY, MAY 31,1973 VOL. 95 NO. 233 , II1)11,,,,,,.HIIIII..I inn .MnAiiiiimiiiuiiiiiiiiim.iui.miiiiiHiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"""" ••••nmiiiiiiiiiu.mi iimiiiiiiimiimiimiiiiiii miiim nmi.iiii.iiii iMiiiHiiiiiiniinii MIIIIIIII11IIII1II Illlllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIII I HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIII Illllllllllllllll Once Cheered Ex-POWNow Faces Charges Army and Navy. A board of home on leave, was quoted by However, the attorney said By DORIS KULMAN ese prison camp near Hanoi, that Sgt. Daly was con- Sgt. Daly is one of five inquiry — the military equiva- NBC Nightly News Tuesday lent of a civilian grand jury - as calling the charges "stu- templating re-enlisting when FT. MONMOUTH - Two Army and three Marine Corps informed of the charges enlisted men named in the is to convene in Washington to pid," as saying "I made state- months ago, Army Staff Sgt. against him "and he is ex- court martial charges filed by determine whether to proceed ments just as any prisoners James A. Daly Jr. smiled and made. 1 had no choice. The tremely disturbed by them." waved to the 101) cheering Air Force Col. Theodore W. with court martials. Guy, who was the senior With Sgt. Daly during the statements that 1 made were Sgt. Daly enlisted in the spectators who braved cold, anti-war statements as far as Army on Jan. 17, 1967, and windy weather to welcome United States tffficer n the informal procedure yesterday POW camp kjown as the were his attorney, Elliot Ver- the war was concerned. I'm was trained at Ft. Jackson, him home on his arrival at quite sure Mr. Guy, the one S.C. and Ft. Polk, La., before Patterson Army Hospital here Plantation. non, Shrewsbury, and an who is bringing the charges, being assigned to the 196th after five years as a Vielcong The court-martial charges Army attorney. has made the same state- Light Infantry Brigade in prisoner of war. cite various alleged incidents Charges Not Seen ments that I have made." while Sgt. Daly was held pris- Neither the sergeant nor his Vietnam in October 1967. Be- At 2:31) yesterday afternoon, According to NBC, Sgt. fore his release by the Viet- Sgt. Daly stood silently in a oner first in South Vietnam attorney were given a copy of and then in North Vietnam. the charges, but the Army in- Daly said that one purpose of cong last March 16, he was room in Russell Hall as one of last seen on Jan. S.1968, when All the men were charged dicated Mr. Vernon would re- any prisoner's bringing the the military officers who charges "would be to cover his unit was fighting in Quang greeted him that blustery eve- with aiding the enemy, failure ceive the excerpts he re- to obey orders and con- quested which pertain to Sgt. up very good for himself" and 'fin Province. ning, Col. V.C. Devan, Head- that Col. Guy had been "the "I am somewhat dismayed quarters and Installation com- spiracy. The Army men also Daly. only prisoner in my camp that that charges have been pre- mander, read to him the tele- are charged with failing to On the advice of his at- obey an order to stop all torney, Sgt. Daly refused to I know of that received pack- ferred since I had gotten as- type message charging the ages from home." 25 - year -old Brooklyn native forms of cooperation and col- comment on the charges yes- surances from Pentagon offi- with misconduct and collabo- laboration with the enemy. '"•' terday. - '"' ••'• Mr. Vernon also refused to cials since April that there would be no charges from the rating with the enemy while a Col. Guy filed the charges However, Sgt. Daly, who comment on the charges yes- prisoner in a North Vietnam- with the Secretaries of the had been at his Brooklyn terday. See 2 Charges, page 2 Ex-CIA Deputy Is Blamed Rtjlltir staff prut* THE HOMECOMING — Army Staff Sgt. James A. Daly Jr., one of the eight men charged by an Air Force colonel with misconduct while a pris- oner of war, was all happy smiles last March 18 when he arrived at Ft. Monmouth's Patterson Army Hospital after more than five years in Viet- cong captivity. With him in the sedan which sped him to a tearful reunion For Unit's Cover-Up Role with his mother at the hospital that blustery winter night is Ma|. Gen. Hugh F. Foster, post commander. WASHINGTON (AP) - script of his prepared testi- — Kep. Charles H. Wilson, former Atty. Gen. John N. ing immunity from prose- John D, Ehrlichman blames a mony. The question-and-an- chairman of a House Post Of- Mitchell, former Commerce cution for whatever they testi- former deputy director of the swer portion of his testimony fice subcommittee, asked Secretary Maurice II. Stans, fy before the Senate Water- Central Intelligence Agency wasn't released. Postmaster General E.T. financier Robert Vesco and gate committee. for its role in the Watergate Ehrlichman said he Klassen to investigate reports New Jersey Republican lead- On the Ellsberg matter, Eh- coverup. wouldn't have ordered restric- that mail intended for two er Harry Sears in connection rlichman said he hasn't the 1 Accused Ex-POW And the former While House tions on the FBI's Watergate Democratic presidential can- with a secret donation to faintest recollection of mak- adviser says he can't recall investigation last year if CIA didates last year was tam- President Nixon's 11)72 cam- ing a telephone call which asking for CIA assistance that Deputy Director Vernon Wal- pered with by the Post Office. paign. U.S. District Court CIA Deputy Director Robert E, Howard Hunt used in the ters had stated flatly that George B. Gould, an aide to Judge Lee Gagliardi said the Cushman swears he received Ellsberg burglary. there was no danger of uncov- Wilson, said he lias learned trial could come even earlier. around July 7,1971. Plans Damage Suit Ehrlichman's testimony ering secret CIA operations in that some mail of Sen. Ed- The four are charged with Ehrlichman said it is pos- o conflicts with that of present Mexico. mund S. Muskie was read and obstruction of justice and con- sible someone else called NEWPORT, Ky. (AP) - might upset current divorce the enemy and former CIA officials. The But instead, Ehrlichman copied in the Washington Post spiracy. Cushman and used his name. One of eight former war pris- litigation against his wile, Asked what would have hap- Senate Appropriations sub- said, Walters gave an "equi- Office during Muskie's New — U.S. District Court Judge He also said Cushman wrote oners charged by an officer Marilyn, in Indianapolis, Ind. pened if he and the other rqen committee on intelligence. vocal response" during a Hampshire campaign, and John .). Sirica approved a Jus- him a memorandum earlier with misconduct says the ac- The custody of their two chil- had obeyed that order, he today called former, presiden- meeting in .June 1972, shortly that letters intended for Sen. tice Department request for a this year saying he couldn't cusations are "unfounded." dren is at stake, Hagedorn said: "The same thing would ' recall who made the tele- tial chief of staff Hit. Halde- alter the Watergate raid. Hal- George McGovern were tam- 20-day delay in granting im- He said he plans to file a $1' said. have happened that always phone call. man to give his version in a denum and former CIA Direc- pered with while the South munity to ousted White House million damage suit. The enlisted men are happened when you didn't do Dakotan was campaigning in closed session. tor Richard Helms also were Counsel John W. Dean III and On May 11 Cushman gave a Army Spec. 4 Michael charged in the complaint with what you were told: They tie Florida. Ehrlichman testified behind at the meeting. Jeb Stuart Magruder. former swron affidavit to House in- Branch was notified Monday cooperating with the enemy. you up. beat you, and throw deputy director of the Nixon closed doors yesterday, then In other Watergate-related — A tentative Sept. 11 trial vestigators saying he received that a complaint had been Branch, 26, also is charged you back into solitary. This is campaign. The two are seek- gave newsmen a 17-page tran- developments: date was set in New York for the call from Ehrlichman, lodged against him and seven with insulting Air Force Maj. what they always did whene- who "stated that Howard other enlisted men — five sol- Edward Leonard of Winlock, ver anyone resisted. It hap- Hunt was a bona fide em- diers and three Marines — Wash., in October 1971. pened to all of us." ploye, a consultant on secu- who were held at the Hanoi Talking with newsmen Branch disputed reports rity matters, and that Hunt prison called the Plantation. aboard Hagedorn's houseboat from officers that a command would come to see me and The complaint was filed by on the Ohio Kiver, Branch and communication system Probe Blast Which Killed request assistance which Mr. Col. Theodore Guy of Tucson. said of the alleged insult: had been set up in prison Ehrlichman requested that I Ariz. He was taken prisoner "Somebody said something. It ramps — at least for most of give." when he was shot down over wasn't me." his imprisonment of four Subsequently Hunt obtainci Laos on March 22.
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