Ðåïóáëèêà Áúëãàðèÿ Ìèíèñòåðñòâî íà âúíøíèòå ðàáîòè Äúðæàâåí êóëòóðåí èíñòèòóò Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Cultural Institute Ñîôèÿ/Sofia 2007 Èçáðàíè òâîðáè îò êîëåêöèÿòà íà ïîñîëñòâîòî íà Ðåïóáëèêà Áúëãàðèÿ â Áåëãðàä Selected works from the collection of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Belgrade 11000 Áåëãðàä Ñúðáèÿ ^ Bircaninova 26 11000 Beograd Íà êîðèöàòà è ñ. 2: Èâàí Ïåíêîâ – ñòúêëîïèñ, 1937 (äåòàéëè) On the cover and on page 2: Ivan Penkov – Stained Glass, 1937 (details) Srbija öèÿ ñ íàöèîíàëíèÿ äóõ è êóëòóðà íà Dechko Ouzounov, Vassil Stoilov and Áúëãàðèÿ. Òóê ñå íàìèðàò òâîðáè íà Konstantin Shturkelov, by prominent áëåñòÿùè áúëãàðñêè æèâîïèñöè êàòî stained glass master Ivan Penkov, as Äå÷êî Óçóíîâ, Âàñèë Ñòîèëîâ, Êîí- well as by members of the woodcarving ñòàíòèí Ùúðêåëîâ, íà èìåíèòèÿ ñòúê- school of Tryavna. ëîïèñåö Èâàí Ïåíêîâ, êàêòî è íà ìàéñòîðè îò òðåâíåíñêà äúðâîðåç- Artists have been among the most áàðñêà øêîëà. active public figures in Bulgaria’s long history, combining a God-given talent Åäíè îò íàé-ÿðêèòå îáùåñòâåíèöè â and skills with a clear vision of the äúëãàòà èñòîðèÿ íà Áúëãàðèÿ ñà future and profound insights into their èìåííî òâîðöèòå, íàäàðåíè íå ñàìî ñ own times. Many regard diplomacy as õóäîæåñòâåí òàëàíò è óìåíèÿ, íî è ñ an art of communication, and diploma- ÿñåí ïîãëåä â áúäåùåòî è ïðîçîðëè- cy is indeed called upon to lay solid âè ñúæäåíèÿ çà ñúâðåìèåòî ñè. Çà foundations of relations between peo- ìíîçèíà äèïëîìàöèÿòà å èçêóñòâî íà ples. It therefore often needs the univer- îáùóâàíåòî è òÿ å ïðèçâàíà äà ïîëà- sal power of creativity, which speaks all ãà çäðàâè îñíîâè íà îòíîøåíèÿòà languages and knows no boundaries. ìåæäó íàðîäèòå. Çàòîâà íåðÿäêî ñå I can readily admit that the imagery of íóæäàå îò óíèâåðñàëíàòà ñèëà íà artistic craftsmanship is often more òâîð÷åñòâîòî, êîåòî ãîâîðè íà âñè÷êè truthful and closer to perfect than any Ïðîöåñúò íà óòâúðæäàâàíå íà íàöèî- The Post-Liberation process of asser- åçèöè è íå ïîçíàâà ãðàíèöè. Íå ìè å diplomacy. íàëíîòî ñàìî÷óâñòâèå è èäåíòè÷íîñò tion of national self-confidence and òðóäíî äà ïðèçíàÿ, ÷å îáðàçíîñòòà íà ìëàäà Áúëãàðèÿ – ÷åòâúðòàòà ñëà- identity of young Bulgaria – the fourth íà õóäîæåñòâåíîòî ìàéñòîðñòâî âÿíñêà äúðæàâà â Åâðîïà ñëåä Îñâî- Slav State in Europe – was a process ÷åñòî å ïî-ñúâúðøåíà è âÿðíà îò Europe’s cultural diversity is a valuable áîæäåíèåòî, å ïðîöåñ íà èçâîþâàíå of gaining international political pres- âñÿêà äèïëîìàöèÿ. pledge of peace and prosperity of peo- íà âúíøíîïîëèòè÷åñêè àâòîðèòåò. tige. This process found an institutional ples on the continent: Europeans have Íåãîâ èíñòèòóöèîíàëåí èçðàç å ðàç- expression in the opening of diplomatic Êóëòóðíîòî ìíîãîîáðàçèå íà Åâðîïà learnt this from the hard lessons of the êðèâàíåòî íà äèïëîìàòè÷åñêè ìèñèè, missions, tasked in the first years of å öåíåí çàëîã çà ìèðà è äîáðóâàíåòî last century. The creative force of art ÷èÿòî ãëàâíà çàäà÷à â ïúðâèòå ãîäèíè Bulgaria’s modern history mainly with íà íàðîäèòå îò êîíòèíåíòà – òîâà and its enduring value have succeeded îò íîâàòà èñòîðèÿ íà Áúëãàðèÿ å äà laying the foundations of the country’s íàó÷èõà åâðîïåéöèòå îò òåæêèòå in resurrecting the spirit of Europe on ïîëîæàò îñíîâèòå íà åâðîïåéñêîòî European future. óðîöè íà ìèíàëèÿ âåê. Ñúçèäàòåëíàòà numerous occasions down the ages. áúäåùå íà ñòðàíàòà. ñèëà íà èçêóñòâîòî è íåïðåõîäíàòà I therefore believe that each generation The legation in Belgrade, opened in ìó öåííîñò ñà ñúóìÿâàëè íeâåäíúæ must treasure and preserve the spirit Ëåãàöèÿòà â Áåëãðàä, îòêðèòà ïðåç 1879 by a decree of Prince Alexander of äà âúçêðåñÿò äóõà íà Åâðîïà ïðåç embodied in the most beautiful legacy 1879 ã. ñ óêàç íà êíÿç Àëåêñàíäúð Battenberg, was one of the first diplo- âåêîâåòå. Çàòîâà âÿðâàì, ÷å âñÿêî that it can bequeath. Áàòåíáåðã, å åäíî îò ïúðâèòå äèïëî- matic agencies of the fledgling ïîêîëåíèå òðÿáâà äà öåíè è ñúõðàíÿ- ìàòè÷åñêè àãåíòñòâà íà ìëàäàòà áúë- Bulgarian State. âà äóõîâíîñòòà, èçðàçåíà â íàé-êðà- ãàðñêà äúðæàâà. ñèâîòî íàñëåäñòâî, êîåòî ìîæå äà I do hope that this publication will also In 1937 King Boris III issued a decree îñòàâè ñëåä ñåáå ñè. bear witness to the warm relationships Ïðåç 1937 ã. öàð Áîðèñ III îäîáðÿâà ñ approving the allocation of five million and close contacts between Sofia and óêàç èçðàçõîäâàíåòî íà ïåò ìèëèîíà gold Bulgarian leva for a remodelling of Íàäÿâàì ñå òîâà èçäàíèå äà áúäå è Belgrade as European capitals. çëàòíè áúëãàðñêè ëåâà çà ïðåóñòðîé- the residence building, which cele- åäíî ñâèäåòåëñòâî çà òîïëèòå îòíî- th ñòâîòî íà ñãðàäàòà íà ðåçèäåíöèÿòà, brates its 70 Anniversary this year. øåíèÿ è áëèçêè âðúçêè ìåæäó Ñîôèÿ êîÿòî ïðåç íàñòîÿùàòà ãîäèíà è Áåëãðàä êàòî åâðîïåéñêè ñòîëèöè. íàâúðøâà ñåäåìäåñåò ãîäèíè. The collection of outstanding examples of Bulgarian painting and decorative art Ïîäðåäåíàòà â íåÿ êîëåêöèÿ îò âúð- arranged there throws a bridge and õîâè îáðàçöè íà áúëãàðñêàòà æèâî- links the official nature of a diplomatic ïèñ è äåêîðàòèâíî èçêóñòâî ïðåõâúð- institution with Bulgaria’s national spirit Èâàéëî Êàëôèí Ivailo Kalfin ëÿ ìîñò è ñâúðçâà îôèöèàëíèÿ õàðàê- and culture. You can see there works Mèíèñòúð íà âúíøíèòå ðàáîòè Minister of Foreign Affairs òåð íà åäíà äèïëîìàòè÷åñêà èíñòèòó- by brilliant Bulgarian painters like íà Ðåïóáëèêà Áúëãàðèÿ of the Republic of Bulgaria 4 5 Ôàêñèìèëå îò Äúðæàâåí âåñòíèê, áðîé 245/30 îêòîìâðè 1935 ã. Facsimile of State Gazette, issue 245/30 October 1935 Ñãðàäàòà íà áúëãàðñêîòî ïîñîëñòâî The building of the Bulgarian Embassy 7 Àðõ. Ïåòúð Õàðáîâ (1906–1975) Architect Petar Harbov (1906–1975) Ðîäåí â ãðàä Äîáðè÷. Áàùà ìó Äèìî Õàðáîâ çàâúðøâà ïðàâî â Ëîçàíà, Øâåéöà- Born in the town of Dobrich. His father, Dimo Harbov, graduated in law at Lausanne, ðèÿ. Ìàéêà ìó Òèõà Õàðáîâà çàâúðøâà Ðîáåðò êîëåæ â Öàðèãðàä. Áèëà å ãèìíàçè- Switzerland. His mother, Tikha Harbova, was an alumna of Robert College, Istanbul. She àëíà ó÷èòåëêà è äúëãîãîäèøåí äèðåêòîð íà Äîáðè÷êàòà ãèìíàçèÿ. worked as a school teacher and was a long-standing principal of Dobrich High School. Ïåòúð Õàðáîâ çàâúðøâà ãèìíàçèÿ â Øóìåí, à ïðåç 1930 ã. ñå äèïëîìèðà â Êðàë- Petar Harbov finished high school in Shoumen, and in 1930 got his degree from the Royal ñêàòà ïîëèòåõíèêà â Ãàíò, Áåëãèÿ ñúñ ñïåöèàëíîñò èíæåíåð-àðõèòåêò. Polytechnic in Ghent, Belgium, with a double major in engineering and architecture. Ñëåä çàâðúùàíåòî ñè â Áúëãàðèÿ ïîñòúïâà íà ðàáîòà â Ìèíèñòåðñòâîòî íà êîìó- After his return to Bulgaria, he joined the Ministry of Public Works, where he produced íàëíîòî ñòîïàíñòâî è áëàãîóñòðîéñòâîòî, êúäåòî ðàçðàáîòâà ìíîãî òèïîâè ïðîåê- many standard designs for schools, community centers, linemen’s workstations for the òè çà ó÷èëèùà, ÷èòàëèùà, ãàðîâè êàíòîíè, âåòåðèíàðíè ëå÷åáíèöè è äð. Ïðåç 1936 railways, veterinary clinics, etc. In 1936 he was seconded to Belgrade as the chief design ã. å êîìàíäèðîâàí â Áåëãðàä êàòî ïðîåêòàíò è ðúêîâîäèòåë íà ñòðîèòåëñòâîòî íà engineer and constriction supervisor for the Royal Bulgarian Legation there. áúëãàðñêàòà öàðñêà ëåãàöèÿ. Also built to his designs were: The First Surgical Clinic of King Alexander’s Hospital; the Ïî íåãîâè ïðîåêòè ñà èçãðàäåíè îùå: Ïúðâà õèðóðãèÿ íà Àëåêñàíäðîâñêà áîëíè- buildings of the Psychiatric Clinic and the Institute of Forensic Medicine; apartment build- öà, Ïñèõèàòðè÷íàòà êëèíèêà è Òðóïíèÿò èíñòèòóò, æèëèùíè ñãðàäè, à ñëåä áîì- ings, etc.; and following the bomb raids over Sofia in 1944, he designed the reconstruction áàðäèðîâêèòå ïðåç 1944 ã. ñà âúçñòàíîâåíè è ðåêîíñòðóèðàíè ñãðàäàòà íà Ðàäèî of the Radio Sofia Headquarters and the South Wing of the Royal Palace. Ñîôèÿ è þæíîòî êðèëî íà öàðñêèÿ äâîðåö. Following the ban of private business in the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, till the end of Ñëåä çàáðàíàòà íà ÷àñòíàòà ïðàêòèêà â Íàðîäíà Ðåïóáëèêà Áúëãàðèÿ, äî êðàÿ íà his life Architect Harbov served as an official with the Ministry of Architecture and Works, æèâîòà ñè àðõ. Õàðáîâ êàòî ñëóæèòåë íà Ìèíèñòåðñòâîòî íà ñòðîåæèòå è àðõèòåê- helping develop the regulatory framework for architectural design and civil engineering. òóðàòà ðàáîòè âúðõó ïðàâíî-íîðìàòèâíàòà óðåäáà â ñòðîèòåëñòâîòî è ïðîåêòèðà- For his contribution, he was awarded the Gold Order of Labor. íåòî. Íîñèòåë å íà “Îðäåí íà òðóäà”– çëàòåí. Less known facts of his biography are that he dabbled in poetry and was a keen admirer Ïî-ìàëêî èçâåñòíè ôàêòè îò áèîãðàôèÿòà ìó ñà íåãîâàòà ïîåçèÿ è ëþáîâòà ìó of music and singing. In 1947 he wrote the following verses about himself: êúì ìóçèêàòà è ïååíåòî. Ïðåç 1947 ã. òîé íàïèñâà çà ñåáå ñè ñëåäíèòå ñòðîôè: Lean yet tough, like dried herring, Ñëàá è æèëàâ, êàòî ÷èðîç, Singer, poet, architect: àðõèòåêò, ïîåò, ïåâåö, Pacing building sites to catch germs ïî ñòðîåæèòå – çà âèðóñ, And a king of hospitals. è ïî áîëíèöèòå – ñïåö. Smoking, drawing all day long Öÿë äåí ïóøè è ÷åðòàå, Stooped without catching a breath, áåç äà ñâèå êîëåíå, Then off to a game of bridge à ñëåä òóé ïúê áðèäæ èãðàå In a smoke-filled coffee house... â çàäèìåíî êàôåíå... 8 9 Èíòåðèîðúò íà ðåçèäåíöèÿòà The interior gives the feeling of entirety of the space and adds to the ñúçäàâà àòìîñôåðà íà òúð- glamour and festivity of the halls thus fully corresponding with the æåñòâåíîñò è ïðàçíè÷íîñò. purpose of the building. The furniture in the so-called “golden hall” and in Ïðåç ïúðâàòà ïîëîâèíà íà the musical corner was made in the first half of the twentieth century as ìèíàëèÿ âåê ñà èçðàáîòåíè a wall-nut tree replica of the Luis XIV style. ìåáåëèòå çà ò. íàð. “çëàòåí ñàëîí” è ïðîñòðàíñòâîòî, â The back, the elbow-rest and the legs of the arm-chairs are hand êîåòî å ðàçïîëîæåí ðîÿëúò – polished. The inner parts of the symmetrically positioned cupboards are îðåõîâè êîïèÿ â ñòèë Ëóè ÕV. made from the so called “rose tree” with ends from palisander wood and Îáëåãàëêèòå è ìàëêèòå èçâè- floral motifs of bronze.
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